chg: [docs] Disable native httpd for now added Apache2 conf

Steve Clement 2018-10-18 17:36:31 +09:00
parent 0c72343549
commit 26554608b8
1 changed files with 17 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -108,6 +108,14 @@ server "default" {
location "*.php" {
fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock"
location match "/(.*)" {
request rewrite "/$HTTP_HOST/%1"
# Temporary Apache 2.x rewrite rules for future foo!
#RewriteRule ^$ webroot/ [L]
#RewriteRule (.*) webroot/$1 [L]
# Temporary Apache 2.x rewrite rules for future foo!
#location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" {
# root "/acme"
# root strip 2
@ -165,12 +173,12 @@ doas pkg_add -v mariadb-server
#### start httpd
doas /etc/rc.d/httpd -f start
##doas /etc/rc.d/httpd -f start
#### Enable httpd
doas rcctl enable httpd
##doas rcctl enable httpd
#### Install postfix
@ -197,12 +205,12 @@ doas pkg_add -v curl git python redis
GnuPG 2.x is best, option 3.
##pkg_add -v apache-httpd
doas pkg_add -v gnupg
#### Optional for Apache2
doas pkg_add -v apache-httpd
doas pkg_add -v fcgi-cgi fcgi
@ -371,10 +379,10 @@ doas cp /var/www/htdocs/MISP/INSTALL/apache.24.misp.ssl /etc/apache2/sites-avail
doas mkdir /etc/ssl/private/
# If a valid SSL certificate is not already created for the server, create a self-signed certificate: (Make sure to fill the <…>)
doas openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -days 3650 -nodes -x509 \
-subj "/C=<Country>/ST=<State>/L=<Locality>/O=<Organization>/OU=<Organizational Unit Name>/CN=<>/emailAddress=admin@<>" \
-keyout /etc/ssl/private/misp.local.key -out /etc/ssl/private/misp.local.crt
doas openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -days 3650 -nodes -x509 \
-keyout /etc/ssl/private/server.key -out /etc/ssl/server.crt
# Otherwise, copy the SSLCertificateFile, SSLCertificateKeyFile, and SSLCertificateChainFile to /etc/ssl/private/. (Modify path and config to fit your environment)
doas mkdir /var/log/apache2/
@ -405,8 +413,8 @@ doas mkdir /var/log/apache2/
SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/private/misp.local.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/misp.local.key
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/server.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/server.key
# SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/private/misp-chain.crt
LogLevel warn
@ -436,6 +444,7 @@ Listen 443
doas ln -sf /var/www/conf/modules.sample/php-7.0.conf /var/www/conf/modules/php.conf
# Restart apache
doas /etc/rc.d/apache2 restart