Small update to the regular import regexp view

An empty table cell caused a cosmetic misalignment of the cell border.
Andras Iklody 2013-01-28 15:11:48 +01:00
parent b7464db288
commit 2d6d806cca
1 changed files with 0 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -11,10 +11,6 @@ foreach ($list as $item):?>
<td class="short"><?php echo h($item['Regexp']['id']);?>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="short"><?php echo h($item['Regexp']['regexp']);?>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="short"><?php echo h($item['Regexp']['replacement']);?>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="actions">
<?php //echo $this->Html->link(__('Edit'), array('admin' => true, 'action' => 'edit', $item['Regexp']['id']));?>
<?php //echo $this->Form->postLink(__('Delete'), array('admin' => true, 'action' => 'delete', $item['Regexp']['id']), null, __('Are you sure you want to delete %s?', $item['Regexp']['regexp']));?>