new: Added mass tagging to attributes on the event view

- Oooh yes.
iglocska 2017-02-03 16:40:05 +01:00
parent 702d0d4940
commit 48438c704a
5 changed files with 88 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -2653,59 +2653,92 @@ class AttributesController extends AppController {
$RearrangeTool = new RequestRearrangeTool();
$this->request->data = $RearrangeTool->rearrangeArray($this->request->data, $rearrangeRules);
if ($id === false) $id = $this->request->data['attribute'];
if ($id === false) {
$id = $this->request->data['attribute'];
if ($id === 'selected') {
$idList = json_decode($this->request->data['attribute_ids'], true);
if ($tag_id === false) $tag_id = $this->request->data['tag'];
if (!is_numeric($tag_id)) {
$tag = $this->Attribute->AttributeTag->Tag->find('first', array('recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array('LOWER( LIKE' => strtolower(trim($tag_id)))));
if (empty($tag)) return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'errors' => 'Invalid Tag.')), 'status' => 200));
$tag_id = $tag['Tag']['id'];
$this->Attribute->id = $id;
if (!$this->Attribute->exists()) throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid attribute'));
if ($this->Attribute->data['Attribute']['deleted']) throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid attribute'));
$eventId = $this->Attribute->data['Attribute']['event_id'];
if (!isset($idList)) {
$idList = array($id);
$success = 0;
$fails = 0;
foreach ($idList as $id) {
$this->Attribute->id = $id;
if (!$this->Attribute->exists()) throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid attribute'));
if ($this->Attribute->data['Attribute']['deleted']) throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid attribute'));
$eventId = $this->Attribute->data['Attribute']['event_id'];
$this->Attribute->Event->recursive = -1;
$event = $this->Attribute->Event->read(array(), $eventId);
if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin() && !$this->userRole['perm_sync']) {
if (!$this->userRole['perm_tagger'] || ($this->Auth->user('org_id') !== $event['Event']['org_id'] && $this->Auth->user('org_id') !== $event['Event']['orgc_id'])) {
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'errors' => 'You don\'t have permission to do that.')), 'status' => 200));
$this->Attribute->Event->recursive = -1;
$event = $this->Attribute->Event->read(array(), $eventId);
if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin() && !$this->userRole['perm_sync']) {
if (!$this->userRole['perm_tagger'] || ($this->Auth->user('org_id') !== $event['Event']['org_id'] && $this->Auth->user('org_id') !== $event['Event']['orgc_id'])) {
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'errors' => 'You don\'t have permission to do that.')), 'status' => 200));
$this->Attribute->recursive = -1;
$this->Attribute->AttributeTag->Tag->id = $tag_id;
if (!$this->Attribute->AttributeTag->Tag->exists()) {
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'errors' => 'Invalid Tag.')), 'status' => 200));
$tag = $this->Attribute->AttributeTag->Tag->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array('' => $tag_id),
'recursive' => -1,
'fields' => array('')
$found = $this->Attribute->AttributeTag->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array(
'attribute_id' => $id,
'tag_id' => $tag_id
'recursive' => -1,
$this->autoRender = false;
if (!empty($found)) {
if ($this->Attribute->AttributeTag->save(array('attribute_id' => $id, 'tag_id' => $tag_id, 'event_id' => $eventId))) {
$event['Event']['published'] = 0;
$date = new DateTime();
$event['Event']['timestamp'] = $date->getTimestamp();
$this->Attribute->data['Attribute']['timestamp'] = $date->getTimestamp();
$log = ClassRegistry::init('Log');
$log->createLogEntry($this->Auth->user(), 'tag', 'Attribute', $id, 'Attached tag (' . $tag_id . ') "' . $tag['Tag']['name'] . '" to attribute (' . $id . ')', 'Attribute (' . $id . ') tagged as Tag (' . $tag_id . ')');
} else {
$this->Attribute->recursive = -1;
$this->Attribute->AttributeTag->Tag->id = $tag_id;
if (!$this->Attribute->AttributeTag->Tag->exists()) {
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'errors' => 'Invalid Tag.')), 'status' => 200));
$tag = $this->Attribute->AttributeTag->Tag->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array('' => $tag_id),
'recursive' => -1,
'fields' => array('')
$found = $this->Attribute->AttributeTag->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array(
'attribute_id' => $id,
'tag_id' => $tag_id
'recursive' => -1,
$this->autoRender = false;
if (!empty($found)) return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'errors' => 'Tag is already attached to this attribute.')), 'status' => 200));
if ($this->Attribute->AttributeTag->save(array('attribute_id' => $id, 'tag_id' => $tag_id, 'event_id' => $eventId))) {
$event['Event']['published'] = 0;
$date = new DateTime();
$event['Event']['timestamp'] = $date->getTimestamp();
$this->Attribute->data['Attribute']['timestamp'] = $date->getTimestamp();
$log = ClassRegistry::init('Log');
$log->createLogEntry($this->Auth->user(), 'tag', 'Attribute', $id, 'Attached tag (' . $tag_id . ') "' . $tag['Tag']['name'] . '" to attribute (' . $id . ')', 'Attribute (' . $id . ') tagged as Tag (' . $tag_id . ')');
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => true, 'success' => 'Tag added.', 'check_publish' => true)), 'status' => 200));
if ($fails == 0) {
if ($success == 1) {
$message = 'Tag added.';
} else {
$message = $success . ' tags added.';
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => true, 'success' => $message, 'check_publish' => true)), 'status' => 200));
} else {
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'errors' => 'Tag could not be added.')), 'status' => 200));
if ($fails == 1) {
$message = 'Tag could not be added.';
} else {
$message = $fails . ' tags could not be added.';
if ($success > 0) {
$message .= ' However, ' . $success . ' tag(s) were added.';
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'errors' => $message)), 'status' => 200));

View File

@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
<div class="input clear"></div>
<div class="input clear"></div>
echo $this->Form->input('comment', array(
'type' => 'textarea',

View File

@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
<div class="tabMenu tabMenuEditBlock noPrint">
<span id="create-button" title="Add attribute" class="icon-plus useCursorPointer" onClick="clickCreateButton(<?php echo $event['Event']['id']; ?>, '<?php echo $possibleAction; ?>');"></span>
<span id="multi-edit-button" title="Edit selected Attributes" class="icon-edit mass-select useCursorPointer" onClick="editSelectedAttributes(<?php echo $event['Event']['id']; ?>);"></span>
<span id="multi-tag-button" title="Tag selected Attributes" class="icon-tag mass-select useCursorPointer" onClick="getPopup('selected/true', 'tags', 'selectTaxonomy');"></span>
<span id="multi-delete-button" title="Delete selected Attributes" class = "icon-trash mass-select useCursorPointer" onClick="multiSelectAction(<?php echo $event['Event']['id']; ?>, 'deleteAttributes');"></span>
<span id="multi-accept-button" title="Accept selected Proposals" class="icon-ok mass-proposal-select useCursorPointer" onClick="multiSelectAction(<?php echo $event['Event']['id']; ?>, 'acceptProposals');"></span>
<span id="multi-discard-button" title="Discard selected Proposals" class = "icon-remove mass-proposal-select useCursorPointer" onClick="multiSelectAction(<?php echo $event['Event']['id']; ?>, 'discardProposals');"></span>

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
} else {
echo $this->Form->create('Event', array('url' => '/events/addTag/' . $object_id, 'style' => 'margin:0px;'));
echo $this->Form->input('attribute_ids', array('style' => 'display:none;', 'label' => false));
echo $this->Form->input('tag', array('value' => 0));
echo $this->Form->end();

View File

@ -438,13 +438,20 @@ function quickSubmitTagForm(event_id, tag_id) {
function quickSubmitAttributeTagForm(attribute_id, tag_id) {
if (attribute_id == 'selected') {
data: $('#AttributeSelectTagForm').closest("form").serialize(),
beforeSend: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
success:function (data, textStatus) {
if (attribute_id == 'selected') {
updateIndex(0, 'event');
} else {
error:function() {