chg: [feed] Use Feed::feedGetUri in Feed::getFreetextFeed

Jakub Onderka 2019-08-26 19:25:54 +02:00
parent 18eb86ff32
commit 49df6ccd1a
1 changed files with 16 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -179,50 +179,36 @@ class Feed extends AppModel
public function getFreetextFeed($feed, $HttpSocket, $type = 'freetext', $page = 1, $limit = 60, &$params = array())
$feedUrl = $feed['Feed']['url'];
$isLocal = isset($feed['Feed']['input_source']) && $feed['Feed']['input_source'] === 'local';
$data = false;
if (isset($feed['Feed']['input_source']) && $feed['Feed']['input_source'] === 'local') {
if (file_exists($feedUrl)) {
$data = file_get_contents($feedUrl);
if ($data === false) {
throw new Exception("Could not read local feed file '$feedUrl'.");
} else {
throw new Exception("Local feed file '$feedUrl' doesn't exists.");
} else {
if (!$isLocal) {
$feedCache = APP . 'tmp' . DS . 'cache' . DS . 'misp_feed_' . intval($feed['Feed']['id']) . '.cache';
$doFetch = true;
if (file_exists($feedCache)) {
$file = new File($feedCache);
if (time() - $file->lastChange() < 600) {
$doFetch = false;
$data = $file->read();
if ($data === false) {
throw new Exception("Could not read feed cache file '$feedCache'.");
if ($doFetch) {
$request = $this->__createFeedRequest($feed['Feed']['headers']);
$request['redirect'] = 5; // follow redirects
$response = $HttpSocket->get($feedUrl, array(), $request);
if ($response === false) {
throw new Exception("Could not reach '$feedUrl'.");
} else if ($response->code != 200) { // intentionally !=
throw new Exception("Fetching the feed '$feedUrl' failed with HTTP error {$response->code}: {$response->reasonPhrase}");
if ($data === false) {
$feedUrl = $feed['Feed']['url'];
$data = $this->feedGetUri($feed, $feedUrl, $HttpSocket, true);
if (!$isLocal) {
$redis = $this->setupRedis();
if ($redis === false) {
throw new Exception('Could not reach Redis.');
$redis->del('misp:feed_cache:' . $feed['Feed']['id']);
$data = $response->body;
file_put_contents($feedCache, $data);
App::uses('ComplexTypeTool', 'Tools');
$complexTypeTool = new ComplexTypeTool();
$this->Warninglist = ClassRegistry::init('Warninglist');
@ -1608,10 +1594,11 @@ class Feed extends AppModel
* @param array $feed
* @param string $uri
* @param HttpSocket $HttpSocket
* @param bool $followRedirect
* @return string
* @throws Exception
private function feedGetUri($feed, $uri, $HttpSocket)
private function feedGetUri($feed, $uri, $HttpSocket, $followRedirect = false)
if (isset($feed['Feed']['input_source']) && $feed['Feed']['input_source'] === 'local') {
if (file_exists($uri)) {
@ -1624,6 +1611,11 @@ class Feed extends AppModel
} else {
$request = $this->__createFeedRequest($feed['Feed']['headers']);
if ($followRedirect) {
$request['redirect'] = 5;
$response = $HttpSocket->get($uri, array(), $request);
if ($response === false) {