chg: [internal] Faster tag fetching for events

Jakub Onderka 2020-08-18 21:59:25 +02:00
parent e7a18e6f4c
commit 565f446f19
2 changed files with 86 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -1521,10 +1521,10 @@ class EventsController extends AppController
throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event'));
if (!$this->_isRest()) {
$conditions['includeAllTags'] = true;
} else {
if ($this->_isRest()) {
$conditions['includeAttachments'] = true;
} else {
$conditions['includeAllTags'] = true;
$deleted = 0;
if (isset($this->params['named']['deleted'])) {

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ App::uses('TmpFileTool', 'Tools');
* @property Attribute $Attribute
* @property EventTag $EventTag
class Event extends AppModel
@ -1848,7 +1849,7 @@ class Event extends AppModel
'includeAllTags', // include also non exportable tags, default `false`
@ -2078,11 +2079,7 @@ class Event extends AppModel
$fieldsObj = array('*');
$fieldsShadowAtt = array('', 'ShadowAttribute.type', 'ShadowAttribute.category', 'ShadowAttribute.value', 'ShadowAttribute.to_ids', 'ShadowAttribute.uuid', 'ShadowAttribute.event_uuid', 'ShadowAttribute.event_id', 'ShadowAttribute.old_id', 'ShadowAttribute.comment', 'ShadowAttribute.org_id', 'ShadowAttribute.proposal_to_delete', 'ShadowAttribute.timestamp', 'ShadowAttribute.first_seen', 'ShadowAttribute.last_seen');
$fieldsOrg = array('id', 'name', 'uuid', 'local');
if (!$options['includeAllTags']) {
$tagConditions = array('exportable' => 1);
} else {
$tagConditions = array();
$sharingGroupData = $this->__cacheSharingGroupData($user, $useCache);
$params = array(
'conditions' => $conditions,
@ -2153,6 +2150,13 @@ class Event extends AppModel
'Attribute' => array('value', 'type', 'category', 'to_ids'),
'Object' => array('name', 'meta-category')
if (!$options['includeAllTags']) {
$justExportableTags = true;
} else {
$justExportableTags = false;
foreach ($results as $eventKey => &$event) {
if ($event['Event']['distribution'] == 4 && !in_array($event['Event']['sharing_group_id'], $sgids)) {
$this->Log = ClassRegistry::init('Log');
@ -2171,7 +2175,7 @@ class Event extends AppModel
$this->__attachReferences($event, $fields);
$this->__attachTags($user, $event, $tagConditions);
$this->__attachTags($event, $justExportableTags);
$event = $this->Orgc->attachOrgsToEvent($event, $fieldsOrg);
if (!$options['sgReferenceOnly'] && $event['Event']['sharing_group_id']) {
$event['SharingGroup'] = $sharingGroupData[$event['Event']['sharing_group_id']]['SharingGroup'];
@ -6598,24 +6602,82 @@ class Event extends AppModel
return array($job, $randomFileName, $tempFile);
private function __cacheTag($tag_id, $tagConditions)
* Get tag from cache by given ID.
* @param int $tagId
* @param bool $justExportable If true, return just exportable tags.
* @return array|null
private function __getCachedTag($tagId, $justExportable)
if (empty($this->assetCache['tags'][$tag_id])) {
$this->assetCache['tags'][$tag_id] = $this->EventTag->Tag->find('first', [
'recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => array_merge($tagConditions, ['id' => $tag_id])
if (!isset($this->assetCache['tags'][$tagId])) {
return null;
return $this->assetCache['tags'][$tag_id];
$tag = $this->assetCache['tags'][$tagId];
if ($justExportable && !$tag['exportable']) {
return null;
return $tag;
private function __attachTags($user, &$event, $tagConditions)
* Fetches all tags for event and event attributes in one query and save to cache.
* @param array $event
* @param bool $justExportable If true, cache just exportable tags.
private function __precacheTagsForEvent(array $event, $justExportable)
$tagIds = [];
if (!empty($event['EventTag'])) {
foreach ($event['EventTag'] as $eventTag) {
$tagIds[$eventTag['tag_id']] = true;
if (!empty($event['Attribute'])) {
foreach ($event['Attribute'] as $attribute) {
if (!empty($attribute['AttributeTag'])) {
foreach ($attribute['AttributeTag'] as $attributeTag) {
$tagIds[$attributeTag['tag_id']] = true;
$notCachedTags = array_diff(array_keys($tagIds), isset($this->assetCache['tags']) ? array_keys($this->assetCache['tags']) : []);
if (empty($notCachedTags)) {
$conditions = ['id' => $notCachedTags];
if ($justExportable) {
$conditions['exportable'] = 1;
$tags = $this->EventTag->Tag->find('all', [
'recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => $conditions,
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$this->assetCache['tags'][$tag['Tag']['id']] = $tag['Tag'];
* Attach tags to attributes and event.
* @param array $event
* @param bool $justExportable If true, attach just exportable tags.
private function __attachTags(array &$event, $justExportable)
$this->__precacheTagsForEvent($event, $justExportable);
if (!empty($event['EventTag'])) {
foreach ($event['EventTag'] as $etk => $eventTag) {
$tag = $this->__cacheTag($eventTag['tag_id'], $tagConditions);
if (!empty($tag)) {
$event['EventTag'][$etk]['Tag'] = $tag['Tag'];
$tag = $this->__getCachedTag($eventTag['tag_id'], $justExportable);
if ($tag !== null) {
$event['EventTag'][$etk]['Tag'] = $tag;
@ -6623,15 +6685,14 @@ class Event extends AppModel
foreach ($event['Attribute'] as $ak => $attribute) {
if (!empty($attribute['AttributeTag'])) {
foreach ($attribute['AttributeTag'] as $atk => $attributeTag) {
$tag = $this->__cacheTag($attributeTag['tag_id'], $tagConditions);
if (!empty($tag)) {
$event['Attribute'][$ak]['AttributeTag'][$atk]['Tag'] = $tag['Tag'];
$tag = $this->__getCachedTag($attributeTag['tag_id'], $justExportable);
if ($tag !== null) {
$event['Attribute'][$ak]['AttributeTag'][$atk]['Tag'] = $tag;
return true;