fix: [resource-widget] Use redisInfo method for getting info

Jakub Onderka 2020-10-21 08:56:57 +02:00
parent ff4c98446a
commit 5e72663aef
1 changed files with 5 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -16,14 +16,15 @@ class MispAdminResourceWidget
$this->Server = ClassRegistry::init('Server');
$data = array();
$redis = $this->Server->setupRedis();
if ($redis) {
$memory_stats = round($redis->rawCommand('memory', 'stats')[3] / 1024 / 1024) . 'M';
$redisInfo = $this->Server->redisInfo();
if ($redisInfo['connection']) {
$memory_stats = round($redisInfo['used_memory'] / 1024 / 1024) . 'M';
$data[] = array(
'title' => __('Current Redis memory usage'),
'value' => h($memory_stats)
$memory_stats = round($redis->rawCommand('memory', 'stats')[1] / 1024 / 1024) . 'M';
$memory_stats = round($redisInfo['used_memory_peak'] / 1024 / 1024) . 'M';
$data[] = array(
'title' => __('Peak Redis memory usage'),
'value' => h($memory_stats)