moved alert email functionality to separate function _sendAlertEmail()

REST event add requests also send out mails where necessary
Christophe Vandeplas 2012-04-26 14:54:04 +02:00
parent 8bd7b45248
commit 60a5b1e1c6
1 changed files with 136 additions and 121 deletions

View File

@ -137,6 +137,10 @@ class EventsController extends AppController {
if ($this->Event->saveAssociated($this->request->data)) {
if ($this->_isRest()) {
// call _sendAlertEmail if published was set in the request
if (1 == $this->request->data['Event']['published']) {
// REST users want to see the newly created event
@ -259,140 +263,152 @@ class EventsController extends AppController {
* Users with a GPG key will get the mail encrypted, other users will get the mail unencrypted
function alert($id = null) {
$this->Event->id = $id;
$this->Event->id = $id;
$this->Event->recursive = 0;
if (!$this->Event->exists()) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event'));
// only allow alert for own events verified by isAuthorized
// only allow form submit CSRF protection.
if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) {
$this->Event->id = $id;
// only allow alert for own events verified by isAuthorized
// fetch the event and build the body
if (1 == $this->Event->data['Event']['published']) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Everyone has already been published for this event. To alert again, first edit this event.', true), 'default', array(), 'error');
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', $id));
// send out the email
if ($this->_sendAlertEmail($id)) {
// update the DB to set the published flag
$this->Event->saveField('published', 1);
// redirect to the view event page
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Email sent to all participants.', true));
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash('Sending of email failed', 'default', array(), 'error');
// The mail body, Sanitize::html() is NOT needed as we are sending plain-text mails.
$body = "";
$appendlen = 20;
$body .= 'URL : '.Configure::read('CyDefSIG.baseurl').'/events/view/'.$this->Event->data['Event']['id']."\n";
$body .= 'Event : '.$this->Event->data['Event']['id']."\n";
$body .= 'Date : '.$this->Event->data['Event']['date']."\n";
if ('true' == Configure::read('CyDefSIG.showorg')) {
$body .= 'Reported by : '.$this->Event->data['Event']['org']."\n";
$body .= 'Risk : '.$this->Event->data['Event']['risk']."\n";
$relatedEvents = $this->Event->getRelatedEvents($id);
if (!empty($relatedEvents)) {
foreach ($relatedEvents as $relatedEvent){
$body .= 'Related to : '.Configure::read('CyDefSIG.baseurl').'/events/view/'.$relatedEvent['Event']['id'].' ('.$relatedEvent['Event']['date'].')'."\n" ;
$body .= 'Info : '."\n";
$body .= $this->Event->data['Event']['info']."\n";
$body .= "\n";
$body .= 'Attributes :'."\n";
$body_temp_other = "";
if (isset($this->Event->data['Attribute'])) {
foreach ($this->Event->data['Attribute'] as $attribute){
$line = '- '.$attribute['type'].str_repeat(' ', $appendlen - 2 - strlen( $attribute['type'])).': '.$attribute['value']."\n";
if ('other' == $attribute['type']) // append the 'other' attribute types to the bottom.
$body_temp_other .= $line;
else $body .= $line;
$body .= "\n";
$body .= $body_temp_other; // append the 'other' attribute types to the bottom.
// sign the body
require_once 'Crypt/GPG.php';
$gpg = new Crypt_GPG(array('homedir' => Configure::read('GnuPG.homedir')));
$gpg->addSignKey(Configure::read(''), Configure::read('GnuPG.password'));
$body_signed = $gpg->sign($body, Crypt_GPG::SIGN_MODE_CLEAR);
// Build a list of the recipients that get a non-encrypted mail
// But only do this if it is allowed in the bootstrap.php file.
if ('false' == Configure::read('GnuPG.onlyencrypted')) {
$alert_users = $this->User->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array('User.autoalert' => 1,
'User.gpgkey =' => ""),
'recursive' => 0,
) );
$alert_emails = Array();
foreach ($alert_users as $user) {
$alert_emails[] = $user['User']['email'];
// prepare the the unencrypted email
$this->Email->from = Configure::read('');
//$this->Email->to = "CyDefSIG <>"; TODO check if it doesn't break things to not set a to , like being spammed away
$this->Email->bcc = $alert_emails;
$this->Email->subject = "[CyDefSIG] Event ".$id." - ".$this->Event->data['Event']['risk']." - TLP Amber";
$this->Email->template = 'body';
$this->Email->sendAs = 'text'; // both text or html
$this->set('body', $body_signed);
// send it
// If you wish to send multiple emails using a loop, you'll need
// to reset the email fields using the reset method of the Email component.
// Build a list of the recipients that wish to receive encrypted mails.
$alert_users = $this->User->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array( 'User.autoalert' => 1,
'User.gpgkey !=' => ""),
'recursive' => 0,
// encrypt the mail for each user and send it separately
foreach ($alert_users as $user) {
// send the email
$this->Email->from = Configure::read('');
$this->Email->to = $user['User']['email'];
$this->Email->subject = "[CyDefSIG] Event ".$id." - ".$this->Event->data['Event']['risk']." - TLP Amber";
$this->Email->template = 'body';
$this->Email->sendAs = 'text'; // both text or html
// import the key of the user into the keyring
// this is not really necessary, but it enables us to find
// the correct key-id even if it is not the same as the emailaddress
$key_import_output = $gpg->importKey($user['User']['gpgkey']);
// say what key should be used to encrypt
$gpg = new Crypt_GPG(array('homedir' => Configure::read('GnuPG.homedir')));
$gpg->addEncryptKey($key_import_output['fingerprint']); // use the key that was given in the import
$body_enc_sig = $gpg->encrypt($body_signed, true);
$this->set('body', $body_enc_sig);
// If you wish to send multiple emails using a loop, you'll need
// to reset the email fields using the reset method of the Email component.
// update the DB to set the published flag
$this->Event->saveField('published', 1);
// redirect to the view event page
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Email sent to all participants.', true));
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', $id));
private function _sendAlertEmail($id) {
$this->Event->recursive = 1;
$event = $this->Event->read(null, $id);
// The mail body, Sanitize::html() is NOT needed as we are sending plain-text mails.
$body = "";
$appendlen = 20;
$body .= 'URL : '.Configure::read('CyDefSIG.baseurl').'/events/view/'.$event['Event']['id']."\n";
$body .= 'Event : '.$event['Event']['id']."\n";
$body .= 'Date : '.$event['Event']['date']."\n";
if ('true' == Configure::read('CyDefSIG.showorg')) {
$body .= 'Reported by : '.$event['Event']['org']."\n";
$body .= 'Risk : '.$event['Event']['risk']."\n";
$relatedEvents = $this->Event->getRelatedEvents($id);
if (!empty($relatedEvents)) {
foreach ($relatedEvents as $relatedEvent){
$body .= 'Related to : '.Configure::read('CyDefSIG.baseurl').'/events/view/'.$relatedEvent['Event']['id'].' ('.$relatedEvent['Event']['date'].')'."\n" ;
$body .= 'Info : '."\n";
$body .= $event['Event']['info']."\n";
$body .= "\n";
$body .= 'Attributes :'."\n";
$body_temp_other = "";
if (isset($event['Attribute'])) {
foreach ($event['Attribute'] as $attribute){
$line = '- '.$attribute['type'].str_repeat(' ', $appendlen - 2 - strlen( $attribute['type'])).': '.$attribute['value']."\n";
if ('other' == $attribute['type']) // append the 'other' attribute types to the bottom.
$body_temp_other .= $line;
else $body .= $line;
$body .= "\n";
$body .= $body_temp_other; // append the 'other' attribute types to the bottom.
// sign the body
require_once 'Crypt/GPG.php';
$gpg = new Crypt_GPG(array('homedir' => Configure::read('GnuPG.homedir')));
$gpg->addSignKey(Configure::read(''), Configure::read('GnuPG.password'));
$body_signed = $gpg->sign($body, Crypt_GPG::SIGN_MODE_CLEAR);
// Build a list of the recipients that get a non-encrypted mail
// But only do this if it is allowed in the bootstrap.php file.
if ('false' == Configure::read('GnuPG.onlyencrypted')) {
$alert_users = $this->User->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array('User.autoalert' => 1,
'User.gpgkey =' => ""),
'recursive' => 0,
) );
$alert_emails = Array();
foreach ($alert_users as $user) {
$alert_emails[] = $user['User']['email'];
// prepare the the unencrypted email
$this->Email->from = Configure::read('');
//$this->Email->to = "CyDefSIG <>"; TODO check if it doesn't break things to not set a to , like being spammed away
$this->Email->bcc = $alert_emails;
$this->Email->subject = "[CyDefSIG] Event ".$id." - ".$event['Event']['risk']." - TLP Amber";
$this->Email->template = 'body';
$this->Email->sendAs = 'text'; // both text or html
$this->set('body', $body_signed);
// send it
// If you wish to send multiple emails using a loop, you'll need
// to reset the email fields using the reset method of the Email component.
// Build a list of the recipients that wish to receive encrypted mails.
$alert_users = $this->User->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array( 'User.autoalert' => 1,
'User.gpgkey !=' => ""),
'recursive' => 0,
// encrypt the mail for each user and send it separately
foreach ($alert_users as $user) {
// send the email
$this->Email->from = Configure::read('');
$this->Email->to = $user['User']['email'];
$this->Email->subject = "[CyDefSIG] Event ".$id." - ".$event['Event']['risk']." - TLP Amber";
$this->Email->template = 'body';
$this->Email->sendAs = 'text'; // both text or html
// import the key of the user into the keyring
// this is not really necessary, but it enables us to find
// the correct key-id even if it is not the same as the emailaddress
$key_import_output = $gpg->importKey($user['User']['gpgkey']);
// say what key should be used to encrypt
$gpg = new Crypt_GPG(array('homedir' => Configure::read('GnuPG.homedir')));
$gpg->addEncryptKey($key_import_output['fingerprint']); // use the key that was given in the import
$body_enc_sig = $gpg->encrypt($body_signed, true);
$this->set('body', $body_enc_sig);
// If you wish to send multiple emails using a loop, you'll need
// to reset the email fields using the reset method of the Email component.
// LATER check if sending email succeeded and return appropriate result
return true;
@ -423,7 +439,7 @@ class EventsController extends AppController {
$this->data = $this->Event->read(null, $id);
@ -540,8 +556,7 @@ class EventsController extends AppController {
return $result;
public function export() {