Merge branch 'hotfix-2.3.148'

pull/712/head v2.3.148
Iglocska 2015-10-28 23:34:13 +01:00
commit 70e776eff1
5 changed files with 294 additions and 92 deletions

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
{"major":2, "minor":3, "hotfix":147}
{"major":2, "minor":3, "hotfix":148}

View File

@ -60,15 +60,23 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
private function __accept($id) {
$this->ShadowAttribute->id = $id;
$this->ShadowAttribute->recursive = -1;
$shadow = $this->ShadowAttribute->data['ShadowAttribute'];
$shadow = $this->ShadowAttribute->find(
'recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => array(
'' => $id,
'deleted' => false
if (empty($shadow)) return array('false' => true, 'errors' => 'Proposal not found.');
$shadow = $shadow['ShadowAttribute'];
// If the old_id is set to anything but 0 then we're dealing with a proposed edit to an existing attribute
if ($shadow['old_id'] != 0) {
// Find the live attribute by the shadow attribute's uuid, so we can begin editing it
$this->Attribute->contain = 'Event';
$activeAttribute = $this->Attribute->findByUuid($this->ShadowAttribute->data['ShadowAttribute']['uuid']);
$activeAttribute = $this->Attribute->findByUuid($shadow['uuid']);
// Send those away that shouldn't be able to see this
if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) {
@ -145,7 +153,6 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
$event['Event']['published'] = 0;
$date = new DateTime();
$event['Event']['timestamp'] = $date->getTimestamp();
$this->autoRender = false;
if ($this->Event->save($event, array('fieldList' => $fieldList))) {
$this->Log = ClassRegistry::init('Log');
@ -176,11 +183,20 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
if (!$this->request->is('post')) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException();
if ($this->_isRest()) {
throw new Exception('This feature is limited to interactive users only.');
$response = $this->__accept($id);
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode($response),'status'=>200));
if ($this->_isRest()) {
if(isset($response['success'])) {
$this->set('name', $response['success']);
$this->set('message', $response['success']);
$this->set('url', '/shadow_attributes/accept/' . $id);
$this->set('_serialize', array('name', 'message', 'url'));
} else {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException($response['errors']);
} else {
$this->autoRender = false;
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode($response),'status'=>200));
// If we accept a proposed attachment, then the attachment itself needs to be moved from files/eventId/shadow/shadowId to files/eventId/attributeId
@ -197,9 +213,18 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
private function __discard($id) {
$this->ShadowAttribute->id = $id;
$sa = $this->ShadowAttribute->read();
$eventId = $this->ShadowAttribute->data['ShadowAttribute']['event_id'];
$sa = $this->ShadowAttribute->find(
'recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => array(
'' => $id,
'deleted' => false
if (empty($sa)) return false;
$eventId = $sa['ShadowAttribute']['event_id'];
$this->Event->recursive = -1;
@ -207,7 +232,7 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
// Send those away that shouldn't be able to see this
if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) {
if ((($this->Event->data['Event']['orgc'] != $this->Auth->user('org')) && ($this->Auth->user('org') != $this->ShadowAttribute->data['ShadowAttribute']['org'])) || (!$this->userRole['perm_modify'])) {
if ((($this->Event->data['Event']['orgc'] != $this->Auth->user('org')) && ($this->Auth->user('org') != $sa['ShadowAttribute']['org'])) || (!$this->userRole['perm_modify'])) {
return false;
@ -215,7 +240,6 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
if ($this->Auth->user('org') == $this->Event->data['Event']['orgc']) {
$this->_setProposalLock($eventId, false);
$this->autoRender = false;
$this->Log = ClassRegistry::init('Log');
@ -239,16 +263,30 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
// This method will discard a proposed change. Users that can delete the proposals are the publishing users of the org that created the event and of the ones that created the proposal - in addition to site admins of course
public function discard($id = null) {
if (!$this->request->is('ajax')) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException();
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
if ($this->__discard($id)) {
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => true, 'success' => 'Proposal discarded.')),'status'=>200));
if ($this->_isRest()) {
$this->set('name', 'Proposal discarded.');
$this->set('message', 'Proposal discarded.');
$this->set('url', '/shadow_attributes/discard/' . $id);
$this->set('_serialize', array('name', 'message', 'url'));
} else {
$this->autoRender = false;
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => true, 'success' => 'Proposal discarded.')),'status'=>200));
} else {
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('false' => true, 'errors' => 'Could not discard proposal.')),'status'=>200));
if ($this->_isRest()) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException('Could not discard proposal.');
} else {
$this->autoRender = false;
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('false' => true, 'errors' => 'Could not discard proposal.')),'status'=>200));
} else {
if (!$this->request->is('ajax')) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException();
$this->autoRender = false;
$this->set('id', $id);
$shadowAttribute = $this->ShadowAttribute->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array('id' => $id),
@ -274,16 +312,35 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
$this->layout = 'ajax';
else $this->set('ajax', false);
// If the user is not a site admin, have the following requirement for proposing attributes:
// - The event has to either be owned by the user's ORG
// - or it has to have a distribution higher than 0
// - but at the same time it should not be an event created by the user's org
$distConditions = array();
if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) {
$distConditions = array(
'AND' => array(
'OR' => array(
'Event.distribution >' => 0,
'' => $this->Auth->user('org'),
'Event.orgc !=' => $this->Auth->user('org'),
$event = $this->ShadowAttribute->Event->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array('' => $eventId),
'conditions' => array('AND' => array('' => $eventId, $distConditions)),
'recursive' => -1,
'fields' => array('id', 'orgc', 'distribution', 'org'),
if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin() && (($event['Event']['distribution'] == 0 && $event['Event']['org'] != $this->Auth->user('org'))) || ($event['Event']['orgc'] == $this->Auth->user('org'))) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid Event.'));
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'events', 'action' => 'index'));
if (empty($event)) throw new NotFoundException('Invalid Event');
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
if (isset($this->request->data['request'])) $this->request->data = $this->request->data['request'];
// rearrange the request in case someone didn't RTFM
$invalidNames = array('Attribute', 'Proposal');
foreach ($invalidNames as &$iN) if (isset($this->request->data[$iN]) && !isset($this->request->data['ShadowAttribute'])) $this->request->data['ShadowAttribute'] = $this->request->data[$iN];
if ($this->request->is('ajax')) $this->autoRender = false;
// Give error if someone tried to submit a attribute with attachment or malware-sample type.
// TODO change behavior attachment options - this is bad ... it should rather by a messagebox or should be filtered out on the view level
@ -291,14 +348,14 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Attribute has not been added: attachments are added by "Add attachment" button', true), 'default', array(), 'error');
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'events', 'action' => 'view', $this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['event_id']));
if (isset($eventId)) $this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['event_id'] = $eventId;
$temp = $this->_getEventData($this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['event_id']);
$event_uuid = $temp['uuid'];
$event_org = $temp['orgc'];
// multiple attributes in batch import
if ((isset($this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['batch_import']) && $this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['batch_import'] == 1)) {
if (!$this->_isRest() && (isset($this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['batch_import']) && $this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['batch_import'] == 1)) {
// make array from value field
$attributes = explode("\n", $this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['value']);
$fails = ""; // will be used to keep a list of the lines that failed or succeeded
@ -327,7 +384,6 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
// we added all the attributes,
if ($this->request->is('ajax')) {
$this->autoRender = false;
// handle it if some of them failed!!!!
if ($fails) {
$error_message = 'The lines' . $fails . ' could not be saved. Please, try again.';
@ -356,10 +412,6 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'events', 'action' => 'view', $this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['event_id']));
} else {
if (isset($this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['uuid'])) { // TODO here we should start RESTful dialog
// check if the uuid already exists
// single attribute
@ -380,6 +432,17 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
if ($this->request->is('ajax')) {
$this->autoRender = false;
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => true, 'success' => 'Proposal added' . $emailResult)),'status'=>200));
} else if($this->_isRest()) {
$sa = $this->ShadowAttribute->find(
'conditions' => array('' => $this->ShadowAttribute->id),
'recursive' => -1,
'fields' => array('id', 'old_id', 'event_id', 'type', 'category', 'value', 'comment','to_ids', 'uuid', 'event_org', 'email', 'deleted', 'timestamp')
$this->set('ShadowAttribute', $sa['ShadowAttribute']);
$this->set('_serialize', array('ShadowAttribute'));
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The proposal has been saved'));
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'events', 'action' => 'view', $this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['event_id']));
@ -387,7 +450,13 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
} else {
if ($this->request->is('ajax')) {
$this->autoRender = false;
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'errors' => $this->Attribute->validationErrors)),'status'=>200));
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'errors' => $this->ShadowAttribute->validationErrors)),'status'=>200));
} else if($this->_isRest()) {
$message = '';
foreach ($this->ShadowAttribute->validationErrors as $k => $v) {
$message .= '[' . $k . ']: ' . $v[0] . PHP_EOL;
throw new NotFoundException('Could not save the proposal. Errors: ' . $message);
} else {
if (!CakeSession::read('Message.flash')) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The attribute could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
@ -399,9 +468,7 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
// set the event_id in the form
$this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['event_id'] = $eventId;
$this->set('event_id', $eventId);
// combobox for types
$types = array_keys($this->ShadowAttribute->typeDefinitions);
$types = $this->_arrayToValuesIndexArray($types);
@ -465,21 +532,28 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
* @throws InternalErrorException
public function add_attachment($eventId = null) {
$event = $this->ShadowAttribute->Event->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array('' => $eventId),
'recursive' => -1,
'fields' => array('id', 'orgc', 'distribution', 'org'),
if ((($event['Event']['distribution'] == 0 && $event['Event']['org'] != $this->Auth->user('org'))) || ($event['Event']['orgc'] == $this->Auth->user('org'))) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid Event.'));
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'events', 'action' => 'index'));
$distConditions = array();
if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) {
$distConditions = array(
'AND' => array(
'OR' => array(
'Event.distribution >' => 0,
'' => $this->Auth->user('org'),
'Event.orgc !=' => $this->Auth->user('org'),
$event = $this->ShadowAttribute->Event->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array('AND' => array('' => $eventId, $distConditions)),
'recursive' => -1,
'fields' => array('id', 'orgc', 'distribution', 'org', 'uuid'),
if (empty($event)) throw new NotFoundException('Invalid Event');
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$temp = $this->_getEventData($this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['event_id']);
// Check if there were problems with the file upload
// only keep the last part of the filename, this should prevent directory attacks
$filename = basename($this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['value']['name']);
$tmpfile = new File($this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['value']['tmp_name']);
if ((isset($this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['value']['error']) && $this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['value']['error'] == 0) ||
(!empty( $this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['value']['tmp_name']) && $this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['value']['tmp_name'] != 'none')
) {
@ -496,8 +570,6 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
$filename = basename($this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['value']['name']);
$tmpfile = new File($this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['value']['tmp_name']);
$hashes = array('md5' => 'malware-sample', 'sha1' => 'filename|sha1', 'sha256' => 'filename|sha256');
$event_uuid = $temp['uuid'];
$event_org = $temp['orgc'];
if ($this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['malware']) {
$result = $this->Event->Attribute->handleMaliciousBase64($this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['event_id'], $filename, base64_encode($tmpfile->read()), array_keys($hashes));
if (!$result['success']) {
@ -515,8 +587,8 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
'to_ids' => 1,
'email' => $this->Auth->user('email'),
'org' => $this->Auth->user('org'),
'event_uuid' => $event_uuid,
'event_org' => $event_org,
'event_uuid' => $event['Event']['uuid'],
'event_org' => $event['Event']['orgc'],
if ($hash == 'md5') $shadowAttribute['ShadowAttribute']['data'] = $result['data'];
@ -536,8 +608,8 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
'to_ids' => 0,
'email' => $this->Auth->user('email'),
'org' => $this->Auth->user('org'),
'event_uuid' => $event_uuid,
'event_org' => $event_org,
'event_uuid' => $event['Event']['uuid'],
'event_org' => $event['Event']['orgc'],
@ -599,30 +671,37 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
* @throws NotFoundException
// Propose an edit to an attribute
// Fields that can be used to edit an attribute when using the API:
// type, category, value, comment, to_ids
// if any of these fields is set, it will create a proposal
public function edit($id = null) {
$this->Attribute->id = $id;
if (!$this->Attribute->exists()) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid Attribute'));
if ($this->_isRest()) {
throw new Exception ('Proposing a change to an attribute can only be done via the interactive interface.');
$uuid = $this->Attribute->data['Attribute']['uuid'];
$distConditions = array();
// If the attribute's distribution is private and the user is not the owner of the event or if the user is of the original creator org -> exception
// The owner should be able to create a shadow attribute, since a pushed community event would be private and tied to a single organisation on a synced instance
// The users of that organisation can only view but not edit the event, but they should be able to propose a change
if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) {
// If the attribute's distribution is private and the user is not the owner of the event or if the user is of the original creator org -> exception
// The owner should be able to create a shadow attribute, since a pushed community event would be private and tied to a single organisation on a synced instance
// The users of that organisation can only view but not edit the event, but they should be able to propose a change
if ((($this->Attribute->data['Attribute']['distribution'] == 0 && $this->Attribute->data['Event']['org'] != $this->Auth->user('org'))) || ($this->Attribute->data['Event']['orgc'] == $this->Auth->user('org'))) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid Attribute.'));
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'events', 'action' => 'index'));
$distConditions = array(
'AND' => array(
'OR' => array(
'AND' => array(
'Event.distribution >' => 0,
'Attribute.distribution >' => 0,
'' => $this->Auth->user('org'),
'Event.orgc !=' => $this->Auth->user('org'),
$existingAttribute = $this->ShadowAttribute->Event->Attribute->find('first', array(
'recursive' => -1,
'contain' => array('Event' => array('fields' => array('', 'Event.orgc', '', 'Event.distribution', 'Event.uuid'))),
'conditions' => array('AND' => array('' => $id, $distConditions))
if (empty($existingAttribute)) throw new MethodNotAllowedException('Invalid Attribute.');
// Check if the attribute is an attachment, if yes, block the type and the value fields from being edited.
$eventId = $this->Attribute->data['Attribute']['event_id'];
if ('attachment' == $this->Attribute->data['Attribute']['type'] || 'malware-sample' == $this->Attribute->data['Attribute']['type'] ) {
if ('attachment' == $existingAttribute['Attribute']['type'] || 'malware-sample' == $existingAttribute['Attribute']['type'] ) {
$this->set('attachment', true);
$attachment = true;
} else {
@ -631,34 +710,69 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) {
$existingAttribute = $this->Attribute->findByUuid($uuid);
$temp = $this->_getEventData($eventId);
$event_uuid = $temp['uuid'];
$event_org = $temp['orgc'];
$this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['old_id'] = $existingAttribute['Attribute']['id'];
$this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['uuid'] = $existingAttribute['Attribute']['uuid'];
$this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['event_id'] = $existingAttribute['Attribute']['event_id'];
$this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['event_uuid'] = $event_uuid;
$this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['event_org'] = $event_org;
if ($attachment) $this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['value'] = $existingAttribute['Attribute']['value'];
if ($attachment) $this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['type'] = $existingAttribute['Attribute']['type'];
if (isset($this->request->data['request'])) $this->request->data = $this->request->data['request'];
// rearrange the request in case someone didn't RTFM
$invalidNames = array('Attribute', 'Proposal');
foreach ($invalidNames as &$iN) if (isset($this->request->data[$iN]) && !isset($this->request->data['ShadowAttribute'])) $this->request->data['ShadowAttribute'] = $this->request->data[$iN];
if ($attachment) {
$fields = array(
'static' => array('old_id' => '', 'uuid' => 'Attribute.uuid', 'event_id' => 'Attribute.event_id', 'event_uuid' => 'Event.uuid', 'event_org' => 'Event.orgc', 'category' => 'Attribute.category', 'type' => 'Attribute.type'),
'optional' => array('value', 'to_ids', 'comment')
} else {
$fields = array(
'static' => array('old_id' => '', 'uuid' => 'Attribute.uuid', 'event_id' => 'Attribute.event_id', 'event_uuid' => 'Event.uuid', 'event_org' => 'Event.orgc'),
'optional' => array('category', 'type', 'value', 'to_ids', 'comment')
foreach ($fields['static'] as $k => $v) {
$v = explode('.', $v);
$this->request->data['ShadowAttribute'][$k] = $existingAttribute[$v[0]][$v[1]];
$validChangeMade = false;
foreach ($fields['optional'] as $v) {
if (!isset($this->request->data['ShadowAttribute'][$v])) {
$this->request->data['ShadowAttribute'][$v] = $existingAttribute['Attribute'][$v];
} else {
$validChangeMade = true;
if (!$validChangeMade) throw new MethodNotAllowedException('Invalid input.');
$this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['org'] = $this->Auth->user('org');
$this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['email'] = $this->Auth->user('email');
$fieldList = array('category', 'type', 'value1', 'value2', 'to_ids', 'value', 'org');
if ($this->ShadowAttribute->save($this->request->data)) {
$emailResult = "";
if (!$this->__sendProposalAlertEmail($this->request->data['ShadowAttribute']['event_id'])) $emailResult = " but sending out the alert e-mails has failed for at least one recipient.";
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The proposed Attribute has been saved' . $emailResult));
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'events', 'action' => 'view', $eventId));
if ($this->_isRest()) {
$sa = $this->ShadowAttribute->find(
'conditions' => array('' => $this->ShadowAttribute->id),
'recursive' => -1,
'fields' => array('id', 'old_id', 'event_id', 'type', 'category', 'value', 'comment','to_ids', 'uuid', 'event_org', 'email', 'deleted', 'timestamp')
$this->set('ShadowAttribute', $sa['ShadowAttribute']);
$this->set('_serialize', array('ShadowAttribute'));
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The proposed Attribute has been saved' . $emailResult));
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'events', 'action' => 'view', $existingAttribute['Attribute']['event_id']));
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The ShadowAttribute could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
if ($this->_isRest()) {
$message = '';
foreach ($this->ShadowAttribute->validationErrors as $k => $v) {
$message .= '[' . $k . ']: ' . $v[0] . PHP_EOL;
throw new NotFoundException('Could not save the proposal. Errors: ' . $message);
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The ShadowAttribute could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
} else {
// Read the attribute that we're about to edit
$this->Attribute->recursive = -1;
$request = $this->Attribute->read(null, $id);
$request['ShadowAttribute'] = $request['Attribute'];
$request['ShadowAttribute'] = $existingAttribute['Attribute'];
$this->request->data = $request;
@ -678,6 +792,41 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController {
$this->set('categoryDefinitions', $this->ShadowAttribute->categoryDefinitions);
public function view($id) {
$distConditions = array();
if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) {
$distConditions = array(
'OR' => array(
'Event.distribution >' => 0,
'' => $this->Auth->user('org'),
'Event.orgc' => $this->Auth->user('org'),
$sa = $this->ShadowAttribute->find('first', array(
'recursive' => -1,
'contain' => 'Event',
'fields' => array(
'', 'ShadowAttribute.old_id', 'ShadowAttribute.event_id', 'ShadowAttribute.type', 'ShadowAttribute.category', 'ShadowAttribute.uuid', 'ShadowAttribute.to_ids', 'ShadowAttribute.value', 'ShadowAttribute.comment', '',
'', 'Event.orgc', '', 'Event.distribution', 'Event.uuid'
'conditions' => array('AND' => array('' => $id, $distConditions, 'ShadowAttribute.deleted' => 0))
if (empty($sa)) throw new NotFoundException('Invalid proposal.');
if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) {
if ($sa['ShadowAttribute']['old_id'] != 0 && $sa['Event']['org'] != $this->Auth->user('org') && $sa['Event']['orgc'] != $this->Auth->user('org')) {
$a = $this->ShadowAttribute->Event->Attribute->find('first', array(
'recursive' => -1,
'fields' => array('', 'Attribute.distribution'),
'conditions' => array('' => $sa['ShadowAttribute']['old_id'], 'Attribute.distribution >' => 0)
if (empty($a)) throw new NotFoundException('Invalid proposal.');
$this->set('ShadowAttribute', $sa['ShadowAttribute']);
$this->set('_serialize', array('ShadowAttribute'));
private function _setProposalLock($id, $lock = true) {
$this->Event->recursive = -1;

View File

@ -368,6 +368,59 @@ The event ID is optional. MISP will accept either a JSON or an XML object posted
<code>{"request": {"Event": {"id": "228", "tag": "8"}}}</code><br /><br />
<p>Where "tag" is the ID of the tag. You can also use the name of the tag the following way (has to be an exact match):</p>
<code>{"request": {"Event": {"id": "228", "tag": "OSINT"}}}</code>
<h3>Proposals and the API</h3>
<p>You can interact with the proposals via the API directly since version 2.3.148</p>
<table style="width:900px;">
<th style="text-align:left;">HTTP</th>
<th style="text-align:left;">URL</th>
<th style="text-align:left;">Explanation</th>
<th style="text-align:left;">Expected Payload</th>
<th style="text-align:left;">Response</th>
<td style="width:45px;">GET</td>
<td style="width:250px;">/shadow_attributes/view/[proposal_id]</td>
<td>View a proposal</td>
<td>ShadowAttribute object</td>
<td style="width:45px;">POST</td>
<td style="width:250px;">/shadow_attributes/add/[event_id]</td>
<td style="width:250px;">Propose a new attribute to an event</td>
<td>ShadowAttribute object</td>
<td>ShadowAttribute object</td>
<td style="width:45px;">POST</td>
<td style="width:250px;">/shadow_attributes/edit/[attribute_id]</td>
<td style="width:250px;">Propose an edit to an attribute</td>
<td>ShadowAttribute object</td>
<td>ShadowAttribute object</td>
<td style="width:45px;">POST</td>
<td style="width:250px;">/shadow_attributes/accept/[proposal_id]</td>
<td style="width:250px;">Accept a proposal</td>
<td style="width:45px;">POST</td>
<td style="width:250px;">/shadow_attributes/discard/[proposal_id]</td>
<td style="width:250px;">Discard a proposal</td>
</table><br />
<p>When posting a shadow attribute object, use the following formats</p>
<code><?php echo h('{"request": {"ShadowAttribute": {"value": "", "to_ids": false, "type": "ip-dst", "category": "Network activity"}}}');?></code><br /><br />
<code><?php echo h('<request><ShadowAttribute><value></value><to_ids>0</to_ids><type>ip-src</type><category>Network activity</category></ShadowAttribute></request>');?></code><br /><br />
<p>None of the above fields are mandatory, but at least one of them has to be provided.</p>
echo $this->element('side_menu', array('menuList' => 'event-collection', 'menuItem' => 'automation'));

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<p style="color:red;font-weight:bold;display:none;" id="warning-message">Warning: You are about to share data that is of a classified nature (Attribution / targeting data). Make sure that you are authorised to share this.</p>
<p style="color:red;font-weight:bold;display:none;<?php if($ajax) echo 'text-align:center;'; ?>" id="warning-message">Warning: You are about to share data that is of a classified nature (Attribution / targeting data). Make sure that you are authorised to share this.</p>
<?php if ($ajax): ?>
<div class="overlay_spacing">

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
$this->Js->get('#ShadowAttributeType')->event('change', 'showFormInfo("#ShadowAttributeType")');
<p style="color:red;font-weight:bold;display:none;<?php if($ajax) echo "text-align:center;"?>" id="warning-message">Warning: You are about to share data that is of a sensitive nature (Attribution / targeting data). Make sure that you are authorised to share this.</p>
<p style="color:red;font-weight:bold;display:none;" id="warning-message">Warning: You are about to share data that is of a sensitive nature (Attribution / targeting data). Make sure that you are authorised to share this.</p>
echo $this->Form->button('Propose', array('class' => 'btn btn-primary'));
echo $this->Form->end();