new: [internal] restsearch's bulk code moved to the model for attributes

iglocska 2018-10-04 22:23:58 +02:00
parent be5b684893
commit 7d7c733005
1 changed files with 122 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -117,6 +117,17 @@ class Attribute extends AppModel
public $validFormats = array(
'openioc' => array('xml', 'OpeniocExport'),
'json' => array('json', 'JsonExport'),
'xml' => array('xml', 'XmlExport'),
'suricata' => array('txt', 'NidsSuricataExport'),
'snort' => array('txt', 'NidsSnortExport'),
'text' => array('txt', 'TextExport'),
'rpz' => array('rpz', 'RPZExport'),
'csv' => array('csv', 'CsvExport')
public $typeDefinitions = array(
'md5' => array('desc' => 'A checksum in md5 format', 'formdesc' => "You are encouraged to use filename|md5 instead. A checksum in md5 format, only use this if you don't know the correct filename", 'default_category' => 'Payload delivery', 'to_ids' => 1),
'sha1' => array('desc' => 'A checksum in sha1 format', 'formdesc' => "You are encouraged to use filename|sha1 instead. A checksum in sha1 format, only use this if you don't know the correct filename", 'default_category' => 'Payload delivery', 'to_ids' => 1),
@ -3166,7 +3177,7 @@ class Attribute extends AppModel
public function convertToOpenIOC($user, $attributes)
return $this->IOCExport->buildAll($this->Auth->user(), $event);
return $this->IOCExport->buildAll($user, $event);
private function __createTagSubQuery($tag_id, $blocked = false, $scope = 'Event', $limitAttributeHitsTo = 'event')
@ -3708,4 +3719,114 @@ class Attribute extends AppModel
return $conditions;
public function restSearch($user, $returnFormat, $filters, $paramsOnly = false)
if (!isset($this->validFormats[$returnFormat][1])) {
throw new NotFoundException('Invalid output format.');
App::uses($this->validFormats[$returnFormat][1], 'Export');
$exportTool = new $this->validFormats[$returnFormat][1]();
if (empty($exportTool->non_restrictive_export)) {
if (!isset($filters['to_ids'])) {
$filters['to_ids'] = 1;
if (!isset($filters['published'])) {
$filters['published'] = 1;
$conditions = $this->buildFilterConditions($user, $filters);
$params = array(
'conditions' => $conditions,
'fields' => array('Attribute.*', 'Event.org_id', 'Event.distribution'),
'withAttachments' => !empty($filters['withAttachments']) ? $filters['withAttachments'] : 0,
'enforceWarninglist' => !empty($filters['enforceWarninglist']) ? $filters['enforceWarninglist'] : 0,
'includeAllTags' => true,
'flatten' => 1,
'includeEventUuid' => !empty($filters['includeEventUuid']) ? $filters['includeEventUuid'] : 0,
'includeEventTags' => !empty($filters['includeEventTags']) ? $filters['includeEventTags'] : 0
if (isset($filters['include_event_uuid'])) {
$params['includeEventUuid'] = $filters['include_event_uuid'];
if (isset($filters['limit'])) {
$params['limit'] = $filters['limit'];
if (isset($filters['page'])) {
$params['page'] = $filters['page'];
if (!empty($filtes['deleted'])) {
$params['deleted'] = 1;
if ($params['deleted'] === 'only') {
$params['conditions']['AND'][] = array('Attribute.deleted' => 1);
$params['conditions']['AND'][] = array('Object.deleted' => 1);
if ($paramsOnly) {
return $params;
if (!isset($this->validFormats[$returnFormat])) {
// this is where the new code path for the export modules will go
throw new MethodNotFoundException('Invalid export format.');
if (method_exists($exportTool, 'modify_params')) {
$params = $exportTool->modify_params($user, $params);
$exportToolParams = array(
'user' => $user,
'params' => $params,
'returnFormat' => $returnFormat,
'scope' => 'Attribute',
'filters' => $filters
if (!empty($exportTool->additional_params)) {
$params = array_merge($params, $exportTool->additional_params);
$tmpfile = tmpfile();
fwrite($tmpfile, $exportTool->header($exportToolParams));
$loop = false;
if (empty($params['limit'])) {
$memory_in_mb = $this->convert_to_memory_limit_to_mb(ini_get('memory_limit'));
$memory_scaling_factor = isset($exportTool->memory_scaling_factor) ? $exportTool->memory_scaling_factor : 100;
$params['limit'] = $memory_in_mb * $memory_scaling_factor;
$loop = true;
$params['page'] = 1;
$this->__iteratedFetch($user, $params, $loop, $tmpfile, $exportTool, $exportToolParams);
fwrite($tmpfile, $exportTool->footer($exportToolParams));
fseek($tmpfile, 0);
$final = fread($tmpfile, fstat($tmpfile)['size']);
return $final;
private function __iteratedFetch($user, &$params, &$loop, &$tmpfile, $exportTool, $exportToolParams) {
$continue = true;
while ($continue) {
$this->Whitelist = ClassRegistry::init('Whitelist');
$results = $this->fetchAttributes($user, $params, $continue);
$params['page'] += 1;
$results = $this->Whitelist->removeWhitelistedFromArray($results, true);
$results = array_values($results);
$i = 0;
$temp = '';
foreach ($results as $attribute) {
$temp .= $exportTool->handler($attribute, $exportToolParams);
if ($temp !== '') {
if ($i != count($results) -1) {
$temp .= $exportTool->separator($exportToolParams);
if (!$loop) {
$continue = false;
if ($continue) {
$temp .= $exportTool->separator($exportToolParams);
fwrite($tmpfile, $temp);
return true;