Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4

iglocska 2019-11-26 17:11:56 +01:00
commit 9e74259bdb
No known key found for this signature in database
57 changed files with 1944 additions and 235 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# This template is meant for bug reports, if you have a feature request, please be as descriptive as possible and delete the template
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve
labels: bug, potential-bug, needs triage
# This template is meant for bug reports, if you have a feature request user the other template.
@ -15,9 +20,9 @@
| Questions | Answers
| Type of issue | Bug, Question, Feature Request, support...
| OS version (server) | Debian, ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat, ...
| OS version (client) | XP, Seven, 10, Ubuntu, ...
| Type of issue | Bug
| OS version (server) | Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat, ...
| OS version (client) | MacOS, Win10, Ubuntu, ...
| PHP version | 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1...
| MISP version / git hash | 2.4.XX, hash of the commit
| Browser | If applicable

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
name: Feature request
about: Suggest an idea for this project
labels: feature request, needs triage
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
**Describe the solution you'd like**
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
**Describe alternatives you've considered**
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
**Additional context**
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
name: Support
about: Support requests for MISP
labels: support, needs triage
## Please consider the following notes
- Critical security bugs can be reported, preferably PGP encrypted, by mail to:
- Bug reports and feature requests can be filed as an issue on github:
- For interactive support please join the Gitter chat on:
The official documentation of MISP can be found here:
We also periodically do user/admin/developer trainings and have our training material online:
Nevertheless you can of course file a Support request as an issue. Please be as precise as possible and fill the template as detailed as possible too.
Please remove this text until the line below. Thanks a lot.
### Work environment
| Questions | Answers
| Type of issue | Support
| OS version (server) | Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat, ...
| OS version (client) | MacOS, Win10, Ubuntu, ...
| PHP version | 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1... (if relevant)
| MISP version / git hash | 2.4.XX, hash of the commit
| Browser | If applicable
### Support Questions
### Logs, screenshots, configuration dump, ...

View File

@ -1807,8 +1807,10 @@ ssdeep () {
sudo service apache2 restart
# viper-web is broken ATM
# Main Viper install function
viper () {
export PATH=$PATH:/home/misp/.local/bin
debug "Installing Viper dependencies"
cd /usr/local/src/
sudo apt-get install \
@ -1821,29 +1823,25 @@ viper () {
echo "Cloning Viper"
$SUDO_USER git clone
$SUDO_USER git clone
sudo chown -R $MISP_USER:$MISP_USER viper
sudo chown -R $MISP_USER:$MISP_USER viper-web
cd viper
echo "Creating virtualenv"
$SUDO_USER virtualenv -p python3 venv
echo "Submodule update"
# TODO: Check for current user install permissions
$SUDO_USER git submodule update --init --recursive
##$SUDO git submodule update --init --recursive
echo "Pip install deps"
$SUDO_USER ./venv/bin/pip install SQLAlchemy PrettyTable python-magic
echo "pip install scrapy"
$SUDO_USER ./venv/bin/pip install scrapy
echo "install lief"
$SUDO_USER ./venv/bin/pip install
echo "pip install reqs"
$SUDO_USER ./venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
$SUDO_USER sed -i '1 s/^.*$/\#!\/usr\/local\/src\/viper\/venv\/bin\/python/' viper-cli
echo "pip install deps"
$SUDO_USER ./venv/bin/pip install pefile olefile jbxapi Crypto pypdns pypssl r2pipe pdftools virustotal-api SQLAlchemy PrettyTable python-magic scrapy
$SUDO_USER ./venv/bin/pip install .
echo 'update-modules' |/usr/local/src/viper/venv/bin/viper
cd /usr/local/src/viper-web
$SUDO_USER sed -i '1 s/^.*$/\#!\/usr\/local\/src\/viper\/venv\/bin\/python/' viper-web
echo "Launching viper-cli"
$SUDO_USER /usr/local/src/viper/viper-cli -h > /dev/null
$SUDO_USER /usr/local/src/viper/venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
echo "Launching viper-web"
$SUDO_USER /usr/local/src/viper/viper-web -p 8888 -H &
echo 'PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/local/src/viper:/var/www/MISP/app/Console"' |sudo tee /etc/environment
$SUDO_USER /usr/local/src/viper-web/viper-web -p 8888 -H &
echo 'PATH="/home/misp/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/local/src/viper:/var/www/MISP/app/Console"' |sudo tee /etc/environment
echo ". /etc/environment" >> /home/${MISP_USER}/.profile
# TODO: Perms, MISP_USER_HOME, nasty hack cuz Kali on R00t

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
; Generated by RHash v1.3.8 on 2019-11-09 at 13:08.33
; Generated by RHash v1.3.8 on 2019-11-24 at 17:30.46
; Written by Kravchenko Aleksey (Akademgorodok) -
; 99021 13:08.33 2019-11-09 A607BC5BA7F4C81E97A5BEA6FAAE35C289899625 D9BE26A0A2DF33755382BA5090F7EF8F7212FE80771B3149FBEB94CE13530856 33C3C7F6C2B327E2E73392A7B35518622D6AEDD265B5CB210DD3E0723F0A8FE4328CFF4883F605198B09E197E917B214 F1CBEEE0471B9813591F71655290A38B2DADB5BA86D365C87AF44263E9D4223B719194CA7BF283BA584C31F4C04209F012C56B3063F36C00DD7E386C0D53622E
; 99082 17:30.46 2019-11-24 5BB0CEB0AB45AF769C8A3B044F9A494E8733B1CB 9402BCF66DD2C8A82B8871C5C414A5710D5FAA0B1AD40BB0EDEC57A8883F52F7 616975D3EC3CA34C590570F272AC244535ECECCF535B66AA765B4E36C68E78649E65E5D719977D18B6D69FF59F709CC0 5BAA423F8306B0B2E16FC91380E1E551550F31ED013A38233B049040AAB81579BAD4E3C81203C0EC324BC17010BC1063E1D67BDDF45A922EC7CEC3A551AA49EE

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@ -1 +1 @@

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `events` (
`locked` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`threat_level_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`publish_timestamp` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`sighting_timestamp` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`disable_correlation` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`extends_uuid` varchar(40) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT '',
@ -821,6 +822,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `servers` (
`org_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`push` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
`pull` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
`push_sightings` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`lastpulledid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`lastpushedid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`organization` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL,

View File

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ COPY public.event_tags (id, event_id, tag_id) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: events; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: -
COPY (id, org_id, date, info, user_id, uuid, published, analysis, attribute_count, orgc_id, "timestamp", distribution, sharing_group_id, proposal_email_lock, locked, threat_level_id, publish_timestamp, disable_correlation, extends_uuid) FROM stdin;
COPY (id, org_id, date, info, user_id, uuid, published, analysis, attribute_count, orgc_id, "timestamp", distribution, sharing_group_id, proposal_email_lock, locked, threat_level_id, publish_timestamp, sighting_timestamp, disable_correlation, extends_uuid) FROM stdin;
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ COPY public.roles (id, name, created, modified, perm_add, perm_modify, perm_modi
-- Data for Name: servers; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: -
COPY public.servers (id, name, url, authkey, org_id, push, pull, lastpulledid, lastpushedid, organization, remote_org_id, publish_without_email, unpublish_event, self_signed, pull_rules, push_rules, cert_file, client_cert_file, internal) FROM stdin;
COPY public.servers (id, name, url, authkey, org_id, push, pull, push_sightings, lastpulledid, lastpushedid, organization, remote_org_id, publish_without_email, unpublish_event, self_signed, pull_rules, push_rules, cert_file, client_cert_file, internal) FROM stdin;

View File

@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ CREATE TABLE (
locked boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
threat_level_id bigint NOT NULL,
publish_timestamp bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL,
sighting_timestamp bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL,
disable_correlation boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
extends_uuid character varying(40) DEFAULT ''::character varying
@ -1171,6 +1172,7 @@ CREATE TABLE public.servers (
org_id bigint NOT NULL,
push boolean NOT NULL,
pull boolean NOT NULL,
push_sightings boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
lastpulledid bigint,
lastpushedid bigint,
organization character varying(10),

View File

@ -315,13 +315,13 @@ class AdminShell extends AppShell
public function runUpdates() {
$whoami = exec('whoami');
if ($whoami === 'httpd' || $whoami === 'www-data' || $whoami === 'apache') {
if ($whoami === 'httpd' || $whoami === 'www-data' || $whoami === 'apache' || $whoami === 'wwwrun') {
echo 'Executing all updates to bring the database up to date with the current version.' . PHP_EOL;
$processId = $this->args[0];
$this->Server->runUpdates(true, false, $processId);
echo 'All updates completed.' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
die('This OS user is not allowed to run this command.'. PHP_EOL. 'Run it under `www-data` or `httpd`.' . PHP_EOL . 'You tried to run this command as: ' . $whoami . PHP_EOL);
die('This OS user is not allowed to run this command.'. PHP_EOL. 'Run it under `www-data` or `httpd` or `apache` or `wwwrun`.' . PHP_EOL . 'You tried to run this command as: ' . $whoami . PHP_EOL);

View File

@ -508,6 +508,28 @@ class EventShell extends AppShell
$log->createLogEntry($user, 'publish', 'Event', $id, 'Event (' . $id . '): published.', 'published () => (1)');
public function publish_sightings() {
$id = $this->args[0];
$passAlong = $this->args[1];
$jobId = $this->args[2];
$userId = $this->args[3];
$user = $this->User->getAuthUser($userId);
$job = $this->Job->read(null, $jobId);
$result = $this->Event->publish_sightings($id, $passAlong);
$job['Job']['progress'] = 100;
$job['Job']['date_modified'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
if ($result) {
$job['Job']['message'] = 'Sightings published.';
} else {
$job['Job']['message'] = 'Sightings published, but the upload to other instances may have failed.';
$log = ClassRegistry::init('Log');
$log->createLogEntry($user, 'publish_sightings', 'Event', $id, 'Sightings for event (' . $id . '): published.', 'publish_sightings updated');
public function enrichment() {
if (empty($this->args[0]) || empty($this->args[1]) || empty($this->args[2])) {
die('Usage: ' . $this->Server->command_line_functions['enrichment'] . PHP_EOL);

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class ServerShell extends AppShell
'status' => 4
if (is_array($result)) {
$message = sprintf(__('Pull completed. %s events pulled, %s events could not be pulled, %s proposals pulled.', count($result[0]), count($result[1]), $result[2]));
$message = sprintf(__('Pull completed. %s events pulled, %s events could not be pulled, %s proposals pulled, %s sightings pulled.', count($result[0]), count($result[1]), $result[2], $result[3]));
} else {
$message = sprintf(__('ERROR: %s'), $result);

View File

@ -91,7 +91,8 @@ class AppController extends Controller
@ -475,6 +476,18 @@ class AppController extends Controller
if ($this->_isRest()) {
if ($this->modelClass !== 'CakeError') {
$deprecationWarnings = $this->Deprecation->checkDeprecation($this->request->params['controller'], $this->action, $this->{$this->modelClass}, $this->Auth->user('id'));
if ($deprecationWarnings) {
$deprecationWarnings = __('WARNING: This functionality is deprecated and will be removed in the near future. ') . $deprecationWarnings;
if ($this->_isRest()) {
$this->response->header('X-Deprecation-Warning', $deprecationWarnings);
$this->components['RestResponse']['deprecationWarnings'] = $deprecationWarnings;
} else {
$this->components['RestResponse']['sql_dump'] = $this->sql_dump;

View File

@ -1662,7 +1662,7 @@ class AttributesController extends AppController
'request' => $this->request,
'named_params' => $this->params['named'],
'paramArray' => $paramArray,
'ordered_url_params' => compact($paramArray),
'ordered_url_params' => @compact($paramArray),
'additional_delimiters' => PHP_EOL
$exception = false;
@ -1877,7 +1877,7 @@ class AttributesController extends AppController
'request' => $this->request,
'named_params' => $this->params['named'],
'paramArray' => $paramArray,
'ordered_url_params' => compact($paramArray)
'ordered_url_params' => @compact($paramArray)
$validFormats = $this->Attribute->validFormats;
$exception = false;

View File

@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ class ACLComponent extends Component
'nids' => array('*'),
'proposalEventIndex' => array('*'),
'publish' => array('perm_publish'),
'publishSightings' => array('perm_sighting'),
'pushEventToZMQ' => array('perm_publish_zmq'),
'pushEventToKafka' => array('perm_publish_kafka'),
'pushProposals' => array('perm_sync'),
@ -360,6 +361,7 @@ class ACLComponent extends Component
'cache' => array(),
'changePriority' => array(),
'checkout' => array(),
'clearWorkerQueue' => array(),
'createSync' => array('perm_sync'),
'delete' => array(),
'deleteFile' => array(),
@ -403,7 +405,7 @@ class ACLComponent extends Component
'updateProgress' => array(),
'updateSubmodule' => array(),
'uploadFile' => array(),
'clearWorkerQueue' => array()
'viewDeprecatedFunctionUse' => array()
'shadowAttributes' => array(
'accept' => array('perm_add'),
@ -443,6 +445,7 @@ class ACLComponent extends Component
'listSightings' => array('*'),
'quickDelete' => array('perm_sighting'),
'viewSightings' => array('*'),
'bulkSaveSightings' => array('OR' => array('perm_sync', 'perm_sighting')),
'quickAdd' => array('perm_sighting')
'sightingdb' => array(

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
class DeprecationComponent extends Component
public $redis = false;
* Deprecated endpoints
* - simple controller->action structure
* - each endpoint can be set to to a deprecation warning message or false
public $deprecatedEndpoints = false;
public function initialize(Controller $controller) {
$this->deprecatedEndpoints = array(
'attributes' => array(
'rpz' => __('Use /attributes/restSearch to export RPZ rules.'),
'text' => __('Use /attributes/restSearch to export flat indicator lists.')
'events' => array(
'addIOC' => __('Use MISP modules to import in OpenIOC format.'),
'csv' => __('Use /events/restSearch to export in CSV format.'),
'export' => __('Use the REST client to refine your search conditions and export in any of the given formats with much more control.'),
'hids' => __('Use /events/restSearch to export hashes.'),
'nids' => __('Use /events/restSearch to export in the various NIDS formats.'),
'stix' => __('Use /events/restSearch to export in STIX format.'),
'stix2' => __('Use /events/restSearch to export in STIX2 format.'),
'xml' => __('Use /events/restSearch to export in XML format. It is highly recommended to use JSON whenever possible.')
'posts' => array(
'add' => false,
'index' => false
'templates' => array(
'add' => false,
'populateEventFromTemplate' => false
'whitelists' => array(
'admin_add' => false
public function checkDeprecation($controller, $action, $model, $user_id)
if (isset($this->deprecatedEndpoints[$controller][$action])) {
$this->__logDeprecatedAccess($controller, $action, $model, $user_id);
if ($this->deprecatedEndpoints[$controller][$action]) {
return $this->deprecatedEndpoints[$controller][$action];
return false;
private function __logDeprecatedAccess($controller, $action, $model, $user_id)
$this->redis = $model->setupRedis();
if ($this->redis) {
$result = $this->redis->hGetAll('misp:deprecation');
return false;
public function getDeprecatedAccessList($model)
$this->redis = $model->setupRedis();
if ($this->redis) {
$rearranged = array();
@$result = $this->redis->hGetAll('misp:deprecation');
if (!empty($result)) {
foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
$key_components = explode(':', $key);
$rearranged[$key_components[0]][$key_components[1]][$key_components[2]] = (int)$value;
if (empty($rearranged[$key_components[0]][$key_components[1]]['total'])) {
$rearranged[$key_components[0]][$key_components[1]]['total'] = (int)$value;
} else {
$rearranged[$key_components[0]][$key_components[1]]['total'] += (int)$value;
return $rearranged;

View File

@ -171,11 +171,11 @@ class RestResponseComponent extends Component
'add' => array(
'description' => "POST an Server object in JSON format to this API to add a server.",
'mandatory' => array('url', 'name', 'remote_org_id', 'authkey'),
'optional' => array('push', 'pull', 'push_rules', 'pull_rules', 'submitted_cert', 'submitted_client_cert', 'json')
'optional' => array('push', 'pull', 'push_sightings', 'push_rules', 'pull_rules', 'submitted_cert', 'submitted_client_cert', 'json')
'edit' => array(
'description' => "POST an Server object in JSON format to this API to edit a server.",
'optional' => array('url', 'name', 'authkey', 'json', 'push', 'pull', 'push_rules', 'pull_rules', 'submitted_cert', 'submitted_client_cert', 'remote_org_id')
'optional' => array('url', 'name', 'authkey', 'json', 'push', 'pull', 'push_sightings', 'push_rules', 'pull_rules', 'submitted_cert', 'submitted_client_cert', 'remote_org_id')
'serverSettings' => array(
'description' => "Send a GET request to this endpoint to get a full diagnostic along with all currently set settings of the current instance. This will also include the worker status"
@ -486,6 +486,9 @@ class RestResponseComponent extends Component
$cakeResponse->header($key, $value);
if (!empty($deprecationWarnings)) {
$cakeResponse->header('X-Deprecation-Warning', $deprecationWarnings);
if ($download) {
@ -1288,6 +1291,12 @@ class RestResponseComponent extends Component
'values' => array(1 => 'True', 0 => 'False' ),
'help' => __('Allow the upload of events and their attribute to the server')
'push_sightings' => array(
'input' => 'radio',
'type' => 'integer',
'values' => array(1 => 'True', 0 => 'False' ),
'help' => __('Allow the upload of sightings to the server')
'releasability' => array(
'input' => 'text',
'type' => 'string',

View File

@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ class EventsController extends AppController
if (!empty($passedArgs['searchminimal'])) {
$rules['recursive'] = -1;
$rules['fields'] = array('id', 'timestamp', 'published', 'uuid');
$rules['fields'] = array('id', 'timestamp', 'sighting_timestamp', 'published', 'uuid');
$rules['contain'] = array('Orgc.uuid');
$paginationRules = array('page', 'limit', 'sort', 'direction', 'order');
@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@ class EventsController extends AppController
if (isset($filters['deleted'])) {
$deleted = $filters['deleted'] == 2 ? 0 : 1;
$this->set('includeSightingdb', (!empty($filters['includeSightingdb'] && Configure::read('Plugin.Sightings_sighting_db_enable'))));
$this->set('includeSightingdb', (!empty($filters['includeSightingdb']) && Configure::read('Plugin.Sightings_sighting_db_enable')));
$this->set('deleted', $deleted);
$this->set('typeGroups', array_keys($this->Event->Attribute->typeGroupings));
$this->set('attributeFilter', isset($filters['attributeFilter']) ? $filters['attributeFilter'] : 'all');
@ -2572,6 +2572,59 @@ class EventsController extends AppController
public function publishSightings($id = null)
$id = $this->Toolbox->findIdByUuid($this->Event, $id);
$event = $this->Event->fetchEvent(
'eventid' => $id,
'metadata' => 1
if (empty($event)) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event'));
if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) {
$result = $this->Event->publishRouter($id, null, $this->Auth->user(), 'sightings');
if (!Configure::read('MISP.background_jobs')) {
if (!is_array($result)) {
// redirect to the view event page
$message = 'Sightings published';
} else {
$lastResult = array_pop($result);
$resultString = (count($result) > 0) ? implode(', ', $result) . ' and ' . $lastResult : $lastResult;
$errors['failed_servers'] = $result;
$message = sprintf('Sightings published but not pushed to %s, re-try later. If the issue persists, make sure that the correct sync user credentials are used for the server link and that the sync user on the remote server has authentication privileges.', $resultString);
} else {
// update the DB to set the published flag
// for background jobs, this should be done already
$fieldList = array('id', 'info', 'sighting_timestamp');
$event['Event']['sighting_timestamp'] = time();
$this->Event->save($event, array('fieldList' => $fieldList));
$message = 'Job queued';
if ($this->_isRest()) {
$this->set('name', 'Publish Sightings');
$this->set('message', $message);
if (!empty($errors)) {
$this->set('errors', $errors);
$this->set('url', '/events/publishSightings/' . $id);
$this->set('id', $id);
$this->set('_serialize', array('name', 'message', 'url', 'id', 'errors'));
} else {
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', $id));
} else {
$this->set('id', $id);
$this->set('type', 'publishSightings');
// Publishes the event without sending an alert email
public function publish($id = null)
@ -3205,7 +3258,7 @@ class EventsController extends AppController
'request' => $this->request,
'named_params' => $this->params['named'],
'paramArray' => $paramArray,
'ordered_url_params' => compact($paramArray)
'ordered_url_params' => @compact($paramArray)
$exception = false;
$filters = $this->_harvestParameters($filterData, $exception);
@ -3497,7 +3550,7 @@ class EventsController extends AppController
'request' => $this->request,
'named_params' => $this->params['named'],
'paramArray' => $paramArray,
'ordered_url_params' => compact($paramArray)
'ordered_url_params' => @compact($paramArray)
$exception = false;
$filters = $this->_harvestParameters($filterData, $exception);
@ -3543,7 +3596,6 @@ class EventsController extends AppController
$filename .= '.' . $responseType;
return $this->RestResponse->viewData($final, $responseType, false, true, $filename, array('X-Result-Count' => $elementCounter, 'X-Export-Module-Used' => $returnFormat, 'X-Response-Format' => $responseType));
public function downloadOpenIOCEvent($key, $eventid, $enforceWarninglist = false)

View File

@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ class ObjectsController extends AppController
$this->MispObject->Event->insertLock($this->Auth->user(), $eventId);
$error = false;
$template = false;
if (!empty($templateId) || !$this->_isRest()) {
$templates = $this->MispObject->ObjectTemplate->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array('' => $templateId),
@ -247,10 +248,14 @@ class ObjectsController extends AppController
foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $k => $attribute) {
$object['Attribute'][$k]['event_id'] = $eventId;
if (!$this->MispObject->Event->Attribute->validates()) {
if ($this->MispObject->Event->Attribute->validationErrors['value'][0] !== 'Composite type found but the value not in the composite (value1|value2) format.') {
$error = 'Could not save object as at least one attribute has failed validation (' . $attribute['object_relation'] . '). ' . json_encode($this->MispObject->Event->Attribute->validationErrors);
$error = sprintf(
'Could not save object as at least one attribute has failed validation (%s). %s',
isset($attribute['object_relation']) ? $attribute['object_relation'] : 'No object_relation',

View File

@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ class ServersController extends AppController
$defaults = array(
'push' => 0,
'pull' => 0,
'push_sightings' => 0,
'caching_enabled' => 0,
'json' => '[]',
'push_rules' => '[]',
@ -444,7 +445,7 @@ class ServersController extends AppController
if (!$fail) {
// say what fields are to be updated
$fieldList = array('id', 'url', 'push', 'pull', 'caching_enabled', 'unpublish_event', 'publish_without_email', 'remote_org_id', 'name' ,'self_signed', 'cert_file', 'client_cert_file', 'push_rules', 'pull_rules', 'internal', 'skip_proxy');
$fieldList = array('id', 'url', 'push', 'pull', 'push_sightings', 'caching_enabled', 'unpublish_event', 'publish_without_email', 'remote_org_id', 'name' ,'self_signed', 'cert_file', 'client_cert_file', 'push_rules', 'pull_rules', 'internal', 'skip_proxy');
$this->request->data['Server']['id'] = $id;
if (isset($this->request->data['Server']['authkey']) && "" != $this->request->data['Server']['authkey']) {
$fieldList[] = 'authkey';
@ -663,13 +664,14 @@ class ServersController extends AppController
if (!Configure::read('MISP.background_jobs')) {
$result = $this->Server->pull($this->Auth->user(), $id, $technique, $s);
if (is_array($result)) {
$success = sprintf(__('Pull completed. %s events pulled, %s events could not be pulled, %s proposals pulled.', count($result[0]), count($result[1]), $result[2]));
$success = sprintf(__('Pull completed. %s events pulled, %s events could not be pulled, %s proposals pulled, %s sightings pulled.', count($result[0]), count($result[1]), $result[2], $result[3]));
} else {
$error = $result;
$this->set('successes', $result[0]);
$this->set('fails', $result[1]);
$this->set('pulledProposals', $result[2]);
$this->set('pulledSightings', $result[3]);
} else {
@ -1941,16 +1943,16 @@ misp_verifycert = %s
relative_path = \'%s\'
body = %s
from pymisp import PyMISP
from pymisp import ExpandedPyMISP
misp = PyMISP(misp_url, misp_key, misp_verifycert)
misp = ExpandedPyMISP(misp_url, misp_key, misp_verifycert)
misp.direct_call(relative_path, body)
(empty($request['body']) ? 'Null' : $request['body'])
(empty($request['body']) ? 'None' : $request['body'])
return $python_script;
@ -2207,4 +2209,15 @@ misp.direct_call(relative_path, body)
return $this->RestResponse->viewData($this->Server->dbSchemaDiagnostic(), $this->response->type());
public function viewDeprecatedFunctionUse()
$data = $this->Deprecation->getDeprecatedAccessList($this->Server);
if ($this->_isRest()) {
return $this->RestResponse->viewData($data, $this->response->type());
} else {
$this->layout = false;
$this->set('data', $data);

View File

@ -197,24 +197,6 @@ class ShadowAttributesController extends AppController
// If we accept a proposed attachment, then the attachment itself needs to be moved from files/eventId/shadow/shadowId to files/eventId/attributeId
private function _moveFile($shadowId, $newId, $eventId)
$attachments_dir = Configure::read('MISP.attachments_dir');
if (empty($attachments_dir)) {
$attachments_dir = $this->ShadowAttribute->getDefaultAttachments_dir();
$pathOld = $attachments_dir . DS . 'shadow' . DS . $shadowId;
$pathNew = $attachments_dir . DS . $newId;
if (rename($pathOld, $pathNew)) {
return true;
} else {
$this->Flash->error(__('Moving of the file that this attachment references failed.', true), 'default', array());
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'events', 'action' => 'view', $eventId));
private function __discard($id)
$sa = $this->ShadowAttribute->find(

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class SightingsController extends AppController
$source = isset($this->request->data['source']) ? trim($this->request->data['source']) : '';
if (!$error) {
$result = $this->Sighting->saveSightings($id, $values, $timestamp, $this->Auth->user(), $type, $source);
$result = $this->Sighting->saveSightings($id, $values, $timestamp, $this->Auth->user(), $type, $source, false, true);
if (!is_numeric($result)) {
$error = $result;
@ -422,4 +422,28 @@ class SightingsController extends AppController
$this->layout = 'ajax';
// Save sightings synced over, restricted to sync users
public function bulkSaveSightings($eventId = false)
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
if (empty($this->request->data['Sighting'])) {
$sightings = $this->request->data;
} else {
$sightings = $this->request->data['Sighting'];
$saved = $this->Sighting->bulkSaveSightings($eventId, $sightings, $this->Auth->user());
if (is_numeric($saved)) {
if ($saved > 0) {
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => true, 'success' => $saved . ' sightings added.')), 'status' => 200, 'type' => 'json'));
} else {
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'success' => 'No sightings added.')), 'status' => 200, 'type' => 'json'));
} else {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException($saved);
} else {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException('This method is only accessible via POST requests.');

View File

@ -860,41 +860,48 @@ class TagsController extends AppController
private function __findObjectByUuid($object_uuid, &$type)
private function __findObjectByUuid($object_uuid, &$type, $scope = 'modify')
$object = $this->Event->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array(
'Event.uuid' => $object_uuid,
'fields' => array('Event.orgc_id', ''),
'recursive' => -1
if (!$this->userRole['perm_tagger']) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('This functionality requires tagging permission.'));
$object = $this->Event->fetchEvent($this->Auth->user(), array(
'event_uuid' => $object_uuid,
'metadata' => 1
$type = 'Event';
if (!empty($object)) {
$object = $object[0];
if (
$scope !== 'view' &&
!$this->_isSiteAdmin() &&
!$this->userRole['perm_tagger'] &&
$object['Event']['orgc_id'] != $this->Auth->user('org_id')
!$object['Event']['orgc_id'] != $this->Auth->user('org_id')
) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException('Invalid Target.');
throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid Target.'));
} else {
$type = 'Attribute';
$object = $this->Event->Attribute->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array(
'Attribute.uuid' => $object_uuid,
'fields' => array(''),
'recursive' => -1,
'contain' => array('Event.orgc_id')
$object = $this->Event->Attribute->fetchAttributes(
'conditions' => array(
'Attribute.uuid' => $object_uuid
'flatten' => 1
if (!empty($object)) {
if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin() && !$this->userRole['perm_tagger'] && $object['Event']['orgc_id'] != $this->Auth->user('org_id')) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException('Invalid Target.');
$object = $object[0];
if (
$scope !== 'view' &&
!$this->_isSiteAdmin() &&
!$object['Event']['orgc_id'] != $this->Auth->user('org_id')
) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid Target.'));
} else {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException('Invalid Target.');
throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid Target.'));
return $object;
@ -932,11 +939,11 @@ class TagsController extends AppController
$local = $this->request->data['local'];
if (!is_bool($local)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid local flag');
if (!empty($local) && $this->Auth->user('org_id') != Configure::read('MISP.host_org_id')) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Local tags can only be added by users of the host organisation.'));
$objectType = '';
$object = $this->__findObjectByUuid($uuid, $objectType);
$object = $this->__findObjectByUuid($uuid, $objectType, $local ? 'view' : 'modify');
$existingTag = $this->Tag->find('first', array('conditions' => $conditions, 'recursive' => -1));
if (empty($existingTag)) {
if (!is_numeric($tag)) {
@ -1038,9 +1045,9 @@ class TagsController extends AppController
throw new MethodNotAllowedException('Invalid Tag.');
$objectType = '';
$object = $this->__findObjectByUuid($uuid, $objectType);
$object = $this->__findObjectByUuid($uuid, $objectType, 'view');
if (empty($object)) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException('Invalid Target.');
throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid Target.'));
$connectorObject = $objectType . 'Tag';
@ -1052,6 +1059,14 @@ class TagsController extends AppController
if (empty($existingAssociation)) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException('Could not remove tag as it is not attached to the target ' . $objectType);
} else {
if (empty($existingAssociation[$objectType . 'Tag']['local'])) {
$object = $this->__findObjectByUuid($uuid, $objectType);
} else {
if ($object['Event']['orgc_id'] !== $this->Auth->user('org_id') && $this->Auth->user('org_id') != Configure::read('MISP.host_org_id')) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Insufficient privileges to remove local tags from events you do not own.'));
$result = $this->$objectType->$connectorObject->delete($existingAssociation[$connectorObject]['id']);
if ($result) {

View File

@ -483,7 +483,8 @@ class UsersController extends AppController
'conditions' => array('' => $id),
'contain' => array(
if (empty($user)) {
@ -516,9 +517,9 @@ class UsersController extends AppController
), $this->response->type());
return $this->RestResponse->viewData(array('User' => $user['User']), $this->response->type());
} else {
$temp = $this->User->data['User']['invited_by'];
$user2 = $this->User->find('first', array('conditions' => array('' => $user['User']['invited_by']), 'recursive' => -1));
$this->set('id', $id);
$this->set('user2', $this->User->read(null, $temp));
$this->set('user2', $user2);
@ -1756,10 +1757,12 @@ class UsersController extends AppController
'group' => 'Event.orgc_id',
'conditions' => array('Event.orgc_id' => array_keys($orgs)),
'recursive' => -1,
'fields' => array('Event.orgc_id', 'count(*)')
'fields' => array('Event.orgc_id', 'count(*)', 'sum(Event.attribute_count) as attributeCount')
foreach ($events as $event) {
$orgs[$event['Event']['orgc_id']]['eventCount'] = $event[0]['count(*)'];
$orgs[$event['Event']['orgc_id']]['attributeCount'] = $event[0]['attributeCount'];
$orgs[$event['Event']['orgc_id']]['orgActivity'] = $this->User->getOrgActivity($event['Event']['orgc_id'], array('event_timestamp' => '365d'));
$orgs = Set::combine($orgs, '{n}.name', '{n}');

View File

@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ class AppModel extends Model
21 => false, 22 => false, 23 => false, 24 => false, 25 => false, 26 => false,
27 => false, 28 => false, 29 => false, 30 => false, 31 => false, 32 => false,
33 => false, 34 => false, 35 => false, 36 => false, 37 => false, 38 => false,
39 => false, 40 => false, 41 => false, 42 => false, 43 => false
39 => false, 40 => false, 41 => false, 42 => false, 43 => false, 44 => false,
45 => false
public $advanced_updates_description = array(
@ -1298,6 +1299,14 @@ class AppModel extends Model
case 43:
$sqlArray[] = "ALTER TABLE sightingdbs ADD namespace varchar(255) DEFAULT '';";
case 44:
$sqlArray[] = "ALTER TABLE object_template_elements CHANGE `disable_correlation` `disable_correlation` tinyint(1);";
case 45:
$sqlArray[] = "ALTER TABLE `events` ADD `sighting_timestamp` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `publish_timestamp`;";
$sqlArray[] = "ALTER TABLE `servers` ADD `push_sightings` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `pull`;";
case 'fixNonEmptySharingGroupID':
$sqlArray[] = 'UPDATE `events` SET `sharing_group_id` = 0 WHERE `distribution` != 4;';
$sqlArray[] = 'UPDATE `attributes` SET `sharing_group_id` = 0 WHERE `distribution` != 4;';
@ -1658,7 +1667,7 @@ class AppModel extends Model
'model' => 'Server',
'model_id' => 0,
'email' => 'SYSTEM',
'action' => 'update_database_worker',
'action' => 'update_db_worker',
'user_id' => 0,
'title' => __('Issues executing run_updates'),
'change' => __('Database updates are locked. Worker not spawned')
@ -1716,7 +1725,7 @@ class AppModel extends Model
'model' => 'Server',
'model_id' => 0,
'email' => 'SYSTEM',
'action' => 'update_database_worker',
'action' => 'update_db_worker',
'user_id' => 0,
'title' => __('Issues executing run_updates'),
'change' => __('Updates are locked. Stopping worker gracefully')

View File

@ -813,9 +813,11 @@ class Attribute extends AppModel
if (!isset($this->data['Attribute']['type'])) {
$this->validationErrors['type'] = ['No type set.'];
return false;
if (is_array($this->data['Attribute']['value'])) {
$this->validationErrors['type'] = ['Value is an array.'];
return false;
App::uses('ComplexTypeTool', 'Tools');
@ -823,6 +825,7 @@ class Attribute extends AppModel
$this->data['Attribute']['value'] = $this->complexTypeTool->refangValue($this->data['Attribute']['value'], $this->data['Attribute']['type']);
if (!empty($this->data['Attribute']['object_id']) && empty($this->data['Attribute']['object_relation'])) {
$this->validationErrors['type'] = ['Object attribute sent, but no object_relation set.'];
return false;
// remove leading and trailing blanks
@ -3578,11 +3581,6 @@ class Attribute extends AppModel
return true;
public function convertToOpenIOC($user, $attributes)
return $this->IOCExport->buildAll($user, $event);
private function __createTagSubQuery($tag_id, $blocked = false, $scope = 'Event', $limitAttributeHitsTo = 'event')
$conditionKey = $blocked ? array('NOT' => array('EventTag.tag_id' => $tag_id)) : array('EventTag.tag_id' => $tag_id);

View File

@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ class AttributeTag extends AppModel
$attributes = $this->Attribute->fetchAttributes($user, array(
'conditions' => $conditions,
'flatten' => 1,
'includeAllTags' => 1
if (empty($attributes)) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,921 @@
* MySQL layer for DBO
* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (
* Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* @link CakePHP(tm) Project
* @package Cake.Model.Datasource.Database
* @since CakePHP(tm) v
* @license MIT License
App::uses('DboSource', 'Model/Datasource');
* MySQL DBO driver object
* Provides connection and SQL generation for MySQL RDMS
* @package Cake.Model.Datasource.Database
class MysqlExtendedLogging extends DboSource {
* Datasource description
* @var string
public $description = "MySQL DBO Driver";
* Base configuration settings for MySQL driver
* @var array
protected $_baseConfig = array(
'persistent' => true,
'host' => 'localhost',
'login' => 'root',
'password' => '',
'database' => 'cake',
'port' => '3306',
'flags' => array()
* Reference to the PDO object connection
* @var PDO
protected $_connection = null;
* Start quote
* @var string
public $startQuote = "`";
* End quote
* @var string
public $endQuote = "`";
* use alias for update and delete. Set to true if version >= 4.1
* @var bool
protected $_useAlias = true;
* List of engine specific additional field parameters used on table creating
* @var array
public $fieldParameters = array(
'charset' => array('value' => 'CHARACTER SET', 'quote' => false, 'join' => ' ', 'column' => false, 'position' => 'beforeDefault'),
'collate' => array('value' => 'COLLATE', 'quote' => false, 'join' => ' ', 'column' => 'Collation', 'position' => 'beforeDefault'),
'comment' => array('value' => 'COMMENT', 'quote' => true, 'join' => ' ', 'column' => 'Comment', 'position' => 'afterDefault'),
'unsigned' => array(
'value' => 'UNSIGNED',
'quote' => false,
'join' => ' ',
'column' => false,
'position' => 'beforeDefault',
'noVal' => true,
'options' => array(true),
'types' => array('integer', 'smallinteger', 'tinyinteger', 'float', 'decimal', 'biginteger')
* List of table engine specific parameters used on table creating
* @var array
public $tableParameters = array(
'charset' => array('value' => 'DEFAULT CHARSET', 'quote' => false, 'join' => '=', 'column' => 'charset'),
'collate' => array('value' => 'COLLATE', 'quote' => false, 'join' => '=', 'column' => 'Collation'),
'engine' => array('value' => 'ENGINE', 'quote' => false, 'join' => '=', 'column' => 'Engine'),
'comment' => array('value' => 'COMMENT', 'quote' => true, 'join' => '=', 'column' => 'Comment'),
* MySQL column definition
* @var array
* @link MySQL Data Types
public $columns = array(
'primary_key' => array('name' => 'NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT'),
'string' => array('name' => 'varchar', 'limit' => '255'),
'text' => array('name' => 'text'),
'enum' => array('name' => 'enum'),
'biginteger' => array('name' => 'bigint', 'limit' => '20'),
'integer' => array('name' => 'int', 'limit' => '11', 'formatter' => 'intval'),
'smallinteger' => array('name' => 'smallint', 'limit' => '6', 'formatter' => 'intval'),
'tinyinteger' => array('name' => 'tinyint', 'limit' => '4', 'formatter' => 'intval'),
'float' => array('name' => 'float', 'formatter' => 'floatval'),
'decimal' => array('name' => 'decimal', 'formatter' => 'floatval'),
'datetime' => array('name' => 'datetime', 'format' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 'formatter' => 'date'),
'timestamp' => array('name' => 'timestamp', 'format' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 'formatter' => 'date'),
'time' => array('name' => 'time', 'format' => 'H:i:s', 'formatter' => 'date'),
'date' => array('name' => 'date', 'format' => 'Y-m-d', 'formatter' => 'date'),
'binary' => array('name' => 'blob'),
'boolean' => array('name' => 'tinyint', 'limit' => '1')
* Mapping of collation names to character set names
* @var array
protected $_charsets = array();
* Connects to the database using options in the given configuration array.
* MySQL supports a few additional options that other drivers do not:
* - `unix_socket` Set to the path of the MySQL sock file. Can be used in place
* of host + port.
* - `ssl_key` SSL key file for connecting via SSL. Must be combined with `ssl_cert`.
* - `ssl_cert` The SSL certificate to use when connecting via SSL. Must be
* combined with `ssl_key`.
* - `ssl_ca` The certificate authority for SSL connections.
* @return bool True if the database could be connected, else false
* @throws MissingConnectionException
public function connect() {
$config = $this->config;
$this->connected = false;
$flags = $config['flags'] + array(
PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => $config['persistent'],
if (!empty($config['encoding'])) {
$flags[PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND] = 'SET NAMES ' . $config['encoding'];
if (!empty($config['ssl_key']) && !empty($config['ssl_cert'])) {
$flags[PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_KEY] = $config['ssl_key'];
$flags[PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CERT] = $config['ssl_cert'];
if (!empty($config['ssl_ca'])) {
$flags[PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA] = $config['ssl_ca'];
if (empty($config['unix_socket'])) {
$dsn = "mysql:host={$config['host']};port={$config['port']};dbname={$config['database']}";
} else {
$dsn = "mysql:unix_socket={$config['unix_socket']};dbname={$config['database']}";
try {
$this->_connection = new PDO(
$this->connected = true;
if (!empty($config['settings'])) {
foreach ($config['settings'] as $key => $value) {
$this->_execute("SET $key=$value");
} catch (PDOException $e) {
throw new MissingConnectionException(array(
'class' => get_class($this),
'message' => $e->getMessage()
$this->_charsets = array();
$this->_useAlias = (bool)version_compare($this->getVersion(), "4.1", ">=");
return $this->connected;
* Check whether the MySQL extension is installed/loaded
* @return bool
public function enabled() {
return in_array('mysql', PDO::getAvailableDrivers());
* Returns an array of sources (tables) in the database.
* @param mixed $data List of tables.
* @return array Array of table names in the database
public function listSources($data = null) {
$cache = parent::listSources();
if ($cache) {
return $cache;
$result = $this->_execute('SHOW TABLES FROM ' . $this->name($this->config['database']));
if (!$result) {
return array();
$tables = array();
while ($line = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
$tables[] = $line[0];
return $tables;
* Builds a map of the columns contained in a result
* @param PDOStatement $results The results to format.
* @return void
public function resultSet($results) {
$this->map = array();
$numFields = $results->columnCount();
$index = 0;
while ($numFields-- > 0) {
$column = $results->getColumnMeta($index);
if ($column['len'] === 1 && (empty($column['native_type']) || $column['native_type'] === 'TINY')) {
$type = 'boolean';
} else {
$type = empty($column['native_type']) ? 'string' : $column['native_type'];
if (!empty($column['table']) && strpos($column['name'], $this->virtualFieldSeparator) === false) {
$this->map[$index++] = array($column['table'], $column['name'], $type);
} else {
$this->map[$index++] = array(0, $column['name'], $type);
* Fetches the next row from the current result set
* @return mixed array with results fetched and mapped to column names or false if there is no results left to fetch
public function fetchResult() {
if ($row = $this->_result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
$resultRow = array();
foreach ($this->map as $col => $meta) {
list($table, $column, $type) = $meta;
$resultRow[$table][$column] = $row[$col];
if ($type === 'boolean' && $row[$col] !== null) {
$resultRow[$table][$column] = $this->boolean($resultRow[$table][$column]);
return $resultRow;
return false;
* Gets the database encoding
* @return string The database encoding
public function getEncoding() {
return $this->_execute('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE ?', array('character_set_client'))->fetchObject()->Value;
* Query charset by collation
* @param string $name Collation name
* @return string|false Character set name
public function getCharsetName($name) {
if ((bool)version_compare($this->getVersion(), "5", "<")) {
return false;
if (isset($this->_charsets[$name])) {
return $this->_charsets[$name];
$r = $this->_execute(
$cols = $r->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (isset($cols['CHARACTER_SET_NAME'])) {
$this->_charsets[$name] = $cols['CHARACTER_SET_NAME'];
} else {
$this->_charsets[$name] = false;
return $this->_charsets[$name];
* Returns an array of the fields in given table name.
* @param Model|string $model Name of database table to inspect or model instance
* @return array Fields in table. Keys are name and type
* @throws CakeException
public function describe($model) {
$key = $this->fullTableName($model, false);
$cache = parent::describe($key);
if ($cache) {
return $cache;
$table = $this->fullTableName($model);
$fields = false;
$cols = $this->_execute('SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM ' . $table);
if (!$cols) {
throw new CakeException(__d('cake_dev', 'Could not describe table for %s', $table));
while ($column = $cols->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$fields[$column->Field] = array(
'type' => $this->column($column->Type),
'null' => ($column->Null === 'YES' ? true : false),
'default' => $column->Default,
'length' => $this->length($column->Type)
if (in_array($fields[$column->Field]['type'], $this->fieldParameters['unsigned']['types'], true)) {
$fields[$column->Field]['unsigned'] = $this->_unsigned($column->Type);
if (in_array($fields[$column->Field]['type'], array('timestamp', 'datetime')) &&
in_array(strtoupper($column->Default), array('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()'))
) {
$fields[$column->Field]['default'] = null;
if (!empty($column->Key) && isset($this->index[$column->Key])) {
$fields[$column->Field]['key'] = $this->index[$column->Key];
foreach ($this->fieldParameters as $name => $value) {
if (!empty($column->{$value['column']})) {
$fields[$column->Field][$name] = $column->{$value['column']};
if (isset($fields[$column->Field]['collate'])) {
$charset = $this->getCharsetName($fields[$column->Field]['collate']);
if ($charset) {
$fields[$column->Field]['charset'] = $charset;
$this->_cacheDescription($key, $fields);
return $fields;
* Generates and executes an SQL UPDATE statement for given model, fields, and values.
* @param Model $model The model to update.
* @param array $fields The fields to update.
* @param array $values The values to set.
* @param mixed $conditions The conditions to use.
* @return bool
public function update(Model $model, $fields = array(), $values = null, $conditions = null) {
if (!$this->_useAlias) {
return parent::update($model, $fields, $values, $conditions);
if (!$values) {
$combined = $fields;
} else {
$combined = array_combine($fields, $values);
$alias = $joins = false;
$fields = $this->_prepareUpdateFields($model, $combined, empty($conditions), !empty($conditions));
$fields = implode(', ', $fields);
$table = $this->fullTableName($model);
if (!empty($conditions)) {
$alias = $this->name($model->alias);
if ($model->name === $model->alias) {
$joins = implode(' ', $this->_getJoins($model));
$conditions = $this->conditions($this->defaultConditions($model, $conditions, $alias), true, true, $model);
if ($conditions === false) {
return false;
if (!$this->execute($this->renderStatement('update', compact('table', 'alias', 'joins', 'fields', 'conditions')))) {
return false;
return true;
* Generates and executes an SQL DELETE statement for given id/conditions on given model.
* @param Model $model The model to delete from.
* @param mixed $conditions The conditions to use.
* @return bool Success
public function delete(Model $model, $conditions = null) {
if (!$this->_useAlias) {
return parent::delete($model, $conditions);
$alias = $this->name($model->alias);
$table = $this->fullTableName($model);
$joins = implode(' ', $this->_getJoins($model));
if (empty($conditions)) {
$alias = $joins = false;
$complexConditions = $this->_deleteNeedsComplexConditions($model, $conditions);
if (!$complexConditions) {
$joins = false;
$conditions = $this->conditions($this->defaultConditions($model, $conditions, $alias), true, true, $model);
if ($conditions === false) {
return false;
if ($this->execute($this->renderStatement('delete', compact('alias', 'table', 'joins', 'conditions'))) === false) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks whether complex conditions are needed for a delete with the given conditions.
* @param Model $model The model to delete from.
* @param mixed $conditions The conditions to use.
* @return bool Whether or not complex conditions are needed
protected function _deleteNeedsComplexConditions(Model $model, $conditions) {
$fields = array_keys($this->describe($model));
foreach ((array)$conditions as $key => $value) {
if (in_array(strtolower(trim($key)), $this->_sqlBoolOps, true)) {
if ($this->_deleteNeedsComplexConditions($model, $value)) {
return true;
} elseif (strpos($key, $model->alias) === false && !in_array($key, $fields, true)) {
return true;
return false;
* Sets the database encoding
* @param string $enc Database encoding
* @return bool
public function setEncoding($enc) {
return $this->_execute('SET NAMES ' . $enc) !== false;
* Returns an array of the indexes in given datasource name.
* @param string $model Name of model to inspect
* @return array Fields in table. Keys are column and unique
public function index($model) {
$index = array();
$table = $this->fullTableName($model);
$old = version_compare($this->getVersion(), '4.1', '<=');
if ($table) {
$indexes = $this->_execute('SHOW INDEX FROM ' . $table);
// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
// MySQL columns don't match the cakephp conventions.
while ($idx = $indexes->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
if ($old) {
$idx = (object)current((array)$idx);
if (!isset($index[$idx->Key_name]['column'])) {
$col = array();
$index[$idx->Key_name]['column'] = $idx->Column_name;
if ($idx->Index_type === 'FULLTEXT') {
$index[$idx->Key_name]['type'] = strtolower($idx->Index_type);
} else {
$index[$idx->Key_name]['unique'] = (int)($idx->Non_unique == 0);
} else {
if (!empty($index[$idx->Key_name]['column']) && !is_array($index[$idx->Key_name]['column'])) {
$col[] = $index[$idx->Key_name]['column'];
$col[] = $idx->Column_name;
$index[$idx->Key_name]['column'] = $col;
if (!empty($idx->Sub_part)) {
if (!isset($index[$idx->Key_name]['length'])) {
$index[$idx->Key_name]['length'] = array();
$index[$idx->Key_name]['length'][$idx->Column_name] = $idx->Sub_part;
// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
return $index;
* Generate a MySQL Alter Table syntax for the given Schema comparison
* @param array $compare Result of a CakeSchema::compare()
* @param string $table The table name.
* @return string|false String of alter statements to make.
public function alterSchema($compare, $table = null) {
if (!is_array($compare)) {
return false;
$out = '';
$colList = array();
foreach ($compare as $curTable => $types) {
$indexes = $tableParameters = $colList = array();
if (!$table || $table === $curTable) {
$out .= 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this->fullTableName($curTable) . " \n";
foreach ($types as $type => $column) {
if (isset($column['indexes'])) {
$indexes[$type] = $column['indexes'];
if (isset($column['tableParameters'])) {
$tableParameters[$type] = $column['tableParameters'];
switch ($type) {
case 'add':
foreach ($column as $field => $col) {
$col['name'] = $field;
$alter = 'ADD ' . $this->buildColumn($col);
if (isset($col['after'])) {
$alter .= ' AFTER ' . $this->name($col['after']);
$colList[] = $alter;
case 'drop':
foreach ($column as $field => $col) {
$col['name'] = $field;
$colList[] = 'DROP ' . $this->name($field);
case 'change':
foreach ($column as $field => $col) {
if (!isset($col['name'])) {
$col['name'] = $field;
$alter = 'CHANGE ' . $this->name($field) . ' ' . $this->buildColumn($col);
if (isset($col['after'])) {
$alter .= ' AFTER ' . $this->name($col['after']);
$colList[] = $alter;
$colList = array_merge($colList, $this->_alterIndexes($curTable, $indexes));
$colList = array_merge($colList, $this->_alterTableParameters($curTable, $tableParameters));
$out .= "\t" . implode(",\n\t", $colList) . ";\n\n";
return $out;
* Generate a "drop table" statement for the given table
* @param type $table Name of the table to drop
* @return string Drop table SQL statement
protected function _dropTable($table) {
return 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $this->fullTableName($table) . ";";
* Generate MySQL table parameter alteration statements for a table.
* @param string $table Table to alter parameters for.
* @param array $parameters Parameters to add & drop.
* @return array Array of table property alteration statements.
protected function _alterTableParameters($table, $parameters) {
if (isset($parameters['change'])) {
return $this->buildTableParameters($parameters['change']);
return array();
* Format indexes for create table
* @param array $indexes An array of indexes to generate SQL from
* @param string $table Optional table name, not used
* @return array An array of SQL statements for indexes
* @see DboSource::buildIndex()
public function buildIndex($indexes, $table = null) {
$join = array();
foreach ($indexes as $name => $value) {
$out = '';
if ($name === 'PRIMARY') {
$out .= 'PRIMARY ';
$name = null;
} else {
if (!empty($value['unique'])) {
$out .= 'UNIQUE ';
$name = $this->startQuote . $name . $this->endQuote;
if (isset($value['type']) && strtolower($value['type']) === 'fulltext') {
$out .= 'FULLTEXT ';
$out .= 'KEY ' . $name . ' (';
if (is_array($value['column'])) {
if (isset($value['length'])) {
$vals = array();
foreach ($value['column'] as $column) {
$name = $this->name($column);
if (isset($value['length'])) {
$name .= $this->_buildIndexSubPart($value['length'], $column);
$vals[] = $name;
$out .= implode(', ', $vals);
} else {
$out .= implode(', ', array_map(array(&$this, 'name'), $value['column']));
} else {
$out .= $this->name($value['column']);
if (isset($value['length'])) {
$out .= $this->_buildIndexSubPart($value['length'], $value['column']);
$out .= ')';
$join[] = $out;
return $join;
* Generate MySQL index alteration statements for a table.
* @param string $table Table to alter indexes for
* @param array $indexes Indexes to add and drop
* @return array Index alteration statements
protected function _alterIndexes($table, $indexes) {
$alter = array();
if (isset($indexes['drop'])) {
foreach ($indexes['drop'] as $name => $value) {
$out = 'DROP ';
if ($name === 'PRIMARY') {
$out .= 'PRIMARY KEY';
} else {
$out .= 'KEY ' . $this->startQuote . $name . $this->endQuote;
$alter[] = $out;
if (isset($indexes['add'])) {
$add = $this->buildIndex($indexes['add']);
foreach ($add as $index) {
$alter[] = 'ADD ' . $index;
return $alter;
* Format length for text indexes
* @param array $lengths An array of lengths for a single index
* @param string $column The column for which to generate the index length
* @return string Formatted length part of an index field
protected function _buildIndexSubPart($lengths, $column) {
if ($lengths === null) {
return '';
if (!isset($lengths[$column])) {
return '';
return '(' . $lengths[$column] . ')';
* Returns a detailed array of sources (tables) in the database.
* @param string $name Table name to get parameters
* @return array Array of table names in the database
public function listDetailedSources($name = null) {
$condition = '';
if (is_string($name)) {
$condition = ' WHERE name = ' . $this->value($name);
$result = $this->_connection->query('SHOW TABLE STATUS ' . $condition, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (!$result) {
return array();
$tables = array();
foreach ($result as $row) {
$tables[$row['Name']] = (array)$row;
if (!empty($row['Collation'])) {
$charset = $this->getCharsetName($row['Collation']);
if ($charset) {
$tables[$row['Name']]['charset'] = $charset;
if (is_string($name) && isset($tables[$name])) {
return $tables[$name];
return $tables;
* Converts database-layer column types to basic types
* @param string $real Real database-layer column type (i.e. "varchar(255)")
* @return string Abstract column type (i.e. "string")
public function column($real) {
if (is_array($real)) {
$col = $real['name'];
if (isset($real['limit'])) {
$col .= '(' . $real['limit'] . ')';
return $col;
$col = str_replace(')', '', $real);
$limit = $this->length($real);
if (strpos($col, '(') !== false) {
list($col, $vals) = explode('(', $col);
if (in_array($col, array('date', 'time', 'datetime', 'timestamp'))) {
return $col;
if (($col === 'tinyint' && $limit === 1) || $col === 'boolean') {
return 'boolean';
if (strpos($col, 'bigint') !== false || $col === 'bigint') {
return 'biginteger';
if (strpos($col, 'tinyint') !== false) {
return 'tinyinteger';
if (strpos($col, 'smallint') !== false) {
return 'smallinteger';
if (strpos($col, 'int') !== false) {
return 'integer';
if (strpos($col, 'char') !== false || $col === 'tinytext') {
return 'string';
if (strpos($col, 'text') !== false) {
return 'text';
if (strpos($col, 'blob') !== false || $col === 'binary') {
return 'binary';
if (strpos($col, 'float') !== false || strpos($col, 'double') !== false) {
return 'float';
if (strpos($col, 'decimal') !== false || strpos($col, 'numeric') !== false) {
return 'decimal';
if (strpos($col, 'enum') !== false) {
return "enum($vals)";
if (strpos($col, 'set') !== false) {
return "set($vals)";
return 'text';
* {@inheritDoc}
public function value($data, $column = null, $null = true) {
$value = parent::value($data, $column, $null);
if (is_numeric($value) && substr($column, 0, 3) === 'set') {
return $this->_connection->quote($value);
return $value;
* Gets the schema name
* @return string The schema name
public function getSchemaName() {
return $this->config['database'];
* Check if the server support nested transactions
* @return bool
public function nestedTransactionSupported() {
return $this->useNestedTransactions && version_compare($this->getVersion(), '4.1', '>=');
* Check if column type is unsigned
* @param string $real Real database-layer column type (i.e. "varchar(255)")
* @return bool True if column is unsigned, false otherwise
protected function _unsigned($real) {
return strpos(strtolower($real), 'unsigned') !== false;
* Inserts multiple values into a table. Uses a single query in order to insert
* multiple rows.
* @param string $table The table being inserted into.
* @param array $fields The array of field/column names being inserted.
* @param array $values The array of values to insert. The values should
* be an array of rows. Each row should have values keyed by the column name.
* Each row must have the values in the same order as $fields.
* @return bool
public function insertMulti($table, $fields, $values) {
$table = $this->fullTableName($table);
$holder = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($fields), '?'));
$fields = implode(', ', array_map(array($this, 'name'), $fields));
$pdoMap = array(
'integer' => PDO::PARAM_INT,
'float' => PDO::PARAM_STR,
'boolean' => PDO::PARAM_BOOL,
'string' => PDO::PARAM_STR,
'text' => PDO::PARAM_STR
$columnMap = array();
$rowHolder = "({$holder})";
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$table} ({$fields}) VALUES ";
$countRows = count($values);
for ($i = 0; $i < $countRows; $i++) {
if ($i !== 0) {
$sql .= ',';
$sql .= " $rowHolder";
$statement = $this->_connection->prepare($sql);
foreach ($values[key($values)] as $key => $val) {
$type = $this->introspectType($val);
$columnMap[$key] = $pdoMap[$type];
$valuesList = array();
$i = 1;
foreach ($values as $value) {
foreach ($value as $col => $val) {
$valuesList[] = $val;
$statement->bindValue($i, $val, $columnMap[$col]);
$result = $statement->execute();
if ($this->fullDebug) {
$this->logQuery($sql, $valuesList);
return $result;

View File

@ -1063,9 +1063,9 @@ class Event extends AppModel
return $error;
private function __executeRestfulEventToServer($event, $server, $resourceId, &$newLocation, &$newTextBody, $HttpSocket)
private function __executeRestfulEventToServer($event, $server, $resourceId, &$newLocation, &$newTextBody, $HttpSocket, $scope)
$result = $this->restfulEventToServer($event, $server, $resourceId, $newLocation, $newTextBody, $HttpSocket);
$result = $this->restfulEventToServer($event, $server, $resourceId, $newLocation, $newTextBody, $HttpSocket, $scope);
if (is_numeric($result)) {
$error = $this->__resolveErrorCode($result, $event, $server);
if ($error) {
@ -1075,24 +1075,51 @@ class Event extends AppModel
return true;
public function uploadEventToServer($event, $server, $HttpSocket = null)
public function uploadSightingsToServer($sightings, $server, $event_uuid, $HttpSocket = null)
$HttpSocket = $this->setupHttpSocket($server, $HttpSocket);
$request = $this->setupSyncRequest($server);
$uri = $server['Server']['url'] . '/sightings/bulkSaveSightings/' . $event_uuid;
foreach ($sightings as &$sighting) {
if (!isset($sighting['org_id'])) {
$sighting['org_id'] = '0';
$data = json_encode($sightings);
if (!empty(Configure::read('Security.sync_audit'))) {
$pushLogEntry = sprintf(
"==============================================================\n\n[%s] Pushing Sightings for Event #%s to Server #%d:\n\n%s\n\n",
date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
file_put_contents(APP . 'files/scripts/tmp/debug_server_' . $server['Server']['id'] . '.log', $pushLogEntry, FILE_APPEND);
$response = $HttpSocket->post($uri, $data, $request);
return $this->__handleRestfulEventToServerResponse($response, $newLocation, $newTextBody);
public function uploadEventToServer($event, $server, $HttpSocket = null, $scope = 'events')
$this->Server = ClassRegistry::init('Server');
$push = $this->Server->checkVersionCompatibility($server['Server']['id'], false, $HttpSocket);
if (empty($push['canPush'])) {
if ($scope === 'events' && empty($push['canPush'])) {
return 'The remote user is not a sync user - the upload of the event has been blocked.';
} elseif ($scope === 'sightings' && empty($push['canPush']) && empty($push['canSight'])) {
return 'The remote user is not a sightings user - the upload of the sightings has been blocked.';
if (!empty($server['Server']['unpublish_event'])) {
$event['Event']['published'] = 0;
$updated = null;
$newLocation = $newTextBody = '';
$result = $this->__executeRestfulEventToServer($event, $server, null, $newLocation, $newTextBody, $HttpSocket);
$result = $this->__executeRestfulEventToServer($event, $server, null, $newLocation, $newTextBody, $HttpSocket, $scope);
if ($result !== true) {
return $result;
if (strlen($newLocation)) { // HTTP/1.1 302 Found and Location: http://<newLocation>
$result = $this->__executeRestfulEventToServer($event, $server, $newLocation, $newLocation, $newTextBody, $HttpSocket);
$result = $this->__executeRestfulEventToServer($event, $server, $newLocation, $newLocation, $newTextBody, $HttpSocket, $scope);
if ($result !== true) {
return $result;
@ -1181,7 +1208,7 @@ class Event extends AppModel
// Uploads the event and the associated Attributes to another Server
public function restfulEventToServer($event, $server, $urlPath, &$newLocation, &$newTextBody, $HttpSocket = null)
public function restfulEventToServer($event, $server, $urlPath, &$newLocation, &$newTextBody, $HttpSocket = null, $scope)
$event = $this->__prepareForPushToServer($event, $server);
if (is_numeric($event)) {
@ -1190,7 +1217,11 @@ class Event extends AppModel
$url = $server['Server']['url'];
$HttpSocket = $this->setupHttpSocket($server, $HttpSocket);
$request = $this->setupSyncRequest($server);
$uri = $url . '/events' . $this->__getLastUrlPathComponent($urlPath);
if ($scope === 'sightings') {
$scope .= '/bulkSaveSightings';
$urlPath = $event['Event']['uuid'];
$uri = $url . '/' . $scope . $this->__getLastUrlPathComponent($urlPath);
$data = json_encode($event);
if (!empty(Configure::read('Security.sync_audit'))) {
$pushLogEntry = sprintf(
@ -2095,6 +2126,7 @@ class Event extends AppModel
if ($options['metadata']) {
if ($user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) {
$params['contain']['User'] = array('fields' => 'email');
@ -2104,7 +2136,6 @@ class Event extends AppModel
return array();
// Do some refactoring with the event
$this->Sighting = ClassRegistry::init('Sighting');
$userEmails = array();
$fields = array(
'common' => array('distribution', 'sharing_group_id', 'uuid'),
@ -2157,7 +2188,7 @@ class Event extends AppModel
$event['Attribute'] = $this->Feed->attachFeedCorrelations($event['Attribute'], $user, $event['Event'], $overrideLimit);
if (!empty($options['includeServerCorrelations']) && $user['org_id'] == Configure::read('MISP.host_org_id')) {
if (!empty($options['includeServerCorrelations']) && ($user['Role']['perm_site_admin'] || $user['org_id'] == Configure::read('MISP.host_org_id'))) {
$this->Feed = ClassRegistry::init('Feed');
if (!empty($options['overrideLimit'])) {
$overrideLimit = true;
@ -2269,7 +2300,10 @@ class Event extends AppModel
$event['ShadowAttribute'] = $this->Feed->attachFeedCorrelations($event['ShadowAttribute'], $user, $event['Event'], $overrideLimit, 'Server');
$event['Sighting'] = $this->Sighting->attachToEvent($event, $user);
if (empty($options['metadata'])) {
$this->Sighting = ClassRegistry::init('Sighting');
$event['Sighting'] = $this->Sighting->attachToEvent($event, $user);
if ($options['includeSightingdb']) {
$this->Sightingdb = ClassRegistry::init('Sightingdb');
$event = $this->Sightingdb->attachToEvent($event, $user);
@ -4047,8 +4081,8 @@ class Event extends AppModel
return true;
// Uploads this specific event to all remote servers
public function uploadEventToServersRouter($id, $passAlong = null)
// Uploads this specific event or sightings to all remote servers
public function uploadEventToServersRouter($id, $passAlong = null, $scope = 'events')
$eventOrgcId = $this->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array('' => $id),
@ -4092,7 +4126,8 @@ class Event extends AppModel
$failedServers = array();
App::uses('SyncTool', 'Tools');
foreach ($servers as &$server) {
if ((!isset($server['Server']['internal']) || !$server['Server']['internal']) && $event['Event']['distribution'] < 2) {
if (((!isset($server['Server']['internal']) || !$server['Server']['internal']) && $event['Event']['distribution'] < 2) ||
((!isset($server['Server']['push_sightings']) || !$server['Server']['push_sightings'])) && $scope === 'sightings') {
$syncTool = new SyncTool();
@ -4116,14 +4151,31 @@ class Event extends AppModel
$event = $this->fetchEvent($elevatedUser, $params);
$event = $event[0];
$event['Event']['locked'] = 1;
$thisUploaded = $this->uploadEventToServer($event, $server, $HttpSocket);
// attach sightings if needed
if ($scope === 'sightings') {
$this->Sighting = ClassRegistry::init('Sighting');
$fakeSyncUser = array(
'org_id' => $server['Server']['remote_org_id'],
'Role' => array(
'perm_site_admin' => 0
$sightings = $this->Sighting->attachToEvent($event, $fakeSyncUser);
if (!empty($sightings)) {
$thisUploaded = $this->uploadSightingsToServer($sightings, $server, $event['Event']['uuid'], $HttpSocket);
} else {
$thisUploaded = true;
} else {
$thisUploaded = $this->uploadEventToServer($event, $server, $HttpSocket, $scope);
if (isset($this->data['ShadowAttribute'])) {
$this->Server->syncProposals($HttpSocket, $server, null, $id, $this);
if (!$thisUploaded) {
$uploaded = !$uploaded ? $uploaded : $thisUploaded;
$failedServers[] = $server['Server']['url'];
if (isset($this->data['ShadowAttribute'])) {
$this->Server->syncProposals($HttpSocket, $server, null, $id, $this);
if (!$uploaded) {
@ -4149,9 +4201,16 @@ class Event extends AppModel
return $workerType;
public function publishRouter($id, $passAlong = null, $user)
public function publishRouter($id, $passAlong = null, $user, $scope = 'events')
if (Configure::read('MISP.background_jobs')) {
$job_type = 'publish_' . $scope;
$function = 'publish';
$message = 'Publishing.';
if ($scope === 'sightings') {
$message = 'Publishing sightings.';
$function = 'publish_sightings';
$job = ClassRegistry::init('Job');
$data = array(
@ -4162,24 +4221,56 @@ class Event extends AppModel
'retries' => 0,
'org_id' => $user['org_id'],
'org' => $user['Organisation']['name'],
'message' => 'Publishing.',
'message' => $message
$jobId = $job->id;
$process_id = CakeResque::enqueue(
array('publish', $id, $passAlong, $jobId, $user['id']),
array($function, $id, $passAlong, $jobId, $user['id']),
$job->saveField('process_id', $process_id);
return $process_id;
} elseif ($scope === 'sightings') {
$result = $this->publish_sightings($id, $passAlong);
return $result;
} else {
$result = $this->publish($id, $passAlong);
return $result;
public function publish_sightings($id, $passAlong = null, $jobId = null)
if (is_numeric($id)) {
$condition = array('' => $id);
} else {
$condition = array('Event.uuid' => $id);
$event = $this->find('first', array(
'recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => $condition
if (empty($event)) {
return false;
if ($jobId) {
} else {
// update the DB to set the sightings timestamp
// for background jobs, this should be done already
$fieldList = array('id', 'info', 'sighting_timestamp');
$event['Event']['sighting_timestamp'] = time();
$event['Event']['skip_zmq'] = 1;
$event['Event']['skip_kafka'] = 1;
$this->save($event, array('fieldList' => $fieldList));
$uploaded = $this->uploadEventToServersRouter($id, $passAlong, 'sightings');
return $uploaded;
// Performs all the actions required to publish an event
public function publish($id, $passAlong = null, $jobId = null)
@ -4450,19 +4541,27 @@ class Event extends AppModel
return false;
public function removeOlder(&$eventArray)
public function removeOlder(&$eventArray, $scope = 'events')
if ($scope === 'sightings' ) {
$field = 'sighting_timestamp';
} else {
$field = 'timestamp';
$uuidsToCheck = array();
foreach ($eventArray as $k => &$event) {
$uuidsToCheck[$event['uuid']] = $k;
$localEvents = array();
$temp = $this->find('all', array('recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('Event.uuid', 'Event.timestamp', 'Event.locked')));
$temp = $this->find('all', array('recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('Event.uuid', 'Event.' . $field, 'Event.locked')));
foreach ($temp as $e) {
$localEvents[$e['Event']['uuid']] = array('timestamp' => $e['Event']['timestamp'], 'locked' => $e['Event']['locked']);
$localEvents[$e['Event']['uuid']] = array($field => $e['Event'][$field], 'locked' => $e['Event']['locked']);
foreach ($uuidsToCheck as $uuid => $eventArrayId) {
if (isset($localEvents[$uuid]) && ($localEvents[$uuid]['timestamp'] >= $eventArray[$eventArrayId]['timestamp'] || !$localEvents[$uuid]['locked'])) {
if (isset($localEvents[$uuid])
&& ($localEvents[$uuid][$field] >= $eventArray[$eventArrayId][$field]
|| ($scope === 'events' && !$localEvents[$uuid]['locked'])))

View File

@ -365,19 +365,12 @@ class Feed extends AppModel
if ($scope === 'Server' || $source[$scope]['source_format'] == 'misp') {
$pipe = $redis->multi(Redis::PIPELINE);
$eventUuidHitPosition = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($objects as $k => $object) {
if (isset($object[$scope])) {
foreach ($object[$scope] as $currentFeed) {
if ($source[$scope]['id'] == $currentFeed['id']) {
$eventUuidHitPosition[$i] = $k;
if (in_array($object['type'], $compositeTypes)) {
$value = explode('|', $object['value']);
$redis->smembers($cachePrefix . 'event_uuid_lookup:' . md5($value[0]));
} else {
$redis->smembers($cachePrefix . 'event_uuid_lookup:' . md5($object['value']));
$eventUuidHitPosition[] = $k;
$redis->smembers($cachePrefix . 'event_uuid_lookup:' . $hashTable[$k]);

View File

@ -16,52 +16,55 @@ class Log extends AppModel
public $validate = array(
'action' => array(
'rule' => array('inList', array(
'publish alert',
'rule' => array(
array( // ensure that the length of the rules is < 20 in length
'publish alert',
'message' => 'Options : ...'

View File

@ -81,6 +81,16 @@ class Server extends AppModel
//'on' => 'create', // Limit validation to 'create' or 'update' operations
'push_sightings' => array(
'boolean' => array(
'rule' => array('boolean'),
//'message' => 'Your custom message here',
'allowEmpty' => true,
'required' => false,
//'last' => false, // Stop validation after this rule
//'on' => 'create', // Limit validation to 'create' or 'update' operations
'lastpushedid' => array(
'numeric' => array(
'rule' => array('numeric'),
@ -2504,6 +2514,11 @@ class Server extends AppModel
$job->saveField('message', 'Pulling proposals.');
$pulledProposals = $eventModel->ShadowAttribute->pullProposals($user, $server);
if ($jobId) {
$job->saveField('progress', 75);
$job->saveField('message', 'Pulling sightings.');
$pulledSightings = $eventModel->Sighting->pullSightings($user, $server);
if ($jobId) {
$job->saveField('progress', 100);
$job->saveField('message', 'Pull completed.');
@ -2520,13 +2535,14 @@ class Server extends AppModel
'user_id' => $user['id'],
'title' => 'Pull from ' . $server['Server']['url'] . ' initiated by ' . $email,
'change' => sprintf(
'%s events and %s proposals pulled or updated. %s events failed or didn\'t need an update.',
'%s events, %s proposals and %s sightings pulled or updated. %s events failed or didn\'t need an update.',
return array($successes, $fails, $pulledProposals);
return array($successes, $fails, $pulledProposals, $pulledSightings);
public function filterRuleToParameter($filter_rules)
@ -2558,7 +2574,7 @@ class Server extends AppModel
// Get an array of event_ids that are present on the remote server
public function getEventIdsFromServer($server, $all = false, $HttpSocket=null, $force_uuid=false, $ignoreFilterRules = false)
public function getEventIdsFromServer($server, $all = false, $HttpSocket=null, $force_uuid=false, $ignoreFilterRules = false, $scope = 'events')
$url = $server['Server']['url'];
if ($ignoreFilterRules) {
@ -2585,8 +2601,21 @@ class Server extends AppModel
$eventIds = array();
if ($all) {
if (!empty($eventArray)) {
foreach ($eventArray as $event) {
$eventIds[] = $event['uuid'];
if ($scope === 'sightings') {
foreach ($eventArray as $event) {
$localEvent = $this->Event->find('first', array(
'recursive' => -1,
'fields' => array('Event.uuid', 'Event.sighting_timestamp'),
'conditions' => array('Event.uuid' => $event['uuid'])
if (!empty($localEvent) && $localEvent['Event']['sighting_timestamp'] > $event['sighting_timestamp']) {
$eventIds[] = $event['uuid'];
} else {
foreach ($eventArray as $event) {
$eventIds[] = $event['uuid'];
} else {
@ -2626,7 +2655,7 @@ class Server extends AppModel
$this->Event->removeOlder($eventArray, $scope);
if (!empty($eventArray)) {
foreach ($eventArray as $event) {
if ($force_uuid) {
@ -2731,7 +2760,7 @@ class Server extends AppModel
), // array of conditions
'recursive' => -1, //int
'contain' => array('EventTag' => array('fields' => array('EventTag.tag_id'))),
'fields' => array('', 'Event.timestamp', 'Event.uuid', 'Event.orgc_id'), // array of field names
'fields' => array('', 'Event.timestamp', 'Event.sighting_timestamp', 'Event.uuid', 'Event.orgc_id'), // array of field names
$eventIds = $this->Event->find('all', $findParams);
$eventUUIDsFiltered = $this->getEventIdsForPush($id, $HttpSocket, $eventIds, $user);
@ -2740,7 +2769,7 @@ class Server extends AppModel
if (!empty($eventUUIDsFiltered)) {
$eventCount = count($eventUUIDsFiltered);
// now process the $eventIds to pull each of the events sequentially
// now process the $eventIds to push each of the events sequentially
if (!empty($eventUUIDsFiltered)) {
$successes = array();
$fails = array();
@ -2788,9 +2817,12 @@ class Server extends AppModel
$this->syncProposals($HttpSocket, $this->data, null, null, $this->Event);
$sightingSuccesses = $this->syncSightings($HttpSocket, $this->data, $user, $this->Event);
if (!isset($successes)) {
$successes = array();
$successes = $sightingSuccesses;
} else {
$successes = array_merge($successes, $sightingSuccesses);
if (!isset($fails)) {
$fails = array();
@ -2843,6 +2875,33 @@ class Server extends AppModel
return $uuidList;
public function syncSightings($HttpSocket, $server, $user, $eventModel)
$successes = array();
if (!$server['Server']['push_sightings']) {
return $successes;
$this->Sighting = ClassRegistry::init('Sighting');
$HttpSocket = $this->setupHttpSocket($server, $HttpSocket);
$eventIds = $this->getEventIdsFromServer($server, true, $HttpSocket, false, true, 'sightings');
// now process the $eventIds to push each of the events sequentially
if (!empty($eventIds)) {
// check each event and push sightings when needed
foreach ($eventIds as $k => $eventId) {
$event = $eventModel->fetchEvent($user, $options = array('event_uuid' => $eventId, 'metadata' => true));
if (!empty($event)) {
$event = $event[0];
$event['Sighting'] = $this->Sighting->attachToEvent($event, $user);
$result = $eventModel->uploadEventToServer($event, $server, $HttpSocket, 'sightings');
if ($result === 'Success') {
$successes[] = 'Sightings for event ' . $event['Event']['id'];
return $successes;
public function syncProposals($HttpSocket, $server, $sa_id = null, $event_id = null, $eventModel)
$saModel = ClassRegistry::init('ShadowAttribute');
@ -4123,6 +4182,7 @@ class Server extends AppModel
$remoteVersion = json_decode($response->body, true);
$canPush = isset($remoteVersion['perm_sync']) ? $remoteVersion['perm_sync'] : false;
$canSight = isset($remoteVersion['perm_sighting']) ? $remoteVersion['perm_sighting'] : false;
$remoteVersion = explode('.', $remoteVersion['version']);
if (!isset($remoteVersion[0])) {
$this->Log = ClassRegistry::init('Log');
@ -4184,7 +4244,7 @@ class Server extends AppModel
'title' => ucfirst($issueLevel) . ': ' . $response,
return array('success' => $success, 'response' => $response, 'canPush' => $canPush, 'version' => $remoteVersion);
return array('success' => $success, 'response' => $response, 'canPush' => $canPush, 'canSight' => $canSight, 'version' => $remoteVersion);
public function isJson($string)
@ -4302,9 +4362,69 @@ class Server extends AppModel
} else {
$schemaDiagnostic['error'] = sprintf('Diagnostic not available for DataSource `%s`', $dataSource);
if (!empty($schemaDiagnostic['diagnostic'])) {
foreach ($schemaDiagnostic['diagnostic'] as $table => &$fields) {
foreach ($fields as &$field) {
$field = $this->__attachRecoveryQuery($field, $table);
return $schemaDiagnostic;
* Work in progress, still needs DEFAULT in the schema for it to work correctly
* Currently only works for missing_column and column_different
* Only currently supported field types are: int, tinyint, varchar, text
private function __attachRecoveryQuery($field, $table)
if ($field['is_critical']) {
$length = false;
if (in_array($field['error_type'], array('missing_column', 'column_different'))) {
if ($field['expected']['data_type'] === 'int') {
$length = 11;
} elseif ($field['expected']['data_type'] === 'tinyint') {
$length = 1;
} elseif ($field['expected']['data_type'] === 'varchar') {
$length = $field['expected']['character_maximum_length'];
} elseif ($field['expected']['data_type'] === 'text') {
$length = null;
if ($length !== false) {
switch($field['error_type']) {
case 'missing_column':
$field['sql'] = sprintf(
'ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `%s` %s%s %s %s;',
$length !== null ? sprintf('(%d)', $length) : '',
isset($field['expected']['default']) ? 'DEFAULT "' . $field['expected']['default'] . '"' : '',
$field['expected']['is_nullable'] === 'NO' ? 'NOT NULL' : 'NULL',
empty($field['expected']['collation_name']) ? '' : 'COLLATE ' . $field['expected']['collation_name']
case 'column_different':
$field['sql'] = sprintf(
'ALTER TABLE `%s` CHANGE `%s` `%s` %s%s %s %s;',
$length !== null ? sprintf('(%d)', $length) : '',
isset($field['expected']['default']) ? 'DEFAULT "' . $field['expected']['default'] . '"' : '',
$field['expected']['is_nullable'] === 'NO' ? 'NOT NULL' : 'NULL',
empty($field['expected']['collation_name']) ? '' : 'COLLATE ' . $field['expected']['collation_name']
return $field;
public function getExpectedDBSchema()
App::uses('Folder', 'Utility');
@ -4379,6 +4499,7 @@ class Server extends AppModel
if (!array_key_exists($tableName, $dbActualSchema)) {
$dbDiff[$tableName][] = array(
'description' => sprintf(__('Table `%s` does not exist'), $tableName),
'error_type' => 'missing_table',
'column_name' => $tableName,
'is_critical' => true
@ -4404,6 +4525,7 @@ class Server extends AppModel
$dbDiff[$tableName][] = array(
'description' => sprintf(__('Column `%s` exists but should not'), $additionalKeys),
'error_type' => 'additional_column',
'column_name' => $additionalKeys,
'is_critical' => false
@ -4426,6 +4548,7 @@ class Server extends AppModel
$dbDiff[$tableName][] = array(
'description' => sprintf(__('Column `%s` is different'), $columnName),
'column_name' => $column['column_name'],
'error_type' => 'column_different',
'actual' => $keyedActualColumn[$columnName],
'expected' => $column,
'is_critical' => $isCritical
@ -4435,6 +4558,7 @@ class Server extends AppModel
$dbDiff[$tableName][] = array(
'description' => sprintf(__('Column `%s` does not exist but should'), $columnName),
'column_name' => $columnName,
'error_type' => 'missing_column',
'actual' => array(),
'expected' => $column,
'is_critical' => true
@ -4447,6 +4571,7 @@ class Server extends AppModel
$dbDiff[$additionalTable][] = array(
'description' => sprintf(__('Table `%s` is an additional table'), $additionalTable),
'column_name' => $additionalTable,
'error_type' => 'additional_table',
'is_critical' => false
@ -4584,6 +4709,7 @@ class Server extends AppModel
'binary' => Configure::read('GnuPG.binary') ?: '/usr/bin/gpg'
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->logException("Error during initializing GPG.", $e, LOG_NOTICE);
$gpgStatus = 2;
$continue = false;
@ -4591,6 +4717,7 @@ class Server extends AppModel
try {
$key = $gpg->addSignKey(Configure::read(''), Configure::read('GnuPG.password'));
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->logException("Error during adding GPG signing key.", $e, LOG_NOTICE);
$gpgStatus = 3;
$continue = false;
@ -4600,6 +4727,7 @@ class Server extends AppModel
$gpgStatus = 0;
$signed = $gpg->sign('test', Crypt_GPG::SIGN_MODE_CLEAR);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->logException("Error during GPG signing.", $e, LOG_NOTICE);
$gpgStatus = 4;

View File

@ -248,10 +248,9 @@ class Sighting extends AppModel
return array();
$anonymise = Configure::read('Plugin.Sightings_anonymise');
foreach ($sightings as $k => $sighting) {
if (
$sighting['Sighting']['org_id'] == 0 && !empty($sighting['Organisation']) ||
($sighting['Sighting']['org_id'] == 0 && !empty($sighting['Organisation'])) ||
) {
if ($sighting['Sighting']['org_id'] != $user['org_id']) {
@ -337,7 +336,7 @@ class Sighting extends AppModel
return $attributes;
public function saveSightings($id, $values, $timestamp, $user, $type = false, $source = false, $sighting_uuid = false)
public function saveSightings($id, $values, $timestamp, $user, $type = false, $source = false, $sighting_uuid = false, $publish = false, $saveOnBehalfOf = false)
$conditions = array();
if ($id && $id !== 'stix') {
@ -379,7 +378,7 @@ class Sighting extends AppModel
$sighting = array(
'attribute_id' => $attribute['Attribute']['id'],
'event_id' => $attribute['Attribute']['event_id'],
'org_id' => $user['org_id'],
'org_id' => ($saveOnBehalfOf === false) ? $user['org_id'] : $saveOnBehalfOf,
'date_sighting' => $timestamp,
'type' => $type,
'source' => $source
@ -402,6 +401,9 @@ class Sighting extends AppModel
return json_encode($this->validationErrors);
$sightingsAdded += $result ? 1 : 0;
if ($publish) {
$this->Event->publishRouter($sighting['event_id'], null, $user, 'sightings');
if ($sightingsAdded == 0) {
return 'There was nothing to add.';
@ -756,4 +758,71 @@ class Sighting extends AppModel
return $final;
// Bulk save sightings
public function bulkSaveSightings($eventId, $sightings, $user, $passAlong = null)
if (!is_numeric($eventId)) {
$eventId = $this->Event->field('id', array('uuid' => $eventId));
$event = $this->Event->fetchEvent($user, array(
'eventid' => $eventId,
'metadata' => 1,
'flatten' => true
if (empty($event)) {
return 'Event not found or not accesible by this user.';
$saved = 0;
foreach ($sightings as $s) {
$saveOnBehalfOf = false;
if ($user['Role']['perm_sync']) {
if (isset($s['org_id'])) {
if ($s['org_id'] != 0 && !empty($s['Organisation'])) {
$saveOnBehalfOf = $this->Event->Orgc->captureOrg($s['Organisation'], $user);
} else {
$saveOnBehalfOf = 0;
$result = $this->saveSightings($s['attribute_uuid'], false, $s['date_sighting'], $user, $s['type'], $s['source'], $s['uuid'], false, $saveOnBehalfOf);
if (is_numeric($result)) {
$saved += $result;
if ($saved > 0) {
$this->Event->publishRouter($eventId, $passAlong, $user, 'sightings');
return $saved;
public function pullSightings($user, $server)
$HttpSocket = $this->setupHttpSocket($server);
$this->Server = ClassRegistry::init('Server');
$eventIds = $this->Server->getEventIdsFromServer($server, false, $HttpSocket, false, false, 'sightings');
$saved = 0;
// now process the $eventIds to pull each of the events sequentially
if (!empty($eventIds)) {
// download each event and save sightings
foreach ($eventIds as $k => $eventId) {
$event = $this->Event->downloadEventFromServer($eventId, $server);
$sightings = array();
if(!empty($event) && !empty($event['Event']['Attribute'])) {
foreach($event['Event']['Attribute'] as $attribute) {
if(!empty($attribute['Sighting'])) {
$sightings = array_merge($sightings, $attribute['Sighting']);
if(!empty($event) && !empty($sightings)) {
$result = $this->bulkSaveSightings($event['Event']['uuid'], $sightings, $user, $server['Server']['id']);
if (is_numeric($result)) {
$saved += $result;
return $saved;

View File

@ -1461,4 +1461,57 @@ class User extends AppModel
return new Crypt_GPG($options);
public function getOrgActivity($orgId, $params=array())
$conditions = array();
$options = array();
foreach($params as $paramName => $value) {
$options['filter'] = $paramName;
$filterParam[$paramName] = $value;
$conditions = $this->Event->set_filter_timestamp($filterParam, $conditions, $options);
$conditions['Event.orgc_id'] = $orgId;
$events = $this->Event->find('all', array(
'recursive' => -1,
'fields' => array('Event.orgc_id', 'Event.timestamp', 'Event.attribute_count'),
'conditions' => $conditions,
'order' => 'Event.timestamp'
$sparklineData = array();
foreach ($events as $event) {
$date = date("Y-m-d", $event['Event']['timestamp']);
if (!isset($sparklineData[$event['Event']['attribute_count']][$date])) {
$sparklineData[$date] = $event['Event']['attribute_count'];
} else {
$sparklineData[$date] += $event['Event']['attribute_count'];
// get first and last timestamp
if (isset($params['from'])) {
$startDate = $params['from'];
} else {
$startDate = $this->resolveTimeDelta($params['event_timestamp']);
if (isset($params['to'])) {
$endDate = $params['to'];
} else {
$endDate = time();
$dates = array();
for ($d=$startDate; $d < $endDate; $d=$d+3600*24) {
$dates[] = date('Y-m-d', $d);
$csv = 'Date,Close\n';
foreach ($dates as $date) {
$csv .= sprintf('%s,%s\n', $date, isset($sparklineData[$date]) ? $sparklineData[$date] : 0);
$data = array(
'csv' => $csv,
'data' => $sparklineData,
'orgId' => $orgId
return $data;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
$i = 0;
$linkColour = ($scope == 'Attribute') ? 'red' : 'white';
// remove duplicates
$relatedEvents = array();
foreach ($event['Related' . $scope][$object['id']] as $k => $relatedAttribute) {
if (isset($relatedEvents[$relatedAttribute['id']])) {
unset($event['Related' . $scope][$object['id']][$k]);
} else {
$relatedEvents[$relatedAttribute['id']] = true;
$event['Related' . $scope][$object['id']] = array_values($event['Related' . $scope][$object['id']]);
$count = count($event['Related' . $scope][$object['id']]);
foreach ($event['Related' . $scope][$object['id']] as $relatedAttribute) {
if ($i == 4 && $count > 5) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<div class="alert alert-warning">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</button>
<?php echo h($message); ?>

View File

@ -2,7 +2,13 @@
$data_elements = Hash::extract($row, $field['data_path']);
$links = array();
foreach ($data_elements as $data) {
if (strpos($field['url'], '%s') !== false) {
if (!empty($data['name'])) {
$field['title'] = $data['name'];
if (!empty($data['url'])) {
$data = $data['url'];
if (isset($field['url']) && strpos($field['url'], '%s') !== false) {
$url = sprintf(
@ -14,7 +20,7 @@
'<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>',
empty($field['title']) ? h($data) : h($field['title']),
empty($field['title']) ? h($data) : h($field['title'])
echo implode('<br />', $links);

View File

@ -143,6 +143,16 @@
'class' => (isset($event['Event']['published']) && (1 == $event['Event']['published'] && $mayModify)) ? '' : 'hidden',
'text' => __('Unpublish')
if (!empty($event['Event']['published']) && $me['Role']['perm_sighting']) {
echo $this->element('/genericElements/SideMenu/side_menu_link', array(
'onClick' => array(
'function' => 'publishPopup',
'params' => array($event['Event']['id'], 'sighting')
'class' => 'publishButtons',
'text' => __('Publish Sightings')
if (Configure::read('MISP.delegation')) {
if ((Configure::read('MISP.unpublishedprivate') || (isset($event['Event']['distribution']) && $event['Event']['distribution'] == 0)) && (!isset($delegationRequest) || !$delegationRequest) && ($isSiteAdmin || (isset($isAclDelegate) && $isAclDelegate))) {
echo $this->element('/genericElements/SideMenu/side_menu_link', array(

View File

@ -417,9 +417,20 @@
<h3><?php echo __('Clean model cache');?></h3>
<p><?php echo __('If you ever run into issues with missing database fields / tables, please run the following script to clean the model cache.');?></p>
<?php echo $this->Form->postLink('<span class="btn btn-inverse" style="padding-top:1px;padding-bottom:1px;">' . __('Clean cache') . '</span>', $baseurl . '/events/cleanModelCaches', array('escape' => false));?>
<h3><?php echo __('Overwritten objects');?></h3>
<p><?php echo __('Prior to 2.4.89, due to a bug a situation could occur where objects got overwritten on a sync pull. This tool allows you to inspect whether you are affected and if yes, remedy the issue.');?></p>
<a href="<?php echo $baseurl; ?>/objects/orphanedObjectDiagnostics"><span class="btn btn-inverse"><?php echo __('Reconstruct overwritten objects');?></span></a>
echo sprintf(
'<h3>%s</h3><p>%s</p><div id="deprecationResults"></div>%s',
__('Check for deprecated function usage'),
__('In an effort to identify the usage of deprecated functionalities, MISP has started aggregating the count of access requests to these endpoints. Check the frequency of their use below along with the users to potentially warn about better ways of achieving their goals.'),
'<span class="btn btn-inverse" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-label="%s" title="%s" onClick="%s">%s</span>',
__('View deprecated endpoint usage'),
__('View deprecated endpoint usage'),
__('View deprecated endpoint usage')
<h3><?php echo __('Orphaned attributes');?></h3>
<p><?php echo __('In some rare cases attributes can remain in the database after an event is deleted becoming orphaned attributes. This means that they do not belong to any event, which can cause issues with the correlation engine (known cases include event deletion directly in the database without cleaning up the attributes and situations involving a race condition with an event deletion happening before all attributes are synchronised over).');?></p>
<div style="background-color:#f7f7f9;width:400px;">

View File

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
echo '<p>' . __('Are you sure this event is complete and everyone should be informed?') . '</p>';
} else if ($type === 'unpublish') {
echo '<p>' . __('Are you sure you wish to unpublish the event?') . '</p>';
} else if ($type === 'publishSightings') {
echo '<p>' . __('Are you sure you wish publish and synchronise all sightings attached to this event?') . '</p>';
} else {
echo '<p>' . __('Publish but do NOT send alert email? Only for minor changes!') . '</p>';

View File

@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
echo '<h4 class="input clear">' . __('Enabled synchronisation methods') . '</h4>';
echo $this->Form->input('push', array());
echo $this->Form->input('pull', array());
echo $this->Form->input('push_sightings', array());
echo $this->Form->input('caching_enabled', array());
echo '<div class = "input clear" style="width:100%;"><hr /></div>';
echo $this->Form->input('unpublish_event', array(

View File

@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
echo '<h4 class="input clear">' . __('Enabled synchronisation methods') . '</h4>';
echo $this->Form->input('push', array());
echo $this->Form->input('pull', array());
echo $this->Form->input('push_sightings', array());
echo $this->Form->input('caching_enabled', array());
echo '<div class = "input clear" style="width:100%;"><hr /><h4>' . __('Misc settings') . '</h4></div>';
echo $this->Form->input('unpublish_event', array(

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
<th><?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('internal');?></th>
<th><?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('push');?></th>
<th><?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('pull');?></th>
<th><?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('push_sightings', 'Push Sightings');?></th>
<th><?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('caching_enabled', 'Cache');?></th>
<th><?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('unpublish_event (push event)');?></th>
<th><?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('publish_without_email (pull event)');?></th>
@ -106,6 +107,7 @@ foreach ($servers as $row_pos => $server):
<td><span class="<?php echo ($server['Server']['internal']? 'icon-ok' : 'icon-remove'); ?>" role="img" aria-label="<?php echo ($server['Server']['internal']? __('Yes') : __('No')); ?>" title="<?php echo ($server['Server']['internal']? __('Internal instance that ignores distribution level degradation *WARNING: Only use this setting if you have several internal instances and the sync link is to an internal extension of the current MISP community*') : __('Normal sync link to an external MISP instance. Distribution degradation will follow the normal rules.')); ?>"></span></td>
<td><span class="<?php echo ($server['Server']['push']? 'icon-ok' : 'icon-remove'); ?>" role="img" aria-label="<?php echo ($server['Server']['push']? __('Yes') : __('No')); ?>"></span><span class="short <?php if (!$server['Server']['push'] || empty($ruleDescription['push'])) echo "hidden"; ?>" data-toggle="popover" title="Distribution List" data-content="<?php echo $ruleDescription['push']; ?>"> (<?php echo __('Rules');?>)</span></td>
<td><span class="<?php echo ($server['Server']['pull']? 'icon-ok' : 'icon-remove'); ?>" role="img" aria-label="<?php echo ($server['Server']['pull']? __('Yes') : __('No')); ?>"></span><span class="short <?php if (!$server['Server']['pull'] || empty($ruleDescription['pull'])) echo "hidden"; ?>" data-toggle="popover" title="Distribution List" data-content="<?php echo $ruleDescription['pull']; ?>"> (<?php echo __('Rules');?>)</span></td>
<td class="short"><span class="<?php echo ($server['Server']['push_sightings'] ? 'icon-ok' : 'icon-remove'); ?>" role="img" aria-label="<?php echo ($server['Server']['push_sightings'] ? __('Yes') : __('No')); ?>"></span></td>
if ($server['Server']['caching_enabled']) {

View File

@ -32,6 +32,17 @@ else:?>
<h2><?php echo __('Sightings pulled');?></h2>
if (0 == count($pulledSightings)):?>
<p><?php echo __('No sightings pulled');?></p>
<?php foreach ($pulledSightins as $e => $p) echo '<li>Event ' . $e . ' : ' . $p . ' sighting(s).</li>'; ?>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
foreach ($data as $controller => $controllerData) {
echo sprintf(
'<div class="bold blue">%s</div>',
foreach ($controllerData as $action => $userData) {
echo sprintf(
'<div class="bold" style="margin-left:8px">%s</div>%s',
'<div style="margin-left:16px;"><span class="bold">Total</span>: %s %s</div>',
'<i class="fas fa-plus-circle" role="button" aria-label="%s" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#deprecationDetails%s%s"></i>',
__('View details on the usage of %s on the %s controller', h($action), h($controller)),
$userDataDiv = '';
foreach ($userData as $userId => $count) {
if ($userId !== 'total') {
$userDataDiv .= sprintf(
'<div style="margin-left:24px;"><a href="%s" aria-label="%s">%s</a>: %s</div>',
$baseurl . '/admin/users/view/' . h($userId),
__('View user ID ', h($userId)),
__('User #%s', h($userId)),
echo sprintf(
'<div id="deprecationDetails%s%s" data-toggle="collapse" class="collapse">%s</div>',

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
<th><?php echo __('Tagged attributes');?></th>
<th><?php echo __('Activity');?></th>
<th><?php echo __('Favourite');?></th>
<?php if ($isAclTagEditor): ?>
<?php if ($isSiteAdmin): ?>
<th class="actions"><?php echo __('Actions');?></th>
<?php endif; ?>

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ $buttonModifyStatus = $mayModify ? 'button_on':'button_off';
'key' => __('Authkey'),
'html' => $authkey_data
$table_data[] = array('key' => __('Invited By'), 'value' => $user2['User']['email']);
$table_data[] = array('key' => __('Invited By'), 'value' => empty($user2['User']['email']) ? 'N/A' : $user2['User']['email']);
$org_admin_data = array();
foreach ($user['User']['orgAdmins'] as $orgAdminId => $orgAdminEmail) {
$org_admin_data[] = sprintf(

View File

@ -31,9 +31,11 @@
<th><?php echo __('Name');?></th>
<th><?php echo __('Users');?></th>
<th><?php echo __('Events');?></th>
<th><?php echo __('Attributes');?></th>
<th><?php echo __('Nationality');?></th>
<th><?php echo __('Type');?></th>
<th><?php echo __('Sector');?></th>
<th><?php echo __('Activity (1 year)');?></th>
foreach ($orgs as $data):
@ -47,9 +49,17 @@
<td class="short"><?php echo h($data['name']); ?></td>
<td class="short"><span class="<?php echo isset($data['userCount']) ? 'blue bold' : 'grey'; ?>"><?php echo isset($data['userCount']) ? h($data['userCount']) : '0';?></span></td>
<td class="short"><span class="<?php echo isset($data['eventCount']) ? 'blue bold' : 'grey'; ?>"><?php echo isset($data['eventCount']) ? h($data['eventCount']) : '0';?></span></td>
<td class="short"><span class="<?php echo isset($data['attributeCount']) ? 'blue bold' : 'grey'; ?>"><?php echo isset($data['attributeCount']) ? h($data['attributeCount']) : '0';?></span></td>
<td class="shortish"><?php echo isset($data['nationality']) && $data['nationality'] !== 'Not specified' ? h($data['nationality']) : '&nbsp;'; ?></td>
<td class="shortish"><?php echo isset($data['type']) ? h($data['type']) : '&nbsp;'; ?></td>
<td class="shortish"><?php echo isset($data['sector']) ? h($data['sector']) : '&nbsp;'; ?></td>
<td class="shortish">
if (isset($data['orgActivity'])) {
echo $this->element('sparkline', array('scope' => 'organisation', 'id' => $data['id'], 'csv' => $data['orgActivity']['csv']));

View File

@ -448,8 +448,9 @@ class StixBuilder():
def add_custom(self, attribute):
custom_object_id = "x-misp-object--{}".format(attribute['uuid'])
custom_object_type = "x-misp-object-{}".format(attribute['type'].replace('|', '-').replace(' ', '-').lower())
attribute_type = attribute['type'].replace('|', '-').replace(' ', '-').lower()
custom_object_id = "x-misp-object-{}--{}".format(attribute_type, attribute['uuid'])
custom_object_type = "x-misp-object-{}".format(attribute_type)
labels, markings = self.create_labels(attribute)
custom_object_args = {'id': custom_object_id, 'x_misp_category': attribute['category'], 'labels': labels,
'x_misp_timestamp': self.get_datetime_from_timestamp(attribute['timestamp']),
@ -586,8 +587,8 @@ class StixBuilder():
def add_object_custom(self, misp_object, to_ids):
custom_object_id = 'x-misp-object--{}'.format(misp_object['uuid'])
name = misp_object['name']
custom_object_id = 'x-misp-object-{}--{}'.format(name, misp_object['uuid'])
custom_object_type = 'x-misp-object-{}'.format(name)
category = misp_object.get('meta-category')
labels = self.create_object_labels(name, category, to_ids)
@ -1267,7 +1268,7 @@ class StixBuilder():
return pattern
def resolve_stix2_pattern(attributes):
def resolve_stix2_pattern(attributes, _):
for attribute in attributes:
if attribute['object_relation'] == 'stix2-pattern':
return attribute['value']

View File

@ -305,6 +305,7 @@ objectsMapping = {'asn': {'to_call': 'handle_usual_object_name',
'registry-key': {'to_call': 'handle_usual_object_name',
'observable': {'0': {'type': 'windows-registry-key'}},
'pattern': "windows-registry-key:{0} = '{1}'"},
'stix2-pattern': {'to_call': 'handle_usual_object_name'},
'url': {'to_call': 'handle_usual_object_name',
'observable': {'0': {'type': 'url'}},
'pattern': "url:{0} = '{1}'"},

View File

@ -1149,6 +1149,7 @@ class ExternalStixParser(StixParser):
('windows-registry-key',): self.parse_regkey_pattern,
('x509-certificate',): self.parse_x509_pattern}
self.pattern_forbidden_relations = (' LIKE ', ' FOLLOWEDBY ', ' MATCHES ', ' ISSUBSET ', ' ISSUPERSET ', ' REPEATS ')
self.single_attribute_fields = ('type', 'value', 'to_ids')
def handler(self):
self.version_attribute = {'type': 'text', 'object_relation': 'version', 'value': self.stix_version}
@ -1180,16 +1181,15 @@ class ExternalStixParser(StixParser):
def parse_external_indicator(self, indicator):
pattern = indicator.pattern
# Deeper analyse of patterns coming when we get examples
attribute = {'type': 'stix2-pattern', 'object_relation': 'stix2-pattern', 'value': pattern}
misp_object = {'name': 'stix2-pattern', 'meta-category': 'stix2-pattern',
'Attribute': [self.version_attribute, attribute]}
indicator_id ='--')[1]
if hasattr(indicator, 'object_marking_refs'):
self.parse_external_pattern(pattern, indicator_id, marking=indicator.object_marking_refs)
self.parse_external_pattern(pattern, indicator_id)
if hasattr(indicator, 'object_marking_refs'):
self.parse_external_pattern(pattern, indicator_id, marking=indicator.object_marking_refs)
self.parse_external_pattern(pattern, indicator_id)
# Deeper analyse of patterns coming when we get examples
except Exception:
self.add_stix2_pattern_object(pattern, indicator_id)
def parse_external_observable(self, observable):
objects = observable.objects
@ -1225,6 +1225,7 @@ class ExternalStixParser(StixParser):
self.pattern_mapping[type_]([p.strip()], marking)
except KeyError:
print('{} not parsed at the moment'.format(type_), file=sys.stderr)
raise Exception
pattern = [p.strip() for p in pattern.split(' AND ')]
types = self.parse_external_pattern_types(pattern)
@ -1232,6 +1233,9 @@ class ExternalStixParser(StixParser):
self.pattern_mapping[types](pattern, marking, uuid=uuid)
except KeyError:
print('{} not parsed at the moment'.format(types), file=sys.stderr)
raise Exception
self.add_stix2_pattern_object(pattern, uuid)
def parse_external_pattern_types(pattern):
@ -1460,6 +1464,13 @@ class ExternalStixParser(StixParser):
def add_stix2_pattern_object(self, pattern, uuid):
attribute = {'type': 'stix2-pattern', 'object_relation': 'stix2-pattern', 'value': pattern}
misp_object = {'name': 'stix2-pattern', 'meta-category': 'stix2-pattern',
'Attribute': [self.version_attribute, attribute],
'uuid': uuid}
def create_misp_object(attributes, name, uuid=None):
misp_object = MISPObject(name, misp_objects_path_custom=_MISP_objects_path)
@ -1525,6 +1536,7 @@ class ExternalStixParser(StixParser):
def handle_import_case(self, attributes, name, marking=None, uuid=None):
if len(attributes) == 1:
attribute = attributes[0]
attribute = {field: attribute[field] for field in self.single_attribute_fields if attribute.get(field)}
attribute['uuid'] = uuid
if marking:
attribute = self.add_tag_in_attribute(attribute, marking)

View File

@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ function publishPopup(id, type) {
var action = "alert";
if (type == "publish") action = "publish";
if (type == "unpublish") action = "unpublish";
if (type == "sighting") action = "publishSightings";
var destination = 'attributes';
$.get( "/events/" + action + "/" + id, function(data) {
@ -4656,6 +4657,19 @@ function checkRoleEnforceRateLimit() {
function queryDeprecatedEndpointUsage() {
url: baseurl + '/servers/viewDeprecatedFunctionUse',
type: 'GET',
success: function(data) {
error: function(data) {
handleGenericAjaxResponse({'saved':false, 'errors':['Could not query the deprecation statistics.']});
"use strict";

View File

@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
# <snippet-begin>
# viper-web is broken ATM
# Main Viper install function
viper () {
export PATH=$PATH:/home/misp/.local/bin
debug "Installing Viper dependencies"
cd /usr/local/src/
sudo apt-get install \
@ -17,29 +19,25 @@ viper () {
echo "Cloning Viper"
$SUDO_USER git clone
$SUDO_USER git clone
sudo chown -R $MISP_USER:$MISP_USER viper
sudo chown -R $MISP_USER:$MISP_USER viper-web
cd viper
echo "Creating virtualenv"
$SUDO_USER virtualenv -p python3 venv
echo "Submodule update"
# TODO: Check for current user install permissions
$SUDO_USER git submodule update --init --recursive
##$SUDO git submodule update --init --recursive
echo "Pip install deps"
$SUDO_USER ./venv/bin/pip install SQLAlchemy PrettyTable python-magic
echo "pip install scrapy"
$SUDO_USER ./venv/bin/pip install scrapy
echo "install lief"
$SUDO_USER ./venv/bin/pip install
echo "pip install reqs"
$SUDO_USER ./venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
$SUDO_USER sed -i '1 s/^.*$/\#!\/usr\/local\/src\/viper\/venv\/bin\/python/' viper-cli
echo "pip install deps"
$SUDO_USER ./venv/bin/pip install pefile olefile jbxapi Crypto pypdns pypssl r2pipe pdftools virustotal-api SQLAlchemy PrettyTable python-magic scrapy
$SUDO_USER ./venv/bin/pip install .
echo 'update-modules' |/usr/local/src/viper/venv/bin/viper
cd /usr/local/src/viper-web
$SUDO_USER sed -i '1 s/^.*$/\#!\/usr\/local\/src\/viper\/venv\/bin\/python/' viper-web
echo "Launching viper-cli"
$SUDO_USER /usr/local/src/viper/viper-cli -h > /dev/null
$SUDO_USER /usr/local/src/viper/venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
echo "Launching viper-web"
$SUDO_USER /usr/local/src/viper/viper-web -p 8888 -H &
echo 'PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/local/src/viper:/var/www/MISP/app/Console"' |sudo tee /etc/environment
$SUDO_USER /usr/local/src/viper-web/viper-web -p 8888 -H &
echo 'PATH="/home/misp/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/local/src/viper:/var/www/MISP/app/Console"' |sudo tee /etc/environment
echo ". /etc/environment" >> /home/${MISP_USER}/.profile
# TODO: Perms, MISP_USER_HOME, nasty hack cuz Kali on R00t

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
## for Debian 10.1 "buster"
## for Debian 10.2 "buster"
### 0/ MISP debian stable install - Status
!!! notice
This is mostly the install [@SteveClement]( uses for testing, qc and random development.
Maintained and tested by @SteveClement on 20191016
Maintained and tested by @SteveClement on 20191122
!!! warning
PHP 7.3.4-2 is not working at the moment with the packaged composer.phar<br />
@ -202,6 +202,8 @@ $SUDO_WWW php -r "if (hash_file('SHA384', 'composer-setup.php') === 'a5c698ffe4b
$SUDO_WWW php composer-setup.php
$SUDO_WWW php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
$SUDO_WWW php composer.phar install
# The following is potentially not needed, but just here in case of Keyboard/Chair failures
$SUDO_WWW php composer.phar update
# Enable CakeResque with php-redis
sudo phpenmod redis