fix: Empty comments may be added to events #1263

- moved to plain jquery
- check on back+frontend
- better responses when adding events
- fixed an issue with the org_id not being selected for posts
Iglocska 2016-06-20 19:11:39 +02:00
parent b9e4f4cdc6
commit bad3f801c0
6 changed files with 38 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class AppController extends Controller {
public $helpers = array('Utility');
private $__jsVersion = '2.4.46';
private $__jsVersion = '2.4.48';
// Used for _isAutomation(), a check that returns true if the controller & action combo matches an action that is a non-xml and non-json automation method
// This is used to allow authentication via headers for methods not covered by _isRest() - as that only checks for JSON and XML formats

View File

@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ class PostsController extends AppController {
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
if (empty($this->request->data['Post']['message'])) throw new MethodNotAllowedException('Cannot post an empty message.');
// Set the default values that we'll alter before actually saving data. These are the default values unless specifically modified.
// By default, all discussions will be visibile to everyone on the platform

View File

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class ThreadsController extends AppController {
$params = array('conditions' => array('event_id' => $id),
'recursive' => -1,
'fields' => array('id', 'event_id', 'distribution', 'title', 'sharing_group_id')
'fields' => array('id', 'event_id', 'distribution', 'title', 'sharing_group_id', 'org_id')
$thread = $this->Thread->find('first', $params);
if (!empty($thread)) {

View File

@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ class Post extends AppModel {
public $validate = array(
'contents' => array(
'rule' => array('valueNotEmpty'),
public function sendPostsEmailRouter($user_id, $post_id, $event_id, $title, $message, $JobId = false) {
if (Configure::read('MISP.background_jobs')) {

View File

@ -153,15 +153,9 @@
<button class="btn btn-primary" onClick="submitMessageForm('<?php echo h($url);?>', 'PostViewForm', 'top'); return false;">Send</button>
echo $this->Js->submit('Send', array(
'class'=>'btn btn-primary',
'url' => $url
echo $this->Form->end();
echo $this->Form->end();

View File

@ -164,6 +164,33 @@ function submitPasswordReset(id) {
function submitMessageForm(url, form, target) {
if (!$('#PostMessage').val()) {
showMessage("fail", "Cannot submit empty message.");
} else {
submitGenericForm(url, form, target);
function submitGenericForm(url, form, target) {
beforeSend: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
data: $('#' + form).serialize(),
success:function (data, textStatus) {
showMessage("success", "Message added.");
complete:function() {
cache: false,
function acceptObject(type, id, event) {
name = '#ShadowAttribute_' + id + '_accept';
var formData = $(name).serialize();