chg: [internal] Simplified ServersController::serverSettings

Jakub Onderka 2021-02-10 22:17:09 +01:00
parent 8342f4e8b4
commit bf004ad52d
2 changed files with 243 additions and 265 deletions

View File

@ -939,256 +939,254 @@ class ServersController extends AppController
public function serverSettings($tab=false)
if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException();
if (!$this->request->is('get')) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException('Just GET method is allowed.');
if ($this->request->is('Get')) {
$tabs = array(
'MISP' => array('count' => 0, 'errors' => 0, 'severity' => 5),
'Encryption' => array('count' => 0, 'errors' => 0, 'severity' => 5),
'Proxy' => array('count' => 0, 'errors' => 0, 'severity' => 5),
'Security' => array('count' => 0, 'errors' => 0, 'severity' => 5),
'Plugin' => array('count' => 0, 'errors' => 0, 'severity' => 5)
$writeableErrors = array(0 => __('OK'), 1 => __('not found'), 2 => __('is not writeable'));
$readableErrors = array(0 => __('OK'), 1 => __('not readable'));
$gpgErrors = array(0 => __('OK'), 1 => __('FAIL: settings not set'), 2 => __('FAIL: Failed to load GnuPG'), 3 => __('FAIL: Issues with the key/passphrase'), 4 => __('FAIL: sign failed'));
$proxyErrors = array(0 => __('OK'), 1 => __('not configured (so not tested)'), 2 => __('Getting URL via proxy failed'));
$zmqErrors = array(0 => __('OK'), 1 => __('not enabled (so not tested)'), 2 => __('Python ZeroMQ library not installed correctly.'), 3 => __('ZeroMQ script not running.'));
$stixOperational = array(0 => __('Some of the libraries related to STIX are not installed. Make sure that all libraries listed below are correctly installed.'), 1 => __('OK'));
$stixVersion = array(0 => __('Incorrect STIX version installed, found $current, expecting $expected'), 1 => __('OK'));
$stix2Version = array(0 => __('Incorrect STIX2 version installed, found $current, expecting $expected'), 1 => __('OK'));
$cyboxVersion = array(0 => __('Incorrect CyBox version installed, found $current, expecting $expected'), 1 => __('OK'));
$mixboxVersion = array(0 => __('Incorrect mixbox version installed, found $current, expecting $expected'), 1 => __('OK'));
$maecVersion = array(0 => __('Incorrect maec version installed, found $current, expecting $expected'), 1 => __('OK'));
$pymispVersion = array(0 => __('Incorrect PyMISP version installed, found $current, expecting $expected'), 1 => __('OK'));
$sessionErrors = array(0 => __('OK'), 1 => __('High'), 2 => __('Alternative setting used'), 3 => __('Test failed'));
$moduleErrors = array(0 => __('OK'), 1 => __('System not enabled'), 2 => __('No modules found'));
$tabs = array(
'MISP' => array('count' => 0, 'errors' => 0, 'severity' => 5),
'Encryption' => array('count' => 0, 'errors' => 0, 'severity' => 5),
'Proxy' => array('count' => 0, 'errors' => 0, 'severity' => 5),
'Security' => array('count' => 0, 'errors' => 0, 'severity' => 5),
'Plugin' => array('count' => 0, 'errors' => 0, 'severity' => 5)
$writeableErrors = array(0 => __('OK'), 1 => __('not found'), 2 => __('is not writeable'));
$readableErrors = array(0 => __('OK'), 1 => __('not readable'));
$gpgErrors = array(0 => __('OK'), 1 => __('FAIL: settings not set'), 2 => __('FAIL: Failed to load GnuPG'), 3 => __('FAIL: Issues with the key/passphrase'), 4 => __('FAIL: sign failed'));
$proxyErrors = array(0 => __('OK'), 1 => __('not configured (so not tested)'), 2 => __('Getting URL via proxy failed'));
$zmqErrors = array(0 => __('OK'), 1 => __('not enabled (so not tested)'), 2 => __('Python ZeroMQ library not installed correctly.'), 3 => __('ZeroMQ script not running.'));
$stixOperational = array(0 => __('Some of the libraries related to STIX are not installed. Make sure that all libraries listed below are correctly installed.'), 1 => __('OK'));
$stixVersion = array(0 => __('Incorrect STIX version installed, found $current, expecting $expected'), 1 => __('OK'));
$stix2Version = array(0 => __('Incorrect STIX2 version installed, found $current, expecting $expected'), 1 => __('OK'));
$cyboxVersion = array(0 => __('Incorrect CyBox version installed, found $current, expecting $expected'), 1 => __('OK'));
$mixboxVersion = array(0 => __('Incorrect mixbox version installed, found $current, expecting $expected'), 1 => __('OK'));
$maecVersion = array(0 => __('Incorrect maec version installed, found $current, expecting $expected'), 1 => __('OK'));
$pymispVersion = array(0 => __('Incorrect PyMISP version installed, found $current, expecting $expected'), 1 => __('OK'));
$sessionErrors = array(0 => __('OK'), 1 => __('High'), 2 => __('Alternative setting used'), 3 => __('Test failed'));
$moduleErrors = array(0 => __('OK'), 1 => __('System not enabled'), 2 => __('No modules found'));
$finalSettings = $this->Server->serverSettingsRead();
$issues = array(
'errors' => array(
0 => array(
'value' => 0,
'description' => __('MISP will not operate correctly or will be unsecure until these issues are resolved.')
1 => array(
'value' => 0,
'description' => __('Some of the features of MISP cannot be utilised until these issues are resolved.')
2 => array(
'value' => 0,
'description' => __('There are some optional tweaks that could be done to improve the looks of your MISP instance.')
$finalSettings = $this->Server->serverSettingsRead();
$issues = array(
'errors' => array(
0 => array(
'value' => 0,
'description' => __('MISP will not operate correctly or will be unsecure until these issues are resolved.')
'deprecated' => array(),
'overallHealth' => 3,
$dumpResults = array();
$tempArray = array();
foreach ($finalSettings as $k => $result) {
if ($result['level'] == 3) {
1 => array(
'value' => 0,
'description' => __('Some of the features of MISP cannot be utilised until these issues are resolved.')
2 => array(
'value' => 0,
'description' => __('There are some optional tweaks that could be done to improve the looks of your MISP instance.')
'deprecated' => array(),
'overallHealth' => 3,
$dumpResults = array();
$tempArray = array();
foreach ($finalSettings as $k => $result) {
if ($result['level'] == 3) {
if (isset($result['error']) && $result['level'] < 3) {
if ($result['level'] < $issues['overallHealth']) {
$issues['overallHealth'] = $result['level'];
if (isset($result['error']) && $result['level'] < 3) {
if ($result['level'] < $issues['overallHealth']) {
$issues['overallHealth'] = $result['level'];
if ($result['level'] < $tabs[$result['tab']]['severity']) {
$tabs[$result['tab']]['severity'] = $result['level'];
if (isset($result['optionsSource']) && is_callable($result['optionsSource'])) {
$result['options'] = $result['optionsSource']();
$dumpResults[] = $result;
if ($result['tab'] == $tab) {
if (isset($result['subGroup'])) {
$tempArray[$result['subGroup']][] = $result;
} else {
$tempArray['general'][] = $result;
if ($result['level'] < $tabs[$result['tab']]['severity']) {
$tabs[$result['tab']]['severity'] = $result['level'];
$finalSettings = $tempArray;
// Diagnostics portion
$diagnostic_errors = 0;
App::uses('File', 'Utility');
App::uses('Folder', 'Utility');
if ($tab === 'files') {
$files = $this->__manageFiles();
$this->set('files', $files);
if (isset($result['optionsSource']) && is_callable($result['optionsSource'])) {
$result['options'] = $result['optionsSource']();
// Only run this check on the diagnostics tab
if ($tab === 'diagnostics' || $tab === 'download' || $this->_isRest()) {
$php_ini = php_ini_loaded_file();
$this->set('php_ini', $php_ini);
$attachmentTool = new AttachmentTool();
try {
$advanced_attachments = $attachmentTool->checkAdvancedExtractionStatus($this->Server->getPythonVersion());
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->log($e->getMessage(), LOG_NOTICE);
$advanced_attachments = false;
$dumpResults[] = $result;
if ($result['tab'] == $tab) {
if (isset($result['subGroup'])) {
$tempArray[$result['subGroup']][] = $result;
} else {
$tempArray['general'][] = $result;
$this->set('advanced_attachments', $advanced_attachments);
// check if the current version of MISP is outdated or not
$version = $this->__checkVersion();
$this->set('version', $version);
$gitStatus = $this->Server->getCurrentGitStatus();
$this->set('branch', $gitStatus['branch']);
$this->set('commit', $gitStatus['commit']);
$this->set('latestCommit', $gitStatus['latestCommit']);
$phpSettings = array(
'max_execution_time' => array(
'explanation' => 'The maximum duration that a script can run (does not affect the background workers). A too low number will break long running scripts like comprehensive API exports',
'recommended' => 300,
'unit' => 'seconds',
'memory_limit' => array(
'explanation' => 'The maximum memory that PHP can consume. It is recommended to raise this number since certain exports can generate a fair bit of memory usage',
'recommended' => 2048,
'unit' => 'MB'
'upload_max_filesize' => array(
'explanation' => 'The maximum size that an uploaded file can be. It is recommended to raise this number to allow for the upload of larger samples',
'recommended' => 50,
'unit' => 'MB'
'post_max_size' => array(
'explanation' => 'The maximum size of a POSTed message, this has to be at least the same size as the upload_max_filesize setting',
'recommended' => 50,
'unit' => 'MB'
foreach ($phpSettings as $setting => $settingArray) {
$phpSettings[$setting]['value'] = $this->Server->getIniSetting($setting);
if ($phpSettings[$setting]['value'] && $settingArray['unit'] && $settingArray['unit'] === 'MB') {
// convert basic unit to M
$phpSettings[$setting]['value'] = (int) floor($phpSettings[$setting]['value'] / 1024 / 1024);
$this->set('phpSettings', $phpSettings);
if ($version && (!$version['upToDate'] || $version['upToDate'] == 'older')) {
// check if the STIX and Cybox libraries are working and the correct version using the test script
$stix = $this->Server->stixDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors, $stixVersion, $cyboxVersion, $mixboxVersion, $maecVersion, $stix2Version, $pymispVersion);
$yaraStatus = $this->Server->yaraDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors);
// if GnuPG is set up in the settings, try to encrypt a test message
$gpgStatus = $this->Server->gpgDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors);
// if the message queue pub/sub is enabled, check whether the extension works
$zmqStatus = $this->Server->zmqDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors);
// if Proxy is set up in the settings, try to connect to a test URL
$proxyStatus = $this->Server->proxyDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors);
// get the DB diagnostics
$dbDiagnostics = $this->Server->dbSpaceUsage();
$dbSchemaDiagnostics = $this->Server->dbSchemaDiagnostic();
$redisInfo = $this->Server->redisInfo();
$moduleTypes = array('Enrichment', 'Import', 'Export', 'Cortex');
foreach ($moduleTypes as $type) {
$moduleStatus[$type] = $this->Server->moduleDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors, $type);
// check the size of the session table
$sessionCount = 0;
$sessionStatus = $this->Server->sessionDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors, $sessionCount);
$this->set('sessionCount', $sessionCount);
try {
$attachmentScan = ['status' => true, 'software' => $this->AttachmentScan->diagnostic()];
} catch (Exception $e) {
$attachmentScan = ['status' => false, 'error' => $e->getMessage()];
$securityAudit = (new SecurityAudit())->run($this->Server);
$view = compact('gpgStatus', 'sessionErrors', 'proxyStatus', 'sessionStatus', 'zmqStatus', 'stixVersion', 'cyboxVersion', 'mixboxVersion', 'maecVersion', 'stix2Version', 'pymispVersion', 'moduleStatus', 'yaraStatus', 'gpgErrors', 'proxyErrors', 'zmqErrors', 'stixOperational', 'stix', 'moduleErrors', 'moduleTypes', 'dbDiagnostics', 'dbSchemaDiagnostics', 'redisInfo', 'attachmentScan', 'securityAudit');
} else {
$view = [];
// check whether the files are writeable
$writeableDirs = $this->Server->writeableDirsDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors);
$writeableFiles = $this->Server->writeableFilesDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors);
$readableFiles = $this->Server->readableFilesDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors);
$extensions = $this->Server->extensionDiagnostics();
// check if the encoding is not set to utf8
$dbEncodingStatus = $this->Server->databaseEncodingDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors);
$view = array_merge($view, compact('diagnostic_errors', 'tabs', 'tab', 'issues', 'finalSettings', 'writeableErrors', 'readableErrors', 'writeableDirs', 'writeableFiles', 'readableFiles', 'extensions', 'dbEncodingStatus'));
$workerIssueCount = 4;
$worker_array = array();
if (Configure::read('MISP.background_jobs')) {
$workerIssueCount = 0;
$worker_array = $this->Server->workerDiagnostics($workerIssueCount);
$this->set('worker_array', $worker_array);
if ($tab === 'download' || $this->_isRest()) {
foreach ($dumpResults as $key => $dr) {
$dump = array(
'version' => $version,
'phpSettings' => $phpSettings,
'gpgStatus' => $gpgErrors[$gpgStatus['status']],
'proxyStatus' => $proxyErrors[$proxyStatus],
'zmqStatus' => $zmqStatus,
'stix' => $stix,
'moduleStatus' => $moduleStatus,
'writeableDirs' => $writeableDirs,
'writeableFiles' => $writeableFiles,
'readableFiles' => $readableFiles,
'dbDiagnostics' => $dbDiagnostics,
'dbSchemaDiagnostics' => $dbSchemaDiagnostics,
'redisInfo' => $redisInfo,
'finalSettings' => $dumpResults,
'extensions' => $extensions,
'workers' => $worker_array
foreach ($dump['finalSettings'] as $k => $v) {
if (!empty($v['redacted'])) {
$dump['finalSettings'][$k]['value'] = '*****';
$this->response->body(json_encode($dump, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
return $this->response;
$priorities = array(0 => 'Critical', 1 => 'Recommended', 2 => 'Optional', 3 => 'Deprecated');
$this->set('priorities', $priorities);
$this->set('workerIssueCount', $workerIssueCount);
$priorityErrorColours = array(0 => 'red', 1 => 'yellow', 2 => 'green');
$this->set('priorityErrorColours', $priorityErrorColours);
$this->set('phpversion', phpversion());
$this->set('phpmin', $this->phpmin);
$this->set('phprec', $this->phprec);
$this->set('phptoonew', $this->phptoonew);
$this->set('pythonmin', $this->pythonmin);
$this->set('pythonrec', $this->pythonrec);
$this->set('pymisp', $this->pymisp);
$finalSettings = $tempArray;
// Diagnostics portion
$diagnostic_errors = 0;
App::uses('File', 'Utility');
App::uses('Folder', 'Utility');
if ($tab === 'files') {
$files = $this->Server->grabFiles();
$this->set('files', $files);
// Only run this check on the diagnostics tab
if ($tab === 'diagnostics' || $tab === 'download' || $this->_isRest()) {
$php_ini = php_ini_loaded_file();
$this->set('php_ini', $php_ini);
$attachmentTool = new AttachmentTool();
try {
$advanced_attachments = $attachmentTool->checkAdvancedExtractionStatus($this->Server->getPythonVersion());
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->log($e->getMessage(), LOG_NOTICE);
$advanced_attachments = false;
$this->set('advanced_attachments', $advanced_attachments);
// check if the current version of MISP is outdated or not
$version = $this->__checkVersion();
$this->set('version', $version);
$gitStatus = $this->Server->getCurrentGitStatus();
$this->set('branch', $gitStatus['branch']);
$this->set('commit', $gitStatus['commit']);
$this->set('latestCommit', $gitStatus['latestCommit']);
$phpSettings = array(
'max_execution_time' => array(
'explanation' => 'The maximum duration that a script can run (does not affect the background workers). A too low number will break long running scripts like comprehensive API exports',
'recommended' => 300,
'unit' => 'seconds',
'memory_limit' => array(
'explanation' => 'The maximum memory that PHP can consume. It is recommended to raise this number since certain exports can generate a fair bit of memory usage',
'recommended' => 2048,
'unit' => 'MB'
'upload_max_filesize' => array(
'explanation' => 'The maximum size that an uploaded file can be. It is recommended to raise this number to allow for the upload of larger samples',
'recommended' => 50,
'unit' => 'MB'
'post_max_size' => array(
'explanation' => 'The maximum size of a POSTed message, this has to be at least the same size as the upload_max_filesize setting',
'recommended' => 50,
'unit' => 'MB'
foreach ($phpSettings as $setting => $settingArray) {
$phpSettings[$setting]['value'] = $this->Server->getIniSetting($setting);
if ($phpSettings[$setting]['value'] && $settingArray['unit'] && $settingArray['unit'] === 'MB') {
// convert basic unit to M
$phpSettings[$setting]['value'] = (int) floor($phpSettings[$setting]['value'] / 1024 / 1024);
$this->set('phpSettings', $phpSettings);
if ($version && (!$version['upToDate'] || $version['upToDate'] == 'older')) {
// check if the STIX and Cybox libraries are working and the correct version using the test script
$stix = $this->Server->stixDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors, $stixVersion, $cyboxVersion, $mixboxVersion, $maecVersion, $stix2Version, $pymispVersion);
$yaraStatus = $this->Server->yaraDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors);
// if GnuPG is set up in the settings, try to encrypt a test message
$gpgStatus = $this->Server->gpgDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors);
// if the message queue pub/sub is enabled, check whether the extension works
$zmqStatus = $this->Server->zmqDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors);
// if Proxy is set up in the settings, try to connect to a test URL
$proxyStatus = $this->Server->proxyDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors);
// get the DB diagnostics
$dbDiagnostics = $this->Server->dbSpaceUsage();
$dbSchemaDiagnostics = $this->Server->dbSchemaDiagnostic();
$redisInfo = $this->Server->redisInfo();
$moduleTypes = array('Enrichment', 'Import', 'Export', 'Cortex');
foreach ($moduleTypes as $type) {
$moduleStatus[$type] = $this->Server->moduleDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors, $type);
// check the size of the session table
$sessionCount = 0;
$sessionStatus = $this->Server->sessionDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors, $sessionCount);
$this->set('sessionCount', $sessionCount);
try {
$attachmentScan = ['status' => true, 'software' => $this->AttachmentScan->diagnostic()];
} catch (Exception $e) {
$attachmentScan = ['status' => false, 'error' => $e->getMessage()];
$securityAudit = (new SecurityAudit())->run($this->Server);
$view = compact('gpgStatus', 'sessionErrors', 'proxyStatus', 'sessionStatus', 'zmqStatus', 'stixVersion', 'cyboxVersion', 'mixboxVersion', 'maecVersion', 'stix2Version', 'pymispVersion', 'moduleStatus', 'yaraStatus', 'gpgErrors', 'proxyErrors', 'zmqErrors', 'stixOperational', 'stix', 'moduleErrors', 'moduleTypes', 'dbDiagnostics', 'dbSchemaDiagnostics', 'redisInfo', 'attachmentScan', 'securityAudit');
} else {
$view = [];
// check whether the files are writeable
$writeableDirs = $this->Server->writeableDirsDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors);
$writeableFiles = $this->Server->writeableFilesDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors);
$readableFiles = $this->Server->readableFilesDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors);
$extensions = $this->Server->extensionDiagnostics();
// check if the encoding is not set to utf8
$dbEncodingStatus = $this->Server->databaseEncodingDiagnostics($diagnostic_errors);
$view = array_merge($view, compact('diagnostic_errors', 'tabs', 'tab', 'issues', 'finalSettings', 'writeableErrors', 'readableErrors', 'writeableDirs', 'writeableFiles', 'readableFiles', 'extensions', 'dbEncodingStatus'));
$workerIssueCount = 4;
$worker_array = array();
if (Configure::read('MISP.background_jobs')) {
$workerIssueCount = 0;
$worker_array = $this->Server->workerDiagnostics($workerIssueCount);
$this->set('worker_array', $worker_array);
if ($tab === 'download' || $this->_isRest()) {
foreach ($dumpResults as $key => $dr) {
$dump = array(
'version' => $version,
'phpSettings' => $phpSettings,
'gpgStatus' => $gpgErrors[$gpgStatus['status']],
'proxyStatus' => $proxyErrors[$proxyStatus],
'zmqStatus' => $zmqStatus,
'stix' => $stix,
'moduleStatus' => $moduleStatus,
'writeableDirs' => $writeableDirs,
'writeableFiles' => $writeableFiles,
'readableFiles' => $readableFiles,
'dbDiagnostics' => $dbDiagnostics,
'dbSchemaDiagnostics' => $dbSchemaDiagnostics,
'redisInfo' => $redisInfo,
'finalSettings' => $dumpResults,
'extensions' => $extensions,
'workers' => $worker_array
foreach ($dump['finalSettings'] as $k => $v) {
if (!empty($v['redacted'])) {
$dump['finalSettings'][$k]['value'] = '*****';
$this->response->body(json_encode($dump, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
return $this->response;
$priorities = array(0 => 'Critical', 1 => 'Recommended', 2 => 'Optional', 3 => 'Deprecated');
$this->set('priorities', $priorities);
$this->set('workerIssueCount', $workerIssueCount);
$priorityErrorColours = array(0 => 'red', 1 => 'yellow', 2 => 'green');
$this->set('priorityErrorColours', $priorityErrorColours);
$this->set('phpversion', phpversion());
$this->set('phpmin', $this->phpmin);
$this->set('phprec', $this->phprec);
$this->set('phptoonew', $this->phptoonew);
$this->set('pythonmin', $this->pythonmin);
$this->set('pythonrec', $this->pythonrec);
$this->set('pymisp', $this->pymisp);
public function startWorker($type)
@ -1254,9 +1252,6 @@ class ServersController extends AppController
private function __checkVersion()
if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException();
App::uses('SyncTool', 'Tools');
$syncTool = new SyncTool();
try {
@ -1369,10 +1364,8 @@ class ServersController extends AppController
$this->set('title_for_layout', __('Event ID translator'));
public function getSubmodulesStatus() {
if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException();
public function getSubmodulesStatus()
$this->set('submodules', $this->Server->getSubmodulesGitStatus());
@ -1391,9 +1384,6 @@ class ServersController extends AppController
public function serverSettingsEdit($setting_name, $id = false, $forceSave = false)
if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException();
if (!isset($setting_name)) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException();
@ -1525,15 +1515,6 @@ class ServersController extends AppController
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'servers', 'action' => 'serverSettings', 'workers'));
private function __manageFiles()
if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException();
$files = $this->Server->grabFiles();
return $files;
public function deleteFile($type, $filename)
if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) {

View File

@ -3767,17 +3767,14 @@ class Server extends AppModel
return true;
public function getLatestGitRemote()
return exec('timeout 3 git ls-remote | head -1 | sed "s/HEAD//"');
public function getCurrentGitStatus()
$latestCommit = exec('timeout 3 git ls-remote | head -1 | sed "s/HEAD//"');
$status = array();
$status['commit'] = exec('git rev-parse HEAD');
$status['branch'] = $this->getCurrentBranch();
$status['latestCommit'] = $this->getLatestGitremote();
$status['latestCommit'] = $latestCommit;
return $status;