fix: [internal] Correctly count matched attributes

Jakub Onderka 2021-11-12 12:00:26 +01:00
parent 77506f72f9
commit dbbc4599bf
1 changed files with 45 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -2014,15 +2014,24 @@ class Attribute extends AppModel
// Method that fetches all attributes for the various exports
// very flexible, it's basically a replacement for find, with the addition that it restricts access based on user
// options:
// fields
// contain
// conditions
// order
// group
public function fetchAttributes($user, $options = array(), &$continue = true, &$result_count = 0)
* Method that fetches all attributes for the various exports
* very flexible, it's basically a replacement for find, with the addition that it restricts access based on user
* options:
* - fields
* - contain
* - conditions
* - order
* - group
* @param array $user
* @param array $options
* @param bool $continue
* @param int|false $result_count If false, count is not fetched
* @return array|int|null
* @throws Exception
public function fetchAttributes(array $user, array $options = [], &$continue = true, &$result_count = false)
$params = array(
'conditions' => $this->buildConditions($user),
@ -2103,18 +2112,18 @@ class Attribute extends AppModel
) {
$this->bindModel(array('hasMany' => array('ShadowAttribute' => array('foreignKey' => 'old_id'))));
$proposalRestriction = array(
'ShadowAttribute' => array(
'conditions' => array(
'AND' => array(
'ShadowAttribute.deleted' => 0,
'OR' => array(
'ShadowAttribute.proposal_to_delete' => 1,
'ShadowAttribute.to_ids' => 0
'fields' => array('', 'ShadowAttribute.value', 'ShadowAttribute.type', 'ShadowAttribute.category', 'ShadowAttribute.to_ids')
'ShadowAttribute' => array(
'conditions' => array(
'AND' => array(
'ShadowAttribute.deleted' => 0,
'OR' => array(
'ShadowAttribute.proposal_to_delete' => 1,
'ShadowAttribute.to_ids' => 0
'fields' => array('', 'ShadowAttribute.value', 'ShadowAttribute.type', 'ShadowAttribute.category', 'ShadowAttribute.to_ids')
$params['contain'] = array_merge($params['contain'], $proposalRestriction);
@ -2211,9 +2220,16 @@ class Attribute extends AppModel
$eventTags = array();
$find_params = $params;
$result_count = $this->find('count', $find_params);
// Do not fetch result count when `$result_count` is false
if ($result_count !== false) {
$find_params = $params;
$result_count = $this->find('count', $find_params);
if ($result_count === 0) { // skip early
$continue = false;
return [];
while ($continue) {
if ($loop) {
@ -3349,17 +3365,19 @@ class Attribute extends AppModel
* @param TmpFileTool $tmpfile
* @param object $exportTool
* @param array $exportToolParams
* @return int Number of attributes
* @return int Number of all attributes that matches given conditions
* @throws Exception
private function __iteratedFetch(array $user, array $params, $loop, TmpFileTool $tmpfile, $exportTool, array $exportToolParams)
$this->Allowedlist = ClassRegistry::init('Allowedlist');
$separator = $exportTool->separator($exportToolParams);
$elementCounter = 0;
$continue = true;
$elementCounter = 0;
do {
$results = $this->fetchAttributes($user, $params, $continue, $elementCounter);
$totalCount = $elementCounter;
$elementCounter = false; // do not call `count` again
if (empty($results)) {
break; // nothing found, skip rest
@ -3377,7 +3395,7 @@ class Attribute extends AppModel
$params['page'] += 1;
} while ($loop && $continue);
return $elementCounter;
return $totalCount;
public function set_filter_uuid(&$params, $conditions, $options)