fix: [widget] Typo in MispSystemResourceWidget

Jakub Onderka 2021-02-03 20:26:21 +01:00
parent a368e3196f
commit e93767d814
1 changed files with 18 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -7,41 +7,43 @@ class MispSystemResourceWidget
public $width = 3;
public $height = 3;
public $params = array(
'treshold' => 'Treshold for disk space'
'threshold' => 'Threshold for disk space'
public $description = 'Basic widget showing some system server statistics.';
public $cacheLifetime = false;
public $autoRefreshDelay = 30;
public $placeholder =
"treshold": "85"
"threshold": "85"
public function handler($user, $options = array())
public function handler(array $user, $options = array())
// Keep BC with typo value
$threshold = isset($options['threshold']) ? $options['threshold'] : (isset($options['treshold']) ? $options['treshold'] : 85);
$drive = round((1 - disk_free_space(getcwd())/disk_total_space(getcwd()))*100,2);
$cwd = getcwd();
$drive = round((1 - disk_free_space($cwd)/disk_total_space($cwd))*100,2);
$driveFree = $drive . "%";
$driveFreeClass = "";
if ($drive > intval($options['treshold'])) {
$driveFree = $drive . "% - [Above Treshhold]";
if ($drive > intval($threshold)) {
$driveFree = $drive . "% - [Above Threshold]";
$driveFreeClass = "red";
$sysload = sys_getloadavg();
preg_match('#MemFree:[\s\t]+([\d]+)\s+kB#', file_get_contents('/proc/meminfo'), $matches);
$meminfo = file_get_contents('/proc/meminfo');
preg_match('#MemFree:[\s\t]+([\d]+)\s+kB#', $meminfo, $matches);
$memoryFree = $matches[1];
preg_match('#MemTotal:[\s\t]+([\d]+)\s+kB#', file_get_contents('/proc/meminfo'), $matches);
preg_match('#MemTotal:[\s\t]+([\d]+)\s+kB#', $meminfo, $matches);
$memoryTotal = $matches[1];
$data = array(
array( 'title' => __('User'), 'value' => $user['email']),
array( 'title' => __('System'), 'value' => php_uname()),
array( 'title' => __('Disk usage'), 'value' => h($driveFree), 'class' => $driveFreeClass),
array( 'title' => __('Load'), 'value' => h($sysload[0] . " - " . $sysload[1] . " - " . $sysload[2])),
array( 'title' => __('Memory'), 'value' => h(round($memoryFree/1024,2) . "M free (" . round((1 - $memoryFree/$memoryTotal)*100,2) . "% used)")),
array( 'title' => __('User'), 'value' => $user['email']),
array( 'title' => __('System'), 'value' => php_uname()),
array( 'title' => __('Disk usage'), 'value' => h($driveFree), 'class' => $driveFreeClass),
array( 'title' => __('Load'), 'value' => h(implode(" - ", sys_getloadavg()))),
array( 'title' => __('Memory'), 'value' => h(round($memoryFree / 1024,2) . " MB free (" . round((1 - $memoryFree/$memoryTotal)*100,2) . " % used)")),
return $data;