- MYSQL.sql file now correctly includes the task entries
- GenerateCorrelation admin task is now a background job
- Organisation of events pulled now get the org in the server object as the owner instead of the one who initiates the pull
- Small fix to wrapping text in the pivot graph
- freetext import now optionally allows setting the comment field
- removing rows in the freetext import result redirects to the event view if all rows are gone
- users can now search on attributes
- attribute search returns any event that has a a sub-string match on the entered attribute
- can also be used to negate (e.g: don't show me any events that have a sub-string match on any of its attributes)
- STIX export had 2 issues as pointed out by RichieB2B:
- Incorrect name assigned to incidents due to copy-pasta fail
- Historyitems incorrectly handled
- For the OpenIOC import:
- Mapping DnsEntryItem/Host to hostname
- Mapping of hostnames to Network activity failed due to incorrect capitalistion
- Temporarily removed the ignore function on certain indicators. Ignoring an element in an AND-ed branch happens without a pruning of the element IDs
- Important! Logo images have now moved to a different location! Make sure that you update your settings!
- Site admins can now manage the uploaded image files and the terms of use file via the server settings interface
- add, link, delete files directly from the interface
- use terms file as before if nothing else specified
- specify a file in the app/files/terms directory via the server settings tool
- specify whether to show it inline or create a download link for users instead
- by default everything is the same as before, except that the MISP installation path is no longer exposed by a non-existing terms file
- tags not filtered correctly
- status bar showing current filters now shows actual strings for tags / analysis / distribution / threat level instead of the IDs
- server setting has to be enabled to allow for this
- can cause issues if the event gets synchronised with an instance that has a different creator organisation for the same event
- it is recommended not to use this, but in some cases it can be very helpful - the setting for it in the configuration is called MISP.take_ownership_xml_import
- XML export was slow, replaced SimpleXML with a simple script that outputs XML for massive performance gains
- New option in bootstrap to allow the cached XML export to also include the attachments
- CSV caching slightly rearranged, it's much more memory efficient now
- Some fixes to relatedevent orgs being shown even if showorg is disabled
- Added a new site admin action to generate several 3k events for load testing (slow)
- Tags are now fully shown on the event index
- can be enabled via bootstrap (the Configure::write setting is in the bootstrap.default.php file)
- shorthand distribution names
- narrowed some of the fields down
- STIX export performance greatly improved thanks to 84ce8d8be6376797053668d68e1b863713f008dd
- some junk removed
- fixed some minor pagination issues on the event view
- site admin dummy event creator now has target-* type attributes