- a malicious site administrator could store an XSS payload in the custom auth name which would be executed each time the administrator modifies a user
- as reported by Ianis BERNARD - NATO Cyber Security Centre
Closes: #3066, #3067
Fixes issues:
- wrong boolean and smallint conversion;
- postgresql table and field naming (field 1_event_id is wrong name for
field for example);
- postgresql grouping (you cannot select columns without grouping them);
- wrong checkbox rendering without keyword.
- Added method to upgrade all passwords to blowfish transparently
- All profile edit pages (/users/edit, /admin/users/edit, /users/change_pw) now require the user's password to be confirmed
- Thanks to cert.govt.nz for the security report.
- tied into auto upgrade system
- tied into server settings
- some cleanup of overly verbose debug
- Enforcing enable/disable everywhere
- Changed temporary file structure
- users can now be disabled by an admin
- disabled users cannot login (via the UI or the API) and will be informed
- login attempts by disabled users are logged
- also added the expiration field for later use
- reworked almost all of the side menues to be centralised
- Some fixes for the IOC export not handling two new-ish types correctly
- Some changes to the menues (including a few options that didn't exist before)
- rework of the popovers in some forms
- ADMIN org removed.
- Siteadmins are now identified by the perm_site_admin flag
- Siteadmins can now be of any organisation
- editing the regexp / whitelist rules can now be done by a special user with the perm_regexp_access in his/her role
- Executing a mass replace of attribute values based on the regexp rules cannot be initiated by a regexp/whitelist user, only by a site admin
- If the login page is reached without any users / roles defined they are automatically created (perviously it was only the user that was created)
- Org admins are restricted from assigning perm_site_admin, perm_sync and perm_regexp_access roles to users. This can only be done by a site admin.
- Users can now see the path they took while jumping from related event to related event
- Removed the breadcrumbs
- Some UI changes (user menues were not showing the active page, etc)