Sync worked, but we did not know what to do with user_id and org.
Now, on sync, anonymize the user_id, get the Server.organization and put
that into
And, display owning flag if Event.user_id or get the Server.logo
belonging to (=Server.organization) when Event.user_id is
empty (=0).
To this there is organization name and logo in bootstrap and
other organizations names and logos in Servers.
in Config/bootstrap.php add
Configure::write('CyDefSIG.correlation', 'sql');
possible values:
- default, like it was
- db, correlation in database
- sql, selection on attributes i.s.o. per attribute
(sql improvement possible if result conform db above)
Network activity, ip-src
30 class-C network ip addresses
(7650 tupels) (time in ms)
default db sql
all 25366 16601 15941
24839 16604 15611
paginated 16759 8447 6615
17734 8639 8846
this is used in both:
- events/view/<id>
- attributes/event/<id>