- Performance improvements for the event search exports
- JSON view code moved to Lib
- Fixed an issue that didn't restrict the dates correctly with the from / to parameters
- Caused by a 1k variable / form limit imposed by php since 5.3.9
- Form data now collected by JS and passed as a single JSON in the POST request
- Allows massive IOC lists to be imported
- improved performance
- won't write to file after all, simply keeps adding to a string in memory. Should still resolve the XML conversion taking up high amounts of memory issue.
- Unified the way exports accept negated parameters
- Fixed the documentation
- Most exports are now restrictable by the event date (From/To parameters)
- none cached XML export now writes to file after converting each event, clearing the memory and resolving any potential memory issues
- Pull request by RichieB2B: CentOS 6 & 7 installation instructions
- Pull request by RichieB2B: STIX exports now include comments for indicators
- Pull request by RichieB2B: Issue fixed with md5 type attributes not generating observables correctly during a STIX export
- Password policy change-able by a site admin via a regex and a min char requirement. Old functionality assumed if not set.
- bug fixed with incorrect jobs being created appearing during a scheduled pull (designates a push)
- slight changes to the installation instructions
- database.default.php now uses localhost instead of and the default MySQL port
- Scheduled pulls should work correctly now
- Scheduled pushes and pulls correctly display in the logs
- Scheduled caching correctly sets the next date of execution
- Deleting attributes on connected MISP instances can cause serious performance issues on multiple interconnected instnaces, temporarily removed
- Version number incremented
- The event export buttons have been unified into a single download as... button
- clicking it loads a popup with all of the export formats
- added snort, suricata, text dump to the export options
- added the option for an extra setting for some exports (such as including non IDS flagged attributes, encoding attachments)
- easily extendable system
- moved the hidden popup divs into the general layout, can be easily reused anywhere
- removed the auth refresh option that was re-enabled recently as it seems to sometimes cause issues
- text exports now allow "all" to be specified as type, which will dump all attribute values that the user can see
- text exports now allow restricting the results based on event id
- MYSQL.sql file now correctly includes the task entries
- GenerateCorrelation admin task is now a background job
- Organisation of events pulled now get the org in the server object as the owner instead of the one who initiates the pull
- Small fix to wrapping text in the pivot graph
- freetext import now optionally allows setting the comment field
- removing rows in the freetext import result redirects to the event view if all rows are gone
- shows both orgc and org to normal users
- naming convention changed (orgc => source org, org => member org)
- this should allow users to see if an event was generated on their instance or not.