#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ''' ### MISP to Slack #### ZMQ client to post events, attributes or sighting updates from a MISP instance to a slack channel. This tool is part of the MISP core project and released under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 Copyright (C) 2020 Christophe Vandeplas For instructions on creating your BOT, please read: https://api.slack.com/bot-users Your bot will need the permissions: - channels:join - chat:write - users:write WARNING WARNING - THIS SCRIPT DOES NOT MAGICALLY RESPECT ACLs MAKE SURE YOU SET THE RIGHT FILTERS IN THE SETTINGS ''' import argparse import sys import time import zmq import json try: import slack except ImportError: exit("Missing slackclient dependency. Please 'pip3 install slackclient'") try: from slackbot_settings import channel_name, slack_token, misp_url, misp_is_public, allowed_distributions, allowed_sharing_groups, max_value_len, include_attr, include_obj except ImportError: exit("Missing slackbot_settings.py. Please create from 'slackbot_settings.py.sample'") def sanitize_value(s): # very dirty cleanup s = s.replace('http', 'hxxp') s = s.replace('.', '[.]') s = s.replace('@', '[AT]') s = s.replace('\n', ' ') # truncate long strings return (s[:max_value_len] + '..') if len(s) > max_value_len else s def gen_attrs_text(attrs): attrs_text_lst = [] type_value_mapping = {} for a in attrs: try: type_value_mapping[a['type']].add(sanitize_value(a['value'])) except Exception: type_value_mapping[a['type']] = set() type_value_mapping[a['type']].add(sanitize_value(a['value'])) for k, v in type_value_mapping.items(): attrs_text_lst.append(f"- *{k}*: {','.join(v)}") attrs_text = '\n'.join(attrs_text_lst) return attrs_text def publish_event(e): cnt_attr = len(e.get('Attribute') or '') cnt_obj = len(e.get('Object') or '') cnt_tags = len(e.get('Tag') or '') url = misp_url + '/events/view/' + e['id'] zmq_message_short = f"New MISP event '{e['info']}' with {cnt_attr} attributes, {cnt_obj} objects and {cnt_tags} tags." image_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MISP/MISP/2.4/docs/img/misp.png' if misp_is_public: image_url = f"{misp_url}/img/orgs/{e['Orgc']['name']}.png" zmq_message_blocks = [ { "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": f"*A new MISP <{url}|event> has been published:*\n" f"Title: {e['info']}\n" f"Date: {e['date']}\n" f"Threat Level: {e['threat_level_id']}\n" f"Contains {cnt_attr} attributes, {cnt_obj} objects and {cnt_tags} tags\n" f"Full event: <{url}|{url}>" }, "accessory": { "type": "image", "image_url": image_url, "alt_text": "MISP or org logo" } } ] if 'Tag' in e: tag_block = { "type": "actions", "elements": [ ] } tags = set([t['name'] for t in e['Tag']]) for a in e['Attribute']: if 'Tag' in a: for t in a['Tag']: tags.add(t['name']) for o in e['Object']: for a in o['Attribute']: if 'Tag' in a: for t in a['Tag']: tags.add(t['name']) tags = sorted(tags) for t in tags: t = t.replace('misp-galaxy:', '').replace('mitre-', '') tag_block['elements'].append({ "type": "button", "text": { "type": "plain_text", "text": t }, "value": "#" }) zmq_message_blocks.append(tag_block) # List attributes if include_attr: zmq_message_blocks.append({"type": "divider"}) attrs_text = gen_attrs_text(e['Attribute']) if attrs_text: zmq_message_blocks.append( { "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": f"*Attributes:*\n{attrs_text}" } } ) # List Objects if include_obj: zmq_message_blocks.append({"type": "divider"}) for o in e['Object']: attrs_text = gen_attrs_text(o['Attribute']) if attrs_text: # print(json.dumps(o, indent=2)) zmq_message_blocks.append( { "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": f"*{o['name'].capitalize()} object:*\n{attrs_text}" } } ) # Send the message client = slack.WebClient(token=slack_token) client.users_setPresence(presence='auto') channel = client.channels_join(name=channel_name) client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel['channel']['id'], text=zmq_message_short, blocks=zmq_message_blocks ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='MISP to Slack bot - ZMQ client to gather events, attributes and sighting updates from a MISP instance') parser.add_argument("-p", "--port", default="50000", help='set TCP port of the MISP ZMQ (default: 50000)') parser.add_argument("-r", "--host", default="", help='set host of the MISP ZMQ (default:') parser.add_argument("-t", "--sleep", default=0.1, help='sleep time (default: 0.1)', type=int) args = parser.parse_args() port = args.port host = args.host context = zmq.Context() socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB) socket.connect("tcp://%s:%s" % (host, port)) socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') poller = zmq.Poller() poller.register(socket, zmq.POLLIN) while True: socks = dict(poller.poll(timeout=None)) if socket in socks and socks[socket] == zmq.POLLIN: message = socket.recv() topic, s, m = message.decode('utf-8').partition(" ") try: m_json = json.loads(m) except Exception: sys.stderr.write(f'Ignoring non-json message: {m}') time.sleep(args.sleep) continue if 'status' in m_json: pass elif 'Event' in m_json: # print(m_json) e = m_json['Event'] if '*' in allowed_distributions or \ (e['distribution'] in allowed_distributions and ( e['distribution'] != '5' or ( '*' in allowed_sharing_groups or e['sharing_group_id'] in allowed_sharing_groups) )): print(f"Publishing event {e['id']} on slack") publish_event(e) else: print(f"Ignoring event {e['id']} as it has a filtered distribution.") else: print(f'Non supported message: {m}') time.sleep(args.sleep)