array( // TODO Audit, logable 'roleModel' => 'Role', 'roleKey' => 'role_id', 'change' => 'full' ), ); public $allowedlistedItems = false; public $validate = array( 'name' => array( 'valueNotEmpty' => array( 'rule' => array('valueNotEmpty'), ), 'userdefined' => array( 'rule' => array('validateValue'), 'message' => 'Name not in the right format. Allowedlist entries have to be enclosed by a valid php delimiter (which can be most non-alphanumeric / non-whitespace character). Format: "/" Please double check the name.', //'allowEmpty' => false, //'allowEmpty' => false, //'required' => true, //'last' => false, // Stop validation after this rule //'on' => 'create', // Limit validation to 'create' or 'update' operations ), 'unique' => array( 'rule' => 'isUnique', //array('valueIsUnique'), 'message' => 'A similar name already exists.', //'allowEmpty' => false, //'required' => true, //'last' => false, // Stop validation after this rule //'on' => 'create', // Limit validation to 'create' or 'update' operations ), ), ); // regexp validation public function validateValue($fields) { if (preg_match($fields['name'], 'test') === false) { return false; } return true; } public function valueIsUnique($fields) { $value = $fields['name']; $allowedlist = $this->find('all', array('recursive' => 0,'fields' => 'name')); foreach ($allowedlist as $allowedlistItem) { if ($value == $allowedlistItem['Allowedlist']['name']) { return false; } } return true; } public function getBlockedValues() { if ($this->allowedlistedItems === false) { $Allowedlists = $this->find('all', array('fields' => array('name'))); $this->allowedlistedItems = array(); foreach ($Allowedlists as $item) { $this->allowedlistedItems[] = $item['Allowedlist']['name']; } } return $this->allowedlistedItems; } public function removeAllowedlistedFromArray($data, $isAttributeArray) { // Let's get all of the values that will be blocked by the allowedlist $allowedlists = $this->getBlockedValues(); // if we don't have any allowedlist items in the db, don't loop through each attribute if (!empty($allowedlists)) { // if $isAttributeArray, we know that we have just an array of attributes if ($isAttributeArray) { // loop through each attribute and unset the ones that are allowedlisted foreach ($data as $k => $attribute) { // loop through each allowedlist item and run a preg match against the attribute value. If it matches, unset the attribute foreach ($allowedlists as $wlitem) { if (preg_match($wlitem, $attribute['Attribute']['value'])) { unset($data[$k]); } } } $data = array_values($data); } else { // if !$isAttributeArray, we know that we have an array of events that we need to parse through foreach ($data as $ke => $event) { if (isset($event['Attribute'])) { // loop through each attribute and unset the ones that are allowedlisted foreach ($event['Attribute'] as $k => $attribute) { // loop through each allowedlist item and run a preg match against the attribute value. If it matches, unset the attribute foreach ($allowedlists as $wlitem) { if (preg_match($wlitem, $attribute['value'])) { unset($data[$ke]['Attribute'][$k]); } } } $data[$ke]['Attribute'] = array_values($data[$ke]['Attribute']); } } } } return $data; } // A simplified allowedlist removal, for when we just want to throw values against the list instead of attributes / events public function removeAllowedlistedValuesFromArray($data) { $allowedlists = $this->getBlockedValues(); // if we don't have any allowedlist items in the db, don't loop through each attribute if (!empty($allowedlists)) { foreach ($data as $k => $value) { foreach ($allowedlists as $wlitem) { if (preg_match($wlitem, $value)) { unset($data[$k]); } } } $data = array_values($data); } return $data; } }