_isSiteAdmin()) { $this->redirect('/'); } if (false === Configure::read('MISP.enableEventBlacklisting')) { $this->Flash->info(__('Event Blacklisting is not currently enabled on this instance.')); $this->redirect('/'); } } public $paginate = array( 'limit' => 60, 'maxLimit' => 9999, // LATER we will bump here on a problem once we have more than 9999 events <- no we won't, this is the max a user van view/page. 'order' => array( 'EventBlacklist.created' => 'DESC' ), ); public function index() { $passedArgsArray = array(); $passedArgs = $this->passedArgs; $params = array(); $validParams = array('event_uuid', 'comment', 'event_info', 'event_orgc'); foreach ($validParams as $validParam) { if (!empty($this->params['named'][$validParam])) { $params[$validParam] = $this->params['named'][$validParam]; } } if (!empty($this->params['named']['searchall'])) { $params['AND']['OR'] = array( 'event_uuid' => $this->params['named']['searchall'], 'comment' => $this->params['named']['searchall'], 'event_info' => $this->params['named']['searchall'], 'event_orgc' => $this->params['named']['searchall'] ); } $this->set('passedArgs', json_encode($passedArgs)); $this->set('passedArgsArray', $passedArgsArray); $this->BlackList->index($this->_isRest(), $params); } public function add() { $this->BlackList->add($this->_isRest()); } public function edit($id) { $this->BlackList->edit($this->_isRest(), $id); } public function delete($id) { $this->BlackList->delete($this->_isRest(), $id); } public function massDelete() { if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) { if (!isset($this->request->data['EventBlacklist'])) { $this->request->data = array('EventBlacklist' => $this->request->data); } $ids = $this->request->data['EventBlacklist']['ids']; $event_ids = json_decode($ids, true); if (empty($event_ids)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event IDs.')); } $result = $this->EventBlacklist->deleteAll(array('EventBlacklist.id' => $event_ids)); if ($result) { if ($this->_isRest()) { return $this->RestResponse->saveSuccessResponse('EventBlacklist', 'Deleted', $ids, $this->response->type()); } else { $this->Flash->success('Blacklist entry removed'); $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'eventBlacklists', 'action' => 'index')); } } else { $error = __('Failed to delete Event from EventBlacklist. Error: ') . PHP_EOL . h($result); if ($this->_isRest()) { return $this->RestResponse->saveFailResponse('EventBlacklist', 'Deleted', false, $error, $this->response->type()); } else { $this->Flash->error($error); $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'eventBlacklists', 'action' => 'index')); } } } else { $ids = json_decode($this->request->query('ids'), true); if (empty($ids)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event IDs.')); } $this->set('event_ids', $ids); } } }