%s', __( 'Click %s to reset the API keys of all sync and org admin users in one shot. This will also automatically inform them of their new API keys.', $this->Form->postLink( __('here'), $baseurl . '/users/resetAllSyncAuthKeys', array( 'title' => __('Reset all sync user API keys'), 'aria-label' => __('Reset all sync user API keys'), 'class' => 'bold' ), __('Are you sure you wish to reset the API keys of all users with sync privileges?') ) ) ); } ?> $v) { $filterParamsString[] = sprintf( '%s: %s', h(ucfirst($k)), h($v) ); } $filterParamsString = implode(' & ', $filterParamsString); $data = array( 'children' => array( array( 'children' => array( array( 'id' => 'create-button', 'title' => __('Modify filters'), 'fa-icon' => 'search', 'onClick' => 'getPopup', 'onClickParams' => array($urlparams, 'admin/users', 'filterUserIndex') ) ) ), array( 'children' => array( array( 'requirement' => count($passedArgsArray) > 0, 'html' => sprintf( '%s: %s', __('Filters'), $filterParamsString ) ), array( 'requirement' => count($passedArgsArray) > 0, 'url' => '/admin/users/index', 'title' => __('Remove filters'), 'fa-icon' => 'times' ) ) ), array( 'type' => 'search', 'button' => __('Filter'), 'placeholder' => __('Enter value to search'), 'data' => '', ) ) ); echo $this->element('/genericElements/ListTopBar/scaffold', array('data' => $data)); $tab = "Center"; $filtered = false; if (count($passedArgsArray) > 0) { $tab = "Left"; $filtered = true; } echo $this->element('Users/userIndexTable'); ?>

Paginator->counter(array( 'format' => __('Page {:page} of {:pages}, showing {:current} records out of {:count} total, starting on record {:start}, ending on {:end}') )); ?>

element('/genericElements/SideMenu/side_menu', array('menuList' => 'admin', 'menuItem' => 'indexUser'));