args[0]; $serverId = $this->args[1]; $technique = $this->args[2]; $jobId = $this->args[3]; $this->Job->read(null, $jobId); $this->Server->id = $serverId; $user = $this->User->getAuthUser($userId); $server = $this->Server->read(null, $serverId); $result = $this->Server->pull($user, $serverId, $technique, $server, $jobId); $this->Job->id = $jobId; $this->Job->save(array( 'id' => $jobId, 'message' => 'Job done.', 'progress' => 100, 'status' => 4 )); if (is_numeric($result[0])) { switch ($result[0]) { case '1' : $this->Job->saveField('message', 'Not authorised. This is either due to an invalid auth key, or due to the sync user not having authentication permissions enabled on the remote server.'); return; break; case '2' : $this->Job->saveField('message', $result[1]); return; break; case '3' : $this->Job->saveField('message', 'Sorry, incremental pushes are not yet implemented.'); return; break; case '4' : $this->Job->saveField('message', 'Invalid technique chosen.'); return; break; } } } public function push() { $serverId = $this->args[0]; $jobId = $this->args[2]; $userId = $this->args[3]; $this->Job->read(null, $jobId); $server = $this->Server->read(null, $serverId); App::uses('SyncTool', 'Tools'); $syncTool = new SyncTool(); $HttpSocket = $syncTool->setupHttpSocket($server); $user = $this->User->getAuthUser($userId); $result = $this->Server->push($serverId, 'full', $jobId, $HttpSocket, $user); $message = 'Job done.'; if ($result === false) $message = 'Job failed. The remote instance is too far outdated to initiate a push.'; $this->Job->save(array( 'id' => $jobId, 'message' => $message, 'progress' => 100, 'status' => 4 )); if (isset($this->args[4])) { $this->Task->id = $this->args[5]; $this->Task->saveField('message', 'Job(s) started at ' . date('d/m/Y - H:i:s') . '.'); } } public function fetchFeed() { $userId = $this->args[0]; $feedId = $this->args[1]; $jobId = $this->args[2]; $this->Job->read(null, $jobId); $user = $this->User->getAuthUser($userId); $result = $this->Feed->downloadFromFeedInitiator($feedId, $user, $jobId); $this->Job->id = $jobId; if (!$result) { $message = 'Job Failed.'; $this->Job->save(array( 'id' => $jobId, 'message' => $message, 'progress' => 0, 'status' => 3 )); } else { $message = 'Job done.'; $this->Job->save(array( 'id' => $jobId, 'message' => $message, 'progress' => 100, 'status' => 4 )); } } public function enqueuePull() { $timestamp = $this->args[0]; $userId = $this->args[1]; $taskId = $this->args[2]; $task = $this->Task->read(null, $taskId); if ($timestamp != $task['Task']['next_execution_time']) { return; } if ($task['Task']['timer'] > 0) $this->Task->reQueue($task, 'default', 'ServerShell', 'enqueuePull', $userId, $taskId); $user = $this->User->getAuthUser($userId); $servers = $this->Server->find('all', array('recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array('pull' => 1))); $count = count($servers); $failCount = 0; foreach ($servers as $k => $server) { $this->Job->create(); $data = array( 'worker' => 'default', 'job_type' => 'pull', 'job_input' => 'Server: ' . $server['Server']['id'], 'retries' => 0, 'org' => $user['Organisation']['name'], 'org_id' => $user['org_id'], 'process_id' => 'Part of scheduled pull', 'message' => 'Pulling.', ); $this->Job->save($data); $jobId = $this->Job->id; App::uses('SyncTool', 'Tools'); $syncTool = new SyncTool(); $result = $this->Server->pull($user, $server['Server']['id'], 'full', $server, $jobId); $this->Job->save(array( 'id' => $jobId, 'message' => 'Job done.', 'progress' => 100, 'status' => 4 )); if (is_numeric($result[0])) { switch ($result[0]) { case '1' : $this->Job->saveField('message', 'Not authorised. This is either due to an invalid auth key, or due to the sync user not having authentication permissions enabled on the remote server.'); break; case '2' : $this->Job->saveField('message', $result[1]); break; case '3' : $this->Job->saveField('message', 'Sorry, incremental pushes are not yet implemented.'); break; case '4' : $this->Job->saveField('message', 'Invalid technique chosen.'); break; } $failCount++; } } $this->Task->id = $task['Task']['id']; $this->Task->saveField('message', count($servers) . ' job(s) completed at ' . date('d/m/Y - H:i:s') . '. Failed jobs: ' . $failCount . '/' . $count); } public function enqueuePush() { $timestamp = $this->args[0]; $taskId = $this->args[1]; $userId = $this->args[2]; $this->Task->id = $taskId; $task = $this->Task->read(null, $taskId); if ($timestamp != $task['Task']['next_execution_time']) { return; } if ($task['Task']['timer'] > 0) $this->Task->reQueue($task, 'default', 'ServerShell', 'enqueuePush', $userId, $taskId); $this->User->recursive = -1; $user = $this->User->getAuthUser($userId); $servers = $this->Server->find('all', array('recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array('push' => 1))); foreach ($servers as $k => $server) { $this->Job->create(); $data = array( 'worker' => 'default', 'job_type' => 'push', 'job_input' => 'Server: ' . $server['Server']['id'], 'retries' => 0, 'org' => $user['Organisation']['name'], 'org_id' => $user['org_id'], 'process_id' => 'Part of scheduled push', 'message' => 'Pushing.', ); $this->Job->save($data); $jobId = $this->Job->id; App::uses('SyncTool', 'Tools'); $syncTool = new SyncTool(); $HttpSocket = $syncTool->setupHttpSocket($server); $result = $this->Server->push($server['Server']['id'], 'full', $jobId, $HttpSocket, $user); } $this->Task->id = $task['Task']['id']; $this->Task->saveField('message', count($servers) . ' job(s) completed at ' . date('d/m/Y - H:i:s') . '.'); } }