array( 'userModel' => 'User', 'userKey' => 'user_id', 'change' => 'full' ), 'Containable', ); public $belongsTo = array( 'User' ); public $validate = [ 'uuid' => [ 'rule' => 'uuid', 'message' => 'Please provide a valid RFC 4122 UUID', ], 'user_id' => [ 'rule' => 'userExists', 'message' => 'User doesn\'t exists', ], 'read_only' => [ 'rule' => 'boolean', ], ]; public function beforeValidate($options = array()) { if (empty($this->data['AuthKey']['id'])) { if (empty($this->data['AuthKey']['uuid'])) { $this->data['AuthKey']['uuid'] = CakeText::uuid(); } if (empty($this->data['AuthKey']['authkey'])) { $authkey = RandomTool::random_str(true, 40); } else { $authkey = $this->data['AuthKey']['authkey']; } $this->data['AuthKey']['authkey'] = $this->getHasher()->hash($authkey); $this->data['AuthKey']['authkey_start'] = substr($authkey, 0, 4); $this->data['AuthKey']['authkey_end'] = substr($authkey, -4); $this->data['AuthKey']['authkey_raw'] = $authkey; } if (!empty($this->data['AuthKey']['allowed_ips'])) { $allowedIps = &$this->data['AuthKey']['allowed_ips']; if (is_string($allowedIps)) { $allowedIps = trim($allowedIps); if (empty($allowedIps)) { $allowedIps = []; } else { // Split by new line char or by comma $allowedIps = preg_split('/([\n,])/', $allowedIps); $allowedIps = array_map('trim', $allowedIps); } } if (!is_array($allowedIps)) { $this->invalidate('allowed_ips', 'Allowed IPs must be array'); } foreach ($allowedIps as $cidr) { if (!CidrTool::validate($cidr)) { $this->invalidate('allowed_ips', "$cidr is not valid IP range"); } } } $creationTime = isset($this->data['AuthKey']['created']) ? $this->data['AuthKey']['created'] : time(); $validity = Configure::read('Security.advanced_authkeys_validity'); if (empty($this->data['AuthKey']['expiration'])) { $this->data['AuthKey']['expiration'] = $validity ? strtotime("+$validity days", $creationTime) : 0; } else { $expiration = is_numeric($this->data['AuthKey']['expiration']) ? (int)$this->data['AuthKey']['expiration'] : strtotime($this->data['AuthKey']['expiration']); if ($expiration === false) { $this->invalidate('expiration', __('Expiration must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.')); } if ($validity && $expiration > strtotime("+$validity days", $creationTime)) { $this->invalidate('expiration', __('Maximal key validity is %s days.', $validity)); } $this->data['AuthKey']['expiration'] = $expiration; } return true; } public function afterFind($results, $primary = false) { foreach ($results as $key => $val) { if (isset($val['AuthKey']['allowed_ips'])) { $results[$key]['AuthKey']['allowed_ips'] = JsonTool::decode($val['AuthKey']['allowed_ips']); } } return $results; } public function beforeSave($options = array()) { if (isset($this->data['AuthKey']['allowed_ips'])) { if (empty($this->data['AuthKey']['allowed_ips'])) { $this->data['AuthKey']['allowed_ips'] = null; } else { $this->data['AuthKey']['allowed_ips'] = JsonTool::encode($this->data['AuthKey']['allowed_ips']); } } return true; } /** * @param array $user * @param int $authKeyId * @return array */ public function updateUserData(array $user, $authKeyId) { $authKey = $this->find('first', [ 'conditions' => ['id' => $authKeyId, 'user_id' => $user['id']], 'fields' => ['id', 'expiration', 'allowed_ips', 'read_only'], 'recursive' => -1, ]); if (empty($authKey)) { throw new RuntimeException("Auth key with ID $authKeyId doesn't exist anymore."); } return $this->setUserData($user, $authKey); } /** * @param string $authkey * @param bool $includeExpired * @return array|false */ public function getAuthUserByAuthKey($authkey, $includeExpired = false) { $start = substr($authkey, 0, 4); $end = substr($authkey, -4); $conditions = [ 'authkey_start' => $start, 'authkey_end' => $end, ]; if (!$includeExpired) { $conditions['OR'] = [ 'expiration >' => time(), 'expiration' => 0 ]; } $possibleAuthkeys = $this->find('all', [ 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => ['id', 'authkey', 'user_id', 'expiration', 'allowed_ips', 'read_only'], 'conditions' => $conditions, ]); $passwordHasher = $this->getHasher(); foreach ($possibleAuthkeys as $possibleAuthkey) { if ($passwordHasher->check($authkey, $possibleAuthkey['AuthKey']['authkey'])) { $user = $this->User->getAuthUser($possibleAuthkey['AuthKey']['user_id']); if ($user) { $user = $this->setUserData($user, $possibleAuthkey); } return $user; } } return false; } /** * @param array $user * @param array $authkey * @return array */ private function setUserData(array $user, array $authkey) { $user['authkey_id'] = $authkey['AuthKey']['id']; $user['authkey_expiration'] = $authkey['AuthKey']['expiration']; $user['allowed_ips'] = $authkey['AuthKey']['allowed_ips']; $user['authkey_read_only'] = (bool)$authkey['AuthKey']['read_only']; if ($authkey['AuthKey']['read_only']) { // Disable all permissions, keep just `perm_auth` unchanged foreach ($user['Role'] as $key => &$value) { if (substr($key, 0, 5) === 'perm_' && $key !== 'perm_auth') { $value = 0; } } } return $user; } /** * @param int $userId * @param int|null $keyId * @return false|string * @throws Exception */ public function resetAuthKey($userId, $keyId = null) { $time = time(); if ($keyId) { $currentAuthkey = $this->find('first', [ 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => [ 'id' => $keyId, 'user_id' => $userId, ], ]); if (empty($currentAuthkey)) { throw new RuntimeException("Key with ID $keyId for user with ID $userId not found."); } $currentAuthkey['AuthKey']['expiration'] = $time; if (!$this->save($currentAuthkey)) { throw new RuntimeException("Key with ID $keyId could not be saved."); } $comment = __("Created by resetting auth key %s\n%s", $keyId, $currentAuthkey['AuthKey']['comment']); $allowedIps = isset($currentAuthkey['AuthKey']['allowed_ips']) ? $currentAuthkey['AuthKey']['allowed_ips'] : []; return $this->createnewkey($userId, $comment, $allowedIps); } else { $existingAuthkeys = $this->find('all', [ 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => [ 'OR' => [ 'expiration >' => $time, 'expiration' => 0 ], 'user_id' => $userId ] ]); foreach ($existingAuthkeys as $key) { $key['AuthKey']['expiration'] = $time; $this->save($key); } return $this->createnewkey($userId); } } /** * @param int $userId * @param string $comment * @param array $allowedIps * @return false|string * @throws Exception */ public function createnewkey($userId, $comment = '', array $allowedIps = []) { $newKey = [ 'authkey' => (new RandomTool())->random_str(true, 40), 'user_id' => $userId, 'comment' => $comment, 'allowed_ips' => empty($allowedIps) ? null : $allowedIps, ]; $this->create(); if ($this->save($newKey)) { return $newKey['authkey']; } else { return false; } } /** * @param int $id * @return array * @throws Exception */ public function getKeyUsage($id) { $redis = $this->setupRedisWithException(); $data = $redis->hGetAll("misp:authkey_usage:$id"); $output = []; $uniqueIps = []; foreach ($data as $key => $count) { list($date, $ip) = explode(':', $key); $uniqueIps[$ip] = true; if (isset($output[$date])) { $output[$date] += $count; } else { $output[$date] = $count; } } // Data from redis are not sorted ksort($output); $lastUsage = $redis->get("misp:authkey_last_usage:$id"); $lastUsage = $lastUsage === false ? null : (int)$lastUsage; return [$output, $lastUsage, count($uniqueIps)]; } /** * @param array $ids * @return array * @throws Exception */ public function getLastUsageForKeys(array $ids) { $redis = $this->setupRedisWithException(); $keys = array_map(function($id) { return "misp:authkey_last_usage:$id"; }, $ids); $lastUsages = $redis->mget($keys); $output = []; foreach (array_values($ids) as $i => $id) { $output[$id] = $lastUsages[$i] === false ? null : (int)$lastUsages[$i]; } return $output; } /** * When key is modified, update `date_modified` for user that was assigned to that key, so session data * will be reloaded. * @see AppController::_refreshAuth */ public function afterSave($created, $options = array()) { parent::afterSave($created, $options); $userId = $this->data['AuthKey']['user_id']; $this->User->updateAll(['date_modified' => time()], ['' => $userId]); } /** * When key is deleted, update after `date_modified` for user that was assigned to that key, so session data * will be realoaded and canceled. * @see AppController::_refreshAuth */ public function afterDelete() { parent::afterDelete(); $userId = $this->data['AuthKey']['user_id']; $this->User->updateAll(['date_modified' => time()], ['' => $userId]); } /** * Validation * @param array $check * @return bool */ public function userExists(array $check) { return $this->User->hasAny(['id' => $check['user_id']]); } /** * @return AbstractPasswordHasher */ private function getHasher() { return new BlowfishConstantPasswordHasher(); } }