array( 'rule' => array('valueNotEmpty'), ), 'description' => array( 'rule' => array('valueNotEmpty'), ), 'version' => array( 'rule' => array('numeric'), ) ); public $hasMany = array( 'TaxonomyPredicate' => array( 'dependent' => true ) ); public function update() { $existing = $this->find('all', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('version', 'enabled', 'namespace') )); $existing = array_column(array_column($existing, 'Taxonomy'), null, 'namespace'); $directories = glob(APP . 'files' . DS . 'taxonomies' . DS . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); $updated = array(); foreach ($directories as $dir) { $dir = basename($dir); if ($dir === 'tools') { continue; } $file = new File(APP . 'files' . DS . 'taxonomies' . DS . $dir . DS . 'machinetag.json'); if (!$file->exists()) { continue; } try { $vocab = $this->jsonDecode($file->read()); } catch (Exception $e) { $updated['fails'][] = array('namespace' => $dir, 'fail' => "File machinetag.json is not valid JSON."); continue; } if (isset($vocab['type'])) { if (is_array($vocab['type'])) { if (!in_array('event', $vocab['type'])) { continue; } } else { if ($vocab['type'] !== 'event') { continue; } } } if (!isset($vocab['version'])) { $vocab['version'] = 1; } if (!isset($existing[$vocab['namespace']]) || $vocab['version'] > $existing[$vocab['namespace']]['version']) { $current = isset($existing[$vocab['namespace']]) ? $existing[$vocab['namespace']] : []; $result = $this->__updateVocab($vocab, $current); if (is_numeric($result)) { $updated['success'][$result] = array('namespace' => $vocab['namespace'], 'new' => $vocab['version']); if (!empty($current)) { $updated['success'][$result]['old'] = $current['version']; } } else { $updated['fails'][] = array('namespace' => $vocab['namespace'], 'fail' => json_encode($result)); } } } return $updated; } /** * @param array $vocab * @return int Taxonomy ID * @throws Exception */ public function import(array $vocab) { foreach (['namespace', 'description', 'predicates'] as $requiredField) { if (!isset($vocab[$requiredField])) { throw new Exception("Required field '$requiredField' not provided."); } } if (!is_array($vocab['predicates'])) { throw new Exception("Field 'predicates' must be array."); } if (isset($vocab['values']) && !is_array($vocab['values'])) { throw new Exception("Field 'values' must be array."); } if (!isset($vocab['version'])) { $vocab['version'] = 1; } $current = $this->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array('namespace' => $vocab['namespace']), 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('version', 'enabled', 'namespace') )); $current = empty($current) ? [] : $current['Taxonomy']; $result = $this->__updateVocab($vocab, $current); if (is_array($result)) { throw new Exception('Could not save taxonomy because of validation errors: ' . json_encode($result)); } return (int)$result; } private function __updateVocab(array $vocab, array $current) { $enabled = 0; if (!empty($current)) { if ($current['enabled']) { $enabled = 1; } $this->deleteAll(['Taxonomy.namespace' => $current['namespace']]); } $taxonomy = ['Taxonomy' => [ 'namespace' => $vocab['namespace'], 'description' => $vocab['description'], 'version' => $vocab['version'], 'exclusive' => !empty($vocab['exclusive']), 'enabled' => $enabled, ]]; $predicateLookup = array(); foreach ($vocab['predicates'] as $k => $predicate) { $taxonomy['Taxonomy']['TaxonomyPredicate'][$k] = $predicate; $predicateLookup[$predicate['value']] = $k; } if (!empty($vocab['values'])) { foreach ($vocab['values'] as $value) { $predicatePosition = $predicateLookup[$value['predicate']]; if (empty($taxonomy['Taxonomy']['TaxonomyPredicate'][$predicatePosition]['TaxonomyEntry'])) { $taxonomy['Taxonomy']['TaxonomyPredicate'][$predicatePosition]['TaxonomyEntry'] = $value['entry']; } else { $taxonomy['Taxonomy']['TaxonomyPredicate'][$predicatePosition]['TaxonomyEntry'] = array_merge($taxonomy['Taxonomy']['TaxonomyPredicate'][$predicatePosition]['TaxonomyEntry'], $value['entry']); } } } $result = $this->saveAssociated($taxonomy, ['deep' => true]); if ($result) { $this->__updateTags($this->id); return $this->id; } return $this->validationErrors; } /** * @param int|string $id Taxonomy ID or namespace * @param string|null $options * @return array|false */ private function __getTaxonomy($id, $options = array('full' => false, 'filter' => false)) { $recursive = -1; if ($options['full']) { $recursive = 2; } $filter = false; if (isset($options['filter'])) { $filter = $options['filter']; } $conditions = ['' => $id]; if (!is_numeric($id)) { $conditions = ['Taxonomy.namespace' => trim(mb_strtolower($id))]; } $taxonomy_params = array( 'recursive' => -1, 'contain' => array('TaxonomyPredicate' => array('TaxonomyEntry')), 'conditions' => $conditions ); $taxonomy = $this->find('first', $taxonomy_params); if (empty($taxonomy)) { return false; } $entries = array(); foreach ($taxonomy['TaxonomyPredicate'] as $predicate) { if (isset($predicate['TaxonomyEntry']) && !empty($predicate['TaxonomyEntry'])) { foreach ($predicate['TaxonomyEntry'] as $entry) { $temp = array('tag' => $taxonomy['Taxonomy']['namespace'] . ':' . $predicate['value'] . '="' . $entry['value'] . '"'); $temp['expanded'] = (!empty($predicate['expanded']) ? $predicate['expanded'] : $predicate['value']) . ': ' . (!empty($entry['expanded']) ? $entry['expanded'] : $entry['value']); if (isset($entry['description']) && !empty($entry['description'])) { $temp['description'] = $entry['description']; } if (isset($entry['colour']) && !empty($entry['colour'])) { $temp['colour'] = $entry['colour']; } if (isset($entry['numerical_value']) && $entry['numerical_value'] !== null) { $temp['numerical_value'] = $entry['numerical_value']; } $temp['exclusive_predicate'] = $predicate['exclusive']; $entries[] = $temp; } } else { $temp = array('tag' => $taxonomy['Taxonomy']['namespace'] . ':' . $predicate['value']); $temp['expanded'] = !empty($predicate['expanded']) ? $predicate['expanded'] : $predicate['value']; if (isset($predicate['description']) && !empty($predicate['description'])) { $temp['description'] = $predicate['description']; } if (isset($predicate['colour']) && !empty($predicate['colour'])) { $temp['colour'] = $predicate['colour']; } if (isset($predicate['numerical_value']) && $predicate['numerical_value'] !== null) { $temp['numerical_value'] = $predicate['numerical_value']; } $entries[] = $temp; } } $taxonomy = array('Taxonomy' => $taxonomy['Taxonomy']); if ($filter) { $filter = mb_strtolower($filter); $namespaceLength = strlen($taxonomy['Taxonomy']['namespace']); foreach ($entries as $k => $entry) { if (strpos(substr(mb_strtolower($entry['tag']), $namespaceLength), $filter) === false) { unset($entries[$k]); } } } $taxonomy['entries'] = $entries; return $taxonomy; } // returns all tags associated to a taxonomy // returns all tags not associated to a taxonomy if $inverse is true public function getAllTaxonomyTags($inverse = false, $user = false, $full = false, $hideUnselectable = true, $local_tag = false) { $this->Tag = ClassRegistry::init('Tag'); $taxonomyIdList = $this->find('column', array('fields' => array(''))); $allTaxonomyTags = array(); foreach ($taxonomyIdList as $taxonomy) { $allTaxonomyTags = array_merge($allTaxonomyTags, array_keys($this->getTaxonomyTags($taxonomy, true))); } $conditions = array(); if ($user) { if (!$user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) { $conditions[] = array('Tag.org_id' => array(0, $user['org_id'])); $conditions[] = array('Tag.user_id' => array(0, $user['id'])); } } if (Configure::read('MISP.incoming_tags_disabled_by_default') || $hideUnselectable) { $conditions['Tag.hide_tag'] = 0; } // If the tag is to be added as global, we filter out the local_only tags if (!$local_tag) { $conditions['Tag.local_only'] = 0; } if ($full) { $allTags = $this->Tag->find( 'all', array( 'fields' => array('id', 'name', 'colour'), 'order' => array('UPPER( ASC'), 'conditions' => $conditions, 'recursive' => -1 ) ); } else { $allTags = $this->Tag->find( 'list', array( 'fields' => array('name'), 'order' => array('UPPER( ASC'), 'conditions' => $conditions ) ); } foreach ($allTags as $k => $tag) { if ($full) { $needle = $tag['Tag']['name']; } else { $needle = $tag; } if ($inverse) { if (in_array(strtoupper($needle), $allTaxonomyTags)) { unset($allTags[$k]); } else { $temp = explode(':', $needle); if (count($temp) > 1) { if ($temp[0] == 'misp-galaxy') { unset($allTags[$k]); } } } } if (!$inverse && !in_array(strtoupper($needle), $allTaxonomyTags)) { unset($allTags[$k]); } } return $allTags; } public function getTaxonomyTags($id, $uc = false, $existingOnly = false) { $taxonomy = $this->__getTaxonomy($id, array('full' => true, 'filter' => false)); if ($existingOnly) { $this->Tag = ClassRegistry::init('Tag'); $tags = $this->Tag->find('list', array('fields' => array('name'), 'order' => array('UPPER( ASC'))); foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) { $tags[$key] = strtoupper($tag); } } $entries = array(); if ($taxonomy) { foreach ($taxonomy['entries'] as $entry) { $searchTerm = $uc ? strtoupper($entry['tag']) : $entry['tag']; if ($existingOnly) { if (in_array(strtoupper($entry['tag']), $tags)) { $entries[$searchTerm] = $entry['expanded']; } continue; } $entries[$searchTerm] = $entry['expanded']; } } return $entries; } /** * @param int|string $id Taxonomy ID or namespace * @param array|null $options * @return array|false */ public function getTaxonomy($id, $options = array('full' => true)) { $taxonomy = $this->__getTaxonomy($id, $options); if (empty($taxonomy)) { return false; } $this->Tag = ClassRegistry::init('Tag'); $taxonomy = $this->__getTaxonomy($id, $options); if (isset($options['full']) && $options['full']) { $tagNames = array_column($taxonomy['entries'], 'tag'); $tags = $this->Tag->getTagsByName($tagNames, false); $filterActive = false; if (isset($options['enabled'])) { $filterActive = true; $enabledTag = isset($options['enabled']) ? $options['enabled'] : null; } if (isset($taxonomy['entries'])) { foreach ($taxonomy['entries'] as $key => $temp) { if (isset($tags[strtoupper($temp['tag'])])) { $existingTag = $tags[strtoupper($temp['tag'])]; if ($filterActive && $options['enabled'] == $existingTag['Tag']['hide_tag']) { unset($taxonomy['entries'][$key]); continue; } $taxonomy['entries'][$key]['existing_tag'] = $existingTag; // numerical_value is overridden at tag level. Propagate the override further up if (isset($existingTag['Tag']['original_numerical_value'])) { $taxonomy['entries'][$key]['original_numerical_value'] = $existingTag['Tag']['original_numerical_value']; $taxonomy['entries'][$key]['numerical_value'] = $existingTag['Tag']['numerical_value']; } } else { if ($filterActive) { unset($taxonomy['entries'][$key]); } else { $taxonomy['entries'][$key]['existing_tag'] = false; } } } } } return $taxonomy; } private function __updateTags($id, $skipUpdateFields = array()) { App::uses('ColourPaletteTool', 'Tools'); $paletteTool = new ColourPaletteTool(); $taxonomy = $this->__getTaxonomy($id, array('full' => true)); $colours = $paletteTool->generatePaletteFromString($taxonomy['Taxonomy']['namespace'], count($taxonomy['entries'])); $this->Tag = ClassRegistry::init('Tag'); $tags = $this->Tag->getTagsForNamespace($taxonomy['Taxonomy']['namespace'], false); foreach ($taxonomy['entries'] as $k => $entry) { if (isset($tags[strtoupper($entry['tag'])])) { $temp = $tags[strtoupper($entry['tag'])]; if ( (!in_array('colour', $skipUpdateFields) && $temp['Tag']['colour'] != $colours[$k]) || (!in_array('name', $skipUpdateFields) && $temp['Tag']['name'] !== $entry['tag']) || ( !in_array('numerical_value', $skipUpdateFields) && isset($entry['numerical_value']) && array_key_exists('numerical_value', $temp['Tag']) && // $temp['Tag']['num..'] may be null. $temp['Tag']['numerical_value'] !== $entry['numerical_value'] ) ) { if (!in_array('colour', $skipUpdateFields)) { $temp['Tag']['colour'] = (isset($entry['colour']) && !empty($entry['colour'])) ? $entry['colour'] : $colours[$k]; } if (!in_array('name', $skipUpdateFields)) { $temp['Tag']['name'] = $entry['tag']; } if (!in_array('numerical_value', $skipUpdateFields) && (isset($entry['numerical_value']) && $entry['numerical_value'] !== null)) { $temp['Tag']['numerical_value'] = $entry['numerical_value']; } $this->Tag->save($temp['Tag']); } } } } public function addTags($id, $tagList = false) { if ($tagList && !is_array($tagList)) { $tagList = array($tagList); } $this->Tag = ClassRegistry::init('Tag'); App::uses('ColourPaletteTool', 'Tools'); $paletteTool = new ColourPaletteTool(); $taxonomy = $this->__getTaxonomy($id, array('full' => true)); if (empty($taxonomy)) { return false; } $tags = $this->Tag->getTagsForNamespace($taxonomy['Taxonomy']['namespace']); $colours = $paletteTool->generatePaletteFromString($taxonomy['Taxonomy']['namespace'], count($taxonomy['entries'])); foreach ($taxonomy['entries'] as $k => $entry) { $colour = $colours[$k]; if (isset($entry['colour']) && !empty($entry['colour'])) { $colour = $entry['colour']; } $numerical_value = null; if (isset($entry['numerical_value'])) { $numerical_value = $entry['numerical_value']; } if ($tagList) { foreach ($tagList as $tagName) { if ($tagName === $entry['tag']) { if (isset($tags[strtoupper($entry['tag'])])) { $this->Tag->quickEdit($tags[strtoupper($entry['tag'])], $tagName, $colour, 0, $numerical_value); } else { $this->Tag->quickAdd($tagName, $colour, $numerical_value); } } } } else { if (isset($tags[strtoupper($entry['tag'])])) { $this->Tag->quickEdit($tags[strtoupper($entry['tag'])], $entry['tag'], $colour, 0, $numerical_value); } else { $this->Tag->quickAdd($entry['tag'], $colour, $numerical_value); } } } return true; } public function disableTags($id, $tagList = false) { if ($tagList && !is_array($tagList)) { $tagList = array($tagList); } $this->Tag = ClassRegistry::init('Tag'); $tags = array(); if ($tagList) { $tags = $tagList; } else { $taxonomy = $this->__getTaxonomy($id, array('full' => true)); foreach ($taxonomy['entries'] as $entry) { $tags[] = $entry['tag']; } } if (empty($tags)) { return true; } $tags = $this->Tag->find('all', array( 'conditions' => array('' => $tags, 'Tag.hide_tag' => 0), 'recursive' => -1 )); if (empty($tags)) { return true; } $this->Tag->disableTags($tags); return true; } public function hideTags($id, $tagList = false) { if ($tagList && !is_array($tagList)) { $tagList = array($tagList); } $this->Tag = ClassRegistry::init('Tag'); App::uses('ColourPaletteTool', 'Tools'); $paletteTool = new ColourPaletteTool(); $taxonomy = $this->__getTaxonomy($id, array('full' => true)); $tags = $this->Tag->getTagsForNamespace($taxonomy['Taxonomy']['namespace']); $colours = $paletteTool->generatePaletteFromString($taxonomy['Taxonomy']['namespace'], count($taxonomy['entries'])); foreach ($taxonomy['entries'] as $k => $entry) { $colour = $colours[$k]; if (isset($entry['colour']) && !empty($entry['colour'])) { $colour = $entry['colour']; } if ($tagList) { foreach ($tagList as $tagName) { if ($tagName === $entry['tag']) { if (isset($tags[strtoupper($entry['tag'])])) { $this->Tag->quickEdit($tags[strtoupper($entry['tag'])], $tagName, $colour, 1); } } } } else { if (isset($tags[strtoupper($entry['tag'])])) { $this->Tag->quickEdit($tags[strtoupper($entry['tag'])], $entry['tag'], $colour, 1); } } } return true; } public function unhideTags($id, $tagList = false) { if ($tagList && !is_array($tagList)) { $tagList = array($tagList); } $this->Tag = ClassRegistry::init('Tag'); App::uses('ColourPaletteTool', 'Tools'); $paletteTool = new ColourPaletteTool(); $taxonomy = $this->__getTaxonomy($id, array('full' => true)); $tags = $this->Tag->getTagsForNamespace($taxonomy['Taxonomy']['namespace']); $colours = $paletteTool->generatePaletteFromString($taxonomy['Taxonomy']['namespace'], count($taxonomy['entries'])); foreach ($taxonomy['entries'] as $k => $entry) { $colour = $colours[$k]; if (isset($entry['colour']) && !empty($entry['colour'])) { $colour = $entry['colour']; } if ($tagList) { foreach ($tagList as $tagName) { if ($tagName === $entry['tag']) { if (isset($tags[strtoupper($entry['tag'])])) { $this->Tag->quickEdit($tags[strtoupper($entry['tag'])], $tagName, $colour, 0); } } } } else { if (isset($tags[strtoupper($entry['tag'])])) { $this->Tag->quickEdit($tags[strtoupper($entry['tag'])], $entry['tag'], $colour, 0); } } } return true; } public function listTaxonomies($options = array('full' => false, 'enabled' => false)) { $recursive = -1; if (isset($options['full']) && $options['full']) { $recursive = 2; } $conditions = array(); if (isset($options['enabled']) && $options['enabled']) { $conditions[] = array('Taxonomy.enabled' => 1); } $temp = $this->find('all', array( 'recursive' => $recursive, 'conditions' => $conditions )); $taxonomies = array(); foreach ($temp as $t) { if (isset($options['full']) && $options['full']) { $t['Taxonomy']['TaxonomyPredicate'] = $t['TaxonomyPredicate']; } $taxonomies[$t['Taxonomy']['namespace']] = $t['Taxonomy']; } return $taxonomies; } public function getTaxonomyForTag($tagName, $metaOnly = false, $fullTaxonomy = false) { $splits = $this->splitTagToComponents($tagName); if ($splits === null) { return false; // not taxonomy tag } if (isset($splits['value'])) { $contain = array( 'TaxonomyPredicate' => array( 'TaxonomyEntry' => array() ) ); if (!$fullTaxonomy) { $contain['TaxonomyPredicate']['conditions'] = array( 'LOWER(TaxonomyPredicate.value)' => mb_strtolower($splits['predicate']), ); $contain['TaxonomyPredicate']['TaxonomyEntry']['conditions'] = array( 'LOWER(TaxonomyEntry.value)' => mb_strtolower($splits['value']), ); } $taxonomy = $this->find('first', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array('LOWER(Taxonomy.namespace)' => mb_strtolower($splits['namespace'])), 'contain' => $contain )); if ($metaOnly && !empty($taxonomy)) { return array('Taxonomy' => $taxonomy['Taxonomy']); } return $taxonomy; } else { $contain = array('TaxonomyPredicate' => array()); if (!$fullTaxonomy) { $contain['TaxonomyPredicate']['conditions'] = array( 'LOWER(TaxonomyPredicate.value)' => mb_strtolower($splits['predicate']) ); } $taxonomy = $this->find('first', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array('LOWER(Taxonomy.namespace)' => mb_strtolower($splits['namespace'])), 'contain' => $contain )); if ($metaOnly && !empty($taxonomy)) { return array('Taxonomy' => $taxonomy['Taxonomy']); } return $taxonomy; } } /** * Remove the value for triple component tags or the predicate for double components tags * @param string $tagName * @return string */ public function stripLastTagComponent($tagName) { $splits = $this->splitTagToComponents($tagName); if ($splits === null) { return ''; } if (isset($splits['value'])) { return $splits['namespace'] . ':' . $splits['predicate']; } return $splits['namespace']; } public function checkIfNewTagIsAllowedByTaxonomy($newTagName, $tagNameList=array()) { $newTagShortened = $this->stripLastTagComponent($newTagName); $prefixIsFree = true; foreach ($tagNameList as $tagName) { $tagShortened = $this->stripLastTagComponent($tagName); if ($newTagShortened === $tagShortened) { $prefixIsFree = false; break; } } if (!$prefixIsFree) { // at this point, we have a duplicated namespace(-predicate) $taxonomy = $this->getTaxonomyForTag($newTagName); if (!empty($taxonomy['Taxonomy']['exclusive'])) { return false; // only one tag of this taxonomy is allowed } elseif (!empty($taxonomy['TaxonomyPredicate'][0]['exclusive'])) { return false; // only one tag belonging to this predicate is allowed } } return true; } /** * @param array $tagList * @return array[] */ public function checkIfTagInconsistencies($tagList) { $eventTags = array(); $localEventTags = array(); foreach ($tagList as $tag) { if ($tag['local'] == 0) { $eventTags[] = $tag['Tag']['name']; } else { $localEventTags[] = $tag['Tag']['name']; } } $tagConflicts = $this->getTagConflicts($eventTags); $localTagConflicts = $this->getTagConflicts($localEventTags); return array( 'global' => $tagConflicts, 'local' => $localTagConflicts ); } public function getTagConflicts($tagNameList) { $potentiallyConflictingTaxonomy = array(); $conflictingTaxonomy = array(); foreach ($tagNameList as $tagName) { $tagShortened = $this->stripLastTagComponent($tagName); if (isset($potentiallyConflictingTaxonomy[$tagShortened])) { $potentiallyConflictingTaxonomy[$tagShortened]['taxonomy'] = $this->getTaxonomyForTag($tagName); $potentiallyConflictingTaxonomy[$tagShortened]['count']++; } else { $potentiallyConflictingTaxonomy[$tagShortened] = array( 'count' => 1 ); } $potentiallyConflictingTaxonomy[$tagShortened]['tagNames'][] = $tagName; } foreach ($potentiallyConflictingTaxonomy as $potTaxonomy) { if ($potTaxonomy['count'] > 1) { $taxonomy = $potTaxonomy['taxonomy']; if (isset($taxonomy['Taxonomy']['exclusive']) && $taxonomy['Taxonomy']['exclusive']) { $conflictingTaxonomy[] = array( 'tags' => $potTaxonomy['tagNames'], 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'conflict' => sprintf(__('Taxonomy `%s` is an exclusive Taxonomy'), $taxonomy['Taxonomy']['namespace']) ); } elseif (isset($taxonomy['TaxonomyPredicate'][0]['exclusive']) && $taxonomy['TaxonomyPredicate'][0]['exclusive']) { $conflictingTaxonomy[] = array( 'tags' => $potTaxonomy['tagNames'], 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'conflict' => sprintf( __('Predicate `%s` is exclusive'), $taxonomy['TaxonomyPredicate'][0]['value'] ) ); } } } return $conflictingTaxonomy; } /** * @param string $tag * @return array|null */ public function splitTagToComponents($tag) { preg_match('/^([^:="]+):([^:="]+)(="([^:="]+)")?$/i', $tag, $matches); if (empty($matches)) { return null; // tag is not in taxonomy format } $splits = [ 'namespace' => $matches[1], 'predicate' => $matches[2], ]; if (isset($matches[4])) { $splits['value'] = $matches[4]; } return $splits; } }