Controller = $this->getController(); $this->Table = $config['table']; $this->request = $config['request']; $this->TableAlias = $this->Table->getAlias(); $this->ObjectAlias = Inflector::singularize($this->TableAlias); $this->MetaFields = $config['MetaFields']; $this->MetaTemplates = $config['MetaTemplates']; } public function index(array $options): void { $embedInModal = !empty($this->request->getQuery('embedInModal', false)); $excludeStats = !empty($this->request->getQuery('excludeStats', false)); $skipTableToolbar = !empty($this->request->getQuery('skipTableToolbar', false)); $wrapResponse = !empty($options['wrapResponse']); if (!empty($options['quickFilters'])) { if (empty($options['filters'])) { $options['filters'] = []; } $options['filters'][] = 'quickFilter'; } else { $options['quickFilters'] = []; } $options['filters'][] = 'filteringLabel'; if ($this->taggingSupported()) { $options['filters'][] = 'filteringTags'; } $optionFilters = []; $optionValidFilters = empty($options['filters']) ? [] : $this->getFilterFieldsName($options['filters']); // TODO: fix this @sami // $optionValidFilters = empty($options['filters']) ? [] : $options['filters']; $optionFilters += $optionValidFilters; foreach ($optionFilters as $i => $filter) { $optionFilters[] = "{$filter} !="; $optionFilters[] = "{$filter} >="; $optionFilters[] = "{$filter} <="; } $params = $this->Controller->ParamHandler->harvestParams($optionFilters); $params = $this->fakeContextFilter($options, $params); $query = $this->Table->find(); if (!empty($options['filterFunction'])) { $query = $options['filterFunction']($query); } $query = $this->setFilters($params, $query, $options); $query = $this->setQuickFilters($params, $query, $options); if (!empty($options['conditions'])) { $query->where($options['conditions']); } if (!empty($options['contain'])) { $query->contain($options['contain']); } if ($this->taggingSupported()) { $query->contain('Tags'); } if (!empty($options['fields'])) { $query->select($options['fields']); } if (!empty($options['order'])) { $orderFields = array_keys($options['order']); if ($this->_validOrderFields($orderFields)) { $query->order($options['order']); $this->Controller->paginate['order'] = $options['order']; } } if ($this->metaFieldsSupported() && !$this->Controller->ParamHandler->isRest()) { $query = $this->includeRequestedMetaFields($query); } if (!$this->Controller->ParamHandler->isRest()) { $this->setRequestedEntryAmount(); } $data = $this->Controller->paginate($query, $this->Controller->paginate ?? []); $totalCount = $this->Controller->getRequest()->getAttribute('paging')[$this->TableAlias]['count']; if ($this->Controller->ParamHandler->isRest()) { $data = $this->Controller->paginate($query, $this->Controller->paginate ?? []); if (isset($options['hidden'])) { $data->each( function ($value, $key) use ($options) { $hidden = is_array($options['hidden']) ? $options['hidden'] : [$options['hidden']]; $value->setHidden($hidden); return $value; } ); } if (isset($options['afterFind'])) { $function = $options['afterFind']; if (is_callable($function)) { $data = $data->map( function ($value, $key) use ($function) { return $function($value); } )->filter( function ($value) { return $value !== false; } ); } else { $t = $this->Table; $data = $data->map( function ($value, $key) use ($t, $function) { return $t->$function($value); } )->filter( function ($value) { return $value !== false; } ); } } if ($this->metaFieldsSupported()) { $metaTemplates = $this->getMetaTemplates()->toArray(); $data = $data->map( function ($value, $key) use ($metaTemplates) { return $this->attachMetaTemplatesIfNeeded($value, $metaTemplates); } ); } $this->Controller->restResponsePayload = $this->RestResponse->viewData( $data, 'json', false, false, false, [ 'X-Total-Count' => $totalCount, ], $wrapResponse ); } else { $this->Controller->setResponse($this->Controller->getResponse()->withHeader('X-Total-Count', $totalCount)); if (isset($options['afterFind'])) { $function = $options['afterFind']; if (is_callable($function)) { $data = $data->map( function ($value, $key) use ($function) { return $function($value); } )->filter( function ($value) { return $value !== false; } ); } else { $t = $this->Table; $data = $data->map( function ($value, $key) use ($t, $function) { return $t->$function($value); } )->filter( function ($value) { return $value !== false; } ); } } $this->setFilteringContext($options['contextFilters'] ?? [], $params); if ($this->metaFieldsSupported()) { $data = $data->toArray(); $metaTemplates = $this->getMetaTemplates()->toArray(); foreach ($data as $i => $row) { $data[$i] = $this->attachMetaTemplatesIfNeeded($row, $metaTemplates); } $this->Controller->set('meta_templates', $metaTemplates); $this->Controller->set( 'meta_templates_enabled', array_filter( $metaTemplates, function ($template) { return $template['enabled']; } ) ); } if (empty($excludeStats)) { // check if stats are requested $modelStatistics = []; if ($this->Table->hasBehavior('Timestamp')) { $modelStatistics = $this->Table->getActivityStatisticsForModel( $this->Table, !is_numeric($this->request->getQuery('statistics_days')) ? 7 : $this->request->getQuery('statistics_days') ); } if (!empty($options['statisticsFields'])) { $statIncludeRemaining = $this->request->getQuery('statistics_include_remainging', true); if (is_string($statIncludeRemaining)) { $statIncludeRemaining = $statIncludeRemaining == 'true' ? true : false; } $statIgnoreNull = $this->request->getQuery('statistics_ignore_null', true); if (is_string($statIgnoreNull)) { $statIgnoreNull = $statIgnoreNull == 'true' ? true : false; } $statistics_entry_amount = $this->request->getQuery('statistics_entry_amount'); if ( !is_numeric($statistics_entry_amount) || intval($statistics_entry_amount) <= 0 ) { $statistics_entry_amount = 5; } else { $statistics_entry_amount = intval($statistics_entry_amount); } $statsOptions = [ 'limit' => $statistics_entry_amount, 'includeOthers' => $statIncludeRemaining, 'ignoreNull' => $statIgnoreNull, ]; $modelStatistics['usage'] = $this->Table->getStatisticsUsageForModel( $this->Table, $options['statisticsFields'], $statsOptions ); } $this->Controller->set('modelStatistics', $modelStatistics); } $this->Controller->set('model', $this->Table); $this->Controller->set('data', $data); $this->Controller->set('embedInModal', $embedInModal); $this->Controller->set('skipTableToolbar', $skipTableToolbar); } } public function filtering(array $options = []): void { if ($this->taggingSupported()) { $this->Controller->set('taggingEnabled', true); $this->setAllTags(); } else { $this->Controller->set('taggingEnabled', false); } if ($this->metaFieldsSupported()) { $metaTemplates = $this->getMetaTemplates()->toArray(); $this->Controller->set('metaFieldsEnabled', true); $this->Controller->set('metaTemplates', $metaTemplates); $typeHandlers = $this->Table->getBehavior('MetaFields')->getTypeHandlers(); $typeHandlersOperators = []; foreach ($typeHandlers as $type => $handler) { $typeHandlersOperators[$type] = $handler::OPERATORS; } $this->Controller->set('typeHandlersOperators', $typeHandlersOperators); } else { $this->Controller->set('metaFieldsEnabled', false); } $filtersConfigRaw = !empty($this->Controller->filterFields) ? $this->Controller->filterFields : []; $filtersConfig = []; foreach ($filtersConfigRaw as $fieldConfig) { if (is_array($fieldConfig)) { $filtersConfig[$fieldConfig['name']] = $fieldConfig; } else { $filtersConfig[$fieldConfig] = ['name' => $fieldConfig]; } } $filtersName = $this->getFilterFieldsName(); $typeMap = $this->Table->getSchema()->typeMap(); $associatedtypeMap = !empty($filtersName) ? $this->_getAssociatedTypeMap() : []; $typeMap = array_merge( $this->Table->getSchema()->typeMap(), $associatedtypeMap ); $typeMap = array_filter( $typeMap, function ($field) use ($filtersName) { return in_array($field, $filtersName); }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY ); if (!empty($options['afterFind'])) { $overrides = $options['afterFind']($filtersConfig, $typeMap); $filtersConfig = $overrides['filtersConfig']; $typeMap = $overrides['typeMap']; } $this->Controller->set('typeMap', $typeMap); $this->Controller->set('filters', $filtersName); $this->Controller->set('filtersConfig', $filtersConfig); $this->Controller->viewBuilder()->setLayout('ajax'); $this->Controller->render('/genericTemplates/filters'); } public function getFilterFieldsName(): array { $filters = !empty($this->Controller->filterFields) ? $this->Controller->filterFields : []; $filters = array_map( function ($item) { return is_array($item) ? $item['name'] : $item; }, $filters ); return $filters; } /** * From the provided fields and type mapping, convert any boolean field from the type `checkhox` to the type `radio`. * * @param array $fieldsConfig The array of fields to transform * @param array $typeMap The mapping from the DB to the field type * @param boolean $includeAny Should an `Any` option be included * @param boolean $includeBoth Shoud a `Both` option be included * @return array */ public function transformBooleanFieldsIntoRadio(array $fieldsConfig, array $typeMap, bool $includeAny = true, bool $isInline = true): array { foreach ($typeMap as $fieldname => $type) { if ($type == 'boolean') { $fieldsConfig[$fieldname]['type'] = 'radio'; $fieldsConfig[$fieldname]['inline'] = $isInline; $fieldsConfig[$fieldname]['default'] = 'any'; $fieldsConfig[$fieldname]['options'] = []; if ($includeAny) { $fieldsConfig[$fieldname]['options'][] = ['value' => 'any', 'text' => __('Any'),]; } $fieldsConfig[$fieldname]['options'][] = ['value' => 1, 'text' => __('Enabled'),]; $fieldsConfig[$fieldname]['options'][] = ['value' => 0, 'text' => __('Disabled'),]; } } return $fieldsConfig; } /** * getResponsePayload Returns the adaquate response payload based on the request context * * @return false or Array */ public function getResponsePayload() { if ($this->Controller->ParamHandler->isRest()) { return $this->Controller->restResponsePayload; } else if ($this->Controller->ParamHandler->isAjax() && $this->request->is(['post', 'put'])) { return $this->Controller->ajaxResponsePayload; } return false; } private function getMetaTemplates(array $metaTemplateConditions = []) { $metaTemplates = []; if (!$this->metaFieldsSupported()) { throw new \Exception(__("Table {$this->TableAlias} does not support meta_fields")); } $metaFieldsBehavior = $this->Table->getBehavior('MetaFields'); $metaQuery = $this->MetaTemplates->find(); $metaQuery ->order(['is_default' => 'DESC']) ->where( array_merge( $metaTemplateConditions, ['scope' => $metaFieldsBehavior->getScope(),] ) ) ->contain('MetaTemplateFields') ->formatResults( function (\Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface $metaTemplates) { // Set meta-template && meta-template-fields indexed by their ID return $metaTemplates ->map( function ($metaTemplate) { $metaTemplate->meta_template_fields = Hash::combine($metaTemplate->meta_template_fields, '{n}.id', '{n}'); return $metaTemplate; } ) ->indexBy('id'); } ); $metaTemplates = $metaQuery->all(); return $metaTemplates; } public function add(array $params = []): void { $data = $this->Table->newEmptyEntity(); if ($this->metaFieldsSupported()) { $metaTemplates = $this->getMetaTemplates(); $data = $this->attachMetaTemplatesIfNeeded($data, $metaTemplates->toArray()); if (isset($params['afterFind'])) { $data = $params['afterFind']($data, $params); } } if ($this->request->is('post')) { $patchEntityParams = [ 'associated' => [], 'accessibleFields' => $data->getAccessibleFieldForNew(), ]; if (!empty($params['id'])) { unset($params['id']); } $input = $this->__massageInput($params); if (!empty($params['fields'])) { $patchEntityParams['fields'] = $params['fields']; } if (isset($params['beforeMarshal'])) { $input = $params['beforeMarshal']($input); if ($input === false) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Could not save {0} due to the marshaling failing. Your input is bad and you should feel bad.', $this->ObjectAlias)); } } if ($this->metaFieldsSupported()) { $massagedData = $this->massageMetaFields($data, $input, $metaTemplates); unset($input['MetaTemplates']); // Avoid MetaTemplates to be overriden when patching entity $data = $massagedData['entity']; } $data = $this->Table->patchEntity($data, $input, $patchEntityParams); if (isset($params['beforeSave'])) { $data = $params['beforeSave']($data); if ($data === false) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Could not save {0} due to the input failing to meet expectations. Your input is bad and you should feel bad.', $this->ObjectAlias)); } } $savedData = $this->Table->save($data); // FIXME catch exceptions thrown by DB constraints, as otherwise we get 500 Internal Server Errors if ($savedData !== false) { if (isset($params['afterSave'])) { $params['afterSave']($data); } $message = __('{0} added.', $this->ObjectAlias); if ($this->Controller->ParamHandler->isRest()) { $this->Controller->restResponsePayload = $this->RestResponse->viewData($savedData, 'json'); } else if ($this->Controller->ParamHandler->isAjax()) { if (!empty($params['displayOnSuccess'])) { $displayOnSuccess = $this->renderViewInVariable($params['displayOnSuccess'], ['entity' => $data]); $this->Controller->ajaxResponsePayload = $this->RestResponse->ajaxSuccessResponse($this->ObjectAlias, 'add', $savedData, $message, ['displayOnSuccess' => $displayOnSuccess]); } else { $this->Controller->ajaxResponsePayload = $this->RestResponse->ajaxSuccessResponse($this->ObjectAlias, 'add', $savedData, $message); } } else { $this->Controller->Flash->success($message); if (empty($params['redirect'])) { $this->Controller->redirect(['action' => 'view', $data->id]); } else { $this->Controller->redirect($params['redirect']); } } } else { $this->Controller->isFailResponse = true; $validationErrors = $data->getErrors(); $validationMessage = $this->prepareValidationMessage($validationErrors); $message = __( '{0} could not be added.{1}', $this->ObjectAlias, empty($validationMessage) ? '' : PHP_EOL . __('Reason: {0}', $validationMessage) ); if ($this->Controller->ParamHandler->isRest()) { $this->Controller->restResponsePayload = $this->RestResponse->viewData($message, 'json'); } elseif ($this->Controller->ParamHandler->isAjax()) { $this->Controller->ajaxResponsePayload = $this->RestResponse->ajaxFailResponse($this->ObjectAlias, 'add', $data, $message, $validationErrors); } else { $this->Controller->Flash->error($message); } } } if (!empty($params['fields'])) { $this->Controller->set('fields', $params['fields']); } $this->Controller->entity = $data; $this->Controller->set('entity', $data); } public function prepareValidationMessage($errors) { $validationMessage = ''; if (!empty($errors)) { if (count($errors) == 1) { $field = array_keys($errors)[0]; $fieldError = implode(', ', array_values($errors[$field])); $validationMessage = __('{0}: {1}', $field, $fieldError); } else { $validationMessage = __('There has been validation issues with multiple fields'); } } return $validationMessage; } private function prepareValidationError($data) { $validationMessage = ''; if (!empty($data->getErrors())) { foreach ($data->getErrors() as $field => $errorData) { $errorMessages = []; foreach ($errorData as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $extracted = Hash::extract($value, "{s}.{s}"); if (!empty($extracted)) { $errorMessages[] = implode('& ', $extracted); } } else { if (!empty($value)) { $errorMessages[] = $value; } } } if (!empty($errorMessages)) { $validationMessage .= __('{0}: {1}', $field, implode(',', $errorMessages)); } } } return $validationMessage; } private function saveMetaFields($id, $input) { $this->Table->saveMetaFields($id, $input, $this->Table); } // prune empty values and marshall fields public function massageMetaFields($entity, $input, $allMetaTemplates = []) { if (empty($input['MetaTemplates']) || !$this->metaFieldsSupported()) { return ['entity' => $entity, 'metafields_to_delete' => []]; } $metaFieldsTable = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('MetaFields'); $metaFieldsIndex = []; if (empty($metaTemplates)) { $allMetaTemplates = $this->getMetaTemplates()->toArray(); } if (!empty($entity->meta_fields)) { foreach ($entity->meta_fields as $i => $metaField) { $metaFieldsIndex[$metaField->id] = $i; } } else { $entity->meta_fields = []; } $metaFieldsToDelete = []; foreach ($input['MetaTemplates'] as $template_id => $template) { foreach ($template['meta_template_fields'] as $meta_template_field_id => $meta_template_field) { $rawMetaTemplateField = $allMetaTemplates[$template_id]['meta_template_fields'][$meta_template_field_id]; foreach ($meta_template_field['metaFields'] as $meta_field_id => $meta_field) { if ($meta_field_id == 'new') { // create new meta_field $new_meta_fields = $meta_field; foreach ($new_meta_fields as $new_value) { if (!empty($new_value)) { $metaField = $metaFieldsTable->newEmptyEntity(); $metaFieldsTable->patchEntity( $metaField, [ 'value' => $new_value, 'scope' => $this->Table->getBehavior('MetaFields')->getScope(), 'field' => $rawMetaTemplateField->field, 'meta_template_id' => $rawMetaTemplateField->meta_template_id, 'meta_template_field_id' => $rawMetaTemplateField->id, 'meta_template_directory_id' => $allMetaTemplates[$template_id]->meta_template_directory_id, 'parent_id' => $entity->id, 'uuid' => Text::uuid(), ] ); $entity->meta_fields[] = $metaField; $entity->MetaTemplates[$template_id]->meta_template_fields[$meta_template_field_id]->metaFields[] = $metaField; } } } else { $new_value = $meta_field['value']; if (!empty($new_value)) { // update meta_field and attach validation errors if (isset($metaFieldsIndex[$meta_field_id])) { $index = $metaFieldsIndex[$meta_field_id]; if ($entity->meta_fields[$index]->value != $new_value) { // nothing to do, value hasn't changed $metaFieldsTable->patchEntity( $entity->meta_fields[$index], [ 'value' => $new_value, 'meta_template_field_id' => $rawMetaTemplateField->id ], ['value'] ); $metaFieldsTable->patchEntity( $entity->MetaTemplates[$template_id]->meta_template_fields[$meta_template_field_id]->metaFields[$meta_field_id], ['value' => $new_value, 'meta_template_field_id' => $rawMetaTemplateField->id], ['value'] ); } } else { // metafield comes from a second post where the temporary entity has already been created $metaField = $metaFieldsTable->newEmptyEntity(); $metaFieldsTable->patchEntity( $metaField, [ 'value' => $new_value, 'scope' => $this->Table->getBehavior('MetaFields')->getScope(), // get scope from behavior 'field' => $rawMetaTemplateField->field, 'meta_template_id' => $rawMetaTemplateField->meta_template_id, 'meta_template_field_id' => $rawMetaTemplateField->id, 'meta_template_directory_id' => $template->meta_template_directory_id, 'parent_id' => $entity->id, 'uuid' => Text::uuid(), ] ); $entity->meta_fields[] = $metaField; $entity->MetaTemplates[$template_id]->meta_template_fields[$meta_template_field_id]->metaFields[] = $metaField; } } else { // Metafield value is empty, indicating the field should be removed $index = $metaFieldsIndex[$meta_field_id]; $metaFieldsToDelete[] = $entity->meta_fields[$index]; unset($entity->meta_fields[$index]); unset($entity->MetaTemplates[$template_id]->meta_template_fields[$meta_template_field_id]->metaFields[$meta_field_id]); } } } } } $entity->setDirty('meta_fields', true); $entity->_metafields_to_delete = $metaFieldsToDelete; return ['entity' => $entity, 'metafields_to_delete' => $metaFieldsToDelete]; } private function __massageInput($params) { $input = $this->request->getData(); if (!empty($params['override'])) { foreach ($params['override'] as $field => $value) { $input[$field] = $value; } } if (!empty($params['removeEmpty'])) { foreach ($params['removeEmpty'] as $removeEmptyField) { if (empty($input[$removeEmptyField])) { unset($input[$removeEmptyField]); } } } return $input; } public function edit(int $id, array $params = []): void { if (empty($id)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid {0}.', $this->ObjectAlias)); } if ($this->taggingSupported()) { $params['contain'][] = 'Tags'; $this->setAllTags(); } if ($this->metaFieldsSupported()) { if (empty($params['contain'])) { $params['contain'] = []; } if (is_array($params['contain'])) { $params['contain'][] = 'MetaFields'; } else { $params['contain'] = [$params['contain'], 'MetaFields']; } } $query = $this->Table->find()->where(["{$this->Table->getAlias()}.id" => $id]); if (!empty($params['contain'])) { $query->contain($params['contain']); } if (!empty($params['conditions'])) { $query->where($params['conditions']); } $data = $query->first(); if ($this->metaFieldsSupported()) { $metaTemplates = $this->getMetaTemplates(); $data = $this->attachMetaTemplatesIfNeeded($data, $metaTemplates->toArray()); } if (isset($params['afterFind'])) { $data = $params['afterFind']($data, $params); } if (empty($data)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid {0}.', $this->ObjectAlias)); } if ($this->request->is(['post', 'put'])) { $patchEntityParams = [ 'associated' => [] ]; $input = $this->__massageInput($params); if (!empty($params['fields'])) { $patchEntityParams['fields'] = $params['fields']; } if (isset($params['beforeMarshal'])) { $input = $params['beforeMarshal']($input); if ($input === false) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Could not save {0} due to the marshaling failing. Your input is bad and you should feel bad.', $this->ObjectAlias)); } } if ($this->metaFieldsSupported()) { $massagedData = $this->massageMetaFields($data, $input, $metaTemplates); unset($input['MetaTemplates']); // Avoid MetaTemplates to be overriden when patching entity $data = $massagedData['entity']; $metaFieldsToDelete = $massagedData['metafields_to_delete']; } $data = $this->Table->patchEntity($data, $input, $patchEntityParams); if (isset($params['beforeSave'])) { $data = $params['beforeSave']($data); if ($data === false) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Could not save {0} due to the input failing to meet expectations. Your input is bad and you should feel bad.', $this->ObjectAlias)); } } $savedData = $this->Table->save($data); if ($savedData !== false) { if ($this->metaFieldsSupported() && !empty($metaFieldsToDelete)) { foreach ($metaFieldsToDelete as $k => $v) { if ($v === null) { unset($metaFieldsToDelete[$k]); } } if (!empty($metaFieldsToDelete)) { $this->Table->MetaFields->unlink($savedData, $metaFieldsToDelete); } } if (isset($params['afterSave'])) { $params['afterSave']($data); } $message = __('{0} `{1}` updated.', $this->ObjectAlias, $savedData->{$this->Table->getDisplayField()}); $this->setResponseForController('edit', true, $message, $data, null, $params); } else { $validationErrors = $data->getErrors(); $validationMessage = $this->prepareValidationMessage($validationErrors); $message = __( '{0} could not be modified.{1}', $this->ObjectAlias, empty($validationMessage) ? '' : PHP_EOL . __('Reason: {0}', $validationMessage) ); $this->setResponseForController('edit', false, $message, $data, null, $params); } } if (!empty($params['fields'])) { $this->Controller->set('fields', $params['fields']); } $this->Controller->entity = $data; $this->Controller->set('entity', $data); } public function attachMetaData($id, $data) { if (!$this->metaFieldsSupported()) { throw new \Exception(__("Table {$this->TableAlias} does not support meta_fields")); } $metaFieldScope = $this->Table->getBehavior('MetaFields')->getScope(); $query = $this->MetaTemplates->find()->where(['MetaTemplates.scope' => $metaFieldScope]); $query->contain( [ 'MetaTemplateFields.MetaFields' => function ($q) use ($id, $metaFieldScope) { return $q->where(['MetaFields.scope' => $metaFieldScope, 'MetaFields.parent_id' => $id]); } ] ); $query ->order(['MetaTemplates.is_default' => 'DESC']) ->order(['' => 'ASC']); $metaTemplates = $query->all()->toArray(); $metaTemplates = $this->pruneEmptyMetaTemplates($metaTemplates); $data['metaTemplates'] = $metaTemplates; return $data; } public function pruneEmptyMetaTemplates($metaTemplates) { foreach ($metaTemplates as $i => $metaTemplate) { foreach ($metaTemplate['meta_template_fields'] as $j => $metaTemplateField) { if (empty($metaTemplateField['meta_fields'])) { unset($metaTemplates[$i]['meta_template_fields'][$j]); } } if (empty($metaTemplates[$i]['meta_template_fields'])) { unset($metaTemplates[$i]); } } return $metaTemplates; } public function getMetaFields($id) { if (!$this->metaFieldsSupported()) { throw new \Exception(__("Table {$this->TableAlias} does not support meta_fields")); } $query = $this->MetaFields->find(); $query->where(['MetaFields.scope' => $this->Table->getBehavior('MetaFields')->getScope(), 'MetaFields.parent_id' => $id]); $metaFields = $query->all(); $data = []; foreach ($metaFields as $metaField) { if (empty($data[$metaField->meta_template_id][$metaField->meta_template_field_id])) { $data[$metaField->meta_template_id][$metaField->meta_template_field_id] = []; } $data[$metaField->meta_template_id][$metaField->meta_template_field_id][$metaField->id] = $metaField; } return $data; } public function attachMetaTemplates($data, $metaTemplates, $pruneEmptyDisabled = true) { $this->MetaTemplates = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('MetaTemplates'); $metaFields = []; if (!empty($data->id)) { $metaFields = $this->getMetaFields($data->id); } foreach ($metaTemplates as $i => $metaTemplate) { if (isset($metaFields[$metaTemplate->id])) { foreach ($metaTemplate->meta_template_fields as $j => $meta_template_field) { if (isset($metaFields[$metaTemplate->id][$meta_template_field->id])) { $metaTemplates[$metaTemplate->id]->meta_template_fields[$j]['metaFields'] = $metaFields[$metaTemplate->id][$meta_template_field->id]; } else { $metaTemplates[$metaTemplate->id]->meta_template_fields[$j]['metaFields'] = []; } } } else { if (!empty($pruneEmptyDisabled) && !$metaTemplate->enabled) { unset($metaTemplates[$i]); } continue; } $newestTemplate = $this->MetaTemplates->getNewestVersion($metaTemplate); if (!empty($newestTemplate) && !empty($metaTemplates[$i])) { $metaTemplates[$i]['hasNewerVersion'] = $newestTemplate; } $metaTemplates[$metaTemplate->id]['meta_template_fields'] = $metaTemplates[$metaTemplate->id]['meta_template_fields']; } $metaTemplates = $metaTemplates; $data['MetaTemplates'] = $metaTemplates; return $data; } protected function includeRequestedMetaFields($query) { $user = $this->Controller->ACL->getUser(); $tableSettings = IndexSetting::getTableSetting($user, $this->Table); if (empty($tableSettings['visible_meta_column'])) { return $query; } $containConditions = ['OR' => []]; $requestedMetaFields = []; foreach ($tableSettings['visible_meta_column'] as $template_id => $fields) { $containConditions['OR'][] = [ 'meta_template_id' => $template_id, 'meta_template_field_id IN' => array_map('intval', $fields), ]; foreach ($fields as $field) { $requestedMetaFields[] = ['template_id' => $template_id, 'meta_template_field_id' => intval($field)]; } } $this->Controller->set('requestedMetaFields', $requestedMetaFields); return $query->contain( [ 'MetaFields' => [ 'conditions' => $containConditions ] ] ); } protected function setRequestedEntryAmount() { $user = $this->Controller->ACL->getUser(); $tableSettings = IndexSetting::getTableSetting($user, $this->Table); if (!empty($tableSettings['number_of_element'])) { $this->Controller->paginate['limit'] = intval($tableSettings['number_of_element']); } } public function view($id, array $params = []): void { if (empty($id)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid {0}.', $this->ObjectAlias)); } if ($this->taggingSupported()) { $params['contain'][] = 'Tags'; $this->setAllTags(); } if ($this->metaFieldsSupported()) { if (!empty($this->request->getQuery('full'))) { $params['contain']['MetaFields'] = ['MetaTemplateFields' => 'MetaTemplates']; } else { $params['contain'][] = 'MetaFields'; } } $data = false; if (Validation::uuid($id) && $this->Table->getSchema()->hasColumn('uuid')) { $data = $this->Table->find()->where( [ "{$this->Table->getAlias()}.uuid" => $id, ] )->first(); } else { $data = $this->Table->get($id, $params); } if (empty($data)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid {0}.', $this->ObjectAlias)); } if ($this->metaFieldsSupported() && !empty($data['meta_fields'])) { $usedMetaTemplateIDs = array_values(array_unique(Hash::extract($data['meta_fields'], '{n}.meta_template_id'))); $data = $this->attachMetaTemplatesIfNeeded( $data, null, [ 'id IN' => $usedMetaTemplateIDs ] ); } if (isset($params['afterFind'])) { $data = $params['afterFind']($data); } if (empty($data)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid {0}.', $this->ObjectAlias)); } if ($this->Controller->ParamHandler->isRest()) { $this->Controller->restResponsePayload = $this->RestResponse->viewData($data, 'json'); } $this->Controller->set('entity', $data); } public function attachMetaTemplatesIfNeeded($data, array $metaTemplates = null, array $metaTemplateConditions = []) { if (!$this->metaFieldsSupported()) { return $data; } if (!is_null($metaTemplates)) { // We might be in the case where $metaTemplates gets re-used in a while loop // We deep copy the meta-template so that the data attached is not preserved for the next iteration $metaTemplates = array_map( function ($metaTemplate) { $tmpEntity = $this->MetaTemplates->newEntity($metaTemplate->toArray()); $tmpEntity['meta_template_fields'] = Hash::combine($tmpEntity['meta_template_fields'], '{n}.id', '{n}'); // newEntity resets array indexing, see return $tmpEntity; }, $metaTemplates ); } else { $metaTemplates = $this->getMetaTemplates($metaTemplateConditions)->toArray(); } $data = $this->attachMetaTemplates($data, $metaTemplates); return $data; } public function delete($id = false, $params = []): void { $ids = $this->getIds($id); $query = $this->prepareQueryForIDOrUUID($id); if (!empty($params['conditions'])) { $query->where($params['conditions']); } if (!empty($params['contain'])) { $query->contain($params['contain']); } $entities = $query->all()->toList(); if (isset($params['afterFind'])) { foreach ($entities as $i => $entity) { $entities[$i] = $params['afterFind']($entity, $params); } } if ($this->request->is('get')) { $this->Controller->set('entities', $entities); $this->Controller->set('tableFields', $params['tableFields'] ?? []); $this->Controller->viewBuilder()->setLayout('ajax'); if (count($entities) > 1) { $this->Controller->set('ids', $ids); $this->Controller->render('/genericTemplates/massDelete'); } else { $this->Controller->set('id', $id); $this->Controller->render('/genericTemplates/delete'); } } else if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('delete')) { $isBulk = count($ids) > 1; $bulkSuccesses = 0; foreach ($entities as $i => $entity) { if (isset($params['beforeSave'])) { try { $entity = $params['beforeSave']($entity); if ($entity === false) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Could not save {0} due to the input failing to meet expectations. Your input is bad and you should feel bad.', $this->ObjectAlias)); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $entity = false; } } if (!empty($entity)) { $success = $this->Table->delete($entity); } else { $success = false; } if ($success) { $bulkSuccesses++; } } $message = $this->getMessageBasedOnResult( $bulkSuccesses == count($ids), $isBulk, __('{0} deleted.', $this->ObjectAlias), __('All selected {0} have been deleted.', Inflector::pluralize($this->ObjectAlias)), __('Could not delete {0}.', $this->ObjectAlias), __( '{0} / {1} {2} have been deleted.', $bulkSuccesses, count($ids), Inflector::pluralize($this->ObjectAlias) ) ); $this->setResponseForController('massToggle', $bulkSuccesses == count($ids), $message, [], [], []); } } public function tag($id = false): void { if (!$this->taggingSupported()) { throw new \Exception("Table {$this->TableAlias} does not support tagging"); } if ($this->request->is('get')) { $this->setAllTags(); if (!empty($id)) { $params = [ 'contain' => 'Tags', ]; $entity = $this->Table->get($id, $params); $this->Controller->set('id', $entity->id); $this->Controller->set('data', $entity); $this->Controller->set('bulkEnabled', false); } else { $this->Controller->set('bulkEnabled', true); } } else if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('delete')) { $ids = $this->getIdsOrFail($id); $isBulk = count($ids) > 1; $bulkSuccesses = 0; foreach ($ids as $id) { $params = [ 'contain' => 'Tags', ]; $entity = $this->Table->get($id, $params); $input = $this->request->getData(); $tagsToAdd = json_decode($input['tag_list']); // patching will mirror tag in the DB, however, we only want to add tags $input['tags'] = array_merge($tagsToAdd, $entity->tags); $patchEntityParams = [ 'fields' => ['tags'], ]; $entity = $this->Table->patchEntity($entity, $input, $patchEntityParams); $savedData = $this->Table->save($entity); $success = true; if ($success) { $bulkSuccesses++; } } $message = $this->getMessageBasedOnResult( $bulkSuccesses == count($ids), $isBulk, __('{0} tagged with `{1}`.', $this->ObjectAlias, $input['tag_list']), __('All {0} have been tagged.', Inflector::pluralize($this->ObjectAlias)), __('Could not tag {0} with `{1}`.', $this->ObjectAlias, $input['tag_list']), __( '{0} / {1} {2} have been tagged.', $bulkSuccesses, count($ids), Inflector::pluralize($this->ObjectAlias) ) ); $this->setResponseForController('tag', $bulkSuccesses, $message, $savedData); } $this->Controller->viewBuilder()->setLayout('ajax'); $this->Controller->render('/genericTemplates/tagForm'); } public function untag($id = false): void { if (!$this->taggingSupported()) { throw new \Exception("Table {$this->TableAlias} does not support tagging"); } if ($this->request->is('get')) { $this->setAllTags(); if (!empty($id)) { $params = [ 'contain' => 'Tags', ]; $entity = $this->Table->get($id, $params); $this->Controller->set('id', $entity->id); $this->Controller->set('data', $entity); $this->Controller->set('bulkEnabled', false); } else { $this->Controller->set('bulkEnabled', true); } } else if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('delete')) { $ids = $this->getIdsOrFail($id); $isBulk = count($ids) > 1; $bulkSuccesses = 0; foreach ($ids as $id) { $params = [ 'contain' => 'Tags', ]; $entity = $this->Table->get($id, $params); $input = $this->request->getData(); $tagsToRemove = json_decode($input['tag_list']); // patching will mirror tag in the DB, however, we only want to remove tags $input['tags'] = array_filter( $entity->tags, function ($existingTag) use ($tagsToRemove) { return !in_array($existingTag->name, $tagsToRemove); } ); $patchEntityParams = [ 'fields' => ['tags'], ]; $entity = $this->Table->patchEntity($entity, $input, $patchEntityParams); $savedData = $this->Table->save($entity); $success = true; if ($success) { $bulkSuccesses++; } } $message = $this->getMessageBasedOnResult( $bulkSuccesses == count($ids), $isBulk, __('{0} untagged with `{1}`.', $this->ObjectAlias, implode(', ', $tagsToRemove)), __('All {0} have been untagged.', Inflector::pluralize($this->ObjectAlias)), __('Could not untag {0} with `{1}`.', $this->ObjectAlias, $input['tag_list']), __( '{0} / {1} {2} have been untagged.', $bulkSuccesses, count($ids), Inflector::pluralize($this->ObjectAlias) ) ); $this->setResponseForController('tag', $bulkSuccesses, $message, $entity); } $this->Controller->viewBuilder()->setLayout('ajax'); $this->Controller->render('/genericTemplates/tagForm'); } public function viewTags(int $id, array $params = []): void { if (!$this->taggingSupported()) { throw new \Exception("Table {$this->TableAlias} does not support tagging"); } if (empty($id)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid {0}.', $this->ObjectAlias)); } $params['contain'][] = 'Tags'; $data = $this->Table->get($id, $params); if (isset($params['afterFind'])) { $data = $params['afterFind']($data); } if ($this->Controller->ParamHandler->isRest()) { $this->Controller->restResponsePayload = $this->RestResponse->viewData($data, 'json'); } $this->Controller->set('entity', $data); $this->setAllTags(); $this->Controller->viewBuilder()->setLayout('ajax'); $this->Controller->render('/genericTemplates/tag'); } public function setResponseForController($action, $success, $message, $data = [], $errors = null, $additionalData = []) { if ($success) { if ($this->Controller->ParamHandler->isRest()) { $this->Controller->restResponsePayload = $this->RestResponse->viewData($data, 'json'); } elseif ($this->Controller->ParamHandler->isAjax()) { if (!empty($additionalData['redirect'])) { // If a redirection occurs, we need to make sure the flash message gets displayed $this->Controller->Flash->success($message); } $this->Controller->ajaxResponsePayload = $this->RestResponse->ajaxSuccessResponse($this->ObjectAlias, $action, $data, $message, $additionalData); } else { $this->Controller->Flash->success($message); $this->Controller->redirect($this->Controller->referer()); } } else { if ($this->Controller->ParamHandler->isRest()) { $data = $data ?? $message; // FIXME show error in the JSON response, and return with an HTTP error code $this->Controller->restResponsePayload = $this->RestResponse->viewData($data, 'json'); } elseif ($this->Controller->ParamHandler->isAjax()) { if (!empty($additionalData['redirect'])) { // If a redirection occurs, we need to make sure the flash message gets displayed $this->Controller->Flash->error($message); } $this->Controller->ajaxResponsePayload = $this->RestResponse->ajaxFailResponse($this->ObjectAlias, $action, $data, $message, !is_null($errors) ? $errors : $data->getErrors()); } else { $this->Controller->Flash->error($message); $this->Controller->redirect($this->Controller->referer()); } } } private function getMessageBasedOnResult($isSuccess, $isBulk, $messageSingleSuccess, $messageBulkSuccess, $messageSingleFailure, $messageBulkFailure) { if ($isSuccess) { $message = $isBulk ? $messageBulkSuccess : $messageSingleSuccess; } else { $message = $isBulk ? $messageBulkFailure : $messageSingleFailure; } return $message; } /** * getIdsOrFail * * @param mixed $id * @return Array The ID converted to a list or the list of provided IDs from the request * @throws NotFoundException when no ID could be found */ public function getIdsOrFail($id = false): array { $ids = $this->getIds($id); if (empty($ids)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid {0}.', $this->ObjectAlias)); } return $ids; } public function getIds($id): array { $params = $this->Controller->ParamHandler->harvestParams(['ids']); if (!empty($params['ids'])) { $params['ids'] = json_decode($params['ids']); } $ids = []; if (empty($id) && !empty($params['ids'])) { $ids = $params['ids']; } else { $id = $this->getInteger($id); if (!is_null($id)) { $ids = [$id]; } } return $ids; } private function getInteger($value) { return is_numeric($value) ? intval($value) : null; } protected function massageFilters(array $params): array { $massagedFilters = [ 'simpleFilters' => [], 'relatedFilters' => [] ]; if (!empty($params)) { foreach ($params as $param => $paramValue) { if (strpos($param, '.') !== false) { $param = explode('.', $param); if ($param[0] === $this->Table->getAlias()) { $massagedFilters['simpleFilters'][implode('.', $param)] = $paramValue; } else { $massagedFilters['relatedFilters'][implode('.', $param)] = $paramValue; } } else { $massagedFilters['simpleFilters'][$param] = $paramValue; } } } return $massagedFilters; } public function setQuickFilters(array $params, \Cake\ORM\Query $query, array $options): \Cake\ORM\Query { $this->setQuickFilterForView($params, $options); $quickFilterFields = $options['quickFilters']; if (!empty($params['quickFilter']) && !empty($quickFilterFields)) { $queryConditions = $this->genQuickFilterConditions($params, $quickFilterFields); if ($this->metaFieldsSupported() && !empty($options['quickFilterForMetaField']['enabled'])) { $searchValue = !empty($options['quickFilterForMetaField']['wildcard_search']) ? "%{$params['quickFilter']}%" : $params['quickFilter']; $metaFieldConditions = $this->Table->buildMetaFieldQuerySnippetForMatchingParent(['value' => $searchValue]); $queryConditions[] = $metaFieldConditions; } $query->where(['OR' => $queryConditions]); } return $query; } public function setQuickFilterForView(array $params, array $options): void { $quickFilterFields = $options['quickFilters']; $this->Controller->set('quickFilter', empty($quickFilterFields) ? [] : $quickFilterFields); if ($this->metaFieldsSupported() && !empty($options['quickFilterForMetaField']['enabled'])) { $this->Controller->set( 'quickFilterForMetaField', [ 'enabled' => $options['quickFilterForMetaField']['enabled'] ?? false, 'wildcard_search' => $options['quickFilterForMetaField']['enabled'] ?? false, ] ); } if (!empty($params['quickFilter']) && !empty($quickFilterFields)) { $this->Controller->set('quickFilterValue', $params['quickFilter']); } else { $this->Controller->set('quickFilterValue', ''); } } public function genQuickFilterConditions(array $params, array $quickFilterFields): array { $queryConditions = []; foreach ($quickFilterFields as $filterField) { if (is_array($filterField)) { reset($filterField); $filterFieldName = array_key_first($filterField); if (!empty($filterField[$filterFieldName])) { $queryConditions[$filterFieldName . ' LIKE'] = '%' . $params['quickFilter'] . '%'; } else { $queryConditions[$filterField] = $params['quickFilter']; } } else { $queryConditions[$filterField] = $params['quickFilter']; } } return $queryConditions; } protected function setFilters($params, \Cake\ORM\Query $query, array $options): \Cake\ORM\Query { $filteringLabel = !empty($params['filteringLabel']) ? $params['filteringLabel'] : ''; unset($params['filteringLabel']); $filteringTags = !empty($params['filteringTags']) && $this->taggingSupported() ? $params['filteringTags'] : ''; unset($params['filteringTags']); $customFilteringFunction = ''; $chosenFilter = []; if (!empty($options['contextFilters']['custom'])) { foreach ($options['contextFilters']['custom'] as $filter) { if ($filter['label'] == $filteringLabel) { $customFilteringFunction = $filter; $chosenFilter = $filter; break; } } } $activeFilters = []; if (!empty($customFilteringFunction['filterConditionFunction'])) { $query = $customFilteringFunction['filterConditionFunction']($query); $activeFilters['filteringLabel'] = $filteringLabel; } else { if (!empty($chosenFilter)) { $params = $this->massageFilters($chosenFilter['filterCondition']); } else { $params = $this->massageFilters($params); } if (!empty($params['simpleFilters'])) { foreach ($params['simpleFilters'] as $filter => $filterValue) { if ($filter === 'quickFilter') { continue; } $activeFilters[$filter] = $filterValue; $filterValue = $this->convertBooleanAnyAndBothIfNeeded($filter, $filterValue); if (is_array($filterValue)) { $query = $this->setInCondition($query, $filter, $filterValue); } else { $query = $this->setValueCondition($query, $filter, $filterValue); } } } if (!empty($params['relatedFilters'])) { foreach ($params['relatedFilters'] as $filter => $filterValue) { $activeFilters[$filter] = $filterValue; $filterParts = explode('.', $filter); $query = $this->setNestedRelatedCondition($query, $filterParts, $filterValue); } } } if ($this->taggingSupported() && !empty($filteringTags)) { $activeFilters['filteringTags'] = $filteringTags; $query = $this->setTagFilters($query, $filteringTags); } if ($this->metaFieldsSupported()) { $filteringMetaFields = $this->getMetaFieldFiltersFromQuery(); if (!empty($filteringMetaFields)) { $activeFilters['filteringMetaFields'] = $filteringMetaFields; } $query = $this->setMetaFieldFilters($query, $filteringMetaFields); } $this->Controller->set('activeFilters', $activeFilters); return $query; } protected function setMetaFieldFilters($query, $metaFieldFilters) { $metaFieldConditions = $this->Table->buildMetaFieldQuerySnippetForMatchingParent($metaFieldFilters); $query->where($metaFieldConditions); return $query; } protected function setTagFilters($query, $tags) { $modelAlias = $this->Table->getAlias(); $subQuery = $this->Table->find( 'tagged', [ 'name' => $tags, 'OperatorAND' => true ] )->select($modelAlias . '.id'); return $query->where([$modelAlias . '.id IN' => $subQuery]); } // FIXME: Adding related condition with association having `through` setup might include duplicate in the result set // We should probably rely on `innerJoinWith` and perform deduplication via `distinct` // Or grouping by primary key for the main model (however this is not optimal/efficient/clean) protected function setNestedRelatedCondition($query, $filterParts, $filterValue) { $modelName = $filterParts[0]; if (count($filterParts) == 2) { $fieldName = implode('.', $filterParts); $query = $this->setRelatedCondition($query, $modelName, $fieldName, $filterValue); } else { $filterParts = array_slice($filterParts, 1); $query = $query->matching( $modelName, function (\Cake\ORM\Query $q) use ($filterParts, $filterValue) { return $this->setNestedRelatedCondition($q, $filterParts, $filterValue); } ); } return $query; } protected function setRelatedCondition($query, $modelName, $fieldName, $filterValue) { return $query->matching( $modelName, function (\Cake\ORM\Query $q) use ($fieldName, $filterValue) { if (is_array($filterValue)) { return $this->setInCondition($q, $fieldName, $filterValue); } else { return $this->setValueCondition($q, $fieldName, $filterValue); } return $this->setValueCondition($q, $fieldName, $filterValue); } ); } protected function setValueCondition($query, $fieldName, $value) { if (strlen(trim($value, '%')) === strlen($value)) { return $query->where([$fieldName => $value]); } else { return $query->where( function ($exp, \Cake\ORM\Query $q) use ($fieldName, $value) { return $exp->like($fieldName, $value); } ); } } protected function setInCondition($query, $fieldName, $values) { $split = explode(' ', $fieldName); if (count($split) == 1) { $field = $fieldName; $operator = '='; } else { $field = $split[0]; $operator = $split[1]; } if ($operator == '=') { return $query->where( function (QueryExpression $exp, Query $q) use ($field, $values) { return $exp->in($field, $values); } ); } else if ($operator == '!=') { return $query->where( function (QueryExpression $exp, Query $q) use ($field, $values) { return $exp->notIn($field, $values); } ); } } protected function setFilteringContext($contextFilters, $params) { $filteringContexts = []; if ( !isset($contextFilters['_all']) || !isset($contextFilters['_all']['enabled']) || !empty($contextFilters['_all']['enabled']) ) { $filteringContexts[] = [ 'label' => !empty($contextFilters['_all']['text']) ? h($contextFilters['_all']['text']) : __('All') ]; } if (!empty($contextFilters['fields'])) { foreach ($contextFilters['fields'] as $field) { $contextsFromField = $this->getFilteringContextFromField($field); foreach ($contextsFromField as $contextFromField) { if (is_bool($contextFromField)) { $contextFromFieldText = sprintf('%s: %s', $field, $contextFromField ? 'true' : 'false'); } else { $contextFromFieldText = sprintf('%s: %s', $field, $contextFromField); } $filteringContexts[] = [ 'label' => Inflector::humanize($contextFromFieldText), 'filterCondition' => [ $field => $contextFromField ] ]; } } } if (!empty($contextFilters['custom'])) { $filteringContexts = array_merge($filteringContexts, $contextFilters['custom']); } $this->Controller->set('filteringContexts', $filteringContexts); } /** * Create a fake filtering label set to the filter to be used by default if the request does not supply one * This fake filtering label will then be used to set approriate filters on the query * * @param array $options CRUD options * @param array $params Collected params from the request * @return array */ protected function fakeContextFilter($options, $params): array { if (empty($params['filteringLabel']) && !empty($options['contextFilters']['custom'])) { foreach ($options['contextFilters']['custom'] as $contextFilter) { if (!empty($contextFilter['default']) && empty($params)) { $params['filteringLabel'] = $contextFilter['label']; $this->Controller->set('fakeFilteringLabel', $contextFilter['label']); break; } } } return $params; } public function setParentConditionsForMetaFields($query, array $metaConditions) { $metaTemplates = $this->MetaFields->MetaTemplates->find( 'list', [ 'keyField' => 'name', 'valueField' => 'id' ] )->where(['name IN' => array_keys($metaConditions)])->all()->toArray(); $fieldsConditions = []; foreach ($metaConditions as $templateName => $templateConditions) { $metaTemplateID = isset($metaTemplates[$templateName]) ? $metaTemplates[$templateName] : -1; foreach ($templateConditions as $conditions) { $conditions['meta_template_id'] = $metaTemplateID; $fieldsConditions[] = $conditions; } } $matchingMetaQuery = $this->getParentIDQueryForMetaANDConditions($fieldsConditions); return $query->where(['id IN' => $matchingMetaQuery]); } private function getParentIDQueryForMetaANDConditions(array $metaANDConditions) { if (empty($metaANDConditions)) { throw new \Exception('Invalid passed conditions'); } foreach ($metaANDConditions as $i => $conditions) { $metaANDConditions[$i]['scope'] = $this->Table->getBehavior('MetaFields')->getScope(); } $firstCondition = $this->prefixConditions('MetaFields', $metaANDConditions[0]); $conditionsToJoin = array_slice($metaANDConditions, 1); $query = $this->MetaFields->find() ->select('parent_id') ->where($firstCondition); foreach ($conditionsToJoin as $i => $conditions) { $joinedConditions = $this->prefixConditions("m{$i}", $conditions); $joinedConditions[] = "m{$i}.parent_id = MetaFields.parent_id"; $query->rightJoin( ["m{$i}" => 'meta_fields'], $joinedConditions ); } return $query; } private function prefixConditions(string $prefix, array $conditions) { $prefixedConditions = []; foreach ($conditions as $condField => $condValue) { $prefixedConditions["$prefix.$condField"] = $condValue; } return $prefixedConditions; } protected function convertBooleanAnyAndBothIfNeeded(string $filterName, $filterValue) { $typeMap = $this->Table->getSchema()->typeMap(); if (!empty($typeMap[$filterName]) && $typeMap[$filterName] === 'boolean') { if ($filterValue === 'any') { return [true, false]; } } return $filterValue; } public function taggingSupported() { return $this->Table->behaviors()->has('Tag'); } public function metaFieldsSupported() { return $this->Table->hasBehavior('MetaFields'); } public function setAllTags() { $this->Tags = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Tags.Tags'); $allTags = $this->Tags->find()->all()->toList(); $this->Controller->set('allTags', $allTags); } public function toggle(int $id, string $fieldName = 'enabled', array $params = []): void { if (empty($id)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid {0}.', $this->ObjectAlias)); } $data = $this->Table->get($id, $params); if (isset($params['afterFind'])) { $data = $params['afterFind']($data, $params); } if ($this->request->is(['post', 'put'])) { if (isset($params['force_state'])) { $data->{$fieldName} = $params['force_state']; } else { $data->{$fieldName} = !$data->{$fieldName}; } $savedData = $this->Table->save($data); if ($savedData !== false) { $message = __( '{0} field {1}. (ID: {2} {3})', $fieldName, $data->{$fieldName} ? __('enabled') : __('disabled'), Inflector::humanize($this->ObjectAlias), $data->id ); if ($this->Controller->ParamHandler->isRest()) { $this->Controller->restResponsePayload = $this->RestResponse->viewData($data, 'json'); } else if ($this->Controller->ParamHandler->isAjax()) { $this->Controller->ajaxResponsePayload = $this->RestResponse->ajaxSuccessResponse($this->ObjectAlias, 'toggle', $savedData, $message); } else { $this->Controller->Flash->success($message); if (empty($params['redirect'])) { $this->Controller->redirect(['action' => 'view', $id]); } else { $this->Controller->redirect($params['redirect']); } } } else { $validationErrors = $data->getErrors(); $validationMessage = $this->prepareValidationMessage($validationErrors); $message = __( '{0} could not be modified.{1}', $this->ObjectAlias, empty($validationMessage) ? '' : ' ' . __('Reason: {0}', $validationMessage) ); if ($this->Controller->ParamHandler->isRest()) { } else if ($this->Controller->ParamHandler->isAjax()) { $this->Controller->ajaxResponsePayload = $this->RestResponse->ajaxFailResponse($this->ObjectAlias, 'toggle', [], $message, $validationErrors); } else { $this->Controller->Flash->error($message); if (empty($params['redirect'])) { $this->Controller->redirect(['action' => 'view', $id]); } else { $this->Controller->redirect($params['redirect']); } } } } $this->Controller->set('entity', $data); $this->Controller->set('fieldName', $fieldName); $this->Controller->viewBuilder()->setLayout('ajax'); $this->Controller->render('/genericTemplates/toggle'); } public function massToggle($fieldName, $params): void { $ids = $this->getIdsOrFail(false); $query = $this->Table->find()->where( function (QueryExpression $exp) use ($ids) { return $exp->in($this->Table->getAlias() . '.id', $ids); } ); if (!empty($params['conditions'])) { $query->where($params['conditions']); } if (!empty($params['contain'])) { $query->contain($params['contain']); } $entities = $query->all()->toList(); if ($this->request->is('get')) { $this->Controller->set('ids', $ids); $this->Controller->set('entities', $entities); $this->Controller->set('fieldName', $fieldName); $this->Controller->set('tableFields', $params['tableFields'] ?? []); $this->Controller->viewBuilder()->setLayout('ajax'); $this->Controller->set('fieldName', $fieldName); $this->Controller->render('/genericTemplates/massToggle'); } else if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('delete')) { $bulkSuccesses = 0; foreach ($entities as $entity) { if (isset($params['afterFind'])) { $entity = $params['afterFind']($entity, $params); } if (isset($params['beforeSave'])) { try { $entity = $params['beforeSave']($entity); if ($entity === false) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Could not save {0} due to the input failing to meet expectations. Your input is bad and you should feel bad.', $this->ObjectAlias)); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $entity = false; } } if (!empty($entity)) { if (isset($params['force_state'])) { $entity->{$fieldName} = $params['force_state']; } else { $entity->{$fieldName} = !$entity->{$fieldName}; } $savedData = $this->Table->save($entity); $success = $savedData !== false; } else { $success = false; } if ($success) { $bulkSuccesses++; } } $message = $this->getMessageBasedOnResult( $bulkSuccesses == count($ids), true, __('{0} updated.', $this->ObjectAlias), __('All selected {0} have been updated.', Inflector::pluralize($this->ObjectAlias)), __('Could not update {0}.', $this->ObjectAlias), __( '{0} / {1} {2} have been updated.', $bulkSuccesses, count($ids), Inflector::pluralize($this->ObjectAlias) ) ); $this->setResponseForController('massToggle', $bulkSuccesses == count($ids), $message, [], [], []); } } public function toggleEnabled(int $id, array $path, string $fieldName = 'enabled'): void { if (empty($id)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid {0}.', $this->ObjectAlias)); } $data = $this->Table->get($id); if ($this->request->is('post')) { $data[$fieldName] = $data[$fieldName] ? true : false; $this->Table->save($data); $this->Controller->restResponsePayload = $this->RestResponse->viewData(['value' => $data[$fieldName]], 'json'); } else { if ($this->Controller->ParamHandler->isRest()) { $this->Controller->restResponsePayload = $this->RestResponse->viewData(['value' => $data[$fieldName]], 'json'); } else { $this->Controller->set('fieldName', $fieldName); $this->Controller->set('currentValue', $data[$fieldName]); $this->Controller->set('path', $path); $this->Controller->render('/genericTemplates/ajaxForm'); } } } private function getFilteringContextFromField($field) { $exploded = explode('.', $field); if (count($exploded) > 1) { $model = $exploded[0]; $subField = $exploded[1]; $association = $this->Table->associations()->get($model); $associationType = $association->type(); if ($associationType == 'oneToMany') { $fieldToExtract = $subField; $associatedTable = $association->getTarget(); $query = $associatedTable->find()->rightJoin( [$this->Table->getAlias() => $this->Table->getTable()], [sprintf(' = %s.%s', $this->Table->getAlias(), $associatedTable->getAlias(), $association->getForeignKey())] ) ->where( [ ["$field IS NOT" => null] ] ); } else if ($associationType == 'manyToOne') { $fieldToExtract = sprintf('%s.%s', Inflector::singularize(strtolower($model)), $subField); $query = $this->Table->find()->contain($model); } else { throw new \Exception("Association $associationType not supported in CRUD Component"); } } else { $fieldToExtract = $field; $query = $this->Table->find(); } return $query->select([$field]) ->distinct() ->all() ->extract($fieldToExtract) ->toList(); } private function getMetaFieldFiltersFromQuery(): array { $filters = []; foreach ($this->request->getQueryParams() as $filterName => $value) { $prefix = '_metafield'; if (substr($filterName, 0, strlen($prefix)) === $prefix) { $dissected = explode('_', substr($filterName, strlen($prefix))); if (count($dissected) == 3) { // Skip if template_id or template_field_id not provided $filters[] = [ 'meta_template_id' => intval($dissected[1]), 'meta_template_field_id' => intval($dissected[2]), 'value' => $value, ]; } } } return $filters; } /** * Prepare a find query for either the provided id/uuid or a list of json-encoded ids * * @param mixed $id Can be either ID, UUID or unset * @return Query * @throws NotFoundException */ public function prepareQueryForIDOrUUID($id = false): Query { $query = $this->Table->find(); $ids = $this->getIds($id); if (Validation::uuid($id) && $this->Table->getSchema()->hasColumn('uuid')) { $query->where(["{$this->Table->getAlias()}.uuid" => $id,]); } else if (count($ids) > 0) { $query->where( function (QueryExpression $exp) use ($ids) { return $exp->in($this->Table->getAlias() . '.id', $ids); } ); } else { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid {0}.', $this->ObjectAlias)); } return $query; } private function renderViewInVariable($templateRelativeName, $data) { $builder = new ViewBuilder(); $builder->disableAutoLayout() ->setClassName('Monad') ->setTemplate("{$this->TableAlias}/{$templateRelativeName}") ->setVars($data); $view = $builder->build(); return $view->render(); } protected function _getAssociatedTypeMap(): array { $typeMap = []; foreach ($this->getFilterFieldsName() as $filter) { $exploded = explode('.', $filter); if (count($exploded) > 1) { $model = $exploded[0]; $subField = $exploded[1]; if ($model == $this->Table->getAlias()) { $typeMap[$filter] = $this->Table->getSchema()->typeMap()[$subField] ?? 'text'; } else { $association = $this->Table->associations()->get($model); $associatedTable = $association->getTarget(); $typeMap[$filter] = $associatedTable->getSchema()->typeMap()[$subField] ?? 'text'; } } } return $typeMap; } protected function _validOrderFields($fields): bool { if (!is_array($fields)) { $fields = [$fields]; } foreach ($fields as $field) { $exploded = explode('.', $field); if (count($exploded) > 1) { $model = $exploded[0]; $subField = $exploded[1]; if ($model == $this->Table->getAlias()) { if (empty($this->Table->getSchema()->typeMap()[$subField])) { return false; } } else { $association = $this->Table->associations()->get($model); $associatedTable = $association->getTarget(); if (empty($associatedTable->getSchema()->typeMap()[$subField])) { return false; } } } else { if (empty($this->Table->getSchema()->typeMap()[$field])) { return false; } } } return true; } }