Using S3 as an attachment store =============================== It is possible to use Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) to store event attachments to allow for a stateless MISP setup (i.e for containerisation) There's a massive caveat here so let me make this incredibly clear ############################################## # WARNING WARNING WARNING # # # # Storing malware is against amazon's # # terms of service. # # # # DO NOT USE THIS UNLESS YOU HAVE # # THEIR EXPLICIT PERMISSION # ############################################## 0. Installing Dependencies -------------------------- Install the AWS PHP SDK ```bash cd /var/www/MISP/app sudo -u www-data php composer.phar require aws/aws-sdk-php ``` 1. Creating an S3 bucket ------------------------- Go to And create a bucket. It has to have a globally unique name, and this cannot be changed later on. 2a. Using an EC2 instance for MISP ----------------------------------- If you run MISP on EC2, this will be super duper easy peasy. Simply create an IAM role with the following permissions and assign it to the instance by right-clicking and selecting "Instance Settings -> Attach/Replace IAM role" ```json { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "PermitMISPAttachmentsToS3", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:*" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::your-bucket-name" ] } ] } ``` 2b. Using AWS access keys ------------------------- This is not recommended, but it works I think. Create a new programmatic access user via IAM and apply the same policy outlined above. Copy the access keys and save them for the next step 3. Setting up MISP ------------------ In Administration -> Server Settings & Maintenance -> MISP settings Set MISP.attachments_dir to "s3://" In Administration -> Server Settings & Maintenance -> Plugin Settings -> S3 Set S3_enable to True Set S3_bucket-name to the bucket you created earlier Set S3_region to your region ONLY IF YOU DID NOT USE THE EC2 METHOD Set aws_access_key and aws_secret_key to the ones you created in 2b Now theoretically it should work. Addendum ======== If you are migrating a server currently in use, simply copy the directory structure from the attachments folder (usually /var/www/MISP/app/files) to S3 and everything should continue to work.