args[0]) ? null : $this->args[0]; $to = empty($this->args[1]) ? null : $this->args[1]; $repos = [ ROOT, ROOT . '/PyMISP', ROOT . '/app/files/misp-galaxy', ROOT . '/app/files/misp-objects', ROOT . '/app/files/noticelists', ROOT . '/app/files/taxonomies', ROOT . '/app/files/warninglists' ]; $results = []; foreach ($repos as $repo) { $results = $this->extract($results, $repo, $from, $to); } echo PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . array_sum($results) . ' commits from ' . count($results) . ' unique contributors.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; arsort($results); foreach ($results as $email => $count) { echo $email . ': ' . $count . PHP_EOL; } } private function extract($results, $repo, $from, $to) { $data = shell_exec( sprintf( 'git --git-dir ' . $repo . '/.git shortlog -sne %s %s', $from ? (sprintf('--since="%s"', $from)) : '', $to ? (sprintf('--since="%s"', $to)) : '' ) ); $data = explode(PHP_EOL, $data); foreach ($data as $line) { $line = trim($line); if (empty($line)) { continue; } $email = null; $count = null; preg_match('/\<.+\>/', $line, $email); $email = trim($email[0], '<>'); preg_match('/^[0-9]+/', $line, $count); if (isset($results[$email])) { $results[$email] += $count[0]; } else { $results[$email] = $count[0]; } } return $results; } public function analyse_slow_logs() { $path = $this->args[0]; $raw = file_get_contents($path); $raw = explode("\n", $raw); $data = [ 'users' => [], 'non_sync_action_users' => [], 'endpoints' => [] ]; $this->User = ClassRegistry::init('User'); $users = $this->User->find('list', [ 'fields' => ['id', 'email'] ]); foreach ($raw as $line) { if (empty($line)) { continue; } if ($line[0] === '/' && $line[1] === '*') { $temp = preg_match('/\/\*\s\[User\:\s([0-9]+)\]/', $line, $matches); if (!empty($matches[1])) { $user = $matches[1]; if (isset($data['users'][$user])) { $data['users'][$user] += 1; } else { $data['users'][$user] = 1; } } $temp = preg_match('/\]\s([a-z\:\s]*)/', $line, $matches); if (!empty($matches[1])) { $endpoint = $matches[1]; $endpoint = trim($endpoint); if (isset($data['endpoints'][$endpoint])) { $data['endpoints'][$endpoint] += 1; } else { $data['endpoints'][$endpoint] = 1; } } if (!in_array($endpoint, ['events :: add', 'events :: edit', 'events :: index'])) { if (isset($data['non_sync_action_users'][$user])) { $data['non_sync_action_users'][$user] += 1; } else { $data['non_sync_action_users'][$user] = 1; } } } } arsort($data['endpoints']); arsort($data['users']); arsort($data['non_sync_action_users']); echo "\n\n==================================\nCount | User\n"; echo "\n\n==================================\nSlow queries by user general\n==================================\nCount | User | Email\n"; foreach ($data['users'] as $user_id => $count) { echo sprintf( "%s | %s | %s\n", str_pad($count, 5), str_pad($user_id, 5), !empty($users[$user_id]) ? $users[$user_id] : '' ); } echo "\n\n==================================\nSlow queries by user excluding sync\n==================================\nCount | User | Email\n"; foreach ($data['non_sync_action_users'] as $user_id => $count) { echo sprintf( "%s | %s | %s\n", str_pad($count, 5), str_pad($user_id, 5), !empty($users[$user_id]) ? $users[$user_id] : '' ); } echo "\n\n==================================\nSlow queries by endpoint\n==================================\nCount | Endpoint\n"; foreach ($data['endpoints'] as $endpoint => $count) { echo sprintf( "%s | %s\n", str_pad($count, 5), $endpoint ); } echo "==================================\n\n"; } public function orgEngagement() { $orgs = $this->Organisation->find('list', [ 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => ['', ''], 'conditions' => ['Organisation.local' => 1] ]); $orgs = array_values($orgs); $total_orgs = count($orgs); $data = []; $orgCreations = $this->Log->find('list', [ 'conditions' => [ 'model' => 'Organisation', 'action' => 'add' ], 'fields' => ['Log.model_id', 'Log.created'] ]); $localOrgs = $this->Organisation->find('count', [ 'conditions' => [ 'Organisation.local' => 1 ] ]); foreach ($orgs as $k => $org) { echo sprintf(__('Processing organisation %s / %s.%s', $k+1, $total_orgs, PHP_EOL)); $temp = [ 'org_id' => $org ]; if (empty($orgCreations[$org])) { continue; } else { $temp['org_creation_timestamp'] = strtotime($orgCreations[$org]); } $first_event = $this->Event->find('first', [ 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => [ 'orgc_id' => $org ], 'order' => [' ASC'], 'fields' => [''] ]); if (empty($first_event)) { continue; } $first_event_creation = $this->Log->find('first', [ 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => [ 'model_id' => $first_event['Event']['id'], 'model' => 'Event', 'action' => 'add' ] ]); if (empty($first_event_creation)) { continue; } $temp['first_event_creation'] = strtotime($first_event_creation['Log']['created']); $temp['time_until_first_event'] = $temp['first_event_creation'] - $temp['org_creation_timestamp']; $data[] = $temp; } $average_time_to_first_event = 0; foreach ($data as $org_data) { $average_time_to_first_event += (int)$org_data['time_until_first_event'] / 60 / 60 / 24; } echo PHP_EOL . str_repeat('-', 63) . PHP_EOL; echo __('Total local orgs: %s%s', $localOrgs, PHP_EOL); echo __('Local orgs with event creations: %s%s', count($data), PHP_EOL); echo __('Average days until first event: %s', (int)($average_time_to_first_event / count($data))); echo PHP_EOL . str_repeat('-', 63) . PHP_EOL; } public function yearlyOrgGrowth() { $orgCreations = $this->Log->find('list', [ 'conditions' => [ 'model' => 'Organisation', 'action' => 'add' ], 'fields' => ['Log.model_id', 'Log.created'] ]); $localOnly = empty($this->args[0]) ? false : true; if ($localOnly) { $orgs = $this->Organisation->find('list', [ 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => ['', 'Organisation.local'] ]); foreach ($orgs as $org_id => $local) { if (!$local && isset($orgCreations[$org_id])) { unset($orgCreations[$org_id]); } } } $years = []; foreach ($orgCreations as $orgCreation) { $year = substr($orgCreation, 0, 4); if (empty($years[$year])) { $years[$year] = 0; } $years[$year] += 1; } ksort($years); $yearOverYear = []; $previous = 0; echo PHP_EOL . str_repeat('-', 63) . PHP_EOL; echo __('Year over year growth of organisation count.'); echo PHP_EOL . str_repeat('-', 63) . PHP_EOL; $currentYear = date("Y"); foreach ($years as $year => $count) { $prognosis = ''; if ($year == $currentYear) { $percentage_passed = (strtotime(($year +1) . '-01-01') - strtotime(($year) . '-01-01')) / (time() - (strtotime($year . '-01-01'))); $prognosis = sprintf(' (%s by the end of the year at current rate)', round($percentage_passed * $count)); } echo __('%s: %s %s%s', $year, $count - $previous, $prognosis, PHP_EOL); } echo str_repeat('-', 63) . PHP_EOL; } // (R)etrieval (o)f (m)ember (m)etrics (e)valuation (l)ist (f)or (s)tatistics public function rommelfs() { $this->out(json_encode([ 'events' => $this->Event->find('count'), 'attributes' => $this->Event->Attribute->find('count', ['conditions' => ['Attribute.deleted' => 0], 'recursive' => -1] ), 'objects' => $this->Event->Object->find('count', ['conditions' => ['Object.deleted' => 0], 'recursive' => -1] ), 'correlations' => $this->Correlation->find('count') / 2, 'users' => $this->User->find('count', ['conditions' => ['User.disabled' => 0], 'recursive' => -1] ), 'local_organisations' => $this->Organisation->find('count', ['conditions' => ['Organisation.local' => 1], 'recursive' => -1] ), 'external_organisations' => $this->Organisation->find('count', ['conditions' => ['Organisation.local' => 0], 'recursive' => -1] ) ], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); } }