[ 'roleModel' => 'Role', 'roleKey' => 'role_id', 'change' => 'full' ], ]; public $belongsTo = [ ]; public $validate = [ 'value' => [ 'stringNotEmpty' => [ 'rule' => ['stringNotEmpty'] ] ], 'uuid' => [ 'uuid' => [ 'rule' => 'uuid', 'message' => 'Please provide a valid RFC 4122 UUID' ], 'unique' => [ 'rule' => 'isUnique', 'message' => 'The UUID provided is not unique', 'required' => 'create' ] ], 'data' => [ 'hasAcyclicGraph' => [ 'rule' => ['hasAcyclicGraph'], 'message' => 'Cannot save a workflow containing a cycle', ], 'hasOneTrigger' => [ 'rule' => ['hasOneTrigger'], 'message' => 'Cannot save a workflow containing no or more than one trigger', ], 'satisfiesMultipleConnectionCondition' => [ 'rule' => ['satisfiesMultipleConnectionCondition'], 'message' => 'Cannot save a workflow having more than one connection per output', ] ] ]; /** @var WorkflowGraphTool */ public $workflowGraphTool; public $defaultContain = [ ]; private $loaded_modules = []; private $loaded_classes = []; private $error_while_loading = []; private $module_initialized = false; private $modules_enabled_by_default = ['generic-if', 'distribution-if', 'published-if', 'organisation-if', 'tag-if', 'concurrent-task', 'stop-execution', 'webhook', 'push-zmq']; const CAPTURE_FIELDS_EDIT = ['name', 'description', 'timestamp', 'data', 'debug_enabled']; const CAPTURE_FIELDS_ADD = ['uuid', 'name', 'description', 'timestamp', 'data', 'trigger_id', 'debug_enabled']; const MODULE_ROOT_PATH = APP . 'Model/WorkflowModules/'; const CUSTOM_MODULE_ROOT_PATH = APP . 'Lib/WorkflowModules/'; const REDIS_KEY_WORKFLOW_NAMESPACE = 'workflow'; const REDIS_KEY_WORKFLOW_PER_TRIGGER = 'workflow:workflow_list:%s'; const REDIS_KEY_TRIGGER_PER_WORKFLOW = 'workflow:trigger_list:%s'; const REDIS_KEY_MODULES_ENABLED = 'workflow:modules_enabled'; public function __construct($id = false, $table = null, $ds = null) { parent::__construct($id, $table, $ds); $this->workflowGraphTool = new WorkflowGraphTool(); } public function beforeValidate($options = array()) { parent::beforeValidate(); if (empty($this->data['Workflow']['uuid'])) { $this->data['Workflow']['uuid'] = CakeText::uuid(); } else { $this->data['Workflow']['uuid'] = strtolower($this->data['Workflow']['uuid']); } if (empty($this->data['Workflow']['data'])) { $this->data['Workflow']['data'] = []; } if (empty($this->data['Workflow']['timestamp'])) { $this->data['Workflow']['timestamp'] = time(); } if (empty($this->data['Workflow']['description'])) { $this->data['Workflow']['description'] = ''; } return true; } public function afterFind($results, $primary = false) { foreach ($results as $k => $result) { if (empty($result['Workflow']['data'])) { $result['Workflow']['data'] = '{}'; } $results[$k]['Workflow']['data'] = JsonTool::decode($result['Workflow']['data']); if (!empty($result['Workflow']['id'])) { $trigger_ids = $this->__getTriggersIDPerWorkflow((int) $result['Workflow']['id']); $results[$k]['Workflow']['listening_triggers'] = $this->getModuleByID($trigger_ids); } } return $results; } public function beforeSave($options = []) { if (is_array($this->data['Workflow']['data'])) { $this->data['Workflow']['data'] = JsonTool::encode($this->data['Workflow']['data']); } return true; } public function afterSave($created, $options = []) { $this->updateListeningTriggers($this->data); } public function beforeDelete($cascade = true) { parent::beforeDelete($cascade); $workflow = $this->find('first', [ // $this->data is empty in afterDelete?! 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => ['Workflow.id' => $this->id] ]); $workflow['Workflow']['data'] = []; // Make sure not trigger are listening $this->workflowToDelete = $workflow; } public function afterDelete() { // $this->data is empty?! parent::afterDelete(); $this->updateListeningTriggers($this->workflowToDelete); } public function enableDefaultModules() { $this->toggleModules($this->modules_enabled_by_default, true, false); } protected function checkTriggerEnabled($trigger_id) { $settingName = sprintf('Plugin.Workflow_triggers_%s', $trigger_id); $module_disabled = empty(Configure::read($settingName)); if ($module_disabled) { return false; } $filename = sprintf('Module_%s.php', preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '_', Inflector::underscore($trigger_id))); $module_config = $this->__getClassFromModuleFiles('trigger', [$filename], false)['classConfigs']; return empty($module_config['disabled']); } protected function getEnabledModules(): array { try { $redis = $this->setupRedisWithException(); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } $list = $redis->sMembers(Workflow::REDIS_KEY_MODULES_ENABLED); return !empty($list) ? $list : []; } public function toggleModule($module_id, $enable, $is_trigger=false): bool { if (!empty($is_trigger)) { $settingName = sprintf('Plugin.Workflow_triggers_%s', $module_id); $server = ClassRegistry::init('Server'); return $server->serverSettingsSaveValue($settingName, !empty($enable), false); } else { try { $redis = $this->setupRedisWithException(); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } if ($enable) { $redis->sAdd(Workflow::REDIS_KEY_MODULES_ENABLED, $module_id); } else { $redis->sRem(Workflow::REDIS_KEY_MODULES_ENABLED, $module_id); } } return true; } public function toggleDebug($workflow_id, $enable): bool { $workflow = $this->fetchWorkflow($workflow_id); $workflow['Workflow']['debug_enabled'] = !empty($enable); $result = $this->editWorkflow($workflow); return empty($result['errrors']); } public function toggleModules($module_ids, $enable, $is_trigger=false): int { $enabled_count = 0; foreach ($module_ids as $module_id) { $enabled_count += $this->toggleModule($module_id, $enable, $is_trigger) ? 1 : 0; } return $enabled_count; } protected function checkTriggerListenedTo($trigger_id) { return !empty($this->__getWorkflowsIDPerTrigger($trigger_id)); } public function rebuildRedis() { $redis = $this->setupRedisWithException(); $workflows = $this->fetchWorkflows(); $keys = $redis->keys(Workflow::REDIS_KEY_WORKFLOW_NAMESPACE . ':*'); $redis->delete($keys); foreach ($workflows as $wokflow) { $this->updateListeningTriggers($wokflow); } } /** * updateListeningTriggers * - Update the list of triggers that will be run this workflow * - Update the list of workflows that are run by their triggers * - Update the ordered list of workflows that are run by their triggers * * @param array $workflow */ public function updateListeningTriggers($workflow) { try { $redis = $this->setupRedisWithException(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logException('Failed to setup redis ', $e); return false; } if (!is_array($workflow['Workflow']['data'])) { $workflow['Workflow']['data'] = JsonTool::decode($workflow['Workflow']['data']); } $original_trigger_list_id = $this->__getTriggersIDPerWorkflow((int)$workflow['Workflow']['id']); $new_node_trigger_list = $this->workflowGraphTool->extractTriggersFromWorkflow($workflow['Workflow']['data'], true); $new_node_trigger_list_per_id = Hash::combine($new_node_trigger_list, '{n}.data.id', '{n}'); $new_trigger_list_id = array_keys($new_node_trigger_list_per_id); $trigger_to_remove = array_diff($original_trigger_list_id, $new_trigger_list_id); $trigger_to_add = array_diff($new_trigger_list_id, $original_trigger_list_id); if (!empty($trigger_to_remove)) { $pipeline = $redis->multi(); foreach ($trigger_to_remove as $trigger_id) { $pipeline->sRem(sprintf(Workflow::REDIS_KEY_WORKFLOW_PER_TRIGGER, $trigger_id), $workflow['Workflow']['id']); $pipeline->sRem(sprintf(Workflow::REDIS_KEY_TRIGGER_PER_WORKFLOW, $workflow['Workflow']['id']), $trigger_id); } $pipeline->exec(); } if (!empty($trigger_to_add)) { $pipeline = $redis->multi(); foreach ($trigger_to_add as $trigger_id) { $pipeline->sAdd(sprintf(Workflow::REDIS_KEY_WORKFLOW_PER_TRIGGER, $trigger_id), $workflow['Workflow']['id']); $pipeline->sAdd(sprintf(Workflow::REDIS_KEY_TRIGGER_PER_WORKFLOW, $workflow['Workflow']['id']), $trigger_id); } $pipeline->exec(); } } /** * __getWorkflowsIDPerTrigger Get list of workflow IDs listening to the specified trigger * * @param string $trigger_id * @return bool|array */ private function __getWorkflowsIDPerTrigger($trigger_id): array { try { $redis = $this->setupRedisWithException(); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } $list = $redis->sMembers(sprintf(Workflow::REDIS_KEY_WORKFLOW_PER_TRIGGER, $trigger_id)); return !empty($list) ? $list : []; } /** * __getTriggersIDPerWorkflow Get list of trigger name running to the specified workflow * * @param int $workflow_id * @return bool|array */ private function __getTriggersIDPerWorkflow(int $workflow_id) { try { $redis = $this->setupRedisWithException(); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } return $redis->sMembers(sprintf(Workflow::REDIS_KEY_TRIGGER_PER_WORKFLOW, $workflow_id)); } public function getListeningWorkflowForTrigger(array $trigger): array { return array_map(function($id) { return intval($id); }, $this->__getWorkflowsIDPerTrigger($trigger['id'])); } /** * attachWorkflowToTriggers Collect the workflows listening to this trigger * * @param array $triggers * @return array */ public function attachWorkflowToTriggers(array $triggers): array { $workflows = $this->fetchWorkflows([ 'conditions' => [ 'Workflow.trigger_id' => Hash::extract($triggers, '{n}.id'), ], 'fields' => ['*'], ]); $workflows_per_trigger = Hash::combine($workflows, '{n}.Workflow.trigger_id', '{n}'); foreach ($triggers as $i => $trigger) { if (!empty($workflows_per_trigger[$trigger['id']])) { $triggers[$i]['Workflow'] = $workflows_per_trigger[$trigger['id']]['Workflow']; } } return $triggers; } /** * hasAcyclicGraph Return if the graph is acyclic or not * * @param array $graphData * @return boolean */ public function hasAcyclicGraph(array $workflow): bool { $graphData = !empty($workflow['Workflow']) ? $workflow['Workflow']['data'] : $workflow['data']; $isAcyclic = $this->workflowGraphTool->isAcyclic($graphData); return $isAcyclic; } /** * hasOneTrigger Return if the graph contain more than one instance of the same trigger * * @param array $graphData * @return boolean */ public function hasOneTrigger(array $workflow): bool { $graphData = !empty($workflow['Workflow']) ? $workflow['Workflow']['data'] : $workflow['data']; $triggers = $this->workflowGraphTool->extractTriggersFromWorkflow($graphData, true); return count($triggers) == 1; } /** * satisfiesMultipleConnectionCondition Return if the graph contain more than one instance of the same trigger * * @param array $graphData * @return boolean */ public function satisfiesMultipleConnectionCondition(array $workflow): bool { $graphData = !empty($workflow['Workflow']) ? $workflow['Workflow']['data'] : $workflow['data']; $hasMultipleOutputConnection = $this->workflowGraphTool->hasMultipleOutputConnection($graphData); return !$hasMultipleOutputConnection; } /** * executeWorkflow * * @param int $workflow_id * @param array $data * @param array $blockingErrors * @return array */ public function executeWorkflow($workflow_id, array $data, array &$blockingErrors=[]): array { $this->loadAllWorkflowModules(); $workflow = $this->fetchWorkflow($workflow_id, true); $graphData = !empty($workflow['Workflow']) ? $workflow['Workflow']['data'] : $workflow['data']; $startNode = $this->workflowGraphTool->extractTriggerFromWorkflow($graphData, true); $startNodeID = $startNode['id']; $trigger_id = $startNode['data']['id']; if ($startNode == -1) { $blockingErrors[] = __('Invalid start node `%s`', $startNodeID); return false; } $triggerModule = $this->getModuleClassByType('trigger', $trigger_id, true); if (!empty($triggerModule->disabled)) { return true; } $result = $this->__runWorkflow($workflow, $triggerModule, $data, $startNodeID, $blockingErrors); return $result; } /** * executeWorkflowForTrigger * * @param string $trigger_id * @param array $data * @throws TriggerNotFoundException */ public function executeWorkflowForTriggerRouter($trigger_id, array $data, array &$blockingErrors=[], array $logging=[]): bool { $this->loadAllWorkflowModules(); if (empty($this->loaded_modules['trigger'][$trigger_id])) { throw new TriggerNotFoundException(__('Unknown trigger `%s`', $trigger_id)); } $trigger = $this->loaded_modules['trigger'][$trigger_id]; if (!empty($trigger['disabled'])) { return true; } if (empty($trigger['blocking'])) { $this->Job = ClassRegistry::init('Job'); $jobId = $this->Job->createJob( 'SYSTEM', Job::WORKER_PRIO, 'executeWorkflowForTrigger', sprintf('Workflow for trigger `%s`', $trigger_id), __('Executing non-blocking workflow for trigger `%s`', $trigger_id) ); $this->Job->getBackgroundJobsTool()->enqueue( BackgroundJobsTool::PRIO_QUEUE, BackgroundJobsTool::CMD_WORKFLOW, [ 'executeWorkflowForTrigger', $trigger_id, JsonTool::encode($data), JsonTool::encode($logging), $jobId ], true, $jobId ); return true; } else { $blockingPathExecutionSuccess = $this->executeWorkflowForTrigger($trigger_id, $data, $blockingErrors); return $blockingPathExecutionSuccess; } } /** * executeWorkflowForTrigger * * @param string $trigger_id * @param array $data * @param array $errors * @return boolean True if the execution for the blocking path was a success * @throws TriggerNotFoundException */ public function executeWorkflowForTrigger($trigger_id, array $data, array &$blockingErrors=[]): bool { $this->loadAllWorkflowModules(); $triggerModule = $this->getModuleClassByType('trigger', $trigger_id, true); if (!empty($triggerModule->disabled)) { return true; } $workflow = $this->fetchWorkflowByTrigger($trigger_id, true); if (empty($workflow)) { throw new WorkflowNotFoundException(__('Could not get workflow for trigger `%s`', $trigger_id)); } $graphData = !empty($workflow['Workflow']) ? $workflow['Workflow']['data'] : $workflow['data']; $startNodeID = $this->workflowGraphTool->getNodeIdForTrigger($graphData, $trigger_id); if ($startNodeID == -1) { $blockingErrors[] = __('Invalid start node `%s`', $startNodeID); return false; } $result = $this->__runWorkflow($workflow, $triggerModule, $data, $startNodeID, $blockingErrors); return $result['success']; } /** * runWorkflow * * @param array $workflow * @param $triggerModule * @param array $data * @param int $startNodeID * @return array */ private function __runWorkflow(array $workflow, $triggerModule, array $data, $startNodeID, &$blockingErrors=[]): array { $this->Log = ClassRegistry::init('Log'); $message = __('Started executing workflow for trigger `%s` (%s)', $triggerModule->id, $workflow['Workflow']['id']); $this->Log->createLogEntry('SYSTEM', 'execute_workflow', 'Workflow', $workflow['Workflow']['id'], $message); $this->__logToFile($workflow, $message); $workflow = $this->__incrementWorkflowExecutionCount($workflow); $walkResult = []; $data = $this->__normalizeDataForTrigger($triggerModule, $data); $for_path = !empty($triggerModule->blocking) ? GraphWalker::PATH_TYPE_BLOCKING : GraphWalker::PATH_TYPE_NON_BLOCKING; $this->sendRequestToDebugEndpoint($workflow, [], '/init?type=' . $for_path, $data); $blockingPathExecutionSuccess = $this->walkGraph($workflow, $startNodeID, $for_path, $data, $blockingErrors, $walkResult); $executionStoppedByStopModule = in_array('stop-execution', Hash::extract($walkResult, 'blocking_nodes.{n}.data.id')); if (empty($blockingPathExecutionSuccess)) { $message = __('Execution stopped. %s', PHP_EOL . implode(', ', $blockingErrors)); $this->logExecutionError($workflow, $message); } $outcomeText = 'failure'; if (!empty($blockingPathExecutionSuccess)) { $outcomeText = 'success'; } else if ($executionStoppedByStopModule) { $outcomeText = 'blocked'; } $message = __('Finished executing workflow for trigger `%s` (%s). Outcome: %s', $triggerModule->id, $workflow['Workflow']['id'], $outcomeText); $this->Log->createLogEntry('SYSTEM', 'execute_workflow', 'Workflow', $workflow['Workflow']['id'], $message); $this->__logToFile($workflow, $message); $this->sendRequestToDebugEndpoint($workflow, [], '/end?outcome=' . $outcomeText, $walkResult); return [ 'outcomeText' => $outcomeText, 'walkResult' => $walkResult, 'success' => $blockingPathExecutionSuccess, ]; } /** * walkGraph Walk the graph for the provided trigger and execute each nodes * * @param array $workflow The worflow to walk * @param int $startNode The ID of the trigger to start from * @param string|null $for_path If provided, execute the workflow for the provided path. If not provided, execute the worflow regardless of the path * @param array $data * @param array $errors * @return boolean If all module returned a successful response */ public function walkGraph(array $workflow, int $startNode, $for_path=null, array $data=[], array &$errors=[], array &$walkResult=[]): bool { $walkResult = [ 'blocking_nodes' => [], 'executed_nodes' => [], 'blocked_paths' => [], ]; $userForWorkflow = $this->getUserForWorkflow(); if (empty($userForWorkflow)) { $errors[] = __('Could not find a valid user to run the workflow. Please set setting `MISP.host_org_id` or make sure a valid site_admin user exists.'); return false; } $roamingData = $this->workflowGraphTool->getRoamingData($userForWorkflow, $data, $workflow, $startNode); $graphData = !empty($workflow['Workflow']) ? $workflow['Workflow']['data'] : $workflow['data']; $graphWalker = $this->workflowGraphTool->getWalkerIterator($graphData, $this, $startNode, $for_path, $roamingData); $preventExecutionForPaths = []; foreach ($graphWalker as $graphNode) { $node = $graphNode['node']; $moduleClass = $this->getModuleClass($node); foreach ($preventExecutionForPaths as $path_to_block) { if ($path_to_block == array_slice($graphNode['path_list'], 0, count($path_to_block))) { $walkResult['blocked_paths'][] = $graphNode['path_list']; continue 2; } } $nodeError = []; $success = $this->executeNode($node, $roamingData, $nodeError); $walkResult['executed_nodes'][] = $node; if (empty($success)) { $walkResult['blocking_nodes'][] = $node; if (!empty($nodeError)) { $errors[] = __( 'Node `%s` (%s) from Workflow `%s` (%s) returned the following error: %s', $node['data']['id'], $node['id'], $workflow['Workflow']['name'], $workflow['Workflow']['id'], implode(', ', $nodeError) ); } if (!empty($moduleClass->blocking)) { return false; // Node stopped execution for any path. If a module is blocking and it failed, stop the walk } else if ($graphNode['path_type'] == GraphWalker::PATH_TYPE_NON_BLOCKING) { $preventExecutionForPaths[] = $graphNode['path_list']; // Paths down the chain should not be executed } } } return true; } public function getUserForWorkflow(): array { $this->Organisation = ClassRegistry::init('Organisation'); $hostOrg = $this->Organisation->find('first', [ 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => [ 'id' => Configure::read('MISP.host_org_id') ], ]); if (!empty($hostOrg)) { $userForWorkflow = [ 'email' => 'SYSTEM', 'id' => 0, 'org_id' => $hostOrg['Organisation']['id'], 'Role' => ['perm_site_admin' => 1], 'Organisation' => $hostOrg['Organisation'] ]; } else { $this->User = ClassRegistry::init('User'); $userForWorkflow = $this->User->find('first', [ 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => [ 'Role.perm_site_admin' => 1, 'User.disabled' => 0 ], 'contain' => [ 'Organisation' => ['fields' => ['name']], 'Role' => ['fields' => ['*']], ], 'fields' => ['User.org_id', 'User.id', 'User.email'], ]); $userForWorkflow['Server'] = []; $userForWorkflow = $this->User->rearrangeToAuthForm($userForWorkflow); return $userForWorkflow; } } public function executeNode(array $node, WorkflowRoamingData $roamingData, array &$errors=[]): bool { $roamingData->setCurrentNode($node['id']); $moduleClass = $this->getModuleClass($node); if (!empty($moduleClass->disabled)) { $message = __('Could not execute disabled module `%s`.', $node['data']['id']); $this->logExecutionError($roamingData->getWorkflow(), $message); $errors[] = $message; $this->sendRequestToDebugEndpoint($roamingData->getWorkflow(), $node, sprintf('/exec/%s?result=%s', $moduleClass->id, 'disabled_module'), $roamingData->getData()); return false; } if (!is_null($moduleClass)) { try { $success = $moduleClass->exec($node, $roamingData, $errors); } catch (Exception $e) { $message = __('Error while executing module %s. Error: %s', $node['data']['id'], $e->getMessage()); $this->logExecutionError($roamingData->getWorkflow(), $message); $errors[] = $message; $this->sendRequestToDebugEndpoint($roamingData->getWorkflow(), $node, sprintf('/exec/%s?result=%s&message=%s', $moduleClass->id, 'error', $e->getMessage()), $roamingData->getData()); return false; } } else { $message = sprintf(__('Could not load class for module: %s'), $node['data']['id']); $this->logExecutionError($roamingData->getWorkflow(), $message); $errors[] = $message; $this->sendRequestToDebugEndpoint($roamingData->getWorkflow(), $node, sprintf('/exec/%s?result=%s', $node['data']['id'], 'loading_error'), $roamingData->getData()); return false; } $this->sendRequestToDebugEndpoint($roamingData->getWorkflow(), $node, sprintf('/exec/%s?result=%s', $moduleClass->id, 'success'), $roamingData->getData()); return $success; } private function __normalizeDataForTrigger($triggerClass, array $data): array { if (method_exists($triggerClass, 'normalizeData')) { return $triggerClass->normalizeData($data); } return $data; } private function digestExecutionResult(array $walkResult) { if (empty($walkResult['Nodes that stopped execution'])) { return __('All nodes executed.'); } $str = []; foreach ($walkResult['Nodes that stopped execution'] as $node) { $str[] = __('Node `%s` (%s) stopped execution.', $node['data']['id'], $node['id']); } return implode(', ', $str); } public function getModuleClass($node) { $this->loadAllWorkflowModules(); $moduleClass = $this->loaded_classes[$node['data']['module_type']][$node['data']['id']] ?? null; return $moduleClass; } /** * getModuleClassByType * * @param string $module_type * @param string $id * @param boolean $throwException * @return * @throws ModuleNotFoundException */ public function getModuleClassByType($module_type, $id, $throwException=false) { $this->loadAllWorkflowModules(); $moduleClass = $this->loaded_classes[$module_type][$id] ?? null; if (is_null($moduleClass) && !empty($throwException)) { if ($module_type == 'trigger') { throw new TriggerNotFoundException(__('Unknown module `%s` for module type `%s`', $id, $module_type)); } else { throw new ModuleNotFoundException(__('Unknown module `%s` for module type `%s`', $id, $module_type)); } } return $moduleClass; } /** * getModuleConfigByType * * @param string $module_type * @param string $id * @param boolean $throwException * @return array * @throws ModuleNotFoundException */ public function getModuleConfigByType($module_type, $id, $throwException=false): ?array { $this->loadAllWorkflowModules(); $moduleConfig = $this->loaded_modules[$module_type][$id] ?? null; if (is_null($moduleConfig) && !empty($throwException)) { throw new ModuleNotFoundException(__('Unknown module `%s` for module type `%s`', $id, $module_type)); } return $moduleConfig; } public function attachNotificationToModules(array $modules, array $workflow): array { $trigger_is_misp_core_format = false; $trigger_is_blocking = false; $trigger_id = $this->workflowGraphTool->extractTriggerFromWorkflow($workflow['Workflow']['data'], false); if (!empty($trigger_id)) { $triggerClass = $this->getModuleClassByType('trigger', $trigger_id, true); $trigger_is_misp_core_format = !empty($triggerClass->misp_core_format); $trigger_is_blocking = !empty($triggerClass->blocking); } foreach ($modules as $moduleType => $modulesByType) { foreach ($modulesByType as $i => $module) { $modules[$moduleType][$i]['notifications'] = !empty($module['notifications']) ? $module['notifications'] : [ 'error' => [], 'warning' => [], 'info' => [], ]; if ($module['disabled']) { $modules[$moduleType][$i]['notifications']['error'][] = [ 'text' => __('Module disabled'), 'description' => __('This module is disabled and thus will not be executed.'), 'details' => [ __('Disabled modules that are blocking will also stop the execution') ], '__show_in_sidebar' => false, '__show_in_node' => true, ]; } if (!$trigger_is_blocking && !empty($module['blocking'])) { $modules[$moduleType][$i]['notifications']['warning'][] = [ 'text' => __('Blocking module might not work as intended'), 'description' => __('This module is a blocking module for a non-blocking trigger.'), 'details' => [ __('The Blocking modules will be executed. However, it will not block the remaining of the execution') ], '__show_in_sidebar' => true, '__show_in_node' => true, ]; } if ($moduleType != 'modules_trigger') { if (!$trigger_is_misp_core_format && !empty($module['expect_misp_core_format'])) { $modules[$moduleType][$i]['notifications']['warning'][] = [ 'text' => __('Potential data format issue'), 'description' => __('This module might not work properly as it expect data compliant with the MISP core format.'), 'details' => [ __('This module expect data to be compliant with the MISP core format. However, the data passed by the trigger might not be under this format.') ], '__show_in_sidebar' => true, '__show_in_node' => true, ]; } } if ($moduleType == 'modules_action') { $moduleClass = $this->getModuleClassByType('action', $module['id']); $diagnostic = $moduleClass->diagnostic(); $modules[$moduleType][$i]['notifications'] = array_merge_recursive($modules[$moduleType][$i]['notifications'], $diagnostic); } } } return $modules; } public function loadAllWorkflowModules() { if ($this->module_initialized) { return; } $phpModuleFiles = Workflow::__listPHPModuleFiles(); foreach ($phpModuleFiles as $type => $files) { if ($type == 'custom') { continue; } $classModuleFromFiles = $this->__getClassFromModuleFiles($type, $files, false); foreach ($classModuleFromFiles['classConfigs'] as $i => $config) { $classModuleFromFiles['classConfigs'][$i]['module_type'] = $type; } $this->loaded_modules[$type] = $classModuleFromFiles['classConfigs']; $this->loaded_classes[$type] = $classModuleFromFiles['instancedClasses']; } // Load custom PHP modules from Lib foreach ($phpModuleFiles['custom'] as $type => $files) { $classModuleFromFiles = $this->__getClassFromModuleFiles($type, $files, true); foreach ($classModuleFromFiles['classConfigs'] as $i => $config) { $classModuleFromFiles['classConfigs'][$i]['module_type'] = $type; } $this->loaded_modules[$type] = array_merge($this->loaded_modules[$type], $classModuleFromFiles['classConfigs']); $this->loaded_classes[$type] = array_merge($this->loaded_classes[$type], $classModuleFromFiles['instancedClasses']); } // Load module from misp-module service $modules_from_service = $this->__getModulesFromModuleService() ?? []; $misp_module_class = $this->__getClassForMispModule($modules_from_service); $misp_module_configs = []; foreach ($misp_module_class as $i => $module_class) { $misp_module_configs[$i] = $module_class->getConfig(); $misp_module_configs[$i]['module_type'] = 'action'; } $this->loaded_modules['action'] = array_merge($this->loaded_modules['action'], $misp_module_configs); $this->loaded_classes['action'] = array_merge($this->loaded_classes['action'], $misp_module_class); $this->__mergeGlobalConfigIntoLoadedModules(); $this->module_initialized = true; } private function __mergeGlobalConfigIntoLoadedModules() { foreach ($this->loaded_modules['trigger'] as &$trigger) { $module_disabled = empty(Configure::read(sprintf('Plugin.Workflow_triggers_%s', $trigger['id']))); $trigger['html_template'] = !empty($trigger['html_template']) ? $trigger['html_template'] : 'trigger'; $trigger['disabled'] = $module_disabled; $this->loaded_classes['trigger'][$trigger['id']]->disabled = $module_disabled; $this->loaded_classes['trigger'][$trigger['id']]->html_template = !empty($trigger['html_template']) ? $trigger['html_template'] : 'trigger'; } $enabledModules = $this->getEnabledModules(); array_walk($this->loaded_modules['logic'], function (&$logic) use ($enabledModules) { $module_disabled = !in_array($logic['id'], $enabledModules); $logic['disabled'] = $module_disabled; $this->loaded_classes['logic'][$logic['id']]->disabled = $module_disabled; }); array_walk($this->loaded_modules['action'], function (&$action) use ($enabledModules) { $module_disabled = !in_array($action['id'], $enabledModules); $action['disabled'] = $module_disabled; $this->loaded_classes['action'][$action['id']]->disabled = $module_disabled; }); } private function __getEnabledModulesFromModuleService() { if (empty($this->Module)) { $this->Module = ClassRegistry::init('Module'); } $enabledModules = $this->Module->getEnabledModules(null, 'Action'); $misp_module_config = empty($enabledModules) ? false : $enabledModules; return $misp_module_config; } private function __getModulesFromModuleService() { if (empty($this->Module)) { $this->Module = ClassRegistry::init('Module'); } $modules = $this->Module->getModules('Action'); if (is_array($modules)) { foreach ($modules as $i => $temp) { if (!isset($temp['meta']['module-type']) || !in_array('action', $temp['meta']['module-type'])) { unset($modules[$i]); } } } return $modules; } private function __getClassForMispModule($misp_module_configs) { $filepathMispModule = sprintf('%s/%s', Workflow::MODULE_ROOT_PATH, 'Module_misp_module.php'); $className = 'Module_misp_module'; $reflection = null; try { require_once($filepathMispModule); try { $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($className); } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } } catch (Exception $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } $moduleClasses = []; if (is_array($misp_module_configs)) { foreach ($misp_module_configs as $moduleConfig) { $mainClass = $reflection->newInstance($moduleConfig); if ($mainClass->checkLoading() === 'The Factory Must Grow') { $moduleClasses[$mainClass->id] = $mainClass; } } } return $moduleClasses; } /** * __listPHPModuleFiles List all PHP modules files * * @param boolean|array $targetDir If provided, will only collect files from that directory * @return array */ private static function __listPHPModuleFiles($targetDir=false): array { $dirs = ['trigger', 'logic', 'action']; if (!empty($targetDir)) { $dirs = $targetDir; } $files = []; foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $folder = new Folder(Workflow::MODULE_ROOT_PATH . $dir); $filesInFolder = $folder->find('.*\.php', true); $files[$dir] = array_diff($filesInFolder, ['..', '.']); if ($dir == 'action' || $dir == 'logic') { // No custom module for the triggers $customFolder = new Folder(Workflow::CUSTOM_MODULE_ROOT_PATH . $dir); $filesInCustomFolder = $customFolder->find('.*\.php', true); $files['custom'][$dir] = array_diff($filesInCustomFolder, ['..', '.']); } } return $files; } private function __getClassFromModuleFiles($type, $files, $isCustom=false) { $instancedClasses = []; $classConfigs = []; foreach ($files as $filename) { $filepath = sprintf('%s%s/%s', (!empty($isCustom) ? Workflow::CUSTOM_MODULE_ROOT_PATH : Workflow::MODULE_ROOT_PATH), $type, $filename); $instancedClass = $this->__getClassFromModuleFile($filepath); if (is_string($instancedClass)) { $this->__logLoadingError($filename, $instancedClass); $this->error_while_loading[$filename] = $instancedClass; continue; } if (!empty($classConfigs[$instancedClass->id])) { throw new WorkflowDuplicatedModuleIDException(__('Module %s has already been defined', $instancedClass->id)); } $classConfigs[$instancedClass->id] = $instancedClass->getConfig(); $instancedClasses[$instancedClass->id] = $instancedClass; if (!empty($isCustom)) { $classConfigs[$instancedClass->id]['is_custom'] = true; $instancedClasses[$instancedClass->id]->is_custom = true; } } return [ 'classConfigs' => $classConfigs, 'instancedClasses' => $instancedClasses, ]; } public function logExecutionError($workflow, $message) { $this->Log = ClassRegistry::init('Log'); $this->Log->createLogEntry('SYSTEM', 'execute_workflow', 'Workflow', $workflow['Workflow']['id'], $message); $this->__logToFile($workflow, $message); } /** * __logToFile Log to file * * @param array $workflow * @param string $message * @return void */ private function __logToFile($workflow, $message) { $logEntry = sprintf('[%s] Workflow(%s:%s). %s' . PHP_EOL, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $workflow['Workflow']['trigger_id'], $workflow['Workflow']['id'], $message); // file_put_contents(APP . 'tmp/logs/workflow-execution.log', $logEntry, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); FileAccessTool::writeToFile(APP . 'tmp/logs/workflow-execution.log', $logEntry, false, true); } private function __logLoadingError($filename, $error) { $this->Log = ClassRegistry::init('Log'); $message = __('Could not load module for file `%s`.', $filename); $this->Log->createLogEntry('SYSTEM', 'load_module', 'Workflow', 0, $message, $error); } /** * getProcessorClass * * @param string $filePath * @param string $processorMainClassName * @return object|string Object loading success, string containing the error if failure */ private function __getClassFromModuleFile($filepath) { $className = explode('/', $filepath); $className = str_replace('.php', '', $className[count($className)-1]); try { if (!@include_once($filepath)) { $message = __('Could not load module for path %s. File does not exists.', $filepath); $this->log($message, LOG_ERR); return $message; } try { $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($className); } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { $message = __('Could not load module for path %s. Could not instanciate class', $filepath); $this->logException($message, $e); return $message; } $mainClass = $reflection->newInstance(); if ($mainClass->checkLoading() === 'The Factory Must Grow') { return $mainClass; } } catch (Exception $e) { $message = __('Could not load module for path %s', $filepath); $this->logException($message, $e); return $message; } } public function getModuleLoadingError(): array { return $this->error_while_loading; } public function getModulesByType($module_type=false): array { $this->loadAllWorkflowModules(); $modules_trigger = $this->loaded_modules['trigger']; $modules_logic = $this->loaded_modules['logic']; $modules_action = $this->loaded_modules['action']; $this->__sortModulesByName($modules_trigger); $this->__sortModulesByName($modules_logic); $this->__sortModulesByName($modules_action); $modules_trigger = array_values($modules_trigger); $modules_logic = array_values($modules_logic); $modules_action = array_values($modules_action); $modules = [ 'modules_trigger' => $modules_trigger, 'modules_logic' => $modules_logic, 'modules_action' => $modules_action, ]; if (!empty($module_type)) { if (!empty($modules['modules_' . $module_type])) { return $modules['modules_' . $module_type]; } else { return []; } } return $modules; } private function __sortModulesByName(&$modules) { uasort($modules, function ($module1, $module2) { if ($module1['name'] == $module2['name']) { return 0; } return ($module1['name'] < $module2['name']) ? -1 : 1; }); } public function getModules(): array { $modulesByType = $this->getModulesByType(); return array_merge($modulesByType['modules_trigger'], $modulesByType['modules_logic'], $modulesByType['modules_action']); } /** * getModules Return the module from the provided ID * * @param string|array $module_ids * @return array */ public function getModuleByID($module_ids): array { $returnAString = false; if (!is_array($module_ids)) { $returnAString = true; $module_ids = [$module_ids]; } $matchingModules = []; $modules = $this->getModules(); foreach ($modules as $module) { if (in_array($module['id'], $module_ids)) { $matchingModules[] = $module; } } if (empty($matchingModules)) { return []; } return $returnAString ? $matchingModules[0] : $matchingModules; } private function __incrementWorkflowExecutionCount(array $workflow): array { $workflow['Workflow']['counter'] = intval($workflow['Workflow']['counter']) + 1; $this->save($workflow, ['fieldList' => ['counter']]); return $this->fetchWorkflow($workflow['Workflow']['id']); } /** * fetchWorkflows * * @param array $options * @param bool $full * @return array */ public function fetchWorkflows(array $options = array(), $full = false) { $params = array( 'contain' => $this->defaultContain, 'recursive' => -1 ); if ($full) { $params['recursive'] = 1; } if (isset($options['fields'])) { $params['fields'] = $options['fields']; } if (isset($options['conditions'])) { $params['conditions']['AND'][] = $options['conditions']; } if (isset($options['group'])) { $params['group'] = !empty($options['group']) ? $options['group'] : false; } if (isset($options['contain'])) { $params['contain'] = !empty($options['contain']) ? $options['contain'] : []; } if (isset($options['order'])) { $params['order'] = !empty($options['order']) ? $options['order'] : []; } $workflows = $this->find('all', $params); return $workflows; } /** * fetchWorkflow * * @param int|string $id * @param bool $throwErrors * @throws NotFoundException * @return array */ public function fetchWorkflow($id, bool $throwErrors = true): array { $options = []; if (is_numeric($id)) { $options = ['conditions' => ['Workflow.id' => $id]]; } elseif (Validation::uuid($id)) { $options = ['conditions' => ['Workflow.uuid' => $id]]; } else { if ($throwErrors) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid workflow')); } return []; } $workflow = $this->fetchWorkflows($options); if (empty($workflow)) { if ($throwErrors) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid workflow')); } return []; } return $workflow[0]; } /** * fetchWorkflowByTrigger * * @param int|string $trigger_id * @param bool $throwErrors * @throws NotFoundException * @return array */ public function fetchWorkflowByTrigger($trigger_id, bool $throwErrors = true): array { $options = [ 'conditions' => [ 'Workflow.trigger_id' => $trigger_id, ] ]; $workflow = $this->fetchWorkflows($options); if (empty($workflow)) { if ($throwErrors) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid workflow')); } return []; } return $workflow[0]; } /** * addWorkflow Add a worflow * * @param array $trigger * @return array Any errors preventing the edition */ public function addWorkflow(array $workflow): array { $errors = []; $this->create(); $saved = $this->__saveAndReturnErrors($workflow, ['fieldList' => self::CAPTURE_FIELDS_ADD], $errors); return [ 'saved' => $saved, 'errors' => $errors, ]; } /** * editWorkflow Edit a worflow * * @param array $workflow * @return array Any errors preventing the edition */ public function editWorkflow(array $workflow): array { $errors = []; if (!isset($workflow['Workflow']['uuid'])) { $errors[] = __('Workflow doesn\'t have an UUID'); return $errors; } $existingWorkflow = $this->fetchWorkflow($workflow['Workflow']['id']); $workflow['Workflow']['id'] = $existingWorkflow['Workflow']['id']; unset($workflow['Workflow']['timestamp']); $saved = $this->__saveAndReturnErrors($workflow, ['fieldList' => self::CAPTURE_FIELDS_EDIT], $errors); return [ 'saved' => $saved, 'errors' => $errors, ]; } /** * genGraphDataForTrigger Generate fake graph data under the drawflow format * * @param string $trigger_id * @return array */ public function genGraphDataForTrigger($trigger_id): array { if (empty($this->loaded_modules['trigger'][$trigger_id])) { throw new TriggerNotFoundException(__('Unknown trigger `%s`', $trigger_id)); } $module_config = $this->loaded_modules['trigger'][$trigger_id]; $data = [ 1 => [ 'class' => 'block-type-trigger', 'data' => $module_config, 'id' => 1, 'inputs' => [], 'outputs' => [ 'output_1' => [ 'connections' => [] ], ], 'pos_x' => 0, 'pos_y' => 0, 'typenode' => false, ] ]; return $data; } /** * moduleSattelesExecution Executes a module using the provided configuration and returns back the result * * @param string $module_id * @param string|array $input_data * @param array $param_data * @return array */ public function moduleStatelessExecution(string $module_id, $input_data=[], array $param_data=[]): array { $result = []; $input_data = !empty($input_data) ? $input_data : []; $eventPublishTrigger = $this->getModuleClassByType('trigger', 'event-publish'); $data = $this->__normalizeDataForTrigger($eventPublishTrigger, $input_data); $module_config = $this->getModuleByID($module_id); $node = $this->genNodeFromConfig($module_config, $param_data); $module_class = $this->getModuleClass($node); $user_for_workflow = $this->getUserForWorkflow(); if (empty($user_for_workflow)) { $result['error'][] = __('Could not find a valid user to run the workflow. Please set setting `MISP.host_org_id` or make sure a valid site_admin user exists.'); return $result; } $roaming_data = $this->workflowGraphTool->getRoamingData($user_for_workflow, $data); $errors = []; $success = $module_class->exec($node, $roaming_data, $errors); $result['success'] = $success; $result['errors'] = $errors; return $result; } public function genNodeFromConfig(array $module_config, $indexed_params): array { $node = [ 'id' => 1, 'name' => $module_config['name'], 'data' => [ 'id' => $module_config['id'], 'name' => $module_config['name'], 'module_type' => $module_config['module_type'], 'module_version' => $module_config['version'], 'indexed_params' => $indexed_params, 'saved_filters' => $module_config['saved_filters'], 'module_data' => $module_config, ], 'inputs' => [], 'outputs' => [], ]; return $node; } /** * hasPathWarnings * * @param array $graphData * @param array $edges * @return boolean */ public function hasPathWarnings(array $graphData, array &$edges=[]) { $startNodes = $this->workflowGraphTool->extractConcurrentTasksFromWorkflow($graphData, true); $concurrentNodeIDs = Hash::extract($startNodes, '{n}.id'); $roamingData = $this->workflowGraphTool->getRoamingData(); foreach ($concurrentNodeIDs as $concurrentNodeID) { $graphWalker = $this->workflowGraphTool->getWalkerIterator($graphData, $this, $concurrentNodeID, GraphWalker::PATH_TYPE_INCLUDE_LOGIC, $roamingData); foreach ($graphWalker as $graphNode) { $moduleClass = $this->getModuleClass($graphNode['node']); if (!empty($moduleClass->blocking)) { $parsedPathList = GraphWalker::parsePathList($graphNode['path_list']); foreach ($parsedPathList as $pathEntry) { $edges[] = [ $pathEntry['source_id'], $pathEntry['next_node_id'], __('This path leads to a blocking node from a non-blocking context'), $moduleClass->blocking, $moduleClass->id, $graphNode['node']['id'], ]; } } } } return !empty($edges); } private function __saveAndReturnErrors($data, $saveOptions = [], &$errors = []) { $saveSuccess = $this->save($data, $saveOptions); if (!$saveSuccess) { foreach ($this->validationErrors as $validationError) { $errors[] = $validationError[0]; } } else { if (!empty($saveSuccess['Workflow']['data'])) { $saveSuccess['Workflow']['data'] = JsonTool::decode($saveSuccess['Workflow']['data']); } } return $saveSuccess; } public function sendRequestToDebugEndpoint(array $workflow, array $node, $path='/', array $data=[]) { $debug_url = Configure::read('Plugin.Workflow_debug_url'); if (empty($workflow['Workflow']['debug_enabled'])) { return; } App::uses('HttpSocket', 'Network/Http'); $socket = new HttpSocket([ 'timeout' => 5 ]); $uri = sprintf('%s%s', $debug_url, $path); $dataToPost = [ 'source' => [ 'node_id' => $node['id'] ?? '', 'module_id' => $node['data']['id'] ?? '', 'filters' => $node['data']['saved_filters'] ?? '', 'parameters' => $node['data']['indexed_params'] ?? '', ], 'timestamp' => date("c"), 'data' => $data, ]; $socket->post($uri, JsonTool::encode($dataToPost)); } public function getDotNotation($id) { App::uses('GraphvizDOTTool', 'Tools'); $workflow = $this->fetchWorkflow($id); $dot = GraphvizDOTTool::dot($workflow['Workflow']['data']); return $dot; } public function getMermaid($id) { App::uses('MermaidFlowchartTool', 'Tools'); $workflow = $this->fetchWorkflow($id); $mermaid = MermaidFlowchartTool::mermaid($workflow['Workflow']['data']); return $mermaid; } }