array()) - any role in the array has access // $action == array('AND' => array()) - roles with all permissions in the array have access // If we add any new functionality to MISP and we don't add it to this list, it will only be visible to site admins. const ACL_LIST = array( '*' => array( 'blackhole' => array(), 'debugACL' => array(), 'queryACL' => array(), 'restSearch' => array('*'), ), 'analystData' => [ 'add' => ['AND' => ['perm_add', 'perm_analyst_data']], 'delete' => ['AND' => ['perm_add', 'perm_analyst_data']], 'edit' => ['AND' => ['perm_add', 'perm_analyst_data']], 'filterAnalystDataForPush' => ['perm_sync'], 'getChildren' => ['*'], 'getRelatedElement' => ['*'], 'index' => ['*'], 'indexMinimal' => ['*'], 'pushAnalystData' => ['perm_sync'], 'view' => ['*'], ], 'analystDataBlocklists' => array( 'add' => array(), 'delete' => array(), 'edit' => array(), 'index' => array(), 'massDelete' => array(), ), 'api' => [ 'rest' => ['perm_auth'], 'viewDeprecatedFunctionUse' => [], 'openapi' 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=> array('*'), 'logout401' => array('*'), 'notificationSettings' => ['*'], 'password_reset' => array('*'), 'register' => array('*'), 'registrations' => array(), 'resetAllSyncAuthKeys' => array(), 'resetauthkey' => ['AND' => ['self_management_enabled', 'perm_auth', 'not_read_only_authkey']], 'request_API' => array('*'), 'routeafterlogin' => array('*'), 'statistics' => array('*'), 'tagStatisticsGraph' => array('*'), 'terms' => array('*'), 'updateLoginTime' => array('*'), 'updateToAdvancedAuthKeys' => array(), 'verifyCertificate' => array(), 'verifyGPG' => array(), 'view' => array('*'), 'viewPeriodicSummary' => ['*'], 'getGpgPublicKey' => array('*'), 'unsubscribe' => ['*'], 'view_login_history' => ['*'] ), 'userLoginProfiles' => array( 'index' => ['*'], 'trust' => ['*'], 'malicious' => ['*'], 'admin_delete' => ['perm_admin'] ), 'userSettings' => array( 'index' => array('*'), 'view' => array('*'), 'setSetting' => array('not_read_only_authkey'), 'getSetting' => array('*'), 'delete' => array('not_read_only_authkey'), 'setHomePage' => array('not_read_only_authkey'), 'eventIndexColumnToggle' => ['*'], ), 'warninglists' => array( 'checkValue' => ['*'], 'delete' => ['perm_warninglist'], 'enableWarninglist' => ['perm_warninglist'], 'getToggleField' => ['perm_warninglist'], 'index' => array('*'), 'toggleEnable' => ['perm_warninglist'], 'update' => array(), 'view' => array('*'), 'edit' => ['perm_warninglist'], 'add' => ['perm_warninglist'], 'export' => ['*'], 'import' => ['perm_warninglist'], ), 'workflows' => [ 'index'=> [], 'rebuildRedis'=> [], 'edit'=> [], 'delete'=> [], 'view'=> [], 'editor'=> [], 'triggers'=> [], 'moduleIndex'=> [], 'moduleView'=> [], 'toggleModule'=> [], 'checkGraph'=> [], 'executeWorkflow'=> [], 'debugToggleField'=> [], 'massToggleField'=> [], 'moduleStatelessExecution'=> [], ], 'workflowBlueprints' => [ 'add' => [], 'delete' => [], 'edit' => [], 'export' => [], 'import' => [], 'index' => [], 'update' => [], 'view' => [], ], 'allowedlists' => array( 'admin_add' => array('perm_regexp_access'), 'admin_delete' => array('perm_regexp_access'), 'admin_edit' => array('perm_regexp_access'), 'admin_index' => array('perm_regexp_access'), 'index' => array('*'), ), 'eventGraph' => array( 'view' => array('*'), 'viewPicture' => array('*'), 'add' => array('perm_add'), 'delete' => array('perm_modify'), ) ); private $dynamicChecks = []; /** @var int */ private $hostOrgId; public function __construct(ComponentCollection $collection, $settings = array()) { parent::__construct($collection, $settings); $this->hostOrgId = (int)Configure::read('MISP.host_org_id'); $this->dynamicChecks['host_org_user'] = function (array $user) { return (int)$user['org_id'] === $this->hostOrgId; }; $this->dynamicChecks['self_management_enabled'] = function (array $user) { if (Configure::read('MISP.disableUserSelfManagement') && !$user['Role']['perm_admin']) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException('User self-management has been disabled on this instance.'); } return true; }; $this->dynamicChecks['password_change_enabled'] = function (array $user) { if (Configure::read('MISP.disable_user_password_change')) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException('User password change has been disabled on this instance.'); } return true; }; $this->dynamicChecks['add_user_enabled'] = function (array $user) { if (Configure::read('MISP.disable_user_add')) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException('Adding users has been disabled on this instance.'); } return true; }; $this->dynamicChecks['delegation_enabled'] = function (array $user) { return (bool)Configure::read('MISP.delegation'); }; $this->dynamicChecks['discussion_enabled'] = function (array $user) { return !Configure::read('MISP.discussion_disable'); }; // Returns true if current user is not using advanced auth key or if authkey is not read only $this->dynamicChecks['not_read_only_authkey'] = function (array $user) { return !isset($user['authkey_read_only']) || !$user['authkey_read_only']; }; // If `Security.hide_organisation_index_from_users` is enabled, only user with sharing group permission can see org index $this->dynamicChecks['organisation_index'] = function (array $user) { if (Configure::read('Security.hide_organisation_index_from_users')) { return $user['Role']['perm_sharing_group']; } return true; }; } /** * Returns true if user can modify given event. * * @param array $event * @param array $user * @return bool */ public function canModifyEvent(array $user, array $event) { if (!isset($event['Event'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Passed object does not contain an Event.'); } if ($user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) { return true; } if ($user['Role']['perm_modify_org'] && $event['Event']['orgc_id'] == $user['org_id']) { return true; } if ($user['Role']['perm_modify'] && $event['Event']['user_id'] == $user['id']) { return true; } return false; } /** * Returns true if user can publish the given event. * * @param array $user * @param array $event * @return bool */ public function canPublishEvent(array $user, array $event) { if (!isset($event['Event'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Passed object does not contain an Event.'); } if ($user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) { return true; } if ($user['Role']['perm_publish'] && $event['Event']['orgc_id'] == $user['org_id']) { return true; } return false; } /** * Returns true if user can add or remove tags for given event. * * @param array $user * @param array $event * @param bool $isTagLocal * @return bool */ public function canModifyTag(array $user, array $event, $isTagLocal = false) { if (!isset($event['Event'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Passed object does not contain an Event.'); } // Site admin can add any tag if ($user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) { return true; } // User must have tagger or sync permission if (!$user['Role']['perm_tagger'] && !$user['Role']['perm_sync']) { return false; } if ($this->canModifyEvent($user, $event)) { return true; // full access } if ($isTagLocal && $this->hostOrgId === (int)$user['org_id']) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param array $user * @param array $event * @return bool */ public function canDisableCorrelation(array $user, array $event) { if (Configure::read('MISP.completely_disable_correlation')) { return false; // correlations are completely disabled } if ($user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) { return true; } return Configure::read('MISP.allow_disabling_correlation') && $this->canModifyEvent($user, $event); } /** * @param array $user * @param array $tagCollection * @return bool */ public function canModifyTagCollection(array $user, array $tagCollection) { if (!isset($tagCollection['TagCollection'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Passed object does not contain a TagCollection.'); } if (!empty($user['Role']['perm_site_admin'])) { return true; } return $user['org_id'] == $tagCollection['TagCollection']['org_id']; } /** * Only users that can modify organisation can delete sightings as sighting is not linked to user. * * @param array $user * @param array $sighting * @return bool */ public function canDeleteSighting(array $user, array $sighting) { if (!isset($sighting['Sighting'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Passed object does not contain a Sighting.'); } // Site admin can delete any sighting if ($user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) { return true; } if (!$user['Role']['perm_modify_org']) { return false; } return $sighting['Sighting']['org_id'] == $user['org_id']; } /** * @param array $user * @param array $eventReport * @return bool */ public function canEditEventReport(array $user, array $eventReport) { if (!isset($eventReport['Event'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Passed object does not contain an Event.'); } if ($user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) { return true; } if ($eventReport['Event']['orgc_id'] == $user['org_id']) { return true; } return false; } /** * Checks if user can modify given galaxy cluster * * @param array $user * @param array $cluster * @return bool */ public function canModifyGalaxyCluster(array $user, array $cluster) { if (!isset($cluster['GalaxyCluster'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Passed object does not contain an GalaxyCluster.'); } if ($cluster['GalaxyCluster']['default']) { return false; // it is not possible to edit default clusters } if ($user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) { return true; } if (!$user['Role']['perm_galaxy_editor']) { return false; } return $cluster['GalaxyCluster']['orgc_id'] == $user['org_id']; } /** * Checks if user can modify given analyst data * * @param array $user * @param array $analystData * @return bool */ public function canEditAnalystData(array $user, array $analystData, $modelType): bool { if (!isset($analystData[$modelType])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Passed object does not contain a(n) ' . $modelType); } if ($user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) { return true; } if ($analystData[$modelType]['orgc_uuid'] == $user['Organisation']['uuid']) { return true; } return false; } /** * Checks if user can publish given galaxy cluster * * @param array $user * @param array $cluster * @return bool */ public function canPublishGalaxyCluster(array $user, array $cluster) { if (!$this->canModifyGalaxyCluster($user, $cluster)) { return false; } return (bool)$user['Role']['perm_publish']; } private function __checkLoggedActions($user, $controller, $action) { $loggedActions = array( 'servers' => array( 'index' => array( 'role' => array( 'NOT' => array( 'perm_site_admin' ) ), 'message' => __('This could be an indication of an attempted privilege escalation on older vulnerable versions of MISP (<2.4.115)') ) ) ); foreach ($loggedActions as $k => $v) { $loggedActions[$k] = array_change_key_case($v); } if (!empty($loggedActions[$controller])) { if (!empty($loggedActions[$controller][$action])) { $message = $loggedActions[$controller][$action]['message']; $hit = false; if (empty($loggedActions[$controller][$action]['role'])) { $hit = true; } else { $role_req = $loggedActions[$controller][$action]['role']; if (empty($role_req['OR']) && empty($role_req['AND']) && empty($role_req['NOT'])) { $role_req = array('OR' => $role_req); } if (!empty($role_req['NOT'])) { foreach ($role_req['NOT'] as $k => $v) { if (!$user['Role'][$v]) { $hit = true; continue; } } } if (!$hit && !empty($role_req['AND'])) { $subhit = true; foreach ($role_req['AND'] as $k => $v) { $subhit = $subhit && $user['Role'][$v]; } if ($subhit) { $hit = true; } } if (!$hit && !empty($role_req['OR'])) { foreach ($role_req['OR'] as $k => $v) { if ($user['Role'][$v]) { $hit = true; continue; } } } if ($hit) { $this->Log = ClassRegistry::init('Log'); $this->Log->create(); $this->Log->saveOrFailSilently(array( 'org' => 'SYSTEM', 'model' => 'User', 'model_id' => $user['id'], 'email' => $user['email'], 'action' => 'security', 'user_id' => $user['id'], 'title' => __('User triggered security alert by attempting to access /%s/%s. Reason why this endpoint is of interest: %s', $controller, $action, $message), )); } } } } } /** * @param array $user * @param string $controller * @param string $action * @return bool */ public function canUserAccess($user, $controller, $action) { try { $this->checkAccess($user, $controller, $action, false); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid controller '$controller' specified.", 0, $e); } catch (MethodNotAllowedException $e) { return false; } return true; } /** * The check works like this: * - If the user is a site admin, return true * - If the requested action has an OR-d list, iterate through the list. If any of the permissions are set for the user, return true * - If the requested action has an AND-ed list, iterate through the list. If any of the permissions for the user are not set, turn the check to false. Otherwise return true. * - If the requested action has a permission, check if the user's role has it flagged. If yes, return true * - If we fall through all of the checks, return an exception. * * @param array|null $user * @param string $controller * @param string $action * @param bool $checkLoggedActions * @return true * @throws NotFoundException * @throws MethodNotAllowedException */ public function checkAccess($user, $controller, $action, $checkLoggedActions = true) { $controller = lcfirst(Inflector::camelize($controller)); $action = strtolower($action); if ($checkLoggedActions) { $this->__checkLoggedActions($user, $controller, $action); } if ($user && $user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) { return true; } if (!isset(self::ACL_LIST[$controller])) { throw new NotFoundException('Invalid controller.'); } $controllerAclList = array_change_key_case(self::ACL_LIST[$controller]); if (!empty($controllerAclList[$action])) { $rules = $controllerAclList[$action]; if (in_array('*', $rules, true)) { return true; } if (isset($rules['OR'])) { foreach ($rules['OR'] as $permission) { if (isset($this->dynamicChecks[$permission])) { if ($this->dynamicChecks[$permission]($user)) { return true; } } else { if ($user['Role'][$permission]) { return true; } } } } elseif (isset($rules['AND'])) { $allConditionsMet = true; foreach ($rules['AND'] as $permission) { if (isset($this->dynamicChecks[$permission])) { if (!$this->dynamicChecks[$permission]($user)) { $allConditionsMet = false; } } else { if (!$user['Role'][$permission]) { $allConditionsMet = false; } } } if ($allConditionsMet) { return true; } } elseif (isset($this->dynamicChecks[$rules[0]])) { if ($this->dynamicChecks[$rules[0]]($user)) { return true; } } elseif ($user['Role'][$rules[0]]) { return true; } } throw new MethodNotAllowedException('You do not have permission to use this functionality.'); } private function __findAllFunctions() { $functionsToIgnore = ['beforeFilter', 'afterFilter', 'beforeRender', 'getEventManager']; $functionFinder = '/function[\s\n]+(\S+)[\s\n]*\(/'; $dir = new Folder(APP . 'Controller'); $files = $dir->find('.*\.php'); $results = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $controllerName = lcfirst(str_replace('Controller.php', "", $file)); if ($controllerName === 'app') { $controllerName = '*'; } $functionArray = array(); $fileContents = FileAccessTool::readFromFile(APP . 'Controller' . DS . $file); $fileContents = preg_replace('/\/\*[^\*]+?\*\//', '', $fileContents); preg_match_all($functionFinder, $fileContents, $functionArray); foreach ($functionArray[1] as $function) { if ($function[0] !== '_' && !in_array($function, $functionsToIgnore, true)) { $results[$controllerName][] = $function; } } } return $results; } public function printAllFunctionNames($content = false) { $results = $this->__findAllFunctions(); ksort($results); return $results; } public function findMissingFunctionNames($content = false) { $results = $this->__findAllFunctions(); $missing = array(); foreach ($results as $controller => $functions) { foreach ($functions as $function) { if (!isset(self::ACL_LIST[$controller]) || !in_array($function, array_keys(self::ACL_LIST[$controller]))) { $missing[$controller][] = $function; } } } return $missing; } public function printRoleAccess($content = false) { $results = array(); $this->Role = ClassRegistry::init('Role'); $conditions = array(); if (is_numeric($content)) { $conditions = array('' => $content); } $roles = $this->Role->find('all', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => $conditions )); if (empty($roles)) { throw new NotFoundException('Role not found.'); } foreach ($roles as $role) { $urls = $this->__checkRoleAccess($role['Role']); $results[$role['Role']['id']] = array('name' => $role['Role']['name'], 'urls' => $urls); } return $results; } private function __checkRoleAccess(array $role) { $result = array(); $fakeUser = ['Role' => $role, 'org_id' => $this->hostOrgId]; foreach (self::ACL_LIST as $controller => $actions) { $controllerNames = Inflector::variable($controller) === Inflector::underscore($controller) ? array(Inflector::variable($controller)) : array(Inflector::variable($controller), Inflector::underscore($controller)); foreach ($controllerNames as $controllerName) { foreach ($actions as $action => $permissions) { if ($this->canUserAccess($fakeUser, $controllerName, $action)) { $result[] = "/$controllerName/$action"; } } } } return $result; } }