array( 'userModel' => 'User', 'userKey' => 'user_id', 'change' => 'full' ), ); public $validate = [ 'status' => [ 'rule' => '/^(trusted|malicious)$/', 'message' => 'Must be one of: trusted, malicious' ], ]; public $order = array("" => "DESC"); public $belongsTo = [ 'User' => [ 'className' => 'User', 'foreignKey' => 'user_id', 'conditions' => '', 'fields' => '', 'order' => '' ] ]; const BROWSER_CACHE_DIR = APP . DS . 'tmp' . DS . 'browscap'; const BROWSER_INI_FILE = APP . DS . 'files' . DS . 'browscap'. DS . 'browscap.ini.gz'; // Browscap file managed by MISP - const GEOIP_DB_FILE = APP . DS . 'files' . DS . 'geo-open' . DS . 'GeoOpen-Country.mmdb'; // GeoIP file managed by MISP - private $userProfile; private $knownUserProfiles = []; private function browscapGetBrowser() { $logger = new \Monolog\Logger('name'); if (function_exists('apcu_fetch')) { App::uses('ApcuCacheTool', 'Tools'); $cache = new ApcuCacheTool('misp:browscap'); } else { $fileCache = new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\FilesystemCache(UserLoginProfile::BROWSER_CACHE_DIR); $cache = new \Roave\DoctrineSimpleCache\SimpleCacheAdapter($fileCache); } try { $bc = new \BrowscapPHP\Browscap($cache, $logger); return $bc->getBrowser(); } catch (\BrowscapPHP\Exception $e) { $this->log("Browscap - building new cache from browscap.ini file.", LOG_INFO); $bcUpdater = new \BrowscapPHP\BrowscapUpdater($cache, $logger); $bcUpdater->convertString(FileAccessTool::readCompressedFile(UserLoginProfile::BROWSER_INI_FILE)); } $bc = new \BrowscapPHP\Browscap($cache, $logger); return $bc->getBrowser(); } /** * @param string $ip * @return string|null */ public function countryByIp($ip) { if (class_exists('GeoIp2\Database\Reader')) { $geoDbReader = new GeoIp2\Database\Reader(UserLoginProfile::GEOIP_DB_FILE); try { $record = $geoDbReader->country($ip); return $record->country->isoCode; } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { $this->logException("Could not get country code for IP address", $e, LOG_NOTICE); return null; } } return null; } public function beforeSave($options = []) { $this->data['UserLoginProfile']['hash'] = $this->hash($this->data['UserLoginProfile']); return true; } public function hash(array $data) { unset($data['hash']); unset($data['created_at']); return md5(serialize($data)); } /** * slow function - don't call it too often * @return array */ public function _getUserProfile() { if (!$this->userProfile) { // below uses if (class_exists('\BrowscapPHP\Browscap')) { $browser = $this->browscapGetBrowser(); } else { // a primitive OS & browser extraction capability $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ?? null; $browser = new stdClass(); $browser->browser_name_pattern = $ua; if (mb_strpos($ua, 'Linux') !== false) $browser->platform = "Linux"; else if (mb_strpos($ua, 'Windows') !== false) $browser->platform = "Windows"; else if (mb_strpos($ua, 'like Mac OS X') !== false) $browser->platform = "ipadOS"; else if (mb_strpos($ua, 'Mac OS X') !== false) $browser->platform = "macOS"; else if (mb_strpos($ua, 'Android') !== false) $browser->platform = 'Android'; else $browser->platform = 'unknown'; $browser->browser = "browser"; } $ip = $this->_remoteIp(); $country = $this->countryByIp($ip) ?? 'None'; $this->userProfile = [ 'user_agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ?? null, 'ip' => $ip, 'accept_lang' => $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] ?? null, 'geoip' => $country, 'ua_pattern' => $browser->browser_name_pattern, 'ua_platform' => $browser->platform, 'ua_browser' => $browser->browser ]; } return $this->userProfile; } /** * @param array $logEntry * @return array|false|string[] * @throws JsonException */ public function _fromLog(array $logEntry) { if (!$logEntry['change']) { return false; } $data = ["user_agent" => "", "ip" => "", "accept_lang" => "", "geoip" => "", "ua_pattern" => "", "ua_platform" => "", "ua_browser" => ""]; $data = array_merge($data, JsonTool::decode($logEntry['change'])); if ($data['user_agent'] === "") { return false; } $data['ip'] = $logEntry['ip']; $data['timestamp'] = $logEntry['created']; return $data; } public function _isSimilar($a, $b) { // if one is not initialized if (!$a || !$b) return false; // transition for old logs where UA was not known if (!$a['ua_browser']) return false; // really similar session, from same browser, region, but different IP if ($a['ua_browser'] === $b['ua_browser'] && $a['ua_platform'] === $b['ua_platform'] && $a['accept_lang'] === $b['accept_lang'] && $a['geoip'] === $b['geoip']) { return true; } // similar browser pattern, OS and region if ($a['ua_pattern'] === $b['ua_pattern'] && $a['ua_platform'] === $b['ua_platform'] && $a['accept_lang'] === $b['accept_lang'] && $a['geoip'] === $b['geoip']) { return true; } return false; } public function _isIdentical(array $a, array $b) { if ($a['ip'] === $b['ip'] && $a['ua_browser'] === $b['ua_browser'] && $a['ua_platform'] === $b['ua_platform'] && $a['accept_lang'] === $b['accept_lang'] && $a['geoip'] === $b['geoip']) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param array $userProfileToCheck * @param int $userId * @return mixed|string */ public function _getTrustStatus(array $userProfileToCheck, $userId = null) { if (!$userId) { $userId = AuthComponent::user('id'); } // load Singleton / caching if (!isset($this->knownUserProfiles[$userId])) { $this->knownUserProfiles[$userId] = $this->find('all', [ 'conditions' => ['UserLoginProfile.user_id' => $userId], 'recursive' => -1, ]); } // perform check on all entries, and stop when check OK foreach ($this->knownUserProfiles[$userId] as $knownUserProfile) { // when it is the same if ($this->_isIdentical($knownUserProfile['UserLoginProfile'], $userProfileToCheck)) { return $knownUserProfile['UserLoginProfile']['status']; } // if it is similar, more complex ruleset if ($this->_isSimilar($knownUserProfile['UserLoginProfile'], $userProfileToCheck)) { return 'likely ' . $knownUserProfile['UserLoginProfile']['status']; } } // bad news, iterated over all and no similar found return 'unknown'; } public function _isTrusted() { if (strpos($this->_getTrustStatus($this->_getUserProfile()), 'trusted') !== false) { return true; } return false; } public function _isSuspicious() { // previously marked loginuserprofile as malicious by the user if (strpos($this->_getTrustStatus($this->_getUserProfile()), 'malicious') !== false) { return __('A user reported a similar login profile as malicious.'); } // same IP as previous malicious user $maliciousWithSameIP = $this->hasAny([ 'UserLoginProfile.ip' => $this->_getUserProfile()['ip'], 'UserLoginProfile.status' => 'malicious' ]); if ($maliciousWithSameIP) { return __('The source IP was reported as as malicious by a user.'); } // LATER - use other data to identify suspicious logins, such as: // - what with use-case where a user marks something as legitimate, but is marked by someone else as suspicious? // - warning lists // - ... return false; } public function emailNewLogin(array $user) { if (!Configure::read('MISP.disable_emailing')) { $user = $this->User->getUserById($user['id']); // fetch in database format $datetime = date('c'); // ISO 8601 date $body = new SendEmailTemplate('userloginprofile_newlogin'); $body->set('userLoginProfile', $this->User->UserLoginProfile->_getUserProfile()); $body->set('baseurl', Configure::read('MISP.baseurl')); $body->set('misp_org', Configure::read('')); $body->set('date_time', $datetime); // Fetch user that contains also PGP or S/MIME keys for e-mail encryption $this->User->sendEmail($user, $body, false, "[" . Configure::read('') . " MISP] New sign in."); } } public function emailReportMalicious(array $user, array $userLoginProfile) { // inform the org admin $date_time = $userLoginProfile['timestamp']; // LATER not ideal as timestamp is string without timezone info $body = new SendEmailTemplate('userloginprofile_report_malicious'); $body->set('userLoginProfile', $userLoginProfile); $body->set('username', $user['User']['email']); $body->set('baseurl', Configure::read('MISP.baseurl')); $body->set('misp_org', Configure::read('')); $body->set('date_time', $date_time); $orgAdmins = array_keys($this->User->getOrgAdminsForOrg($user['User']['org_id'])); $admins = array_keys($this->User->getSiteAdmins()); $allAdmins = array_unique(array_merge($orgAdmins, $admins)); $subject = __("[%s MISP] Suspicious login reported.", Configure::read('')); foreach ($allAdmins as $adminUserId) { $admin = $this->User->find('first', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => ['' => $adminUserId] )); $this->User->sendEmail($admin, $body, false, $subject); } } public function email_suspicious(array $user, $suspiciousness_reason) { if (!Configure::read('MISP.disable_emailing')) { $date_time = date('c'); // inform the user $body = new SendEmailTemplate('userloginprofile_suspicious'); $body->set('userLoginProfile', $this->_getUserProfile()); $body->set('username', $user['User']['email']); $body->set('baseurl', Configure::read('MISP.baseurl')); $body->set('misp_org', Configure::read('')); $body->set('date_time', $date_time); $body->set('suspiciousness_reason', $suspiciousness_reason); // inform the user $this->User->sendEmail($user, $body, false, "[" . Configure::read('') . " MISP] Suspicious login with your account."); // inform the org admin $body = new SendEmailTemplate('userloginprofile_suspicious_orgadmin'); $body->set('userLoginProfile', $this->_getUserProfile()); $body->set('username', $user['User']['email']); $body->set('baseurl', Configure::read('MISP.baseurl')); $body->set('misp_org', Configure::read('')); $body->set('date_time', $date_time); $body->set('suspiciousness_reason', $suspiciousness_reason); $orgAdmins = array_keys($this->User->getOrgAdminsForOrg($user['User']['org_id'])); foreach ($orgAdmins as $orgAdminID) { $org_admin = $this->User->find('first', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => ['' => $orgAdminID] )); $this->User->sendEmail($org_admin, $body, false, "[" . Configure::read('') . " MISP] Suspicious login detected."); } } } }