User = $user; } /** * @return array|false * @throws Exception */ public function authenticate(array $settings) { $oidc = $this->prepareClient(); $this->log(null, 'Authenticate'); if (!$oidc->authenticate()) { throw new Exception("OIDC authentication was not successful."); } $claims = $oidc->getVerifiedClaims(); $mispUsername = $claims->email ?? $oidc->requestUserInfo('email'); if (empty($mispUsername)) { $sub = $claims->sub ?? 'UNKNOWN'; throw new Exception("OIDC user $sub doesn't have email address, that is required by MISP."); } $this->log($mispUsername, "Trying login."); $sub = $claims->sub; // sub is required // Try to find user by `sub` field, that is unique $user = $this->_findUser($settings, ['User.sub' => $sub]); if (!$user) { // User by sub not found, try to find by email $user = $this->_findUser($settings, ['' => $mispUsername]); if ($user && $user['sub'] !== null && $user['sub'] !== $sub) { $this->log($mispUsername, "User sub doesn't match ({$user['sub']} != $sub), could not login.", LOG_ERR); return false; } } $organisationProperty = $this->getConfig('organisation_property', 'organization'); $organisationName = $claims->{$organisationProperty} ?? $this->getConfig('default_org'); $organisationUuidProperty = $this->getConfig('organisation_uuid_property', 'organization_uuid'); $organisationUuid = $claims->{$organisationUuidProperty} ?? null; $organisationId = $this->checkOrganization($organisationName, $organisationUuid, $mispUsername); if (!$organisationId) { if ($user) { $this->block($user); } return false; } $roleProperty = $this->getConfig('roles_property', 'roles'); $roles = $claims->{$roleProperty} ?? $oidc->requestUserInfo($roleProperty); if ($roles === null) { $this->log($mispUsername, "Role property `$roleProperty` is missing in claims, access prohibited.", LOG_WARNING); return false; } $roleId = $this->getUserRole($roles, $mispUsername); if ($roleId === null) { $this->log($mispUsername, 'No role was assigned, access prohibited.', LOG_WARNING); if ($user) { $this->block($user); } return false; } $offlineAccessEnabled = $this->getConfig('offline_access', false); if ($user) { $this->log($mispUsername, "Found in database with ID {$user['id']}."); if ($user['sub'] === null) { $this->User->updateField($user, 'sub', $sub); $this->log($mispUsername, "User sub changed from NULL to $sub."); $user['sub'] = $sub; } if ($user['email'] !== $mispUsername) { $this->User->updateField($user, 'email', $mispUsername); $this->log($mispUsername, "User e-mail changed from {$user['email']} to $mispUsername."); $user['email'] = $mispUsername; } if ($user['org_id'] != $organisationId) { $this->User->updateField($user, 'org_id', $organisationId); $this->log($mispUsername, "User organisation changed from {$user['org_id']} to $organisationId."); $user['org_id'] = $organisationId; } if ($user['role_id'] != $roleId) { $this->User->updateField($user, 'role_id', $roleId); $this->log($mispUsername, "User role changed from {$user['role_id']} to $roleId."); $user['role_id'] = $roleId; } if ($user['disabled'] && $this->getConfig('unblock', false)) { $this->User->updateField($user, 'disabled', false); $this->log($mispUsername, "Unblocking user."); $user['disabled'] = false; } $refreshToken = $offlineAccessEnabled ? $oidc->getRefreshToken() : null; if ($offlineAccessEnabled && $refreshToken === null) { $this->log($mispUsername, 'Refresh token requested, but not provided.', LOG_WARNING); } $this->storeMetadata($user['id'], $claims, $refreshToken); $this->log($mispUsername, 'Logged in.'); return $user; } $this->log($mispUsername, 'User not found in database.'); $time = time(); $userData = [ 'email' => $mispUsername, 'org_id' => $organisationId, 'newsread' => $time, 'autoalert' => $this->User->defaultPublishAlert(), 'role_id' => $roleId, 'change_pw' => 0, 'date_created' => $time, 'sub' => $sub, 'enable_password' => false, // do not generate default password for user ]; if (!$this->User->save($userData)) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not create user `$mispUsername` in database."); } $refreshToken = $offlineAccessEnabled ? $oidc->getRefreshToken() : null; if ($offlineAccessEnabled && $refreshToken === null) { $this->log($mispUsername, 'Refresh token requested, but not provided.', LOG_WARNING); } $this->storeMetadata($this->User->id, $claims, $refreshToken); $this->log($mispUsername, "User created in database with ID {$this->User->id}"); $this->log($mispUsername, 'Logged in.'); $user = $this->_findUser($settings, ['' => $this->User->id]); if ($user['sub'] !== $sub) { // just to be sure that we have the correct user throw new Exception("User {$user['email']} sub doesn't match ({$user['sub']} != $sub)"); } return $user; } /** * @param array $user * @param bool $ignoreValidityTime Ignore `check_user_validity` setting and always check if user is valid * @param bool $update Update user role or organisation from OIDC * @return bool True if user is still valid, false if not * @throws Exception */ public function isUserValid(array $user, $ignoreValidityTime = false, $update = false) { if (!$this->getConfig('offline_access', false)) { return true; // offline access is not enabled, so it is not possible to verify user } if (!$ignoreValidityTime) { $checkUserValidityEvery = $this->getConfig('check_user_validity', 0); if ($checkUserValidityEvery === 0) { return true; // validity checking is disabled } } if (empty($user['id'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid user model provided."); } if (empty($user['sub'])) { return true; // user is not OIDC managed user } $userInfo = $this->findUserInfo($user); if (!isset($userInfo['refresh_token'])) { $this->log($user['email'], "User don't have refresh token, considering user is not valid"); return false; } if (!$ignoreValidityTime && $userInfo['validity_check_timestamp'] > time() - $checkUserValidityEvery) { return true; // user was checked in last `check_user_validity`, do not check again } $oidc = $this->prepareClient(); try { $oidc->refreshToken($userInfo['refresh_token']); } catch (JakubOnderka\ErrorResponse $e) { if ($e->getError() === 'invalid_grant') { $this->log($user['email'], "Refreshing token is not possible because of `{$e->getMessage()}`, considering user is not valid"); return false; } else { $this->log($user['email'], "Refreshing token is not possible because of `{$e->getMessage()}`, considering user is still valid"); return true; } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->log($user['email'], "Refreshing token is not possible because of `{$e->getMessage()}`, considering user is still valid"); return true; } $claims = $oidc->getVerifiedClaims(); if ($user['sub'] !== $claims->sub) { throw new Exception("User {$user['email']} sub doesn't match ({$user['sub']} != $claims->sub)"); } // Check user role $roleProperty = $this->getConfig('roles_property', 'roles'); $roles = $claims->{$roleProperty} ?? $oidc->requestUserInfo($roleProperty); if ($roles === null) { $this->log($user['email'], "Role property `$roleProperty` is missing in claims."); return false; } $roleId = $this->getUserRole($roles, $user['email']); if ($roleId === null) { $this->log($user['email'], 'No role was assigned.'); return false; } if ($update && $user['role_id'] != $roleId) { $this->User->updateField($user, 'role_id', $roleId); $this->log($user['email'], "User role changed from {$user['role_id']} to $roleId."); } // Check user org $organisationProperty = $this->getConfig('organisation_property', 'organization'); $organisationName = $claims->{$organisationProperty} ?? $this->getConfig('default_org'); $organisationUuidProperty = $this->getConfig('organisation_uuid_property', 'organization_uuid'); $organisationUuid = $claims->{$organisationUuidProperty} ?? null; $organisationId = $this->checkOrganization($organisationName, $organisationUuid, $user['email']); if (!$organisationId) { return false; } if ($update && $user['org_id'] != $organisationId) { $this->User->updateField($user, 'org_id', $organisationId); $this->log($user['email'], "User organisation changed from {$user['org_id']} to $organisationId."); } // Update refresh token if new token provided if ($oidc->getRefreshToken()) { $this->storeMetadata($user['id'], $claims, $oidc->getRefreshToken()); } return true; } /** * @param array $user * @param bool $ignoreValidityTime * @param bool $update Update user role or organisation * @return bool True if user was blocked, false if not * @throws Exception */ public function blockInvalidUser(array $user, $ignoreValidityTime = false, $update = false) { $isValid = $this->isUserValid($user, $ignoreValidityTime, $update); if (!$isValid) { $this->block($user); } return $isValid; } /** * @return \JakubOnderka\OpenIDConnectClient * @throws Exception */ private function prepareClient() { if ($this->oidcClient) { return $this->oidcClient; } $providerUrl = $this->getConfig('provider_url'); $clientId = $this->getConfig('client_id'); $clientSecret = $this->getConfig('client_secret'); if (class_exists("\JakubOnderka\OpenIDConnectClient")) { $oidc = new \JakubOnderka\OpenIDConnectClient($providerUrl, $clientId, $clientSecret); } else if (class_exists("\Jumbojett\OpenIDConnectClient")) { throw new Exception("Jumbojett OIDC implementation is not supported anymore, please use JakubOnderka's client"); } else { throw new Exception("OpenID Connect client is not installed."); } $authenticationMethod = $this->getConfig('authentication_method', false); if ($authenticationMethod !== false && $authenticationMethod !== null) { $oidc->setAuthenticationMethod($authenticationMethod); } $ccm = $this->getConfig('code_challenge_method', false); if ($ccm) { $oidc->setCodeChallengeMethod($ccm); } if ($this->getConfig('offline_access', false)) { $oidc->addScope('offline_access'); } $oidc->setRedirectURL(Configure::read('MISP.baseurl') . '/users/login'); $this->oidcClient = $oidc; return $oidc; } /** * @param string $orgName Organisation name or UUID * @param string|null $orgUuid Organisation UUID * @param string $mispUsername * @return int * @throws Exception */ private function checkOrganization($orgName, $orgUuid, $mispUsername) { if (empty($orgName)) { $this->log($mispUsername, "Organisation name not provided."); return false; } if ($orgUuid && !Validation::uuid($orgUuid)) { $this->log($mispUsername, "Organisation UUID `$orgUuid` is not valid UUID."); return false; } $orgNameIsUuid = Validation::uuid($orgName); if ($orgUuid) { $conditions = ['uuid' => strtolower($orgUuid)]; $this->log($mispUsername, "Trying to find user org by UUID `$orgUuid`."); } else if ($orgNameIsUuid) { $conditions = ['uuid' => strtolower($orgName)]; $this->log($mispUsername, "Trying to find user org by UUID `$orgName` provided in org name."); } else { $conditions = ['name' => $orgName]; $this->log($mispUsername, "Trying to find user org by name `$orgName`."); } $orgAux = $this->User->Organisation->find('first', [ 'fields' => ['', ''], 'conditions' => $conditions, ]); if (empty($orgAux)) { // Org does not exists and we don't know org name, so it is not possible to crete a new one. if ($orgNameIsUuid) { $this->log($mispUsername, "Could not find organisation with UUID `$orgName`."); return false; } $orgId = $this->User->Organisation->createOrgFromName($orgName, 0, true, $orgUuid); $this->log($mispUsername, "User organisation `$orgName` created with ID $orgId."); } else { $orgId = $orgAux['Organisation']['id']; $this->log($mispUsername, "User organisation `$orgName` found with ID $orgId."); // If org name in database is different, update to new name from OIDC if ($orgUuid && $orgName != $orgAux['Organisation']['name']) { $this->changeOrgName($orgId, $orgName); $this->log($mispUsername, "Changed org name for #$orgId from `{$orgAux['Organisation']['name']}` to `$orgName`."); } } return $orgId; } /** * @param int $orgId * @param string $newName * @return void * @throws Exception */ private function changeOrgName($orgId, $newName) { $result = $this->User->Organisation->save([ 'id' => $orgId, 'name' => $newName, ], true, ['id', 'name']); if (!$result) { throw new Exception("Could not rename org with ID $orgId to `$newName`."); } } /** * @param array $roles Role list provided by OIDC * @param string $mispUsername * @return int|null Role ID or null if no role matches */ private function getUserRole(array $roles, $mispUsername) { $this->log($mispUsername, 'Provided roles: ' . implode(', ', $roles)); $roleMapper = $this->getConfig('role_mapper'); if (!is_array($roleMapper)) { throw new RuntimeException("Config option `OidcAuth.role_mapper` must be array."); } $roleNameToId = $this->User->Role->find('list', [ 'fields' => ['', ''], ]); $roleNameToId = array_change_key_case($roleNameToId); // normalize role names to lowercase foreach ($roleMapper as $oidcRole => $mispRole) { if (in_array($oidcRole, $roles, true)) { if (!is_numeric($mispRole)) { $mispRole = mb_strtolower($mispRole); if (isset($roleNameToId[$mispRole])) { $mispRole = $roleNameToId[$mispRole]; } else { $this->log($mispUsername, "MISP Role with name `$mispRole` not found, skipping."); continue; } } return $mispRole; // first match wins } } return null; } /** * @param array $settings * @param array $conditions * @return array|null */ private function _findUser(array $settings, array $conditions) { $result = $this->User->find('first', [ 'conditions' => $conditions, 'recursive' => $settings['recursive'], 'fields' => $settings['userFields'], 'contain' => $settings['contain'], ]); if ($result) { $user = $result['User']; unset($result['User']); return array_merge($user, $result); } return null; } /** * @param string $config * @param mixed|null $default * @return mixed */ private function getConfig($config, $default = null) { $value = Configure::read("OidcAuth.$config"); if (empty($value)) { if ($default === null) { throw new RuntimeException("Config option `OidcAuth.$config` is not set."); } return $default; } return $value; } /** * @param array $user * @return array */ private function findUserInfo(array $user) { if (isset($user['UserSetting'])) { foreach ($user['UserSetting'] as $userSetting) { if ($userSetting['setting'] === 'oidc') { return $userSetting['value']; } } } return $this->User->UserSetting->getValueForUser($user['id'], 'oidc'); } /** * @param int $userId * @param stdClass $verifiedClaims * @param string|null $refreshToken * @return array|bool|mixed|null * @throws Exception */ private function storeMetadata($userId, \stdClass $verifiedClaims, $refreshToken = null) { // OIDC session ID if (isset($verifiedClaims->sid)) { CakeSession::write('oidc_sid', $verifiedClaims->sid); } $value = []; foreach (['preferred_username', 'given_name', 'family_name'] as $field) { if (property_exists($verifiedClaims, $field)) { $value[$field] = $verifiedClaims->{$field}; } } if ($refreshToken) { $value['validity_check_timestamp'] = time(); $value['refresh_token'] = $refreshToken; } return $this->User->UserSetting->setSettingInternal($userId, 'oidc', $value); } /** * @param array $user * @return void * @throws Exception */ private function block(array $user) { $this->User->updateField($user, 'disabled', true); $this->log($user['email'], "User blocked by OIDC"); } /** * @param string|null $username * @param string $message * @param int $type */ private function log($username, $message, $type = LOG_INFO) { $log = $username ? "OIDC user `$username`" : "OIDC"; if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') { $sessionId = substr(session_id(), 0, 6); $ip = $this->User->_remoteIp(); $log .= " [$ip;$sessionId] - $message"; } else { $log .= " - $message"; } CakeLog::write($type, $log); } }