60, 'maxLimit' => 9999, // LATER we will bump here on a problem once we have more than 9999 events <- no we won't, this is the max a user van view/page. 'order' => array( 'Event.timestamp' => 'DESC' ), 'contain' => array( 'Org' => array('fields' => array('id', 'name', 'uuid')), 'Orgc' => array('fields' => array('id', 'name', 'uuid')), 'SharingGroup' => array('fields' => array('id', 'name', 'uuid')) ) ); private $acceptedFilteringNamedParams = array( 'sort', 'direction', 'focus', 'extended', 'overrideLimit', 'filterColumnsOverwrite', 'attributeFilter', 'extended', 'page', 'searchFor', 'proposal', 'correlation', 'warning', 'deleted', 'includeRelatedTags', 'includeDecayScore', 'distribution', 'taggedAttributes', 'galaxyAttachedAttributes', 'objectType', 'attributeType', 'focus', 'extended', 'overrideLimit', 'filterColumnsOverwrite', 'feed', 'server', 'toIDS', 'sighting', 'includeSightingdb' ); public $defaultFilteringRules = array( 'searchFor' => '', 'attributeFilter' => 'all', 'proposal' => 0, 'correlation' => 0, 'warning' => 0, 'deleted' => 2, 'includeRelatedTags' => 0, 'includeDecayScore' => 0, 'toIDS' => 0, 'feed' => 0, 'server' => 0, 'distribution' => array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 'sighting' => 0, 'taggedAttributes' => '', 'galaxyAttachedAttributes' => '' ); public $helpers = array('Js' => array('Jquery')); public $paginationFunctions = array('index', 'proposalEventIndex'); public function beforeFilter() { parent::beforeFilter(); // what pages are allowed for non-logged-in users $this->Auth->allow('xml'); $this->Auth->allow('csv'); $this->Auth->allow('nids'); $this->Auth->allow('hids_md5'); $this->Auth->allow('hids_sha1'); $this->Auth->allow('text'); $this->Auth->allow('restSearch'); $this->Auth->allow('stix'); $this->Auth->allow('stix2'); $this->Security->unlockedActions[] = 'viewEventAttributes'; // TODO Audit, activate logable in a Controller if (count($this->uses) && $this->{$this->modelClass}->Behaviors->attached('SysLogLogable')) { $this->{$this->modelClass}->setUserData($this->activeUser); } // convert uuid to id if present in the url, and overwrite id field if (isset($this->params->query['uuid'])) { $params = array( 'conditions' => array('Event.uuid' => $this->params->query['uuid']), 'recursive' => 0, 'fields' => 'Event.id' ); $result = $this->Event->find('first', $params); if (isset($result['Event']) && isset($result['Event']['id'])) { $id = $result['Event']['id']; $this->params->addParams(array('pass' => array($id))); // FIXME find better way to change id variable if uuid is found. params->url and params->here is not modified accordingly now } } // if not admin or own org, check private as well.. if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin() && in_array($this->action, $this->paginationFunctions)) { $conditions = $this->Event->createEventConditions($this->Auth->user()); if ($this->userRole['perm_sync'] && $this->Auth->user('Server')['push_rules']) { $conditions['AND'][] = $this->Event->filterRulesToConditions($this->Auth->user('Server')['push_rules']); } $this->paginate = Set::merge($this->paginate, array('conditions' => $conditions)); } } /** * @param string $value * @return array[] */ private function __filterOnAttributeValue($value) { // dissect the value $pieces = explode('|', strtolower($value)); $include = array(); $exclude = array(); foreach ($pieces as $piece) { if ($piece[0] === '!') { $exclude[] = '%' . substr($piece, 1) . '%'; } else { $include[] = "%$piece%"; } } $includeIDs = array(); if (!empty($include)) { $includeConditions = []; foreach ($include as $i) { $includeConditions['OR'][] = array('lower(Attribute.value1) LIKE' => $i); $includeConditions['OR'][] = array('lower(Attribute.value2) LIKE' => $i); } $includeIDs = array_values($this->Event->Attribute->fetchAttributes($this->Auth->user(), array( 'conditions' => $includeConditions, 'flatten' => true, 'event_ids' => true, 'list' => true, ))); } $excludeIDs = array(); if (!empty($exclude)) { $excludeConditions = []; foreach ($exclude as $e) { $excludeConditions['OR'][] = array('lower(Attribute.value1) LIKE' => $e); $excludeConditions['OR'][] = array('lower(Attribute.value2) LIKE' => $e); } $excludeIDs = array_values($this->Event->Attribute->fetchAttributes($this->Auth->user(), array( 'conditions' => $excludeConditions, 'flatten' => true, 'event_ids' => true, 'list' => true, ))); } // return -1 as the only value in includedIDs if both arrays are empty. This will mean that no events will be shown if there was no hit if (empty($includeIDs) && empty($excludeIDs)) { $includeIDs[] = -1; } return array($includeIDs, $excludeIDs); } /** * @param string|array $value * @return array Event ID that match filter */ private function __quickFilter($value) { if (!is_array($value)) { $value = array($value); } $values = array(); foreach ($value as $v) { $values[] = '%' . strtolower($v) . '%'; } // get all of the attributes that have a hit on the search term, in either the value or the comment field // This is not perfect, the search will be case insensitive, but value1 and value2 are searched separately. lower() doesn't seem to work on virtualfields $subconditions = array(); foreach ($values as $v) { $subconditions[] = array('lower(value1) LIKE' => $v); $subconditions[] = array('lower(value2) LIKE' => $v); $subconditions[] = array('lower(Attribute.comment) LIKE' => $v); } $conditions = array( 'OR' => $subconditions, ); $attributeHits = $this->Event->Attribute->fetchAttributes($this->Auth->user(), array( 'conditions' => $conditions, 'flatten' => 1, 'event_ids' => true, 'list' => true, )); $result = array_values($attributeHits); // we now have a list of event IDs that match on an attribute level, and the user can see it. Let's also find all of the events that match on other criteria! // What is interesting here is that we no longer have to worry about the event's releasability. With attributes this was a different case, // because we might run into a situation where a user can see an event but not a specific attribute // returning a hit on such an attribute would allow users to enumerate hidden attributes // For anything beyond this point the default pagination restrictions will apply! // First of all, there are tags that might be interesting for us $subconditions = array(); foreach ($values as $v) { $subconditions[] = array('lower(name) LIKE' => $v); } $tags = $this->Event->EventTag->Tag->find('all', array( 'conditions' => $subconditions, 'fields' => array('id'), 'contain' => array('EventTag' => ['fields' => 'event_id'], 'AttributeTag' => ['fields' => 'event_id']), )); foreach ($tags as $tag) { foreach ($tag['EventTag'] as $eventTag) { if (!in_array($eventTag['event_id'], $result)) { $result[] = $eventTag['event_id']; } } foreach ($tag['AttributeTag'] as $attributeTag) { if (!in_array($attributeTag['event_id'], $result)) { $result[] = $attributeTag['event_id']; } } } // Finally, let's search on the event metadata! $subconditions = array(); foreach ($values as $v) { $subconditions[] = array('lower(name) LIKE' => $v); } $orgs = $this->Event->Org->find('list', array( 'conditions' => $subconditions, 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('id') )); $conditions = empty($result) ? [] : ['NOT' => ['id' => $result]]; // Do not include events that we already found foreach ($values as $v) { $conditions['OR'][] = array('lower(info) LIKE' => $v); $conditions['OR'][] = array('lower(uuid) LIKE' => $v); } if (!empty($orgs)) { $conditions['OR']['orgc_id'] = array_values($orgs); } $otherEvents = $this->Event->find('list', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('id'), 'conditions' => $conditions, )); foreach ($otherEvents as $eventId) { $result[] = $eventId; } return $result; } private function __setIndexFilterConditions($passedArgs, $urlparams) { $passedArgsArray = array(); foreach ($passedArgs as $k => $v) { if (substr($k, 0, 6) === 'search') { if (!is_array($v)) { if ($urlparams != "") { $urlparams .= "/"; } $urlparams .= $k . ":" . $v; } $searchTerm = strtolower(substr($k, 6)); switch ($searchTerm) { case 'all': if (!empty($passedArgs['searchall'])) { $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = array('Event.id' => $this->__quickFilter($passedArgs['searchall'])); } break; case 'attribute': $event_id_arrays = $this->__filterOnAttributeValue($v); if (!empty($event_id_arrays[0])) { $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = array('Event.id' => $event_id_arrays[0]); } if (!empty($event_id_arrays[1])) { $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = array('Event.id !=' => $event_id_arrays[1]); } break; case 'published': if ($v == 2) { continue 2; } $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = array('Event.' . substr($k, 6) . ' =' => $v); break; case 'hasproposal': if ($v == 2) { continue 2; } $proposalQuery = "exists (select id, deleted from shadow_attributes where shadow_attributes.event_id = Event.id and shadow_attributes.deleted = 0)"; if ($v == 0) { $proposalQuery = 'not ' . $proposalQuery; } $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = $proposalQuery; break; case 'eventid': if ($v == "") { continue 2; } if (is_array($v)) { $pieces = $v; } else { $pieces = explode('|', $v); } $temp = array(); $eventidConditions = array(); foreach ($pieces as $piece) { $piece = trim($piece); if ($piece[0] == '!') { if (strlen($piece) == 37) { $eventidConditions['NOT']['uuid'][] = substr($piece, 1); } else { $eventidConditions['NOT']['id'][] = substr($piece, 1); } } else { if (strlen($piece) == 36) { $eventidConditions['OR']['uuid'][] = $piece; } else { $eventidConditions['OR']['id'][] = $piece; } } } foreach ($eventidConditions as $operator => $conditionForOperator) { foreach ($conditionForOperator as $conditionKey => $conditionValue) { $lookupKey = 'Event.' . $conditionKey; if ($operator === 'NOT') { $lookupKey = $lookupKey . ' !='; } $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = array($lookupKey => $conditionValue); } } break; case 'datefrom': if ($v == "") { continue 2; } $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = array('Event.date >=' => $v); break; case 'dateuntil': if ($v == "") { continue 2; } $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = array('Event.date <=' => $v); break; case 'timestamp': if ($v == "") { continue 2; } if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+[mhdw]$/i', $v)) { $v = $this->Event->resolveTimeDelta($v); } $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = array('Event.timestamp >=' => $v); break; case 'publish_timestamp': case 'publishtimestamp': if ($v == "") { continue 2; } if (is_array($v) && isset($v[0]) && isset($v[1])) { if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+[mhdw]$/i', $v[0])) { $v[0] = $this->Event->resolveTimeDelta($v[0]); } if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+[mhdw]$/i', $v[1])) { $v[1] = $this->Event->resolveTimeDelta($v[1]); } $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = array('Event.publish_timestamp >=' => $v[0]); $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = array('Event.publish_timestamp <=' => $v[1]); } else { if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+[mhdw]$/i', $v)) { $v = $this->Event->resolveTimeDelta($v); } $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = array('Event.publish_timestamp >=' => $v); } break; case 'org': if ($v == "") { continue 2; } if (!Configure::read('MISP.showorg')) { continue 2; } $orgArray = $this->Event->Org->find('list', array('fields' => array('Org.name'))); $orgUuidArray = $this->Event->Org->find('list', array('fields' => array('Org.uuid'))); $orgArray = array_map('strtoupper', $orgArray); // if the first character is '!', search for NOT LIKE the rest of the string (excluding the '!' itself of course) if (!is_array($v)) { $pieces = explode('|', $v); } else { $pieces = $v; } $test = array(); foreach ($pieces as $piece) { if ($piece[0] == '!') { if (is_numeric(substr($piece, 1))) { $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = array('Event.orgc_id !=' => substr($piece, 1)); } else { if (Validation::uuid(substr($piece, 1))) { $org_id = array_search(substr($piece, 1), $orgUuidArray); } else { $org_id = array_search(strtoupper(substr($piece, 1)), $orgArray); } if ($org_id) { $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = array('Event.orgc_id !=' => $org_id); } } } else { if (is_numeric($piece)) { $test['OR'][] = array('Event.orgc_id' => array('Event.orgc_id' => $piece)); } else { if (Validation::uuid($piece)) { $org_id = array_search($piece, $orgUuidArray); } else { $org_id = array_search(strtoupper($piece), $orgArray); } if ($org_id) { $test['OR'][] = array('Event.orgc_id' => $org_id); } else { $test['OR'][] = array('Event.orgc_id' => -1); } } } } $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = $test; break; case 'sharinggroup': $pieces = explode('|', $v); $test = array(); foreach ($pieces as $piece) { if ($piece[0] == '!') { $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = array('Event.sharing_group_id !=' => substr($piece, 1)); } else { $test['OR'][] = array('Event.sharing_group_id' => $piece); } } if (!empty($test)) { $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = $test; } break; case 'eventinfo': if ($v == "") { continue 2; } // if the first character is '!', search for NOT LIKE the rest of the string (excluding the '!' itself of course) $pieces = explode('|', $v); $test = array(); foreach ($pieces as $piece) { if ($piece[0] == '!') { $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = array('lower(Event.info)' . ' NOT LIKE' => '%' . strtolower(substr($piece, 1)) . '%'); } else { $test['OR'][] = array('lower(Event.info)' . ' LIKE' => '%' . strtolower($piece) . '%'); } } $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = $test; break; case 'tag': case 'tags': if (!$v || !Configure::read('MISP.tagging') || $v === 0) { continue 2; } if (!is_array($v)) { $pieces = explode('|', $v); } else { $pieces = $v; } $filterString = ""; $expectOR = false; $setOR = false; $tagRules = []; foreach ($pieces as $piece) { if ($piece[0] == '!') { if (is_numeric(substr($piece, 1))) { $conditions = array('OR' => array('Tag.id' => substr($piece, 1))); } else { $conditions = array('OR' => array('Tag.name' => substr($piece, 1))); } $tagName = $this->Event->EventTag->Tag->find('first', array( 'conditions' => $conditions, 'fields' => array('id', 'name'), 'recursive' => -1, )); if (empty($tagName)) { if ($filterString != "") { $filterString .= "|"; } $filterString .= '!' . $piece; continue; } $block = $this->Event->EventTag->find('all', array( 'conditions' => array('EventTag.tag_id' => $tagName['Tag']['id']), 'fields' => 'event_id', 'recursive' => -1, )); if (!empty($block)) { $sqlSubQuery = 'Event.id NOT IN ('; foreach ($block as $b) { $sqlSubQuery .= $b['EventTag']['event_id'] . ','; } $tagRules['AND'][] = substr($sqlSubQuery, 0, -1) . ')'; } if ($filterString != "") { $filterString .= "|"; } $filterString .= '!' . (isset($tagName['Tag']['name']) ? $tagName['Tag']['name'] : $piece); } else { $expectOR = true; if (is_numeric($piece)) { $conditions = array('OR' => array('Tag.id' => $piece)); } else { $conditions = array('OR' => array('Tag.name' => $piece)); } $tagName = $this->Event->EventTag->Tag->find('first', array( 'conditions' => $conditions, 'fields' => array('id', 'name'), 'recursive' => -1, )); if (empty($tagName)) { if ($filterString != "") { $filterString .= "|"; } $filterString .= $piece; continue; } $allow = $this->Event->EventTag->find('all', array( 'conditions' => array('EventTag.tag_id' => $tagName['Tag']['id']), 'fields' => 'event_id', 'recursive' => -1, )); if (!empty($allow)) { $sqlSubQuery = 'Event.id IN ('; foreach ($allow as $a) { $setOR = true; $sqlSubQuery .= $a['EventTag']['event_id'] . ','; } $tagRules['OR'][] = substr($sqlSubQuery, 0, -1) . ')'; } if ($filterString != "") { $filterString .= "|"; } $filterString .= isset($tagName['Tag']['name']) ? $tagName['Tag']['name'] : $piece; } } $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = $tagRules; // If we have a list of OR-d arguments, we expect to end up with a list of allowed event IDs // If we don't however, it means that none of the tags was found. To prevent displaying the entire event index in this case: if ($expectOR && !$setOR) { $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = array('Event.id' => -1); } $v = $filterString; break; case 'email': if ($v == "" || (strtolower($this->Auth->user('email')) !== strtolower(trim($v)) && !$this->_isSiteAdmin())) { continue 2; } // if the first character is '!', search for NOT LIKE the rest of the string (excluding the '!' itself of course) $pieces = explode('|', $v); $test = array(); foreach ($pieces as $piece) { if ($piece[0] == '!') { $users = $this->Event->User->find('list', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('User.email'), 'conditions' => array('lower(User.email) LIKE' => '%' . strtolower(substr($piece, 1)) . '%') )); if (!empty($users)) { $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = array('Event.user_id !=' => array_keys($users)); } } else { $users = $this->Event->User->find('list', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('User.email'), 'conditions' => array('lower(User.email) LIKE' => '%' . strtolower($piece) . '%') )); if (!empty($users)) { $test['OR'][] = array('Event.user_id' => array_keys($users)); } } } if (!empty($test)) { $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = $test; } break; case 'distribution': case 'analysis': case 'threatlevel': if ($v == "") { continue 2; } $terms = array(); $filterString = ""; $searchTermInternal = $searchTerm; if ($searchTerm == 'threatlevel') { $searchTermInternal = 'threat_level_id'; $threatLevels = $this->Event->ThreatLevel->find('all', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('id', 'name'), )); foreach ($threatLevels as $tl) { $terms[$tl['ThreatLevel']['id']] = $tl['ThreatLevel']['name']; } } elseif ($searchTerm == 'analysis') { $terms = $this->Event->analysisLevels; } else { $terms = $this->Event->distributionLevels; } $pieces = explode('|', $v); $test = array(); foreach ($pieces as $piece) { if ($filterString != "") { $filterString .= '|'; } if ($piece[0] == '!') { $filterString .= $terms[substr($piece, 1)]; $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = array('Event.' . $searchTermInternal . ' !=' => substr($piece, 1)); } else { $filterString .= $terms[$piece]; $test['OR'][] = array('Event.' . $searchTermInternal => $piece); } } $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = $test; $v = $filterString; break; case 'minimal': $tableName = $this->Event->EventReport->table; $eventReportQuery = sprintf('EXISTS (SELECT id, deleted FROM %s WHERE %s.event_id = Event.id and %s.deleted = 0)', $tableName, $tableName, $tableName); $this->paginate['conditions']['AND'][] = [ 'OR' => [ ['Event.attribute_count >' => 0], [$eventReportQuery] ] ]; break; default: continue 2; break; } $passedArgsArray[$searchTerm] = $v; } } return $passedArgsArray; } public function index() { // list the events $urlparams = ""; $overrideAbleParams = array('all', 'attribute', 'published', 'eventid', 'datefrom', 'dateuntil', 'org', 'eventinfo', 'tag', 'tags', 'distribution', 'sharinggroup', 'analysis', 'threatlevel', 'email', 'hasproposal', 'timestamp', 'publishtimestamp', 'publish_timestamp', 'minimal'); $paginationParams = array('limit', 'page', 'sort', 'direction', 'order'); $passedArgs = $this->passedArgs; if (isset($this->request->data)) { if (isset($this->request->data['request'])) { $this->request->data = $this->request->data['request']; } foreach ($this->request->data as $k => $v) { if (substr($k, 0, 6) === 'search' && in_array(strtolower(substr($k, 6)), $overrideAbleParams)) { unset($this->request->data[$k]); $this->request->data[strtolower(substr($k, 6))] = $v; } else if (in_array(strtolower($k), $overrideAbleParams)) { unset($this->request->data[$k]); $this->request->data[strtolower($k)] = $v; } } foreach ($overrideAbleParams as $oap) { if (isset($this->request->data[$oap])) { $passedArgs['search' . $oap] = $this->request->data[$oap]; } } foreach ($paginationParams as $paginationParam) { if (isset($this->request->data[$paginationParam])) { $passedArgs[$paginationParam] = $this->request->data[$paginationParam]; } } } $this->set('passedArgs', json_encode($passedArgs)); // check each of the passed arguments whether they're a filter (could also be a sort for example) and if yes, add it to the pagination conditions $passedArgsArray = $this->__setIndexFilterConditions($passedArgs, $urlparams); if (!$this->_isRest()) { $this->paginate['contain'] = array_merge($this->paginate['contain'], array('User.email', 'EventTag')); } else { $this->paginate['contain'] = array_merge($this->paginate['contain'], array('User.email')); } $this->set('urlparams', $urlparams); $this->set('passedArgsArray', $passedArgsArray); $this->paginate = Set::merge($this->paginate, array('contain' => array( 'ThreatLevel' => array( 'fields' => array( 'ThreatLevel.name')) ), )); $this->loadModel('GalaxyCluster'); // for REST, don't use the pagination. With this, we'll escape the limit of events shown on the index. if ($this->_isRest()) { $rules = array(); $fieldNames = array_keys($this->Event->getColumnTypes()); $directions = array('ASC', 'DESC'); if (isset($passedArgs['sort']) && in_array($passedArgs['sort'], $fieldNames)) { if (isset($passedArgs['direction']) && in_array(strtoupper($passedArgs['direction']), $directions)) { $rules['order'] = array('Event.' . $passedArgs['sort'] => $passedArgs['direction']); } else { $rules['order'] = array('Event.' . $passedArgs['sort'] => 'ASC'); } } $rules['contain'] = $this->paginate['contain']; if (isset($this->paginate['conditions'])) { $rules['conditions'] = $this->paginate['conditions']; } if (!empty($passedArgs['searchminimal']) || !empty($passedArgs['minimal'])) { unset($rules['contain']); $rules['recursive'] = -1; $rules['fields'] = array('id', 'timestamp', 'sighting_timestamp', 'published', 'uuid'); $rules['contain'] = array('Orgc.uuid'); } $paginationRules = array('page', 'limit', 'sort', 'direction', 'order'); foreach ($paginationRules as $paginationRule) { if (isset($passedArgs[$paginationRule])) { $rules[$paginationRule] = $passedArgs[$paginationRule]; } } $counting_rules = $rules; if (!empty($counting_rules['limit'])) { unset($counting_rules['limit']); } if (!empty($counting_rules['page'])) { unset($counting_rules['page']); } $absolute_total = $this->Event->find('count', $counting_rules); if (empty($rules['limit'])) { $events = array(); $i = 1; $continue = true; $rules['limit'] = 20000; while ($continue) { $rules['page'] = $i; $temp = $this->Event->find('all', $rules); if (!empty($temp)) { $events = array_merge($events, $temp); } else { $continue = false; } $i += 1; } } else { $events = $this->Event->find('all', $rules); } $total_events = count($events); foreach ($events as $k => $event) { if (empty($event['SharingGroup']['name'])) { unset($events[$k]['SharingGroup']); } } if (empty($passedArgs['searchminimal']) && empty($passedArgs['minimal'])) { $passes = ceil($total_events / 1000); for ($i = 0; $i < $passes; $i++) { $event_tag_objects = array(); $event_tag_ids = array(); $elements = 1000; if ($i == ($passes-1)) { $elements = ($total_events % 1000); } for ($j = 0; $j < $elements; $j++) { $event_tag_ids[$events[($i*1000) + $j]['Event']['id']] = true; } $eventTags = $this->Event->EventTag->find('all', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array( 'EventTag.event_id' => array_keys($event_tag_ids) ), 'contain' => array( 'Tag' => array( 'conditions' => array('Tag.exportable' => 1), 'fields' => array('Tag.id', 'Tag.name', 'Tag.colour') ) ) )); foreach ($eventTags as $ket => $et) { if (empty($et['Tag']['id'])) { unset($eventTags[$ket]); } else { $et['EventTag']['Tag'] = $et['Tag']; unset($et['Tag']); if (empty($event_tag_objects[$et['EventTag']['event_id']])) { $event_tag_objects[$et['EventTag']['event_id']] = array($et['EventTag']); } else { $event_tag_objects[$et['EventTag']['event_id']][] = $et['EventTag']; } } } for ($j = 0; $j < $elements; $j++) { if (!empty($event_tag_objects[$events[($i*1000) + $j]['Event']['id']])) { $events[($i*1000) + $j]['EventTag'] = $event_tag_objects[$events[($i*1000) + $j]['Event']['id']]; } else { $events[($i*1000) + $j]['EventTag'] = array(); } } } $events = $this->GalaxyCluster->attachClustersToEventIndex($events); foreach ($events as $key => $event) { $temp = $events[$key]['Event']; $temp['Org'] = $event['Org']; $temp['Orgc'] = $event['Orgc']; unset($temp['user_id']); $rearrangeObjects = array('GalaxyCluster', 'EventTag', 'SharingGroup'); foreach ($rearrangeObjects as $ro) { if (isset($event[$ro])) { $temp[$ro] = $event[$ro]; } } $events[$key] = $temp; } if ($this->response->type() === 'application/xml') { $events = array('Event' => $events); } return $this->RestResponse->viewData($events, $this->response->type(), false, false, false, array('X-Result-Count' => $absolute_total)); } else { foreach ($events as $key => $event) { $event['Event']['orgc_uuid'] = $event['Orgc']['uuid']; $events[$key] = $event['Event']; } return $this->RestResponse->viewData($events, $this->response->type(), false, false, false, array('X-Result-Count' => $absolute_total)); } } else { $events = $this->paginate(); foreach ($events as $k => $event) { if (empty($event['SharingGroup']['name'])) { unset($events[$k]['SharingGroup']); } } if (count($events) == 1 && isset($this->passedArgs['searchall'])) { $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'events', 'action' => 'view', $events[0]['Event']['id'])); } $events = $this->Event->attachTagsToEvents($events); if (Configure::read('MISP.showCorrelationsOnIndex')) { $events = $this->Event->attachCorrelationCountToEvents($this->Auth->user(), $events); } if (Configure::read('MISP.showSightingsCountOnIndex')) { $events = $this->Event->attachSightingsCountToEvents($this->Auth->user(), $events); } if (Configure::read('MISP.showProposalsCountOnIndex')) { $events = $this->Event->attachProposalsCountToEvents($this->Auth->user(), $events); } if (Configure::read('MISP.showDiscussionsCountOnIndex')) { $events = $this->Event->attachDiscussionsCountToEvents($this->Auth->user(), $events); } $events = $this->GalaxyCluster->attachClustersToEventIndex($events, true); $this->set('events', $events); } $user = $this->Auth->user(); $user = $this->Event->User->fillKeysToUser($user); if (empty($user['gpgkey']) && Configure::read('GnuPG.onlyencrypted')) { // No GnuPG if (Configure::read('SMIME.enabled') && empty($user['certif_public'])) { // No GnuPG and No SMIME $this->Flash->info(__('No X.509 certificate or GnuPG key set in your profile. To receive emails, submit your public certificate or GnuPG key in your profile.')); } elseif (!Configure::read('SMIME.enabled')) { $this->Flash->info(__('No GnuPG key set in your profile. To receive emails, submit your public key in your profile.')); } } elseif ($this->Auth->user('autoalert') && empty($user['gpgkey']) && Configure::read('GnuPG.bodyonlyencrypted')) { // No GnuPG & autoalert if ($this->Auth->user('autoalert') && Configure::read('SMIME.enabled') && empty($user['certif_public'])) { // No GnuPG and No SMIME & autoalert $this->Flash->info(__('No X.509 certificate or GnuPG key set in your profile. To receive attributes in emails, submit your public certificate or GnuPG key in your profile.')); } elseif (!Configure::read('SMIME.enabled')) { $this->Flash->info(__('No GnuPG key set in your profile. To receive attributes in emails, submit your public key in your profile.')); } } $this->set('eventDescriptions', $this->Event->fieldDescriptions); $this->set('analysisLevels', $this->Event->analysisLevels); $this->set('distributionLevels', $this->Event->distributionLevels); $this->set('shortDist', $this->Event->shortDist); $this->set('distributionData', $this->genDistributionGraph(-1)); if ($this->params['ext'] === 'csv') { App::uses('CsvExport', 'Export'); $export = new CsvExport(); return $this->RestResponse->viewData($export->eventIndex($events), 'csv'); } if ($this->request->is('ajax')) { $this->autoRender = false; $this->layout = false; $this->render('ajax/index'); } } public function filterEventIndex() { $passedArgsArray = array(); $filtering = array( 'published' => 2, 'org' => array('OR' => array(), 'NOT' => array()), 'tag' => array('OR' => array(), 'NOT' => array()), 'eventid' => array('OR' => array(), 'NOT' => array()), 'date' => array('from' => "", 'until' => ""), 'eventinfo' => array('OR' => array(), 'NOT' => array()), 'threatlevel' => array('OR' => array(), 'NOT' => array()), 'distribution' => array('OR' => array(), 'NOT' => array()), 'sharinggroup' => array('OR' => array(), 'NOT' => array()), 'analysis' => array('OR' => array(), 'NOT' => array()), 'attribute' => array('OR' => array(), 'NOT' => array()), 'hasproposal' => 2, ); if ($this->_isSiteAdmin()) { $filtering['email'] = array('OR' => array(), 'NOT' => array()); } foreach ($this->passedArgs as $k => $v) { if (substr($k, 0, 6) === 'search') { $searchTerm = substr($k, 6); switch ($searchTerm) { case 'published': case 'hasproposal': $filtering[$searchTerm] = $v; break; case 'Datefrom': $filtering['date']['from'] = $v; break; case 'Dateuntil': $filtering['date']['until'] = $v; break; case 'email': case 'org': case 'eventid': case 'tag': case 'eventinfo': case 'attribute': case 'threatlevel': case 'distribution': case 'sharinggroup': case 'analysis': if ($v == "" || ($searchTerm == 'email' && !$this->_isSiteAdmin())) { continue 2; } $pieces = explode('|', $v); foreach ($pieces as $piece) { if ($piece[0] == '!') { $filtering[$searchTerm]['NOT'][] = substr($piece, 1); } else { $filtering[$searchTerm]['OR'][] = $piece; } } break; } $passedArgsArray[$searchTerm] = $v; } } $this->set('filtering', json_encode($filtering)); $tags = $this->Event->EventTag->Tag->find('all', array('recursive' => -1)); $tagNames = array(); $tagJSON = array(); foreach ($tags as $k => $v) { $tagNames[$v['Tag']['id']] = $v['Tag']['name']; $tagJSON[] = array('id' => $v['Tag']['id'], 'value' => h($v['Tag']['name'])); } $conditions = array(); if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) { $eIds = $this->Event->fetchEventIds($this->Auth->user(), false, false, false, true); $conditions['AND'][] = array('Event.id' => $eIds); } $rules = array('published', 'eventid', 'tag', 'date', 'eventinfo', 'threatlevel', 'distribution', 'sharinggroup', 'analysis', 'attribute', 'hasproposal'); if ($this->_isSiteAdmin()) { $rules[] = 'email'; } if (Configure::read('MISP.showorg')) { $orgs = $this->Event->Orgc->find('list', array( 'conditions' => array(), 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('Orgc.id', 'Orgc.name'), 'sort' => array('lower(Orgc.name) asc') )); $this->set('showorg', true); $this->set('orgs', $orgs); $rules[] = 'org'; } else { $this->set('showorg', false); } $sharingGroups = $this->Event->SharingGroup->fetchAllAuthorised($this->Auth->user(), 'name', true); $this->set('sharingGroups', $sharingGroups); $rules = $this->_arrayToValuesIndexArray($rules); $this->set('tags', $tagNames); $this->set('tagJSON', json_encode($tagJSON)); $this->set('rules', $rules); $this->set('baseurl', Configure::read('MISP.baseurl')); $this->layout = 'ajax'; } /** * Search for a value on an attribute level for a specific field. * * @param array $attribute An attribute * @param array $fields List of keys in attribute to search in * @param string $searchValue Values to search ( '|' is the separator) * @return bool Returns true on match */ private function __valueInFieldAttribute($attribute, $fields, $searchValue) { $searchParts = explode('|', mb_strtolower($searchValue)); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (strpos($field, 'Tag') === 0) { if (empty($attribute['AttributeTag'])) { continue; } $fieldValues = Hash::extract($attribute, 'AttributeTag.{n}.' . $field); foreach ($fieldValues as $fieldValue) { $fieldValue = mb_strtolower($fieldValue); foreach ($searchParts as $s) { if (strpos($fieldValue, $s) !== false) { return true; } } } } else { $fieldValue = isset($attribute[$field]) ? $attribute[$field] : null; if (empty($fieldValue)) { continue; } $fieldValue = mb_strtolower($fieldValue); foreach ($searchParts as $s) { if (strpos($fieldValue, $s) !== false) { return true; } } } } return false; } public function viewEventAttributes($id, $all = false) { $filterData = array( 'request' => $this->request, 'paramArray' => $this->acceptedFilteringNamedParams, 'named_params' => $this->params['named'] ); $exception = false; $filters = $this->_harvestParameters($filterData, $exception); if (isset($filters['focus'])) { $this->set('focus', $filters['focus']); } $conditions = array('eventid' => $id); if (isset($filters['extended'])) { $conditions['extended'] = 1; $this->set('extended', 1); } else { $this->set('extended', 0); } if (!empty($filters['overrideLimit'])) { $conditions['overrideLimit'] = 1; } if (isset($filters['deleted'])) { $conditions['deleted'] = $filters['deleted'] == 2 ? 0 : [0, 1]; if ($filters['deleted'] == 2) { // not-deleted only $conditions['deleted'] = 0; } elseif ($filters['deleted'] == 1) { // deleted only $conditions['deleted'] = 1; } else { // both $conditions['deleted'] = [0, 1]; } } if (isset($filters['toIDS']) && $filters['toIDS'] != 0) { $conditions['to_ids'] = $filters['toIDS'] == 2 ? 0 : 1; } $conditions['includeFeedCorrelations'] = true; $conditions['includeWarninglistHits'] = true; if (!isset($filters['includeServerCorrelations'])) { $conditions['includeServerCorrelations'] = 1; if ($this->_isRest()) { $conditions['includeServerCorrelations'] = 0; } } else { $conditions['includeServerCorrelations'] = $filters['includeServerCorrelations']; } $conditions['includeAllTags'] = true; $conditions['includeGranularCorrelations'] = 1; $conditions['includeEventCorrelations'] = false; if (!empty($filters['includeRelatedTags'])) { $this->set('includeRelatedTags', 1); $conditions['includeRelatedTags'] = 1; } else { $this->set('includeRelatedTags', 0); } if (!empty($filters['includeDecayScore'])) { $this->set('includeDecayScore', 1); $conditions['includeDecayScore'] = 1; } else { $this->set('includeDecayScore', 0); } $results = $this->Event->fetchEvent($this->Auth->user(), $conditions); if (empty($results)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event')); } $event = $results[0]; $attributeTagsName = $this->Event->Attribute->AttributeTag->extractAttributeTagsNameFromEvent($event, 'both'); $this->set('attributeTags', array_values($attributeTagsName['tags'])); $this->set('attributeClusters', array_values($attributeTagsName['clusters'])); if (isset($filters['distribution'])) { if (!is_array($filters['distribution'])) { $filters['distribution'] = array($filters['distribution']); } $temp = implode('|', $filters['distribution']); $this->__applyQueryString($event, $temp, 'distribution'); } if (isset($filters['searchFor']) && $filters['searchFor'] !== '') { if (isset($filters['filterColumnsOverwrite'])) { $this->__applyQueryString($event, $filters['searchFor'], $filters['filterColumnsOverwrite']); } else { $this->__applyQueryString($event, $filters['searchFor']); } $this->set('passedArgsArray', array('all' => $filters['searchFor'])); } if (isset($filters['taggedAttributes']) && $filters['taggedAttributes'] !== '') { $this->__applyQueryString($event, $filters['taggedAttributes'], 'Tag.name'); } if (isset($filters['galaxyAttachedAttributes']) && $filters['galaxyAttachedAttributes'] !== '') { $this->__applyQueryString($event, $filters['galaxyAttachedAttributes'], 'Tag.name'); } $emptyEvent = (empty($event['Object']) && empty($event['Attribute'])); $this->set('emptyEvent', $emptyEvent); // remove galaxies tags $this->loadModel('Taxonomy'); foreach ($event['Object'] as $k => $object) { if (isset($object['Attribute'])) { foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $k2 => $attribute) { $this->Event->Attribute->removeGalaxyClusterTags($event['Object'][$k]['Attribute'][$k2]); $tagConflicts = $this->Taxonomy->checkIfTagInconsistencies($attribute['AttributeTag']); foreach ($tagConflicts['global'] as $tagConflict) { $warningTagConflicts[$tagConflict['taxonomy']['Taxonomy']['namespace']] = $tagConflict['taxonomy']; } foreach ($tagConflicts['local'] as $tagConflict) { $warningTagConflicts[$tagConflict['taxonomy']['Taxonomy']['namespace']] = $tagConflict['taxonomy']; } $event['Object'][$k]['Attribute'][$k2]['tagConflicts'] = $tagConflicts; } } } foreach ($event['Attribute'] as $k => $attribute) { $this->Event->Attribute->removeGalaxyClusterTags($event['Attribute'][$k]); $tagConflicts = $this->Taxonomy->checkIfTagInconsistencies($attribute['AttributeTag']); foreach ($tagConflicts['global'] as $tagConflict) { $warningTagConflicts[$tagConflict['taxonomy']['Taxonomy']['namespace']] = $tagConflict['taxonomy']; } foreach ($tagConflicts['local'] as $tagConflict) { $warningTagConflicts[$tagConflict['taxonomy']['Taxonomy']['namespace']] = $tagConflict['taxonomy']; } $event['Attribute'][$k]['tagConflicts'] = $tagConflicts; } if (empty($this->passedArgs['sort'])) { $filters['sort'] = 'timestamp'; $filters['direction'] = 'desc'; } $sightingsData = $this->Event->getSightingData($event); $this->set('sightingsData', $sightingsData); $params = $this->Event->rearrangeEventForView($event, $filters, $all, $sightingsData); if (!empty($filters['includeSightingdb']) && Configure::read('Plugin.Sightings_sighting_db_enable')) { $this->loadModel('Sightingdb'); $event = $this->Sightingdb->attachToEvent($event, $this->Auth->user()); } $this->params->params['paging'] = array($this->modelClass => $params); $this->set('event', $event); $dataForView = array( 'Attribute' => array('attrDescriptions' => 'fieldDescriptions', 'distributionDescriptions' => 'distributionDescriptions', 'distributionLevels' => 'distributionLevels', 'shortDist' => 'shortDist'), 'Event' => array('eventDescriptions' => 'fieldDescriptions', 'analysisDescriptions' => 'analysisDescriptions', 'analysisLevels' => 'analysisLevels') ); foreach ($dataForView as $m => $variables) { if ($m === 'Event') { $currentModel = $this->Event; } elseif ($m === 'Attribute') { $currentModel = $this->Event->Attribute; } foreach ($variables as $alias => $variable) { $this->set($alias, $currentModel->{$variable}); } } if (Configure::read('Plugin.Enrichment_services_enable')) { $this->loadModel('Module'); $modules = $this->Module->getEnabledModules($this->Auth->user()); if (!empty($modules) && is_array($modules)) { foreach ($modules as $k => $v) { if (isset($v['restrict'])) { if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin() && $v['restrict'] != $this->Auth->user('org_id')) { unset($modules[$k]); } } } } $this->set('modules', $modules); } if (Configure::read('Plugin.Cortex_services_enable')) { $this->loadModel('Module'); $cortex_modules = $this->Module->getEnabledModules($this->Auth->user(), false, 'Cortex'); $this->set('cortex_modules', $cortex_modules); } $deleted = 0; if (isset($filters['deleted'])) { $deleted = $filters['deleted'] == 2 ? 0 : 1; } $this->set('includeSightingdb', (!empty($filters['includeSightingdb']) && Configure::read('Plugin.Sightings_sighting_db_enable'))); $this->set('deleted', $deleted); $this->set('typeGroups', array_keys($this->Event->Attribute->typeGroupings)); $this->set('attributeFilter', isset($filters['attributeFilter']) ? $filters['attributeFilter'] : 'all'); $this->set('filters', $filters); $advancedFiltering = $this->__checkIfAdvancedFiltering($filters); $this->set('advancedFilteringActive', $advancedFiltering['active'] ? 1 : 0); $this->set('advancedFilteringActiveRules', $advancedFiltering['activeRules']); $this->set('defaultFilteringRules', $this->defaultFilteringRules); $orgTable = $this->Event->Orgc->find('list', array( 'fields' => array('Orgc.id', 'Orgc.name') )); $this->set('orgTable', $orgTable); $this->disableCache(); $this->layout = 'ajax'; $uriArray = explode('/', $this->params->here); foreach ($uriArray as $k => $v) { if (strpos($v, ':')) { $temp = explode(':', $v); if ($temp[0] == 'focus') { unset($uriArray[$k]); } } $this->params->here = implode('/', $uriArray); } if (!empty($filters['includeSightingdb']) && Configure::read('Plugin.Sightings_sighting_db_enable')) { $this->set('sightingdbs', $this->Sightingdb->getSightingdbList($this->Auth->user())); } $this->set('currentUri', $this->params->here); $this->layout = false; $this->render('/Elements/eventattribute'); } private function __viewUI($event, $continue, $fromEvent) { $this->loadModel('Taxonomy'); $filterData = array( 'request' => $this->request, 'paramArray' => $this->acceptedFilteringNamedParams, 'named_params' => $this->params['named'] ); $exception = false; $warningTagConflicts = array(); $filters = $this->_harvestParameters($filterData, $exception); $emptyEvent = (empty($event['Object']) && empty($event['Attribute'])); $this->set('emptyEvent', $emptyEvent); $attributeCount = isset($event['Attribute']) ? count($event['Attribute']) : 0; $objectCount = isset($event['Object']) ? count($event['Object']) : 0; $oldest_timestamp = false; if (!empty($event['Object'])) { foreach ($event['Object'] as $k => $object) { if (!empty($object['Attribute'])) { foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $attribute) { if ($oldest_timestamp == false || $oldest_timestamp > $attribute['timestamp']) { $oldest_timestamp = $attribute['timestamp']; } } $attributeCount += count($object['Attribute']); } } } $this->set('attribute_count', $attributeCount); $this->set('object_count', $objectCount); // set the data for the contributors / history field $contributors = $this->Event->ShadowAttribute->getEventContributors($event['Event']['id']); if ($this->userRole['perm_publish'] && $event['Event']['orgc_id'] == $this->Auth->user('org_id')) { $proposalStatus = false; if (isset($event['ShadowAttribute']) && !empty($event['ShadowAttribute'])) { $proposalStatus = true; } if (!$proposalStatus && !empty($event['Attribute'])) { foreach ($event['Attribute'] as $temp) { if (isset($temp['ShadowAttribute']) && !empty($temp['ShadowAttribute'])) { $proposalStatus = true; } } } $mess = $this->Session->read('Message'); if ($proposalStatus && empty($mess)) { $this->Flash->info('This event has active proposals for you to accept or discard.'); } } // set the pivot data $this->helpers[] = 'Pivot'; if ($continue) { $data = $this->__continuePivoting($event['Event']['id'], $event['Event']['info'], $event['Event']['date'], $fromEvent); } else { $data = $this->__startPivoting($event['Event']['id'], $event['Event']['info'], $event['Event']['date']); } $pivot = $this->Session->read('pivot_thread'); $this->__arrangePivotVertical($pivot); $this->__setDeletable($pivot, $event['Event']['id'], true); $this->set('allPivots', $this->Session->read('pivot_thread')); $this->set('pivot', $pivot); // set data for the view, the event is already set in view() $dataForView = array( 'Attribute' => array('attrDescriptions' => 'fieldDescriptions', 'distributionDescriptions' => 'distributionDescriptions', 'distributionLevels' => 'distributionLevels', 'shortDist' => 'shortDist'), 'Event' => array('eventDescriptions' => 'fieldDescriptions', 'analysisDescriptions' => 'analysisDescriptions', 'analysisLevels' => 'analysisLevels') ); // workaround to get number of correlation per related event $relatedEventCorrelationCount = array(); if (!empty($event['RelatedAttribute'])) { foreach ($event['RelatedAttribute'] as $relatedAttribute) { foreach ($relatedAttribute as $relation) { $relatedEventCorrelationCount[$relation['id']][$relation['value']] = true; } } } foreach ($relatedEventCorrelationCount as $key => $relation) { $relatedEventCorrelationCount[$key] = count($relatedEventCorrelationCount[$key]); } foreach ($dataForView as $m => $variables) { if ($m === 'Event') { $currentModel = $this->Event; } elseif ($m === 'Attribute') { $currentModel = $this->Event->Attribute; } foreach ($variables as $alias => $variable) { $this->set($alias, $currentModel->{$variable}); } } $this->Event->removeGalaxyClusterTags($event); $tagConflicts = $this->Taxonomy->checkIfTagInconsistencies($event['EventTag']); foreach ($tagConflicts['global'] as $tagConflict) { $warningTagConflicts[$tagConflict['taxonomy']['Taxonomy']['namespace']] = $tagConflict['taxonomy']; } foreach ($tagConflicts['local'] as $tagConflict) { $warningTagConflicts[$tagConflict['taxonomy']['Taxonomy']['namespace']] = $tagConflict['taxonomy']; } $this->set('tagConflicts', $tagConflicts); $modDate = date("Y-m-d", $event['Event']['timestamp']); $modificationMap = array($modDate => 1); foreach ($event['Attribute'] as $k => $attribute) { if ($oldest_timestamp == false || $oldest_timestamp > $attribute['timestamp']) { $oldest_timestamp = $attribute['timestamp']; } $modDate = date("Y-m-d", $attribute['timestamp']); $modificationMap[$modDate] = !isset($modificationMap[$modDate]) ? 1 : $modificationMap[$modDate] + 1; $this->Event->Attribute->removeGalaxyClusterTags($event['Attribute'][$k]); $tagConflicts = $this->Taxonomy->checkIfTagInconsistencies($attribute['AttributeTag']); foreach ($tagConflicts['global'] as $tagConflict) { $warningTagConflicts[$tagConflict['taxonomy']['Taxonomy']['namespace']] = $tagConflict['taxonomy']; } foreach ($tagConflicts['local'] as $tagConflict) { $warningTagConflicts[$tagConflict['taxonomy']['Taxonomy']['namespace']] = $tagConflict['taxonomy']; } $event['Attribute'][$k]['tagConflicts'] = $tagConflicts; } $attributeTagsName = $this->Event->Attribute->AttributeTag->extractAttributeTagsNameFromEvent($event, 'both'); $this->set('attributeTags', array_values($attributeTagsName['tags'])); $this->set('attributeClusters', array_values($attributeTagsName['clusters'])); foreach ($event['Object'] as $k => $object) { $modDate = date("Y-m-d", $object['timestamp']); $modificationMap[$modDate] = !isset($modificationMap[$modDate])? 1 : $modificationMap[$modDate] + 1; if (!empty($object['Attribute'])) { foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $k2 => $attribute) { $modDate = date("Y-m-d", $attribute['timestamp']); $modificationMap[$modDate] = !isset($modificationMap[$modDate])? 1 : $modificationMap[$modDate] + 1; $this->Event->Attribute->removeGalaxyClusterTags($event['Object'][$k]['Attribute'][$k2]); $tagConflicts = $this->Taxonomy->checkIfTagInconsistencies($attribute['AttributeTag']); foreach ($tagConflicts['global'] as $tagConflict) { $warningTagConflicts[$tagConflict['taxonomy']['Taxonomy']['namespace']] = $tagConflict['taxonomy']; } foreach ($tagConflicts['local'] as $tagConflict) { $warningTagConflicts[$tagConflict['taxonomy']['Taxonomy']['namespace']] = $tagConflict['taxonomy']; } $event['Object'][$k]['Attribute'][$k2]['tagConflicts'] = $tagConflicts; } } } $this->set('warningTagConflicts', $warningTagConflicts); $filters['sort'] = 'timestamp'; $filters['direction'] = 'desc'; if (isset($filters['distribution'])) { if (!is_array($filters['distribution'])) { $filters['distribution'] = array($filters['distribution']); } $temp = implode('|', $filters['distribution']); $this->__applyQueryString($event, $temp, 'distribution'); } $modificationMapCSV = 'Date,Close\n'; $startDate = array_keys($modificationMap); sort($startDate); $startDate = $startDate[0]; $this->set('startDate', $startDate); $today = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', time())); if (($today - 172800) > $startDate) { $startDate = date('Y-m-d', $today - 172800); } for ($date = $startDate; strtotime($date) <= $today; $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+1 day", strtotime($date)))) { if (isset($modificationMap[$date])) { $modificationMapCSV .= $date . ',' . $modificationMap[$date] . '\n'; } else { $modificationMapCSV .= $date . ',0\n'; } } unset($modificationMap); $sightingsData = $this->Event->getSightingData($event); $this->set('sightingsData', $sightingsData); $params = $this->Event->rearrangeEventForView($event, $filters, false, $sightingsData); if (!empty($filters['includeSightingdb']) && Configure::read('Plugin.Sightings_sighting_db_enable')) { $this->loadModel('Sightingdb'); $event = $this->Sightingdb->attachToEvent($event, $this->Auth->user()); } $this->params->params['paging'] = array($this->modelClass => $params); $this->set('event', $event); $extensionParams = array( 'conditions' => array( 'Event.extends_uuid' => $event['Event']['uuid'] ) ); $extensions = $this->Event->fetchSimpleEvents($this->Auth->user(), $extensionParams); $this->set('extensions', $extensions); if (!empty($event['Event']['extends_uuid'])) { $extendedEvent = $this->Event->fetchSimpleEvents($this->Auth->user(), array('conditions' => array('Event.uuid' => $event['Event']['extends_uuid']))); if (empty($extendedEvent)) { $extendedEvent = $event['Event']['extends_uuid']; } $this->set('extendedEvent', $extendedEvent); } if (Configure::read('MISP.delegation')) { $this->loadModel('EventDelegation'); $delegationConditions = array('EventDelegation.event_id' => $event['Event']['id']); if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin() && $this->userRole['perm_publish']) { $delegationConditions['OR'] = array('EventDelegation.org_id' => $this->Auth->user('org_id'), 'EventDelegation.requester_org_id' => $this->Auth->user('org_id')); } $this->set('delegationRequest', $this->EventDelegation->find('first', array( 'conditions' => $delegationConditions, 'recursive' => -1, 'contain' => array('Org', 'RequesterOrg') ))); } if (Configure::read('Plugin.Enrichment_services_enable')) { $this->loadModel('Module'); $modules = $this->Module->getEnabledModules($this->Auth->user()); if (is_array($modules)) { foreach ($modules as $k => $v) { if (isset($v['restrict'])) { if ($this->_isSiteAdmin() && $v['restrict'] != $this->Auth->user('org_id')) { unset($modules[$k]); } } } } $this->set('modules', $modules); } if (Configure::read('Plugin.Cortex_services_enable')) { $this->loadModel('Module'); $cortex_modules = $this->Module->getEnabledModules($this->Auth->user(), false, 'Cortex'); $this->set('cortex_modules', $cortex_modules); } $this->set('contributors', $contributors); $this->set('typeGroups', array_keys($this->Event->Attribute->typeGroupings)); $attributeUri = $this->baseurl . '/events/viewEventAttributes/' . $event['Event']['id']; foreach ($this->params->named as $k => $v) { if (!is_numeric($k)) { if (is_array($v)) { foreach ($v as $value) { $attributeUri .= sprintf('/%s[]:%s', $k, $value); } } else { $attributeUri .= sprintf('/%s:%s', $k, $v); } } } $orgTable = $this->Event->Orgc->find('list', array( 'fields' => array('Orgc.id', 'Orgc.name') )); if (!empty($filters['includeSightingdb']) && Configure::read('Plugin.Sightings_sighting_db_enable')) { $this->set('sightingdbs', $this->Sightingdb->getSightingdbList($this->Auth->user())); } $this->set('includeSightingdb', (!empty($filters['includeSightingdb']) && Configure::read('Plugin.Sightings_sighting_db_enable'))); $this->set('relatedEventCorrelationCount', $relatedEventCorrelationCount); $this->set('oldest_timestamp', $oldest_timestamp); $this->set('required_taxonomies', $this->Event->getRequiredTaxonomies()); $this->set('orgTable', $orgTable); $this->set('currentUri', $attributeUri); $this->set('filters', $filters); $advancedFiltering = $this->__checkIfAdvancedFiltering($filters); $this->set('advancedFilteringActive', $advancedFiltering['active'] ? 1 : 0); $this->set('advancedFilteringActiveRules', $advancedFiltering['activeRules']); $this->set('defaultFilteringRules', $this->defaultFilteringRules); $this->set('mitreAttackGalaxyId', $this->Event->GalaxyCluster->Galaxy->getMitreAttackGalaxyId()); $this->set('modificationMapCSV', $modificationMapCSV); $this->set('title_for_layout', __('Event #%s', $event['Event']['id'])); } public function view($id = null, $continue = false, $fromEvent = null) { if (is_numeric($id)) { $conditions = array('eventid' => $id); } else if (Validation::uuid($id)) { $conditions = array('event_uuid' => $id); } else { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event')); } if ($this->_isRest()) { $conditions['includeAttachments'] = true; } else { $conditions['includeAllTags'] = true; } $deleted = 0; if (isset($this->params['named']['deleted'])) { $deleted = $this->params['named']['deleted']; } if (isset($this->request->data['deleted'])) { $deleted = $this->request->data['deleted']; } if (isset($deleted)) { // workaround for old instances trying to pull events with both deleted / non deleted data if (($this->userRole['perm_sync'] && $this->_isRest() && !$this->userRole['perm_site_admin']) && $deleted == 1) { $conditions['deleted'] = array(0,1); } else { $conditions['deleted'] = $deleted == 2 ? array(0,1) : $deleted; } } if (isset($this->params['named']['toIDS']) && $this->params['named']['toIDS'] != 0) { $conditions['to_ids'] = $this->params['named']['toIDS'] == 2 ? 0 : 1; } if (isset($this->params['named']['includeRelatedTags']) && $this->params['named']['includeRelatedTags']) { $conditions['includeRelatedTags'] = 1; } if (!empty($this->params['named']['includeDecayScore'])) { $conditions['includeDecayScore'] = 1; } if (isset($this->params['named']['public']) && $this->params['named']['public']) { $conditions['distribution'] = array(3, 5); } if (!empty($this->params['named']['overrideLimit']) && !$this->_isRest()) { $conditions['overrideLimit'] = 1; } if (!empty($this->params['named']['excludeGalaxy'])) { $conditions['excludeGalaxy'] = 1; } if (!empty($this->params['named']['extended']) || !empty($this->request->data['extended'])) { $conditions['extended'] = 1; $this->set('extended', 1); } else { $this->set('extended', 0); } $conditions['excludeLocalTags'] = false; $conditions['includeWarninglistHits'] = true; if (isset($this->params['named']['excludeLocalTags'])) { $conditions['excludeLocalTags'] = $this->params['named']['excludeLocalTags']; } $conditions['includeFeedCorrelations'] = 1; if (!$this->_isRest()) { $conditions['includeGranularCorrelations'] = 1; } else if (!empty($this->params['named']['includeGranularCorrelations'])) { $conditions['includeGranularCorrelations'] = 1; } if (!isset($this->params['named']['includeServerCorrelations'])) { $conditions['includeServerCorrelations'] = 1; if ($this->_isRest()) { $conditions['includeServerCorrelations'] = 0; } } else { $conditions['includeServerCorrelations'] = $this->params['named']['includeServerCorrelations']; } $results = $this->Event->fetchEvent($this->Auth->user(), $conditions); if (empty($results)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event')); } $event = $results[0]; // Attach related attributes to proper attribute if (!empty($this->params['named']['includeGranularCorrelations']) && !empty($event['RelatedAttribute'])) { foreach ($event['RelatedAttribute'] as $attribute_id => $relation) { foreach ($event['Attribute'] as $k2 => $attribute) { if ((int)$attribute['id'] == $attribute_id) { $event['Attribute'][$k2]['RelatedAttribute'][] = $relation; break 2; } } foreach ($event['Object'] as $k2 => $object) { foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $k3 => $attribute) { if ((int)$attribute['id'] == $attribute_id) { $event['Object'][$k2]['Attribute'][$k3]['RelatedAttribute'][] = $relation; break 3; } } } } } $this->Event->id = $event['Event']['id']; if (isset($this->params['named']['searchFor']) && $this->params['named']['searchFor'] !== '') { $this->__applyQueryString($event, $this->params['named']['searchFor']); } if (isset($this->params['named']['taggedAttributes']) && $this->params['named']['taggedAttributes'] !== '') { $this->__applyQueryString($event, $this->params['named']['taggedAttributes'], 'Tag.name'); } if (isset($this->params['named']['galaxyAttachedAttributes']) && $this->params['named']['galaxyAttachedAttributes'] !== '') { $this->__applyQueryString($event, $this->params['named']['galaxyAttachedAttributes'], 'Tag.name'); } if ($this->_isRest()) { $this->set('event', $event); } else { $this->set('deleted', isset($deleted) ? ($deleted == 2 ? 0 : 1) : 0); $this->set('includeRelatedTags', (!empty($this->params['named']['includeRelatedTags'])) ? 1 : 0); $this->set('includeDecayScore', (!empty($this->params['named']['includeDecayScore'])) ? 1 : 0); if ($this->_isSiteAdmin() && $event['Event']['orgc_id'] !== $this->Auth->user('org_id')) { $this->Flash->info(__('You are currently logged in as a site administrator and about to edit an event not belonging to your organisation. This goes against the sharing model of MISP. Use a normal user account for day to day work.')); } $this->__viewUI($event, $continue, $fromEvent); } } private function __startPivoting($id, $info, $date) { $this->Session->write('pivot_thread', null); $initial_pivot = array('id' => $id, 'info' => $info, 'date' => $date, 'depth' => 0, 'height' => 0, 'children' => array(), 'deletable' => true); $this->Session->write('pivot_thread', $initial_pivot); } private function __continuePivoting($id, $info, $date, $fromEvent) { $pivot = $this->Session->read('pivot_thread'); $newPivot = array('id' => $id, 'info' => $info, 'date' => $date, 'depth' => null, 'children' => array(), 'deletable' => true); if (!$this->__checkForPivot($pivot, $id)) { $pivot = $this->__insertPivot($pivot, $fromEvent, $newPivot, 0); } $this->Session->write('pivot_thread', $pivot); } private function __insertPivot($pivot, $oldId, $newPivot, $depth) { $depth++; if ($pivot['id'] == $oldId) { $newPivot['depth'] = $depth; $pivot['children'][] = $newPivot; return $pivot; } if (!empty($pivot['children'])) { foreach ($pivot['children'] as $k => $v) { $pivot['children'][$k] = $this->__insertPivot($v, $oldId, $newPivot, $depth); } } return $pivot; } private function __checkForPivot($pivot, $id) { if ($id == $pivot['id']) { return true; } foreach ($pivot['children'] as $k => $v) { if ($this->__checkForPivot($v, $id)) { return true; } } return false; } private function __arrangePivotVertical(&$pivot) { if (empty($pivot)) { return null; } $max = count($pivot['children']) - 1; if ($max < 0) { $max = 0; } $temp = 0; $pivot['children'] = array_values($pivot['children']); foreach ($pivot['children'] as $k => $v) { $pivot['children'][$k]['height'] = ($temp+$k)*50; $temp += $this->__arrangePivotVertical($pivot['children'][$k]); if ($k == $max) { $temp = $pivot['children'][$k]['height'] / 50; } } return $temp; } public function removePivot($id, $eventId, $self = false) { $pivot = $this->Session->read('pivot_thread'); if ($pivot['id'] == $id) { $pivot = null; $this->Session->write('pivot_thread', null); $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'events', 'action' => 'view', $eventId)); } else { $pivot = $this->__doRemove($pivot, $id); } $this->Session->write('pivot_thread', $pivot); $pivot = $this->__arrangePivotVertical($pivot); $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'events', 'action' => 'view', $eventId, true, $eventId)); } private function __applyQueryString(&$event, $searchFor, $filterColumnsOverwrite=false) { // filtering on specific columns is specified if ($filterColumnsOverwrite !== false) { $filterValue = array_map('trim', explode(",", $filterColumnsOverwrite)); } else { $filterColumnsOverwrite = Configure::read('MISP.event_view_filter_fields') ?: 'id,uuid,value,comment,type,category,Tag.name'; $filterValue = array_map('trim', explode(",", $filterColumnsOverwrite)); $validFilters = array('id', 'uuid', 'value', 'comment', 'type', 'category', 'Tag.name'); foreach ($filterValue as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($v, $validFilters)) { unset($filterValue[$k]); } } } // search in all attributes foreach ($event['Attribute'] as $k => $attribute) { if (!$this->__valueInFieldAttribute($attribute, $filterValue, $searchFor)) { unset($event['Attribute'][$k]); } } $event['Attribute'] = array_values($event['Attribute']); // search in all attributes foreach ($event['ShadowAttribute'] as $k => $proposals) { if (!$this->__valueInFieldAttribute($proposals, $filterValue, $searchFor)) { unset($event['ShadowAttribute'][$k]); } } $event['ShadowAttribute'] = array_values($event['ShadowAttribute']); // search for all attributes in object foreach ($event['Object'] as $k => $object) { foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $k2 => $attribute) { if (!$this->__valueInFieldAttribute($attribute, $filterValue, $searchFor)) { unset($event['Object'][$k]['Attribute'][$k2]); } } if (empty($event['Object'][$k]['Attribute'])) { // remove object if empty unset($event['Object'][$k]); } else { $event['Object'][$k]['Attribute'] = array_values($event['Object'][$k]['Attribute']); } } $event['Object'] = array_values($event['Object']); } // look in the parameters if we are doing advanced filtering or not private function __checkIfAdvancedFiltering($filters) { $advancedFilteringActive = array_diff_key($filters, array('sort'=>0, 'direction'=>0, 'focus'=>0, 'overrideLimit'=>0, 'filterColumnsOverwrite'=>0, 'attributeFilter'=>0, 'extended' => 0, 'page' => 0)); if (count($advancedFilteringActive) > 0) { if (count(array_diff_key($advancedFilteringActive, array('deleted', 'includeRelatedTags', 'includeDecayScore'))) > 0) { $res = true; } else if ( (isset($advancedFilteringActive['deleted']) && $advancedFilteringActive['deleted'] == 2) || (isset($advancedFilteringActive['includeRelatedTags']) && $advancedFilteringActive['includeRelatedTags'] == 1) || (isset($advancedFilteringActive['includeDecayScore']) && $advancedFilteringActive['includeDecayScore'] == 1) ) { $res = true; } else { $res = false; } } else { $res = false; } unset($filters['sort']); unset($filters['direction']); $activeRules = array(); foreach ($filters as $k => $v) { if (isset($this->defaultFilteringRules[$k]) && $this->defaultFilteringRules[$k] != $v) { $activeRules[$k] = 1; } } return array('active' => $activeRules > 0 ? $res : false, 'activeRules' => $activeRules); } private function __removeChildren(&$pivot, $id) { if ($pivot['id'] == $id) { $pivot['children'] = array(); } else { foreach ($pivot['children'] as $k => $v) { $this->__removeChildren($v, $id); } } } private function __doRemove(&$pivot, $id) { foreach ($pivot['children'] as $k => $v) { if ($v['id'] == $id) { unset($pivot['children'][$k]); return $pivot; } else { $pivot['children'][$k] = $this->__doRemove($pivot['children'][$k], $id); } } return $pivot; } private function __setDeletable(&$pivot, $id, $root=false) { if ($pivot['id'] == $id && !$root) { $pivot['deletable'] = false; return true; } if (!empty($pivot['children'])) { foreach ($pivot['children'] as $k => $v) { $containsCurrent = $this->__setDeletable($pivot['children'][$k], $id); if ($containsCurrent && !$root) { $pivot['deletable'] = false; } } } return !$pivot['deletable']; } public function add() { if (!$this->userRole['perm_add']) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('You do not have permissions to create events.')); } $sgs = $this->Event->SharingGroup->fetchAllAuthorised($this->Auth->user(), 'name', 1); if ($this->request->is('post')) { if ($this->_isRest()) { if (empty($this->data)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('No valid event data received.')); } // rearrange the response if the event came from an export if (isset($this->request->data['response'])) { $this->request->data = $this->request->data['response']; } if (isset($this->request->data['request'])) { $this->request->data = $this->request->data['request']; } if (!isset($this->request->data['Event'])) { $this->request->data = array('Event' => $this->request->data); } // Distribution, reporter for the events pushed will be the owner of the authentication key $this->request->data['Event']['user_id'] = $this->Auth->user('id'); } if (!empty($this->data)) { if (!isset($this->request->data['Event']['distribution'])) { $this->request->data['Event']['distribution'] = Configure::read('MISP.default_event_distribution') ? Configure::read('MISP.default_event_distribution') : 0; } if (!isset($this->request->data['Event']['analysis'])) { $this->request->data['Event']['analysis'] = 0; } if (!isset($this->request->data['Event']['threat_level_id'])) { $this->request->data['Event']['threat_level_id'] = Configure::read('MISP.default_event_threat_level') ? Configure::read('MISP.default_event_threat_level') : 4; } if (!isset($this->request->data['Event']['date'])) { $this->request->data['Event']['date'] = date('Y-m-d'); } // If the distribution is set to sharing group, check if the id provided is really visible to the user, if not throw an error. if ($this->request->data['Event']['distribution'] == 4) { if ($this->userRole['perm_sync'] && $this->_isRest()) { if (isset($this->request->data['Event']['SharingGroup'])) { if (!isset($this->request->data['Event']['SharingGroup']['uuid'])) { if ($this->Event->SharingGroup->checkIfExists($this->request->data['Event']['SharingGroup']['uuid']) && $this->Event->SharingGroup->checkIfAuthorised($this->Auth->user(), $this->request->data['Event']['SharingGroup']['uuid'])) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid Sharing Group or not authorised (Sync user is not contained in the Sharing group).')); } } } elseif (!isset($sgs[$this->request->data['Event']['sharing_group_id']])) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid Sharing Group or not authorised.')); } } else { if (!isset($sgs[$this->request->data['Event']['sharing_group_id']])) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid Sharing Group or not authorised.')); } } } else { // If the distribution is set to something "traditional", set the SG id to 0. $this->request->data['Event']['sharing_group_id'] = 0; } // If we are not sync users / site admins, we only allow events to be created for our own org // Set the orgc ID as our own orgc ID and unset both the 2.4 and 2.3 style creator orgs if ($this->_isRest() && !$this->userRole['perm_sync']) { $this->request->data['Event']['orgc_id'] = $this->Auth->user('org_id'); if (isset($this->request->data['Event']['Orgc'])) { unset($this->request->data['Event']['Orgc']); } if (isset($this->request->data['Event']['orgc'])) { unset($this->request->data['Event']['orgc']); } } $validationErrors = array(); $created_id = 0; $add = $this->Event->_add($this->request->data, $this->_isRest(), $this->Auth->user(), '', null, false, null, $created_id, $validationErrors); if ($add === true && !is_numeric($add)) { if ($this->_isRest()) { if ($add === 'blocked') { throw new ForbiddenException(__('Event blocked by local blocklist.')); } // REST users want to see the newly created event $results = $this->Event->fetchEvent($this->Auth->user(), array('eventid' => $created_id)); $event = $results[0]; if (!empty($validationErrors)) { $event['errors'] = $validationErrors; } $this->set('event', $event); $this->render('view'); return true; } else { // redirect to the view of the newly created event $this->Flash->success(__('The event has been saved')); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', $this->Event->getID())); } } else { if ($this->_isRest()) { // TODO return error if REST if (is_numeric($add)) { $this->response->header('Location', $this->baseurl . '/events/' . $add); $this->response->send(); throw new NotFoundException(__('Event already exists, if you would like to edit it, use the url in the location header.')); } // # TODO i18n? return $this->RestResponse->saveFailResponse('Events', 'add', false, $validationErrors, $this->response->type()); } else { if ($add === 'blocked') { $this->Flash->error(__('A blocklist entry is blocking you from creating any events. Please contact the administration team of this instance') . (Configure::read('MISP.contact') ? ' at ' . Configure::read('MISP.contact') : '') . '.'); } else { $this->Flash->error(__('The event could not be saved. Please, try again.'), 'default', array(), 'error'); } } } } } elseif ($this->_isRest()) { return $this->RestResponse->describe('Events', 'add', false, $this->response->type()); } $this->request->data['Event']['date'] = date('Y-m-d'); if (isset($this->request->data['Event']['distribution'])) { $initialDistribution = $this->request->data['Event']['distribution']; } else { $initialDistribution = 3; if (Configure::read('MISP.default_event_distribution') != null) { $initialDistribution = Configure::read('MISP.default_event_distribution'); } } $this->set('initialDistribution', $initialDistribution); // combobox for distribution $distributions = array_keys($this->Event->distributionDescriptions); $distributions = $this->_arrayToValuesIndexArray($distributions); $this->set('distributions', $distributions); // tooltip for distribution $fieldDesc = array(); $distributionLevels = $this->Event->distributionLevels; if (empty($sgs)) { unset($distributionLevels[4]); } $this->set('distributionLevels', $distributionLevels); foreach ($distributionLevels as $key => $value) { $fieldDesc['distribution'][$key] = $this->Event->distributionDescriptions[$key]['formdesc']; } // combobox for risks $threat_levels = $this->Event->ThreatLevel->find('all'); $this->set('threatLevels', Set::combine($threat_levels, '{n}.ThreatLevel.id', '{n}.ThreatLevel.name')); $fieldDesc['threat_level_id'] = Set::combine($threat_levels, '{n}.ThreatLevel.id', '{n}.ThreatLevel.description'); // combobox for analysis $this->set('sharingGroups', $sgs); // tooltip for analysis $analysisLevels = $this->Event->analysisLevels; $this->set('analysisLevels', $analysisLevels); foreach ($analysisLevels as $key => $value) { $fieldDesc['analysis'][$key] = $this->Event->analysisDescriptions[$key]['formdesc']; } if (!$this->_isRest()) { $this->Flash->info(__('The event created will be visible to the organisations having an account on this platform, but not synchronised to other MISP instances until it is published.')); } $this->set('fieldDesc', $fieldDesc); if (isset($this->params['named']['extends'])) { $this->set('extends_uuid', $this->params['named']['extends']); } } public function addIOC($id) { $this->Event->recursive = -1; $this->Event->read(null, $id); if (!$this->__canModifyEvent($this->Event->data)) { throw new UnauthorizedException(__('You do not have permission to do that.')); } if ($this->request->is('post')) { if (!empty($this->data)) { if (isset($this->data['Event']['submittedioc'])) { $this->_addIOCFile($id); } // redirect to the view of the newly created event $this->Flash->success(__('The event has been saved')); } } // set the id $this->set('id', $id); // set whether it is published or not $this->set('published', $this->Event->data['Event']['published']); } public function add_misp_export() { if (!$this->userRole['perm_modify']) { throw new UnauthorizedException(__('You do not have permission to do that.')); } if ($this->request->is('post')) { $results = array(); if (!empty($this->data)) { $ext = ''; if (isset($this->data['Event']['submittedfile'])) { $ext = pathinfo($this->data['Event']['submittedfile']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } if (isset($this->data['Event']['submittedfile']) && (strtolower($ext) != 'xml' && strtolower($ext) != 'json') && $this->data['Event']['submittedfile']['size'] > 0 && is_uploaded_file($this->data['Event']['submittedfile']['tmp_name'])) { $log = ClassRegistry::init('Log'); // #TODO Think about whether we want to Localize Log entries. $log->createLogEntry($this->Auth->user(), 'file_upload', 'Event', 0, 'MISP export file upload failed', 'File details: ' . json_encode($this->data['Event']['submittedfile'])); $this->Flash->error(__('You may only upload MISP XML or MISP JSON files.')); throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('File upload failed or file does not have the expected extension (.xml / .json).')); } if (isset($this->data['Event']['submittedfile'])) { $isXml = strtolower($ext) === 'xml'; App::uses('FileAccessTool', 'Tools'); $data = (new FileAccessTool())->readFromFile($this->data['Event']['submittedfile']['tmp_name'], $this->data['Event']['submittedfile']['size']); $takeOwnership = Configure::read('MISP.take_ownership_xml_import') && (isset($this->data['Event']['takeownership']) && $this->data['Event']['takeownership'] == 1); try { $results = $this->Event->addMISPExportFile($this->Auth->user(), $data, $isXml, $takeOwnership, $this->data['Event']['publish']); } catch (Exception $e) { $filename = $this->data['Event']['submittedfile']['name']; $this->log("Exception during processing MISP file import '$filename': {$e->getMessage()}"); $this->Flash->error(__('Could not process MISP export file. Probably file content is invalid.')); $this->redirect(['controller' => 'events', 'action' => 'add_misp_export']); } } } $this->set('results', $results); $this->render('add_misp_export_result'); } } public function upload_stix($stix_version = '1') { if (!$this->userRole['perm_modify']) { throw new UnauthorizedException(__('You do not have permission to do that.')); } $scriptDir = APP . 'files' . DS . 'scripts'; if ($this->request->is('post')) { if ($this->_isRest()) { $randomFileName = $this->Event->generateRandomFileName(); $tempFile = new File($scriptDir . DS . 'tmp' . DS . $randomFileName, true, 0644); $tempFile->write($this->request->input()); $tempFile->close(); $result = $this->Event->upload_stix( $this->Auth->user(), $scriptDir, $randomFileName, $stix_version, 'uploaded_stix_file.' . ($stix_version == '1' ? 'xml' : 'json'), false ); if (is_array($result)) { return $this->RestResponse->saveSuccessResponse('Events', 'upload_stix', false, $this->response->type(), 'STIX document imported, event\'s created: ' . implode(', ', $result) . '.'); } elseif (is_numeric($result)) { $event = $this->Event->fetchEvent($this->Auth->user(), array('eventid' => $result)); if (!empty($event)) { return $this->RestResponse->viewData($event[0], 'json'); } else { return $this->RestResponse->saveFailResponse('Events', 'upload_stix', false, 'Could not read saved event.', $this->response->type()); } } else { return $this->RestResponse->saveFailResponse('Events', 'upload_stix', false, $result, $this->response->type()); } } else { $original_file = !empty($this->data['Event']['original_file']) ? $this->data['Event']['stix']['name'] : ''; if (isset($this->data['Event']['stix']) && $this->data['Event']['stix']['size'] > 0 && is_uploaded_file($this->data['Event']['stix']['tmp_name'])) { $randomFileName = $this->Event->generateRandomFileName(); move_uploaded_file($this->data['Event']['stix']['tmp_name'], $scriptDir . DS . 'tmp' . DS . $randomFileName); $result = $this->Event->upload_stix( $this->Auth->user(), $scriptDir, $randomFileName, $stix_version, $original_file, $this->data['Event']['publish'] ); if (is_array($result)) { $this->Flash->success(__('STIX document imported, event\'s created: ' . implode(', ', $result) . '.')); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index')); } elseif (is_numeric($result)) { $this->Flash->success(__('STIX document imported.')); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', $result)); } else { $this->Flash->error(__('Could not import STIX document: ' . $result)); } } else { $max_size = intval(ini_get('post_max_size')); if (intval(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')) < $max_size) { $max_size = intval(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); } $this->Flash->error(__('File upload failed. Make sure that you select a stix file to be uploaded and that the file doesn\'t exceed the maximum file size of ' . $max_size . '.')); } } } if ($stix_version == 2) { $stix_version = '2.x JSON'; } else { $stix_version = '1.x XML'; } $this->set('stix_version', $stix_version); } public function merge($target_id=null, $source_id=null) { if ($this->request->is('post')) { if (empty($this->request->data['Event'])) { $this->request->data = ['Event' => $this->request->data]; } } $extractedParams = array('target_id', 'source_id'); foreach ($extractedParams as $param) { if (empty(${$param})) { if (!empty($this->request->data['Event'][$param])) { ${$param} = $this->request->data['Event'][$param]; } else { if ($param === 'target_id' || $this->request->is('post')) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('This action requires a target_id for GET requests and both a target_id and a source_id for POST requests.')); } } } } $target_event = $this->Event->fetchSimpleEvent($this->Auth->user(), $target_id); if (empty($target_event)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid target event.')); } if (!$this->__canModifyEvent($target_event)) { throw new ForbiddenException(__('You do not have permission to do that.')); } if ($this->request->is('post')) { $source_id = $this->Toolbox->findIdByUuid($this->Event, $source_id); $source_event = $this->Event->fetchEvent( $this->Auth->user(), [ 'eventid' => $source_id, 'includeAllTags' => 1, 'includeAttachments' => 1 ] ); if (empty($source_event)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid source event.')); } foreach ($source_event[0]['Attribute'] as &$attribute) { unset($attribute['id']); $attribute['uuid'] = CakeText::uuid(); unset($attribute['ShadowAttribute']); $attribute['Tag'] = []; foreach ($attribute['AttributeTag'] as $aT) { $attribute['Tag'][] = $aT['Tag']; $aT['Tag']['local'] = $aT['local']; } unset($attribute['AttributeTag']); } foreach ($source_event[0]['Object'] as &$object) { unset($object['id']); $object['uuid'] = CakeText::uuid(); foreach ($object['Attribute'] as &$attribute) { unset($attribute['id']); $attribute['uuid'] = CakeText::uuid(); unset($attribute['ShadowAttribute']); $attribute['Tag'] = []; foreach ($attribute['AttributeTag'] as $aT) { $attribute['Tag'][] = $aT['Tag']; $aT['Tag']['local'] = $aT['local']; } unset($attribute['AttributeTag']); } } $results = [ 'results' => [ 'Object' => $source_event[0]['Object'], 'Attribute' => $source_event[0]['Attribute'] ] ]; if ($this->_isRest()) { $this->loadModel('Log'); $save_results = ['attributes' => 0, 'objects' => 0]; foreach ($results['results']['Attribute'] as $attribute) { $this->Event->Attribute->captureAttribute($attribute, $target_id, $this->Auth->user(), false, $this->Log); } foreach ($results['results']['Object'] as $object) { $this->Event->Object->captureObject($object, $target_id, $this->Auth->user(), $this->Log); } $event = $this->Event->fetchEvent( $this->Auth->user(), [ 'eventid' => $target_id ] ); return $this->RestResponse->viewData($event, $this->response->type()); } $event = $this->Event->handleMispFormatFromModuleResult($results); $event['Event'] = $target_event['Event']; $distributions = $this->Event->Attribute->distributionLevels; $sgs = $this->Event->SharingGroup->fetchAllAuthorised($this->Auth->user(), 'name', 1); if (empty($sgs)) { unset($distributions[4]); } $this->set('distributions', $distributions); $this->set('sgs', $sgs); $this->set('event', $event); $this->set('title', __('Event merge results')); $this->set('importComment', 'Merged from event ' . $source_id); $this->render('resolved_misp_format'); } else { $this->set('target_event', $target_event); } } public function edit($id = null) { if ($this->request->is('get') && $this->_isRest()) { return $this->RestResponse->describe('Events', 'edit', false, $this->response->type()); } if (Validation::uuid($id)) { $temp = $this->Event->find('first', array('recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('Event.id'), 'conditions' => array('Event.uuid' => $id))); if (empty($temp)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event')); } $id = $temp['Event']['id']; } elseif (!is_numeric($id)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event')); } $this->Event->id = $id; if (!$this->Event->exists()) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event')); } $this->Event->read(null, $id); // check if private and user not authorised to edit if (!$this->__canModifyEvent($this->Event->data) && !($this->userRole['perm_sync'] && $this->_isRest())) { $message = __('You are not authorised to do that.'); if ($this->_isRest()) { throw new ForbiddenException($message); } else { $this->Flash->error($message); $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'events', 'action' => 'index')); } } if (!$this->_isRest()) { $this->Event->insertLock($this->Auth->user(), $id); } if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) { if ($this->_isRest()) { if (isset($this->request->data['response'])) { $this->request->data = $this->Event->updateXMLArray($this->request->data, true); } else { $this->request->data = $this->Event->updateXMLArray($this->request->data, false); } // Workaround for different structure in XML/array than what CakePHP expects if (isset($this->request->data['response'])) { $this->request->data = $this->request->data['response']; } if (!isset($this->request->data['Event'])) { $this->request->data = array('Event' => $this->request->data); } $result = $this->Event->_edit($this->request->data, $this->Auth->user(), $id); if ($result === true) { // REST users want to see the newly created event $results = $this->Event->fetchEvent($this->Auth->user(), array('eventid' => $id)); $event = $results[0]; $this->set('event', $event); $this->render('view'); return true; } else { $message = 'Error'; if ($this->_isRest()) { App::uses('JSONConverterTool', 'Tools'); $converter = new JSONConverterTool(); if (isset($result['error'])) { $errors = $result['error']; } else { $errors = $result; } return $this->RestResponse->saveFailResponse('Events', 'edit', $id, $errors, $this->response->type()); } else { $this->set(array('message' => $message,'_serialize' => array('message'))); // $this->Event->validationErrors $this->render('edit'); } return false; } } // say what fields are to be updated $fieldList = array('date', 'threat_level_id', 'analysis', 'info', 'published', 'distribution', 'timestamp', 'sharing_group_id', 'extends_uuid'); $this->Event->read(); // always force the org, but do not force it for admins if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) { // set the same org as existed before $this->request->data['Event']['org_id'] = $this->Event->data['Event']['org_id']; } // we probably also want to remove the published flag $this->request->data['Event']['published'] = 0; $date = new DateTime(); $this->request->data['Event']['timestamp'] = $date->getTimestamp(); if ($this->Event->save($this->request->data, true, $fieldList)) { $this->Flash->success(__('The event has been saved')); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', $id)); } else { $this->Flash->error(__('The event could not be saved. Please, try again.')); } } else { if (!$this->userRole['perm_modify']) { $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'events', 'action' => 'index', 'admin' => false)); } $this->request->data = $this->Event->read(null, $id); } // combobox for distribution $distributions = array_keys($this->Event->distributionDescriptions); $distributions = $this->_arrayToValuesIndexArray($distributions); $this->set('distributions', $distributions); // even if the SG is not local, we still want the option to select the currently assigned SG $sgs = $this->Event->SharingGroup->fetchAllAuthorised($this->Auth->user(), 'name', 1); $this->set('sharingGroups', $sgs); // tooltip for distribution $fieldDesc = array(); $distributionLevels = $this->Event->distributionLevels; if (empty($sgs)) { unset($distributionLevels[4]); } $this->set('distributionLevels', $distributionLevels); foreach ($distributionLevels as $key => $value) { $fieldDesc['distribution'][$key] = $this->Event->distributionDescriptions[$key]['formdesc']; } // combobox for risks $threat_levels = $this->Event->ThreatLevel->find('all'); $this->set('threatLevels', Set::combine($threat_levels, '{n}.ThreatLevel.id', '{n}.ThreatLevel.name')); $fieldDesc['threat_level_id'] = Set::combine($threat_levels, '{n}.ThreatLevel.id', '{n}.ThreatLevel.description'); // combobox for analysis $this->set('sharingGroups', $sgs); // tooltip for analysis $analysisLevels = $this->Event->analysisLevels; foreach ($analysisLevels as $key => $value) { $fieldDesc['analysis'][$key] = $this->Event->analysisDescriptions[$key]['formdesc']; } $this->set('analysisLevels', $analysisLevels); $this->set('fieldDesc', $fieldDesc); $this->set('eventDescriptions', $this->Event->fieldDescriptions); $this->set('event', $this->Event->data); $this->render('add'); } public function delete($id = null) { if (Validation::uuid($id)) { $temp = $this->Event->find('first', array('recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('Event.id'), 'conditions' => array('Event.uuid' => $id))); if (empty($temp)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event')); } $id = $temp['Event']['id']; } if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put') || $this->request->is('delete')) { if (isset($this->request->data['id'])) { $this->request->data['Event'] = $this->request->data; } if (!isset($id) && isset($this->request->data['Event']['id'])) { $idList = $this->request->data['Event']['id']; if (!is_array($idList)) { if (is_numeric($idList)) { $idList = array($idList); } else { $idList = json_decode($idList, true); } } if (!is_array($idList) || empty($idList)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid input.')); } } else { $idList = array($id); } $fails = array(); $successes = array(); foreach ($idList as $eid) { if (!is_numeric($eid)) { continue; } $event = $this->Event->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array('Event.id' => $eid), 'fields' => array('Event.orgc_id', 'Event.id', 'Event.user_id'), 'recursive' => -1 )); if (empty($event)) { $fails[] = $eid; } else { if (!$this->__canModifyEvent($event)) { $fails[] = $eid; continue; } $this->Event->insertLock($this->Auth->user(), $event['Event']['id']); if ($this->Event->quickDelete($event)) { $successes[] = $eid; } else { $fails[] = $eid; } } } $message = ''; if (count($idList) == 1) { if (!empty($successes)) { $message = 'Event deleted.'; } else { $message = 'Event was not deleted.'; } } else { if (!empty($successes)) { $message .= count($successes) . ' event(s) deleted.'; } if (!empty($fails)) { $message .= count($fails) . ' event(s) could not be deleted due to insufficient privileges or the event not being found.'; } } if ($this->_isRest()) { if (!empty($successes)) { return $this->RestResponse->saveSuccessResponse('Events', 'delete', $id, $this->response->type(), $message); } else { return $this->RestResponse->saveFailResponse('Events', 'delete', false, $message, $this->response->type()); } } else { if (!empty($successes)) { $this->Flash->success($message); } else { $this->Flash->error($message); } $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index')); } } else { if (is_numeric($id)) { $eventList = array($id); } else { $eventList = json_decode($id, true); } $this->request->data['Event']['id'] = json_encode($eventList); $this->set('idArray', $eventList); $this->render('ajax/eventDeleteConfirmationForm'); } } public function unpublish($id = null) { $id = $this->Toolbox->findIdByUuid($this->Event, $id); $this->Event->id = $id; $this->Event->recursive = -1; $event = $this->Event->read(null, $id); if (!$this->__canModifyEvent($this->Event->data)) { throw new ForbiddenException(__('You do not have the permission to do that.')); } $this->Event->insertLock($this->Auth->user(), $id); if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) { $fieldList = array('published', 'id', 'info'); $event['Event']['published'] = 0; $result = $this->Event->save($event, array('fieldList' => $fieldList)); if ($result) { $message = __('Event unpublished.'); $kafkaTopic = Configure::read('Plugin.Kafka_event_publish_notifications_topic'); if (Configure::read('Plugin.Kafka_enable') && Configure::read('Plugin.Kafka_event_publish_notifications_enable') && !empty($kafkaTopic)) { $kafkaPubTool = $this->Event->getKafkaPubTool(); $params = array('eventid' => $id); if (Configure::read('Plugin.Kafka_include_attachments')) { $params['includeAttachments'] = 1; } $pubEvent = $this->Event->fetchEvent($this->Auth->user(), $params); if (!empty($pubEvent)) { $kafkaPubTool->publishJson($kafkaTopic, $pubEvent[0], 'unpublish'); } } if ($this->_isRest()) { return $this->RestResponse->saveSuccessResponse('events', 'unpublish', $id, false, $message); } else { $this->Flash->success($message); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', $id)); } } else { throw new MethodNotAllowedException('Could not unpublish event.'); } } else { $this->set('id', $id); $this->set('type', 'unpublish'); $this->render('ajax/eventPublishConfirmationForm'); } } public function publishSightings($id = null) { $id = $this->Toolbox->findIdByUuid($this->Event, $id); $event = $this->Event->fetchEvent( $this->Auth->user(), array( 'eventid' => $id, 'metadata' => 1 ) ); if (empty($event)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event')); } if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) { $result = $this->Event->publishRouter($id, null, $this->Auth->user(), 'sightings'); if (!Configure::read('MISP.background_jobs')) { if (!is_array($result)) { // redirect to the view event page $message = 'Sightings published'; } else { $lastResult = array_pop($result); $resultString = (count($result) > 0) ? implode(', ', $result) . ' and ' . $lastResult : $lastResult; $errors['failed_servers'] = $result; $message = sprintf('Sightings published but not pushed to %s, re-try later. If the issue persists, make sure that the correct sync user credentials are used for the server link and that the sync user on the remote server has authentication privileges.', $resultString); } } else { // update the DB to set the published flag // for background jobs, this should be done already $fieldList = array('id', 'info', 'sighting_timestamp'); $event['Event']['sighting_timestamp'] = time(); $this->Event->save($event, array('fieldList' => $fieldList)); $message = 'Job queued'; } if ($this->_isRest()) { $this->set('name', 'Publish Sightings'); $this->set('message', $message); if (!empty($errors)) { $this->set('errors', $errors); } $this->set('url', $this->baseurl . '/events/publishSightings/' . $id); $this->set('id', $id); $this->set('_serialize', array('name', 'message', 'url', 'id', 'errors')); } else { $this->Flash->success($message); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', $id)); } } else { $this->set('id', $id); $this->set('type', 'publishSightings'); $this->render('ajax/eventPublishConfirmationForm'); } } // Publishes the event without sending an alert email public function publish($id = null) { $id = $this->Toolbox->findIdByUuid($this->Event, $id); $this->Event->id = $id; // update the event and set the from field to the current instance's organisation from the bootstrap. We also need to save id and info for the logs. $this->Event->recursive = -1; $event = $this->Event->read(null, $id); if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) { if (!$this->userRole['perm_publish'] || $this->Auth->user('org_id') !== $this->Event->data['Event']['orgc_id']) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('You do not have the permission to do that.')); } } $this->Event->insertLock($this->Auth->user(), $id); $success = true; $message = ''; $errors = array(); // only allow form submit CSRF protection. if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) { if (!$this->_isRest()) { $publishable = $this->Event->checkIfPublishable($id); if ($publishable !== true) { $this->Flash->error(__('Could not publish event - no tag for required taxonomies missing: %s', implode(', ', $publishable))); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', $id)); } } // Performs all the actions required to publish an event $result = $this->Event->publishRouter($id, null, $this->Auth->user()); if (!Configure::read('MISP.background_jobs')) { if (!is_array($result)) { // redirect to the view event page $message = 'Event published without alerts'; } else { $lastResult = array_pop($result); $resultString = (count($result) > 0) ? implode(', ', $result) . ' and ' . $lastResult : $lastResult; $errors['failed_servers'] = $result; $message = sprintf('Event published but not pushed to %s, re-try later. If the issue persists, make sure that the correct sync user credentials are used for the server link and that the sync user on the remote server has authentication privileges.', $resultString); } } else { // update the DB to set the published flag // for background jobs, this should be done already $fieldList = array('published', 'id', 'info', 'publish_timestamp'); $event['Event']['published'] = 1; $event['Event']['publish_timestamp'] = time(); $this->Event->save($event, array('fieldList' => $fieldList)); $message = 'Job queued'; } if ($this->_isRest()) { $this->set('name', 'Publish'); $this->set('message', $message); if (!empty($errors)) { $this->set('errors', $errors); } $this->set('url', $this->baseurl . '/events/alert/' . $id); $this->set('id', $id); $this->set('_serialize', array('name', 'message', 'url', 'id', 'errors')); } else { $this->Flash->success($message); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', $id)); } } else { $this->set('id', $id); $this->set('type', 'publish'); $this->render('ajax/eventPublishConfirmationForm'); } } // Send out an alert email to all the users that wanted to be notified. // Users with a GnuPG key will get the mail encrypted, other users will get the mail unencrypted public function alert($id = null) { $id = $this->Toolbox->findIdByUuid($this->Event, $id); $this->Event->id = $id; $this->Event->recursive = 0; if (!$this->Event->exists()) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event')); } $this->Event->recursive = -1; $this->Event->read(null, $id); if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) { if (!$this->userRole['perm_publish'] || $this->Auth->user('org_id') !== $this->Event->data['Event']['orgc_id']) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('You do not have the permission to do that.')); } } $errors = array(); // only allow form submit CSRF protection if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) { if (!$this->_isRest()) { $publishable = $this->Event->checkIfPublishable($id); if ($publishable !== true) { $this->Flash->error(__('Could not publish event - no tag for required taxonomies missing: %s', implode(', ', $publishable))); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', $id)); } } // send out the email $emailResult = $this->Event->sendAlertEmailRouter($id, $this->Auth->user(), $this->Event->data['Event']['publish_timestamp']); if (is_bool($emailResult) && $emailResult == true) { // Performs all the actions required to publish an event $result = $this->Event->publishRouter($id, null, $this->Auth->user()); if (!is_array($result)) { // redirect to the view event page if (Configure::read('MISP.background_jobs')) { $message = 'Job queued.'; } else { $message = 'Email sent to all participants.'; } } else { $lastResult = array_pop($result); $resultString = (count($result) > 0) ? implode(', ', $result) . ' and ' . $lastResult : $lastResult; $errors['failed_servers'] = $result; $failed = 1; $message = sprintf('Not published given no connection to %s but email sent to all participants.', $resultString); } } elseif (!is_bool($emailResult)) { // Performs all the actions required to publish an event $result = $this->Event->publishRouter($id, null, $this->Auth->user()); if (!is_array($result)) { // redirect to the view event page $message = 'Published but no email sent given GnuPG is not configured.'; $errors['GnuPG'] = 'GnuPG not set up.'; } else { $lastResult = array_pop($result); $resultString = (count($result) > 0) ? implode(', ', $result) . ' and ' . $lastResult : $lastResult; $errors['failed_servers'] = $result; $errors['GnuPG'] = 'GnuPG not set up.'; $failed = 1; $message = sprintf('Not published given no connection to %s but no email sent given GnuPG is not configured.', $resultString); } } else { $message = 'Sending of email failed'; $errors['email'] = 'The sending of emails failed.'; } if ($this->_isRest()) { $this->set('name', 'Alert'); $this->set('message', $message); if (!empty($errors)) { $this->set('errors', $errors); } $this->set('url', $this->baseurl . '/events/alert/' . $id); $this->set('id', $id); $this->set('_serialize', array('name', 'message', 'url', 'id', 'errors')); } else { if (!empty($failed)) { $this->Flash->error($message); } else { $this->Flash->success($message); } $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', $id)); } } else { $this->set('id', $id); $this->set('type', 'alert'); $this->render('ajax/eventPublishConfirmationForm'); } } // Send out an contact email to the person who posted the event. // Users with a GnuPG key will get the mail encrypted, other users will get the mail unencrypted public function contact($id = null) { $events = $this->Event->fetchEvent($this->Auth->user(), array('eventid' => $id)); if (empty($events)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event')); } // User has filled in his contact form, send out the email. if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) { if (!isset($this->request->data['Event'])) { $this->request->data = array('Event' => $this->request->data); } $message = $this->request->data['Event']['message']; if (empty($message)) { $error = __('You must specify a message.'); if ($this->_isRest()) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException($error); } else { $this->Flash->error($error); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'contact', $id)); } } $creator_only = false; if (isset($this->request->data['Event']['person'])) { $creator_only = $this->request->data['Event']['person']; } $user = $this->Auth->user(); $user = $this->Event->User->fillKeysToUser($user); $success = $this->Event->sendContactEmailRouter($id, $message, $creator_only, $user); if ($success) { $return_message = __('Email sent to the reporter.'); if ($this->_isRest()) { return $this->RestResponse->saveSuccessResponse('Events', 'contact', $id, $this->response->type(), $return_message); } else { $this->Flash->success($return_message); // redirect to the view event page $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', $id)); } } else { $return_message = __('Sending of email failed.'); if ($this->_isRest()) { return $this->RestResponse->saveFailResponse('Events', 'contact', $id, $return_message, $this->response->type()); } else { $this->Flash->error($return_message, 'default', array(), 'error'); // redirect to the view event page $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', $id)); } } } // User didn't see the contact form yet. Present it to him. if (empty($this->data)) { $this->data = $events[0]; } } public function automation($legacy = false) { // Simply display a static view if (!$this->userRole['perm_auth']) { $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'events', 'action' => 'index')); } App::uses('BroExport', 'Export'); $export = new BroExport(); $temp = $export->mispTypes; $broTypes = array('all' => 'All types listed below.'); foreach ($temp as $broType => $mispTypes) { foreach ($mispTypes as $mT) { $broTypes[$broType][] = $mT[0]; } $broTypes[$broType] = implode(', ', $broTypes[$broType]); } $this->loadModel('Server'); $this->set('command_line_functions', $this->Server->command_line_functions); $this->set('broTypes', $broTypes); // generate the list of Attribute types $this->loadModel('Attribute'); $this->set('sigTypes', array_keys($this->Attribute->typeDefinitions)); $this->loadModel('Server'); $rpzSettings = $this->Server->retrieveCurrentSettings('Plugin', 'RPZ_'); $this->set('rpzSettings', $rpzSettings); $this->set('hashTypes', array_keys($this->Event->Attribute->hashTypes)); if ($legacy) { $this->render('legacy_automation'); } } public function export() { $filesize_units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'); if ($this->_isSiteAdmin()) { $this->Flash->info(__('Warning, you are logged in as a site admin, any export that you generate will contain the FULL UNRESTRICTED data-set. If you would like to generate an export for your own organisation, please log in with a different user.')); } // Check if the background jobs are enabled - if not, fall back to old export page. if (Configure::read('MISP.background_jobs') && !Configure::read('MISP.disable_cached_exports')) { $now = time(); // as a site admin we'll use the ADMIN identifier, not to overwrite the cached files of our own org with a file that includes too much data. $org_name = $this->_isSiteAdmin() ? 'ADMIN' : $this->Auth->user('Organisation')['name']; $conditions = $this->Event->createEventConditions($this->Auth->user()); $this->Event->recursive = -1; $newestEvent = $this->Event->find('first', array( 'conditions' => $conditions, 'fields' => 'timestamp', 'order' => 'Event.timestamp DESC', )); $newestEventPublished = $this->Event->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array('AND' => array($conditions, array('published' => 1))), 'fields' => 'timestamp', 'order' => 'Event.timestamp DESC', )); $this->loadModel('Job'); foreach ($this->Event->export_types as $k => $type) { if ($type['requiresPublished']) { $tempNewestEvent = $newestEventPublished; } else { $tempNewestEvent = $newestEvent; } $job = $this->Job->find('first', array( 'fields' => array('id', 'progress'), 'conditions' => array( 'job_type' => 'cache_' . $k, 'org_id' => $this->_isSiteAdmin() ? 0 : $this->Auth->user('org_id') ), 'order' => array('Job.id' => 'desc') )); $dir = new Folder(APP . 'tmp/cached_exports/' . $k, true); if ($k === 'text') { // Since all of the text export files are generated together, we might as well just check for a single one md5. $file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . 'misp.text_md5.' . $org_name . $type['extension']); } else { $file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . 'misp.' . $k . '.' . $org_name . $type['extension']); } if (!$file->readable()) { if (empty($tempNewestEvent)) { $lastModified = 'No valid events'; $this->Event->export_types[$k]['recommendation'] = 0; } else { $lastModified = 'N/A'; $this->Event->export_types[$k]['recommendation'] = 1; } } else { $filesize = $file->size(); $filesize_unit_index = 0; while ($filesize > 1024) { $filesize_unit_index++; $filesize = $filesize / 1024; } $this->Event->export_types[$k]['filesize'] = round($filesize, 1) . $filesize_units[$filesize_unit_index]; $fileChange = $file->lastChange(); $lastModified = $this->__timeDifference($now, $fileChange); if (empty($tempNewestEvent) || $fileChange > $tempNewestEvent['Event']['timestamp']) { if (empty($tempNewestEvent)) { $lastModified = 'No valid events'; } $this->Event->export_types[$k]['recommendation'] = 0; } else { $this->Event->export_types[$k]['recommendation'] = 1; } } $this->Event->export_types[$k]['lastModified'] = $lastModified; if (!empty($job)) { $this->Event->export_types[$k]['job_id'] = $job['Job']['id']; $this->Event->export_types[$k]['progress'] = $job['Job']['progress']; } else { $this->Event->export_types[$k]['job_id'] = -1; $this->Event->export_types[$k]['progress'] = 0; } } } $this->loadModel('Attribute'); $this->set('sigTypes', array_keys($this->Attribute->typeDefinitions)); $this->set('export_types', $this->Event->export_types); } public function downloadExport($type, $extra = null) { if (Configure::read('MISP.disable_cached_exports')) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('This feature is currently disabled')); } if ($this->_isSiteAdmin()) { $org = 'ADMIN'; } else { $org = $this->Auth->user('Organisation')['name']; } $this->autoRender = false; if ($extra != null) { $extra = '_' . $extra; } $this->response->type($this->Event->export_types[$type]['extension']); $path = 'tmp/cached_exports/' . $type . DS . 'misp.' . strtolower($this->Event->export_types[$type]['type']) . $extra . '.' . $org . $this->Event->export_types[$type]['extension']; $this->response->file($path, array('download' => true)); } private function __timeDifference($now, $then) { $periods = array("second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "year"); $lengths = array("60","60","24","7","4.35","12"); $difference = $now - $then; for ($j = 0; $difference >= $lengths[$j] && $j < count($lengths)-1; $j++) { $difference /= $lengths[$j]; } $difference = round($difference); if ($difference != 1) { $periods[$j].= "s"; } return $difference . " " . $periods[$j] . " ago"; } public function xml($key, $eventid = false, $withAttachment = false, $tags = false, $from = false, $to = false, $last = false) { $this->_legacyAPIRemap(array( 'paramArray' => array( 'key', 'eventid', 'withAttachment', 'tags', 'from', 'to', 'last' ), 'request' => $this->request, 'named_params' => $this->params['named'], 'ordered_url_params' => func_get_args(), 'injectedParams' => array( 'returnFormat' => 'xml' ) )); return $this->restSearch(); } // Grab an event or a list of events for the event view or any of the XML exports. The returned object includes an array of events (or an array that only includes a single event if an ID was given) // Included with the event are the attached attributes, shadow attributes, related events, related attribute information for the event view and the creating user's email address where appropriate private function __fetchEvent($eventid = false, $idList = false, $user = false, $tags = false, $from = false, $to = false) { // if we come from automation, we may not be logged in - instead we used an auth key in the URL. if (empty($user)) { $user = $this->Auth->user(); } $results = $this->Event->fetchEvent($user, array('eventid' => $eventid, 'idList' => $idList, 'tags' => $tags, 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to)); return $results; } public function nids() { $this->_legacyAPIRemap(array( 'paramArray' => array( 'format', 'key', 'id', 'continue', 'tags', 'from', 'to', 'last', 'type', 'enforceWarninglist', 'includeAllTags', 'eventid' ), 'request' => $this->request, 'named_params' => $this->params['named'], 'ordered_url_params' => func_get_args() )); if (empty($this->_legacyParams['returnFormat'])) { $this->_legacyParams['returnFormat'] = 'suricata'; } return $this->restSearch(); } public function hids($type) { $typeMappings = array( 'md5' => array('malware-sample', 'md5', 'filename|md5'), 'sha1' => array('sha1', 'filename|sha1'), 'sha256' => array('sha256', 'filename|sha256') ); $ordered_url_params = func_get_args(); unset($ordered_url_params[0]); $ordered_url_params = array_values($ordered_url_params); $this->scopeOverride = 'Attribute'; $this->_legacyAPIRemap(array( 'paramArray' => array( 'key', 'id', 'withAttachment', 'tags', 'from', 'to', 'last' ), 'request' => $this->request, 'named_params' => $this->params['named'], 'ordered_url_params' => $ordered_url_params, 'injectedParams' => array( 'returnFormat' => 'hashes', 'type' => (isset($typeMappings[$type])) ? $typeMappings[$type] : $type ) )); return $this->restSearch(); } // DEPRECATED - use restSearch with "returnFormat":"csv" public function csv($key) { $this->_legacyAPIRemap(array( 'paramArray' => array( 'key', 'eventid', 'ignore', 'tags', 'category', 'type', 'includeContext', 'from', 'to', 'last', 'headerless', 'enforceWarninglist', 'value', 'timestamp' ), 'key' => $key, 'request' => $this->request, 'named_params' => $this->params['named'], 'ordered_url_params' => func_get_args(), 'injectedParams' => array( 'returnFormat' => 'csv', 'to_ids' => '1', 'published' => '1' ) )); return $this->restSearch(); } public function _addIOCFile($id) { if (!empty($this->data) && $this->data['Event']['submittedioc']['size'] > 0 && is_uploaded_file($this->data['Event']['submittedioc']['tmp_name'])) { if (!$this->Event->checkFilename($this->data['Event']['submittedioc']['name'])) { throw new Exception(__('Filename not allowed.')); } App::uses('FileAccessTool', 'Tools'); $fileAccessTool = new FileAccessTool(); $iocData = $fileAccessTool->readFromFile($this->data['Event']['submittedioc']['tmp_name'], $this->data['Event']['submittedioc']['size']); // write $attachments_dir = Configure::read('MISP.attachments_dir'); if (empty($attachments_dir)) { $attachments_dir = $this->Event->getDefaultAttachments_dir(); } $rootDir = $attachments_dir . DS . $id . DS; App::uses('Folder', 'Utility'); $dir = new Folder($rootDir . 'ioc', true); $destPath = $rootDir . 'ioc'; App::uses('File', 'Utility'); $iocFile = new File($destPath . DS . $this->data['Event']['submittedioc']['name']); $result = $iocFile->write($iocData); if (!$result) { $this->Flash->error(__('Problem with writing the IoC file. Please report to site admin.')); } // open the xml $xmlFilePath = $destPath . DS . $this->data['Event']['submittedioc']['name']; $xmlFileData = $fileAccessTool->readFromFile($xmlFilePath, $this->data['Event']['submittedioc']['size']); // Load event and populate the event data $this->Event->id = $id; $this->Event->recursive = -1; if (!$this->Event->exists()) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event')); } $this->Event->read(null, $id); $saveEvent['Event'] = $this->Event->data['Event']; $saveEvent['Event']['published'] = false; $dist = '5'; if (Configure::read('MISP.default_attribute_distribution') != null) { if (Configure::read('MISP.default_attribute_distribution') === 'event') { $dist = '5'; } else { $dist = ''; $dist .= Configure::read('MISP.default_attribute_distribution'); } } // read XML $event = $this->IOCImport->readXML($xmlFileData, $id, $dist, $this->data['Event']['submittedioc']['name']); // make some changes to have $saveEvent in the format that is needed to save the event together with its attributes $fails = $event['Fails']; $saveEvent['Attribute'] = $event['Attribute']; // we've already stored these elsewhere, unset them so we can extract the event related data unset($event['Attribute']); unset($event['Fails']); // add the original openIOC file as an attachment $saveEvent['Attribute'][] = array( 'category' => 'External analysis', 'uuid' => CakeText::uuid(), 'type' => 'attachment', 'value' => $this->data['Event']['submittedioc']['name'], 'to_ids' => false, 'distribution' => $dist, 'data' => base64_encode($xmlFileData), 'comment' => 'OpenIOC import source file' ); // LATER we might want to let an ioc create the event data automatically in a later version // save the event related data into $saveEvent['Event'] //$saveEvent['Event'] = $event; //$saveEvent['Event']['id'] = $id; $fieldList = array( 'Event' => array('published', 'timestamp'), 'Attribute' => array('event_id', 'category', 'type', 'value', 'value1', 'value2', 'to_ids', 'uuid', 'distribution', 'timestamp', 'comment') ); // Save it all $saveResult = $this->Event->saveAssociated($saveEvent, array('validate' => true, 'fieldList' => $fieldList)); // set stuff for the view and render the showIOCResults view. $this->set('attributes', $saveEvent['Attribute']); if (isset($fails)) { $this->set('fails', $fails); } $this->set('eventId', $id); $this->set('graph', $event['Graph']); $this->set('saveEvent', $saveEvent); $this->render('showIOCResults'); } } public function downloadOpenIOCEvent($key, $eventid, $enforceWarninglist = false) { // return a downloadable text file called misp.openIOC..ioc for individual events // TODO implement mass download of all events - maybe in a zip file? $this->response->type('text'); // set the content type if ($eventid == null) { throw new Exception(__('Not yet implemented')); } $this->layout = 'text/default'; if ($key != 'download') { $user = $this->checkAuthUser($key); if (!$user) { throw new UnauthorizedException(__('This authentication key is not authorized to be used for exports. Contact your administrator.')); } } else { if (!$this->Auth->user('id')) { throw new UnauthorizedException(__('You have to be logged in to do that.')); } } // get the event if it exists and load it together with its attributes $this->Event->id = $eventid; if (!$this->Event->exists()) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event or not authorised.')); } $event = $this->Event->fetchEvent($this->Auth->user(), $options = array('eventid' => $eventid, 'to_ids' => 1, 'enforceWarninglist' => $enforceWarninglist)); if (empty($event)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event or not authorised.')); } $this->loadModel('Allowedlist'); $temp = $this->Allowedlist->removeAllowedlistedFromArray(array($event[0]), false); $event = $temp[0]; // send the event and the vars needed to check authorisation to the Component App::uses('IOCExportTool', 'Tools'); $this->IOCExport = new IOCExportTool(); $final = $this->IOCExport->buildAll($this->Auth->user(), $event); $this->response->type('xml'); $this->autoRender = false; $this->response->body($final); $this->response->download('misp.openIOC' . $eventid . '.ioc'); return $this->response; } public function proposalEventIndex() { $this->loadModel('ShadowAttribute'); $this->ShadowAttribute->recursive = -1; $conditions = array('ShadowAttribute.deleted' => 0); if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) { $conditions[] = array('ShadowAttribute.event_org_id' => $this->Auth->user('org_id')); } $result = $this->ShadowAttribute->find('all', array( 'fields' => array('event_id'), 'group' => array('event_id', 'id'), 'conditions' => $conditions )); $this->Event->recursive = -1; $conditions = array(); foreach ($result as $eventId) { $conditions['OR'][] = array('Event.id =' => $eventId['ShadowAttribute']['event_id']); } if (empty($result)) { $conditions['OR'][] = array('Event.id =' => -1); } $this->paginate = array( 'fields' => array('Event.id', 'Event.org_id', 'Event.orgc_id', 'Event.publish_timestamp', 'Event.distribution', 'Event.info', 'Event.date', 'Event.published'), 'conditions' => $conditions, 'contain' => array( 'User' => array( 'fields' => array( 'User.email' )), 'ShadowAttribute'=> array( 'fields' => array( 'ShadowAttribute.id', 'ShadowAttribute.org_id', 'ShadowAttribute.event_id' ), 'conditions' => array( 'ShadowAttribute.deleted' => 0 ), ), )); $events = $this->paginate(); $orgIds = array(); foreach ($events as $k => $event) { $orgs = array(); foreach ($event['ShadowAttribute'] as $sa) { if (!in_array($sa['org_id'], $orgs)) { $orgs[] = $sa['org_id']; } if (!in_array($sa['org_id'], $orgIds)) { $orgIds[] = $sa['org_id']; } } $events[$k]['orgArray'] = $orgs; $events[$k]['Event']['proposal_count'] = count($event['ShadowAttribute']); } $orgs = $this->Event->Orgc->find('list', array( 'conditions' => array('Orgc.id' => $orgIds), 'fields' => array('Orgc.id', 'Orgc.name') )); $this->set('orgs', $orgs); $this->set('events', $events); $this->set('eventDescriptions', $this->Event->fieldDescriptions); $this->set('analysisLevels', $this->Event->analysisLevels); $this->set('distributionLevels', $this->Event->distributionLevels); } public function reportValidationIssuesEvents() { // search for validation problems in the events if (!self::_isSiteAdmin()) { throw new NotFoundException(); } $results = $this->Event->reportValidationIssuesEvents(); $result = $results[0]; $count = $results[1]; $this->set('result', $result); $this->set('count', $count); } public function addTag($id = false, $tag_id = false) { $rearrangeRules = array( 'request' => false, 'Event' => false, 'tag_id' => 'tag', 'event_id' => 'event', 'id' => 'event' ); $RearrangeTool = new RequestRearrangeTool(); $this->request->data = $RearrangeTool->rearrangeArray($this->request->data, $rearrangeRules); if ($id === false) { $id = $this->request->data['event']; } $this->Event->recursive = -1; $event = $this->Event->read(array(), $id); if (empty($event)) { return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'errors' => 'Invalid event.')), 'status'=>200, 'type' => 'json')); } $local = !empty($this->params['named']['local']); if (!$this->request->is('post')) { $this->set('local', $local); $this->set('object_id', $id); $this->set('scope', 'Event'); $this->layout = false; $this->autoRender = false; $this->render('/Events/add_tag'); } else { if ($tag_id === false) { $tag_id = $this->request->data['tag']; } if (!$this->__canModifyTag($event, $local)) { return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'errors' => 'You don\'t have permission to do that.')), 'status'=>200, 'type' => 'json')); } if (!is_numeric($tag_id)) { if (preg_match('/^collection_[0-9]+$/i', $tag_id)) { $tagChoice = explode('_', $tag_id)[1]; $this->loadModel('TagCollection'); $tagCollection = $this->TagCollection->fetchTagCollection($this->Auth->user(), array('conditions' => array('TagCollection.id' => $tagChoice))); if (empty($tagCollection)) { return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'errors' => 'Invalid Tag Collection.')), 'status'=>200, 'type' => 'json')); } $tag_id_list = array(); foreach ($tagCollection[0]['TagCollectionTag'] as $tagCollectionTag) { $tag_id_list[] = $tagCollectionTag['tag_id']; } } else { $tag_ids = json_decode($tag_id); if ($tag_ids !== null) { // can decode json $tag_id_list = array(); foreach ($tag_ids as $tag_id) { if (preg_match('/^collection_[0-9]+$/i', $tag_id)) { $tagChoice = explode('_', $tag_id)[1]; $this->loadModel('TagCollection'); $tagCollection = $this->TagCollection->fetchTagCollection($this->Auth->user(), array('conditions' => array('TagCollection.id' => $tagChoice))); if (empty($tagCollection)) { return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'errors' => 'Invalid Tag Collection.')), 'status'=>200, 'type' => 'json')); } foreach ($tagCollection[0]['TagCollectionTag'] as $tagCollectionTag) { $tag_id_list[] = $tagCollectionTag['tag_id']; } } else { $tag_id_list[] = $tag_id; } } } else { $conditions = array('LOWER(Tag.name)' => strtolower(trim($tag_id))); if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) { $conditions['Tag.org_id'] = array('0', $this->Auth->user('org_id')); $conditions['Tag.user_id'] = array('0', $this->Auth->user('id')); } $tag = $this->Event->EventTag->Tag->find('first', array('recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => $conditions)); if (empty($tag)) { return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'errors' => 'Invalid Tag.')), 'status'=>200, 'type' => 'json')); } $tag_id = $tag['Tag']['id']; } } } $this->autoRender = false; $success = 0; $fails = []; if (empty($tag_id_list)) { $tag_id_list = array($tag_id); } if (empty($tag_id_list)) { return new CakeResponse(array('body' => json_encode(['saved' => false, 'errors' => __('Nothing to add.')]), 'status' => 200, 'type' => 'json')); } $this->loadModel('Taxonomy'); foreach ($tag_id_list as $tag_id) { $conditions = ['Tag.id' => $tag_id]; if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) { $conditions['Tag.org_id'] = array('0', $this->Auth->user('org_id')); $conditions['Tag.user_id'] = array('0', $this->Auth->user('id')); } $tag = $this->Event->EventTag->Tag->find('first', array( 'conditions' => $conditions, 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('Tag.name') )); if (!$tag) { $fails[$tag_id] = __('Tag not found.'); continue; } $found = $this->Event->EventTag->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array( 'event_id' => $id, 'tag_id' => $tag_id ), 'recursive' => -1, )); if (!empty($found)) { $fails[$tag_id] = __('Tag is already attached to this event.'); continue; } $tagsOnEvent = $this->Event->EventTag->find('all', array( 'conditions' => array( 'EventTag.event_id' => $id, 'EventTag.local' => $local ), 'contain' => 'Tag', 'fields' => array('Tag.name'), 'recursive' => -1 )); $exclusiveTestPassed = $this->Taxonomy->checkIfNewTagIsAllowedByTaxonomy($tag['Tag']['name'], Hash::extract($tagsOnEvent, '{n}.Tag.name')); if (!$exclusiveTestPassed) { $fails[$tag_id] = __('Tag is not allowed due to taxonomy exclusivity settings'); continue; } $this->Event->EventTag->create(); if ($this->Event->EventTag->save(array('event_id' => $id, 'tag_id' => $tag_id, 'local' => $local))) { if (!$local) { $event['Event']['published'] = 0; $date = new DateTime(); $event['Event']['timestamp'] = $date->getTimestamp(); $this->Event->save($event); } $log = ClassRegistry::init('Log'); $log->createLogEntry( $this->Auth->user(), 'tag', 'Event', $id, sprintf( 'Attached%s tag (%s) "%s" to event (%s)', $local ? ' local' : '', $tag_id, $tag['Tag']['name'], $id ), sprintf( 'Event (%s) tagged as Tag (%s)%s', $id, $tag_id, $local ? ' locally' : '' ) ); ++$success; } else { $fails[$tag_id] = __('Tag could not be added.'); } } if ($success && empty($fails)) { $body = ['saved' => true, 'success' => __n('Tag added.', 'Tags added.', $success), 'check_publish' => true]; } else if ($success && !empty($fails)) { $message = __n('Tag added', '%s tags added', $success, $success); $message .= __(', but %s could not be added: %s', count($fails), implode(', ', $fails)); $body = ['saved' => true, 'success' => $message, 'check_publish' => true]; } else { $body = array('saved' => false, 'errors' => implode(', ', $fails)); } return new CakeResponse(array('body' => json_encode($body), 'status' => 200, 'type' => 'json')); } } public function removeTag($id = false, $tag_id = false, $galaxy = false) { if (!$this->request->is('post')) { $event = $this->Event->fetchSimpleEvent($this->Auth->user(), $id); if (!$event) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event.')); } $eventTag = $this->Event->EventTag->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array( 'event_id' => $event['Event']['id'], 'tag_id' => $tag_id, ), 'contain' => ['Tag'], 'recursive' => -1, )); if (!$eventTag) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid tag.')); } $this->set('is_local', $eventTag['EventTag']['local']); $this->set('tag', $eventTag); $this->set('id', $event['Event']['id']); $this->set('tag_id', $tag_id); $this->set('model', 'Event'); $this->set('model_name', $event['Event']['info']); $this->render('/Attributes/ajax/tagRemoveConfirmation'); } else { $rearrangeRules = array( 'request' => false, 'Event' => false, 'tag_id' => 'tag', 'event_id' => 'event', 'id' => 'event' ); $RearrangeTool = new RequestRearrangeTool(); $this->request->data = $RearrangeTool->rearrangeArray($this->request->data, $rearrangeRules); if ($id === false) { $id = $this->request->data['event']; } if ($tag_id === false) { $tag_id = $this->request->data['tag']; } if (empty($tag_id)) { return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'errors' => 'Invalid ' . ($galaxy ? 'Galaxy' : 'Tag') . '.')), 'status'=>200, 'type' => 'json')); } if (!is_numeric($tag_id)) { $tag = $this->Event->EventTag->Tag->find('first', array('recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array('LOWER(Tag.name) LIKE' => strtolower(trim($tag_id))))); if (empty($tag)) { return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'errors' => 'Invalid ' . ($galaxy ? 'Galaxy' : 'Tag') . '.')), 'status'=>200, 'type' => 'json')); } $tag_id = $tag['Tag']['id']; } if (!is_numeric($id)) { $id = $this->request->data['Event']['id']; } $this->Event->recursive = -1; $event = $this->Event->read(array(), $id); $eventTag = $this->Event->EventTag->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array( 'event_id' => $id, 'tag_id' => $tag_id ), 'recursive' => -1, )); if (!$eventTag) { return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'errors' => 'Invalid event - ' . ($galaxy ? 'galaxy' : 'tag') . ' combination.')), 'status'=>200, 'type' => 'json')); } // org should allow to (un)tag too, so that an event that gets pushed can be (un)tagged locally by the owning org if (!$this->__canModifyTag($event, $eventTag['EventTag']['local'])) { return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'errors' => 'You don\'t have permission to do that.')), 'status'=>200, 'type' => 'json')); } $this->Event->insertLock($this->Auth->user(), $id); $tag = $this->Event->EventTag->Tag->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array('Tag.id' => $tag_id), 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('Tag.name') )); if ($this->Event->EventTag->delete($eventTag['EventTag']['id'])) { if (empty($eventTag['EventTag']['local'])) { $event['Event']['published'] = 0; $date = new DateTime(); $event['Event']['timestamp'] = $date->getTimestamp(); $this->Event->save($event); } $log = ClassRegistry::init('Log'); $log->createLogEntry($this->Auth->user(), 'tag', 'Event', $id, 'Removed tag (' . $tag_id . ') "' . $tag['Tag']['name'] . '" from event (' . $id . ')', 'Event (' . $id . ') untagged of Tag (' . $tag_id . ')'); return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => true, 'success' => ($galaxy ? 'Galaxy' : 'Tag') . ' removed.', 'check_publish' => empty($eventTag['EventTag']['local']))), 'status'=>200, 'type' => 'json')); } else { return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('saved' => false, 'errors' => ($galaxy ? 'Galaxy' : 'Tag') . ' could not be removed.')), 'status'=>200, 'type' => 'json')); } } } /* * adhereToWarninglists is used when querying this function via the API * possible options: * - false: (default) ignore warninglists * - 'soft': Unset the IDS flag of all attributes hitting on a warninglist item * - true / 'hard': Block attributes from being added that have a hit in the warninglists * returnMetaAttributes is a flag that will force the API to return the results of the * parsing directly for external further processing. The flag is a simple boolean flag (0||1) */ public function freeTextImport($id, $adhereToWarninglists = false, $returnMetaAttributes = false) { if (!$this->userRole['perm_add']) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Event not found or you don\'t have permissions to create attributes')); } $event = $this->Event->fetchSimpleEvent($this->Auth->user(), $id); if (empty($event)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid event.')); } $this->set('event_id', $event['Event']['id']); if ($this->request->is('get')) { $this->layout = 'ajax'; $this->request->data['Attribute']['event_id'] = $event['Event']['id']; } if ($this->request->is('post')) { App::uses('ComplexTypeTool', 'Tools'); $complexTypeTool = new ComplexTypeTool(); $this->loadModel('Warninglist'); $complexTypeTool->setTLDs($this->Warninglist->fetchTLDLists()); if (!isset($this->request->data['Attribute'])) { $this->request->data = array('Attribute' => $this->request->data); } if (!isset($this->request->data['Attribute']['value'])) { $this->request->data['Attribute'] = array('value' => $this->request->data['Attribute']); } if (isset($this->request->data['Attribute']['adhereToWarninglists'])) { $adhereToWarninglists = $this->request->data['Attribute']['adhereToWarninglists']; } $resultArray = $complexTypeTool->checkComplexRouter($this->request->data['Attribute']['value'], 'freetext'); foreach ($resultArray as $key => $r) { $temp = array(); foreach ($r['types'] as $type) { $temp[$type] = $type; } $resultArray[$key]['types'] = $temp; } if ($this->_isRest()) { if ($returnMetaAttributes || !empty($this->request->data['Attribute']['returnMetaAttributes'])) { return $this->RestResponse->viewData($resultArray, $this->response->type()); } else { return $this->__pushFreetext( $resultArray, $event, isset($this->request->data['Attribute']['distribution']) ? $this->request->data['Attribute']['distribution'] : false, isset($this->request->data['Attribute']['sharing_group_id']) ? $this->request->data['Attribute']['sharing_group_id'] : false, $adhereToWarninglists ); } } foreach ($resultArray as $key => $result) { if ($has_pipe = strpos($result['default_type'], '|') !== false || $result['default_type'] === 'malware-sample') { $pieces = explode('|', $result['value']); if (in_array($result['default_type'], $this->Event->Attribute->primaryOnlyCorrelatingTypes)) { $or = array('Attribute.value1' => $pieces[0], 'Attribute.value2' => $pieces[0]); } else { $or = array('Attribute.value1' => $pieces, 'Attribute.value2' => $pieces); } } else { $or = array('Attribute.value1' => $result['value'], 'Attribute.value2' => $result['value']); } $options = array( 'conditions' => array('OR' => $or), 'fields' => array('Attribute.type', 'Attribute.category', 'Attribute.value', 'Attribute.comment'), 'order' => false, 'limit' => 11, 'flatten' => 1 ); $resultArray[$key]['related'] = $this->Event->Attribute->fetchAttributes($this->Auth->user(), $options); } $resultArray = array_values($resultArray); $typeCategoryMapping = array(); foreach ($this->Event->Attribute->categoryDefinitions as $k => $cat) { foreach ($cat['types'] as $type) { $typeCategoryMapping[$type][$k] = $k; } } $distributions = $this->Event->Attribute->distributionLevels; $sgs = $this->Event->SharingGroup->fetchAllAuthorised($this->Auth->user(), 'name', 1); if (empty($sgs)) { unset($distributions[4]); } $this->set('proposals', !$this->__canModifyEvent($event)); $this->set('distributions', $distributions); $this->set('sgs', $sgs); $this->set('event', $event); $this->set('mayModify', $this->__canModifyEvent($event)); $this->set('typeList', array_keys($this->Event->Attribute->typeDefinitions)); $this->set('defaultCategories', $this->Event->Attribute->defaultCategories); $this->set('typeCategoryMapping', $typeCategoryMapping); foreach ($typeCategoryMapping as $k => $v) { $typeCategoryMapping[$k] = array_values($v); } $this->set('mapping', $typeCategoryMapping); $this->set('resultArray', $resultArray); $this->set('importComment', ''); $this->set('title', 'Freetext Import Results'); $this->loadModel('Warninglist'); $this->set('missingTldLists', $this->Warninglist->missingTldLists()); $this->render('resolved_attributes'); } } private function __pushFreetext($attributes, array $event, $distribution = false, $sg = false, $adhereToWarninglists = false) { if ($distribution === false) { if (Configure::read('MISP.default_attribute_distribution') != null) { if (Configure::read('MISP.default_attribute_distribution') == 'event') { $distribution = 5; } else { $distribution = Configure::read('MISP.default_attribute_distribution'); } } else { $distribution = 0; } } // prepare the default choices foreach ($attributes as $k => $attribute) { $attribute['type'] = $attribute['default_type']; unset($attribute['default_type']); unset($attribute['types']); if (isset($attribute['default_category'])) { $attribute['category'] = $attribute['default_category']; unset($attribute['default_category']); } else { $attribute['category'] = $this->Event->Attribute->defaultCategories[$attribute['type']]; } $attribute['distribution'] = $distribution; $attribute['event_id'] = $event['Event']['id']; $attributes[$k] = $attribute; } // actually save the attribute now $proposals = !$this->__canModifyEvent($event); $temp = $this->Event->processFreeTextDataRouter($this->Auth->user(), $attributes, $event['Event']['id'], '', $proposals, $adhereToWarninglists, empty(Configure::read('MISP.background_jobs'))); if (empty(Configure::read('MISP.background_jobs'))) { $attributes = $temp; } // FIXME $attributes does not contain the onteflyattributes $attributes = array_values($attributes); return $this->RestResponse->viewData($attributes, $this->response->type()); } public function saveFreeText($id) { if (!$this->userRole['perm_add']) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Event not found or you don\'t have permissions to create attributes')); } $event = $this->Event->fetchSimpleEvent($this->Auth->user(), $id); if (!$event) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event.')); } if ($this->request->is('post')) { $this->Event->insertLock($this->Auth->user(), $id); $attributes = json_decode($this->request->data['Attribute']['JsonObject'], true); $default_comment = $this->request->data['Attribute']['default_comment']; $proposals = !$this->__canModifyEvent($event) || (isset($this->request->data['Attribute']['force']) && $this->request->data['Attribute']['force']); $flashMessage = $this->Event->processFreeTextDataRouter($this->Auth->user(), $attributes, $id, $default_comment, $proposals); $this->Flash->info($flashMessage); $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'events', 'action' => 'view', $id)); } else { throw new MethodNotAllowedException('This endpoint requires a POST request.'); } } public function stix2() { $this->_legacyAPIRemap(array( 'paramArray' => array( 'key', 'id', 'withAttachment', 'tags', 'from', 'to', 'last' ), 'request' => $this->request, 'named_params' => $this->params['named'], 'ordered_url_params' => func_get_args(), 'injectedParams' => array( 'returnFormat' => 'stix2' ), 'alias' => array( 'id' => 'eventid' ) )); return $this->restSearch(); } public function stix() { $this->_legacyAPIRemap(array( 'paramArray' => array( 'key', 'id', 'withAttachment', 'tags', 'from', 'to', 'last' ), 'request' => $this->request, 'named_params' => $this->params['named'], 'ordered_url_params' => func_get_args(), 'injectedParams' => array( 'returnFormat' => 'stix' ), 'alias' => array( 'id' => 'eventid' ) )); return $this->restSearch(); } public function filterEventIdsForPush() { if (!$this->userRole['perm_sync']) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('You do not have the permission to do that.')); } if ($this->request->is('post')) { $incomingIDs = array(); $incomingEvents = array(); foreach ($this->request->data as $event) { $incomingIDs[] = $event['Event']['uuid']; $incomingEvents[$event['Event']['uuid']] = $event['Event']['timestamp']; } $events = $this->Event->find('all', array( 'conditions' => array('Event.uuid' => $incomingIDs), 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('Event.uuid', 'Event.timestamp', 'Event.locked'), )); foreach ($events as $k => $v) { if ($v['Event']['timestamp'] >= $incomingEvents[$v['Event']['uuid']]) { unset($incomingEvents[$v['Event']['uuid']]); continue; } if ($v['Event']['locked'] == 0) { unset($incomingEvents[$v['Event']['uuid']]); } } $this->set('result', array_keys($incomingEvents)); } } public function checkuuid($uuid) { if (!$this->userRole['perm_sync']) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('You do not have the permission to do that.')); } $events = $this->Event->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array('Event.uuid' => $uuid), 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('Event.uuid'), )); $this->set('result', array('result' => empty($events))); } public function pushProposals($uuid) { $message= ""; $success = true; $counter = 0; if (!$this->userRole['perm_sync'] || !$this->userRole['perm_add']) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('You do not have the permission to do that.')); } if ($this->request->is('post')) { $event = $this->Event->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array('Event.uuid' => $uuid), 'contains' => array('ShadowAttribute', 'Attribute' => array( 'fields' => array('id', 'uuid', 'event_id'), )), 'fields' => array('Event.uuid', 'Event.id'), )); if (empty($event)) { $message = "Event not found."; $success = false; } else { foreach ($this->request->data as $k => $sa) { if (isset($event['ShadowAttribute'])) { foreach ($event['ShadowAttribute'] as $oldk => $oldsa) { if ($sa['event_uuid'] == $oldsa['event_uuid'] && $sa['value'] == $oldsa['value'] && $sa['type'] == $oldsa['type'] && $sa['category'] == $oldsa['category'] && $sa['to_ids'] == $oldsa['to_ids']) { if ($oldsa['timestamp'] < $sa['timestamp']) { $this->Event->ShadowAttribute->delete($oldsa['id']); } else { continue 2; } } } } $sa['event_id'] = $event['Event']['id']; if ($sa['old_id'] != 0) { foreach ($event['Attribute'] as $attribute) { if ($sa['uuid'] == $attribute['uuid']) { $sa['old_id'] = $attribute['id']; } } } if (isset($sa['id'])) { unset($sa['id']); } $this->Event->ShadowAttribute->create(); if (!$this->Event->ShadowAttribute->save(array('ShadowAttribute' => $sa))) { $message = "Some of the proposals could not be saved."; $success = false; } else { $counter++; } if (!$sa['deleted']) { $this->Event->ShadowAttribute->__sendProposalAlertEmail($event['Event']['id']); } } } if ($success) { if ($counter) { $message = $counter . " Proposal(s) added."; } else { $message = "Nothing to update."; } } $this->set('data', array('success' => $success, 'message' => $message, 'counter' => $counter)); $this->set('_serialize', 'data'); } } public function exportChoice($id) { if (!is_numeric($id)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid ID')); } $event = $this->Event->fetchSimpleEvent($this->Auth->user(), $id); if (empty($event)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Event not found or you are not authorised to view it.')); } // #TODO i18n $exports = array( 'xml' => array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/events/restSearch/xml/eventid:' . $id . '.xml', 'text' => 'MISP XML (metadata + all attributes)', 'requiresPublished' => false, 'checkbox' => true, 'checkbox_text' => 'Encode Attachments', 'checkbox_set' => $this->baseurl . '/events/restSearch/xml/eventid:' . $id . '/withAttachments:1.xml', 'checkbox_default' => true ), 'json' => array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/events/restSearch/json/eventid:' . $id . '.json', 'text' => 'MISP JSON (metadata + all attributes)', 'requiresPublished' => false, 'checkbox' => true, 'checkbox_text' => 'Encode Attachments', 'checkbox_set' => $this->baseurl . '/events/restSearch/json/withAttachments:1/eventid:' . $id . '.json', 'checkbox_default' => true ), 'openIOC' => array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/events/restSearch/openioc/to_ids:1/published:1/eventid:' . $id . '.json', 'text' => 'OpenIOC (all indicators marked to IDS)', 'requiresPublished' => false, 'checkbox' => false, ), 'csv' => array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/events/restSearch/returnFormat:csv/to_ids:1/published:1/includeContext:0/eventid:' . $id, 'text' => 'CSV', 'requiresPublished' => false, 'checkbox' => true, 'checkbox_text' => 'Include non-IDS marked attributes', 'checkbox_set' => $this->baseurl . '/events/restSearch/returnFormat:csv/to_ids:1||0/published:1||0/includeContext:0/eventid:' . $id ), 'csv_with_context' => array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/events/restSearch/returnFormat:csv/to_ids:1/published:1/includeContext:1/eventid:' . $id, 'text' => 'CSV with additional context', 'requiresPublished' => false, 'checkbox' => true, 'checkbox_text' => 'Include non-IDS marked attributes', 'checkbox_set' => $this->baseurl . '/events/restSearch/returnFormat:csv/to_ids:1||0/published:1||0/includeContext:1/eventid:' . $id ), 'stix_xml' => array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/events/restSearch/stix/eventid:' . $id, 'text' => 'STIX XML (metadata + all attributes)', 'requiresPublished' => false, 'checkbox' => true, 'checkbox_text' => 'Encode Attachments', 'checkbox_set' => $this->baseurl . '/events/restSearch/stix/eventid:' . $id . '/withAttachments:1' ), 'stix_json' => array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/events/restSearch/stix-json/eventid:' . $id, 'text' => 'STIX JSON (metadata + all attributes)', 'requiresPublished' => false, 'checkbox' => true, 'checkbox_text' => 'Encode Attachments', 'checkbox_set' => $this->baseurl . '/events/restSearch/stix-json/withAttachments:1/eventid:' . $id ), 'stix2_json' => array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/events/restSearch/stix2/eventid:' . $id, 'text' => 'STIX2 (requires the STIX 2 library)', 'requiresPublished' => false, 'checkbox' => true, 'checkbox_text' => 'Encode Attachments', 'checkbox_set' => $this->baseurl . '/events/restSearch/stix2/eventid:' . $id . '/withAttachments:1' ), 'rpz' => array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/attributes/restSearch/returnFormat:rpz/published:1||0/eventid:' . $id, 'text' => 'RPZ Zone file', 'requiresPublished' => false, 'checkbox' => false, ), 'suricata' => array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/events/restSearch/returnFormat:suricata/published:1||0/eventid:' . $id, 'text' => 'Download Suricata rules', 'requiresPublished' => false, 'checkbox' => false, ), 'snort' => array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/events/restSearch/returnFormat:snort/published:1||0/eventid:' . $id, 'text' => 'Download Snort rules', 'requiresPublished' => false, 'checkbox' => false, ), 'bro' => array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/attributes/bro/download/all/false/' . $id, // 'url' => '/attributes/restSearch/returnFormat:bro/published:1||0/eventid:' . $id, 'text' => 'Download Bro rules', 'requiresPublished' => false, 'checkbox' => false ), 'text' => array( 'text' => 'Export all attribute values as a text file', 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/attributes/restSearch/returnFormat:text/published:1||0/eventid:' . $id, 'requiresPublished' => false, 'checkbox' => true, 'checkbox_text' => 'Include non-IDS marked attributes', 'checkbox_set' => $this->baseurl . '/attributes/restSearch/returnFormat:text/published:1||0/to_ids:1||0/eventid:' . $id ), ); if ($event['Event']['published'] == 0) { foreach ($exports as $k => $export) { if ($export['requiresPublished']) { unset($exports[$k]); } } $exports['csv'] = array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/events/restSearch/returnFormat:csv/includeContext:0/eventid:' . $id, 'text' => 'CSV (event not published, IDS flag ignored)', 'requiresPublished' => false, 'checkbox' => false ); } $this->loadModel('Module'); $modules = $this->Module->getEnabledModules($this->Auth->user(), false, 'Export'); if (is_array($modules) && !empty($modules)) { foreach ($modules['modules'] as $module) { $exports[$module['name']] = array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/events/exportModule/' . $module['name'] . '/' . $id, 'text' => Inflector::humanize($module['name']), 'requiresPublished' => true, 'checkbox' => false, ); } } $this->set('exports', $exports); $this->set('id', $id); $this->render('ajax/exportChoice'); } public function importChoice($id = false, $scope = 'event') { if ($scope == 'event') { if (!is_numeric($id)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid ID')); } $event = $this->Event->fetchSimpleEvent($this->Auth->user(), $id); if (empty($event)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Event not found or you are not authorised to view it.')); } $imports = array( 'freetext' => array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/events/freeTextImport/' . $id, 'text' => __('Freetext Import'), 'ajax' => true, 'target' => 'popover_form' ), 'template' => array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/templates/templateChoices/' . $id, 'text' => __('Populate using a Template'), 'ajax' => true, 'target' => 'popover_form' ), 'OpenIOC' => array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/events/addIOC/' . $id, 'text' => __('OpenIOC Import'), 'ajax' => false, ), 'ThreatConnect' => array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/attributes/add_threatconnect/' . $id, 'text' => __('ThreatConnect Import'), 'ajax' => false ), 'Forensic analysis' => array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/events/upload_analysis_file/'.$id, 'text' => __('(Experimental) Forensic analysis - Mactime'), 'ajax' => false, ) ); $this->loadModel('Module'); $modules = $this->Module->getEnabledModules($this->Auth->user(), false, 'Import'); if (is_array($modules) && !empty($modules)) { foreach ($modules['modules'] as $k => $module) { $imports[$module['name']] = array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/events/importModule/' . $module['name'] . '/' . $id, 'text' => Inflector::humanize($module['name']), 'ajax' => false ); } } } else { $imports = array( 'MISP' => array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/events/add_misp_export', 'text' => __('MISP standard (recommended exchange format - lossless)'), 'ajax' => false, 'bold' => true ), 'STIX' => array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/events/upload_stix', 'text' => __('STIX 1.1.1 format (lossy)'), 'ajax' => false, ), 'STIX2' => array( 'url' => $this->baseurl . '/events/upload_stix/2', 'text' => __('STIX 2.0 format (lossy)'), 'ajax' => false, ) ); } $this->set('imports', $imports); $this->set('id', $id); $this->render('ajax/importChoice'); } // API for pushing samples to MISP // Either send it to an existing event, or let MISP create a new one automatically public function upload_sample($event_id = null, $advanced = false) { $this->loadModel('Log'); $hashes = array('md5' => 'malware-sample', 'sha1' => 'filename|sha1', 'sha256' => 'filename|sha256'); $categoryDefinitions = $this->Event->Attribute->categoryDefinitions; $categories = array(); foreach ($categoryDefinitions as $k => $v) { if (in_array('malware-sample', $v['types']) && !in_array($k, $categories)) { $categories[] = $k; } } $default_distribution = !empty(Configure::read('MISP.default_attribute_distribution')) ? Configure::read('MISP.default_attribute_distribution') : 5; if ($default_distribution == 'event') { $default_distribution = 5; } // #TODO i18n $parameter_options = array( 'distribution' => array('valid_options' => array(0, 1, 2, 3, 5), 'default' => $default_distribution), 'threat_level_id' => array('valid_options' => array(1, 2, 3, 4), 'default' => 4), 'analysis' => array('valid_options' => array(0, 1, 2), 'default' => 0), 'info' => array('default' => 'Malware samples uploaded on ' . date('Y-m-d')), 'to_ids' => array('valid_options' => array(0, 1), 'default' => 1), 'category' => array('valid_options' => $categories, 'default' => 'Payload installation'), 'comment' => array('default' => '') ); if (!$this->userRole['perm_auth']) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('This functionality requires API key access.')); } if (!$this->request->is('post')) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Please POST the samples as described on the automation page.')); } if ($this->response->type() === 'application/json') { $data = $this->request->input('json_decode', true); } elseif ($this->response->type() === 'application/xml') { $data = $this->request->data; } else { throw new BadRequestException(__('Please POST the samples as described on the automation page.')); } if (isset($data['request'])) { $data = $data['request']; } foreach ($parameter_options as $k => $v) { if (isset($data[$k])) { if (isset($v['valid_options']) && !in_array($data[$k], $v['valid_options'])) { $data['settings'][$k] = $v['default']; } else { $data['settings'][$k] = $data[$k]; } unset($data[$k]); } else { $data['settings'][$k] = $v['default']; } } if (isset($data['files'])) { foreach ($data['files'] as $k => $file) { if (!isset($file['filename']) || !isset($file['data'])) { unset($data['files'][$k]); } else { $data['files'][$k]['md5'] = md5(base64_decode($file['data'])); } } } if (empty($data['files'])) { throw new BadRequestException(__('No samples received, or samples not in the correct format. Please refer to the API documentation on the automation page.')); } if (isset($event_id)) { $data['settings']['event_id'] = $event_id; } if (isset($data['settings']['event_id'])) { $this->Event->id = $data['settings']['event_id']; if (!$this->Event->exists()) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Event not found')); } } if (isset($data['advanced'])) { $advanced = $data['advanced']; } // check if the user has permission to create attributes for an event, if the event ID has been passed // If not, create an event if (isset($data['settings']['event_id']) && !empty($data['settings']['event_id']) && is_numeric($data['settings']['event_id'])) { $conditions = array('Event.id' => $data['settings']['event_id']); if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) { $conditions[] = array('Event.orgc_id' => $this->Auth->user('org_id')); if (!$this->userRole['perm_modify_org']) { $conditions[] = array('Event.user_id' => $this->Auth->user('id')); } } $event = $this->Event->find('first', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => $conditions, 'fields' => array('id'), )); if (empty($event)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Event not found.')); } $this->Event->insertLock($this->Auth->user(), $event['Event']['id']); $this->Event->id = $data['settings']['event_id']; $date = new DateTime(); $this->Event->saveField('timestamp', $date->getTimestamp()); $this->Event->saveField('published', 0); } else { $this->Event->create(); if ($data['settings']['distribution'] == 5) { throw new BadRequestException(__('Distribution level 5 is not supported when uploading a sample without passing an event ID. Distribution level 5 is meant to take on the distribution level of an existing event.')); } $result = $this->Event->save( array( 'info' => $data['settings']['info'], 'analysis' => $data['settings']['analysis'], 'threat_level_id' => $data['settings']['threat_level_id'], 'distribution' => $data['settings']['distribution'], 'date' => date('Y-m-d'), 'orgc_id' => $this->Auth->user('org_id'), 'org_id' => $this->Auth->user('org_id'), 'user_id' => $this->Auth->user('id'), ) ); if (!$result) { $this->Log->save(array( 'org' => $this->Auth->user('Organisation')['name'], 'model' => 'Event', 'model_id' => 0, 'email' => $this->Auth->user('email'), 'action' => 'upload_sample', 'user_id' => $this->Auth->user('id'), 'title' => 'Error: Failed to create event using the upload sample functionality', 'change' => 'There was an issue creating an event (' . $data['settings']['info'] . '). The validation errors were: ' . json_encode($this->Event->validationErrors), )); throw new BadRequestException(__('The creation of a new event with the supplied information has failed.')); } $data['settings']['event_id'] = $this->Event->id; $event_id = $this->Event->id; } if (!isset($data['settings']['to_ids']) || !in_array($data['settings']['to_ids'], array('0', '1', 0, 1))) { $data['settings']['to_ids'] = 1; } $successCount = 0; $errors = array(); App::uses('FileAccessTool', 'Tools'); $fileAccessTool = new FileAccessTool(); foreach ($data['files'] as $file) { $tmpdir = Configure::read('MISP.tmpdir') ? Configure::read('MISP.tmpdir') : APP . 'tmp'; $tmpfile = $fileAccessTool->createTempFile($tmpdir, $prefix = 'MISP_upload'); $fileAccessTool->writeToFile($tmpfile, base64_decode($file['data'])); $tmpfile = new File($tmpfile); if ($advanced) { $result = $this->Event->Attribute->advancedAddMalwareSample( $event_id, $data['settings'], $file['filename'], $tmpfile ); if ($result) { $successCount++; } else { $errors[] = $file['filename']; } } else { $result = $this->Event->Attribute->simpleAddMalwareSample( $event_id, $data['settings'], $file['filename'], $tmpfile ); if ($result) { $successCount++; } else { $errors[] = $file['filename']; } } if (!empty($result)) { foreach ($result['Object'] as $object) { if (isset($data['settings']['distribution'])) { $object['distribution'] = $data['settings']['distribution']; } $object['sharing_group_id'] = isset($data['settings']['sharing_group_id']) ? $data['settings']['sharing_group_id'] : 0; if (!empty($object['Attribute'])) { foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $k => $attribute) { if ($attribute['value'] == $tmpfile->name) { $object['Attribute'][$k]['value'] = $file['filename']; } if (isset($data['settings']['distribution'])) { $object['Attribute'][$k]['distribution'] = $data['settings']['distribution']; } $object['Attribute'][$k]['sharing_group_id'] = isset($data['settings']['sharing_group_id']) ? $data['settings']['sharing_group_id'] : 0; } } $this->loadModel('MispObject'); $this->MispObject->captureObject(array('Object' => $object), $event_id, $this->Auth->user()); } if (!empty($result['ObjectReference'])) { foreach ($result['ObjectReference'] as $reference) { $this->MispObject->ObjectReference->smartSave($reference, $event_id); } } } $fileAccessTool->deleteFile($tmpfile->path); } if (!empty($errors)) { $this->set('errors', $errors); if ($successCount > 0) { $this->set('name', 'Partial success'); $this->set('message', 'Successfuly saved ' . $successCount . ' sample(s), but some samples could not be saved.'); $this->set('url', $this->baseurl . '/events/view/' . $data['settings']['event_id']); $this->set('id', $data['settings']['event_id']); $this->set('_serialize', array('name', 'message', 'url', 'id', 'errors')); } else { $this->set('name', 'Failed'); $this->set('message', 'Failed to save any of the supplied samples.'); $this->set('_serialize', array('name', 'message', 'errors')); } } else { $this->set('name', 'Success'); $this->set('message', 'Success, saved all attributes.'); $this->set('url', $this->baseurl . '/events/view/' . $data['settings']['event_id']); $this->set('id', $data['settings']['event_id']); $this->set('_serialize', array('name', 'message', 'url', 'id')); } $this->view($data['settings']['event_id']); $this->render('view'); } public function viewGraph($id) { $event = $this->Event->fetchEvent($this->Auth->user(), array( 'eventid' => $id, 'includeGranularCorrelations' => 1 )); if (empty($event)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid Event.')); } $this->set('event', $event[0]); $this->set('scope', 'event'); $this->set('id', $id); } public function viewEventGraph() { $event = $this->Event->fetchEvent($this->Auth->user(), array( 'eventid' => $id )); if (empty($event)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid Event.')); } $this->set('event', $event[0]); $this->set('scope', 'event'); $this->set('id', $id); } /* public function deleteNode($id) { if (!$this->request->is('post')) throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Only POST requests are allowed.')); App::uses('CorrelationGraphTool', 'Tools'); $grapher = new CorrelationGraphTool(); $grapher->construct($this->Event, $this->Taxonomy, $this->GalaxyCluster, $this->Auth->user(), $this->request->data); $json = $grapher->deleteNode($id); } */ public function updateGraph($id, $type = 'event') { $validTools = array('event', 'galaxy', 'tag'); if (!in_array($type, $validTools)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid type.')); } $this->loadModel('Taxonomy'); $this->loadModel('GalaxyCluster'); App::uses('CorrelationGraphTool', 'Tools'); $grapher = new CorrelationGraphTool(); $data = $this->request->is('post') ? $this->request->data : array(); $grapher->construct($this->Event, $this->Taxonomy, $this->GalaxyCluster, $this->Auth->user(), $data); $json = $grapher->buildGraphJson($id, $type); array_walk_recursive($json, function (&$item, $key) { if (!mb_detect_encoding($item, 'utf-8', true)) { $item = utf8_encode($item); } }); $this->response->type('json'); return new CakeResponse(array('body' => json_encode($json), 'status' => 200, 'type' => 'json')); } private function genDistributionGraph($id, $type = 'event', $extended = 0) { $validTools = array('event'); if (!in_array($type, $validTools)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid type.')); } $this->loadModel('Server'); $this->loadModel('Organisation'); App::uses('DistributionGraphTool', 'Tools'); $grapher = new DistributionGraphTool(); $servers = $this->Server->find('list', array( 'fields' => array('name'), )); $grapher->construct($this->Event, $servers, $this->Auth->user(), $extended); $json = $grapher->get_distributions_graph($id); array_walk_recursive($json, function (&$item, $key) { if (!mb_detect_encoding($item, 'utf-8', true)) { $item = utf8_encode($item); } }); return $json; } public function getEventTimeline($id, $type = 'event') { $validTools = array('event'); if (!in_array($type, $validTools)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException('Invalid type.'); } App::uses('EventTimelineTool', 'Tools'); $grapher = new EventTimelineTool(); $data = $this->request->is('post') ? $this->request->data : array(); $dataFiltering = array_key_exists('filtering', $data) ? $data['filtering'] : array(); $scope = isset($data['scope']) ? $data['scope'] : 'seen'; $extended = isset($this->params['named']['extended']) ? 1 : 0; $grapher->construct($this->Event, $this->Auth->user(), $dataFiltering, $extended); if ($scope == 'seen') { $json = $grapher->get_timeline($id); } elseif ($scope == 'sightings') { $json = $grapher->get_sighting_timeline($id); } array_walk_recursive($json, function (&$item, $key) { if (!mb_detect_encoding($item, 'utf-8', true)) { $item = utf8_encode($item); } }); $this->response->type('json'); return new CakeResponse(array('body' => json_encode($json), 'status' => 200, 'type' => 'json')); } public function getDistributionGraph($id, $type = 'event') { $extended = isset($this->params['named']['extended']) ? 1 : 0; $json = $this->genDistributionGraph($id, $type, $extended); $this->response->type('json'); return new CakeResponse(array('body' => json_encode($json), 'status' => 200, 'type' => 'json')); } public function getEventGraphReferences($id, $type = 'event') { $validTools = array('event'); if (!in_array($type, $validTools)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid type.')); } $this->loadModel('Tag'); App::uses('EventGraphTool', 'Tools'); $grapher = new EventGraphTool(); $data = $this->request->is('post') ? $this->request->data : array(); $extended = isset($this->params['named']['extended']) ? 1 : 0; $grapher->construct($this->Event, $this->Tag, $this->Auth->user(), $data['filtering'], $extended); $json = $grapher->get_references($id); array_walk_recursive($json, function (&$item, $key) { if (!mb_detect_encoding($item, 'utf-8', true)) { $item = utf8_encode($item); } }); $this->response->type('json'); return new CakeResponse(array('body' => json_encode($json), 'status' => 200, 'type' => 'json')); } public function getEventGraphTags($id, $type = 'event') { $validTools = array('event'); if (!in_array($type, $validTools)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid type.')); } $this->loadModel('Tag'); App::uses('EventGraphTool', 'Tools'); $grapher = new EventGraphTool(); $data = $this->request->is('post') ? $this->request->data : array(); $extended = isset($this->params['named']['extended']) ? 1 : 0; $grapher->construct($this->Event, $this->Tag, $this->Auth->user(), $data['filtering'], $extended); $json = $grapher->get_tags($id); array_walk_recursive($json, function (&$item, $key) { if (!mb_detect_encoding($item, 'utf-8', true)) { $item = utf8_encode($item); } }); $this->response->type('json'); return new CakeResponse(array('body' => json_encode($json), 'status' => 200, 'type' => 'json')); } public function getEventGraphGeneric($id, $type = 'event') { $validTools = array('event'); if (!in_array($type, $validTools)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid type.')); } $this->loadModel('Tag'); App::uses('EventGraphTool', 'Tools'); $grapher = new EventGraphTool(); $data = $this->request->is('post') ? $this->request->data : array(); $extended = isset($this->params['named']['extended']) ? 1 : 0; $grapher->construct($this->Event, $this->Tag, $this->Auth->user(), $data['filtering'], $extended); if (!array_key_exists('keyType', $data)) { $keyType = ''; // empty key } else { $keyType = $data['keyType']; } $json = $grapher->get_generic_from_key($id, $keyType); array_walk_recursive($json, function (&$item, $key) { if (!mb_detect_encoding($item, 'utf-8', true)) { $item = utf8_encode($item); } }); $this->response->type('json'); return new CakeResponse(array('body' => json_encode($json), 'status' => 200, 'type' => 'json')); } public function getReferenceData($uuid, $type = 'reference') { $validTools = array('reference'); if (!in_array($type, $validTools)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid type.')); } App::uses('EventGraphTool', 'Tools'); $grapher = new EventGraphTool(); $data = $this->request->is('post') ? $this->request->data : array(); $grapher->construct_for_ref($this->Event->Object, $this->Auth->user()); $json = $grapher->get_reference_data($uuid); array_walk_recursive($json, function (&$item, $key) { if (!mb_detect_encoding($item, 'utf-8', true)) { $item = utf8_encode($item); } }); $this->response->type('json'); return new CakeResponse(array('body' => json_encode($json), 'status' => 200, 'type' => 'json')); } public function getObjectTemplate($type = 'templates') { $validTools = array('templates'); if (!in_array($type, $validTools)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid type.')); } App::uses('EventGraphTool', 'Tools'); $eventGraphTool = new EventGraphTool(); $data = $this->request->is('post') ? $this->request->data : array(); $eventGraphTool->construct_for_ref($this->Event->Object, $this->Auth->user()); $json = $eventGraphTool->get_object_templates(); array_walk_recursive($json, function (&$item, $key) { if (!mb_detect_encoding($item, 'utf-8', true)) { $item = utf8_encode($item); } }); $this->response->type('json'); return new CakeResponse(array('body' => json_encode($json), 'status' => 200, 'type' => 'json')); } public function viewGalaxyMatrix($scope_id, $galaxy_id, $scope='event', $disable_picking=false) { $local = !empty($this->params['named']['local']); $this->set('local', $local); $this->loadModel('Galaxy'); $mitreAttackGalaxyId = $this->Galaxy->getMitreAttackGalaxyId(); $matrixData = $this->Galaxy->getMatrix($galaxy_id); $tabs = $matrixData['tabs']; $matrixTags = $matrixData['matrixTags']; $killChainOrders = $matrixData['killChain']; $instanceUUID = $matrixData['instance-uuid']; if ($scope == 'event') { $eventId = $scope_id; } elseif ($scope == 'attribute') { $attribute = $this->Event->Attribute->fetchAttributes($this->Auth->user(), array( 'conditions' => array('Attribute.id' => $scope_id), 'fields' => array('event_id'), 'flatten' => 1, )); if (empty($attribute)) { throw new Exception("Invalid Attribute."); } $attribute = $attribute[0]; $eventId = $attribute['Attribute']['event_id']; } elseif ($scope == 'tag_collection') { $eventId = 0; // no event_id for tag_collection, consider all events } else { throw new Exception("Invalid options."); } if ($scope !== 'tag_collection') { $event = $this->Event->fetchEvent($this->Auth->user(), array('eventid' => $eventId, 'metadata' => true)); if (empty($event)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Event not found or you are not authorised to view it.')); } $scoresDataAttr = $this->Event->Attribute->AttributeTag->getTagScores($this->Auth->user(), $eventId, $matrixTags); $scoresDataEvent = $this->Event->EventTag->getTagScores($eventId, $matrixTags); $maxScore = 0; $scoresData = array(); foreach (array_keys($scoresDataAttr['scores'] + $scoresDataEvent['scores']) as $key) { $sum = (isset($scoresDataAttr['scores'][$key]) ? $scoresDataAttr['scores'][$key] : 0) + (isset($scoresDataEvent['scores'][$key]) ? $scoresDataEvent['scores'][$key] : 0); $scoresData[$key] = $sum; $maxScore = max($maxScore, $sum); } $scores = $scoresData; } else { $scores = $scoresData = array(); } // FIXME: temporary fix: add the score of deprecated mitre galaxies to the new one (for the stats) if ($matrixData['galaxy']['id'] == $mitreAttackGalaxyId) { $mergedScore = array(); foreach ($scoresData as $tag => $v) { $predicateValue = explode(':', $tag, 2)[1]; $predicateValue = explode('=', $predicateValue, 2); $predicate = $predicateValue[0]; $clusterValue = $predicateValue[1]; $mappedTag = ''; $mappingWithoutExternalId = array(); if ($predicate == 'mitre-attack-pattern') { $mappedTag = $tag; $name = explode(" ", $tag); $name = join(" ", array_slice($name, 0, -2)); // remove " - external_id" $mappingWithoutExternalId[$name] = $tag; } else { $name = explode(" ", $clusterValue); $name = join(" ", array_slice($name, 0, -2)); // remove " - external_id" if (isset($mappingWithoutExternalId[$name])) { $mappedTag = $mappingWithoutExternalId[$name]; } else { $adjustedTagName = $this->Galaxy->GalaxyCluster->find('list', array( 'group' => array('GalaxyCluster.id', 'GalaxyCluster.tag_name'), 'conditions' => array('GalaxyCluster.tag_name LIKE' => 'misp-galaxy:mitre-attack-pattern=' . $name . '% T%'), 'fields' => array('GalaxyCluster.tag_name') )); $adjustedTagName = array_values($adjustedTagName)[0]; $mappingWithoutExternalId[$name] = $adjustedTagName; $mappedTag = $mappingWithoutExternalId[$name]; } } if (isset($mergedScore[$mappedTag])) { $mergedScore[$mappedTag] += $v; } else { $mergedScore[$mappedTag] = $v; } } $scores = $mergedScore; $maxScore = !empty($mergedScore) ? max(array_values($mergedScore)) : 0; } // end FIXME $this->Galaxy->sortMatrixByScore($tabs, $scores); if ($this->_isRest()) { $json = array('matrix' => $tabs, 'scores' => $scores, 'instance-uuid' => $instanceUUID); $this->response->type('json'); return new CakeResponse(array('body' => json_encode($json), 'status' => 200, 'type' => 'json')); } else { if (!$this->request->is('ajax')) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid method.')); } App::uses('ColourGradientTool', 'Tools'); $gradientTool = new ColourGradientTool(); $colours = $gradientTool->createGradientFromValues($scores); $this->set('eventId', $eventId); $this->set('target_type', $scope); $this->set('columnOrders', $killChainOrders); $this->set('tabs', $tabs); $this->set('scores', $scores); $this->set('maxScore', $maxScore); if (!empty($colours)) { $this->set('colours', $colours['mapping']); $this->set('interpolation', $colours['interpolation']); } $this->set('pickingMode', !$disable_picking); $this->set('target_id', $scope_id); if ($matrixData['galaxy']['id'] == $mitreAttackGalaxyId) { $this->set('defaultTabName', 'mitre-attack'); $this->set('removeTrailling', 2); } $this->render('/Elements/view_galaxy_matrix'); } } public function delegation_index() { $this->loadModel('EventDelegation'); $delegatedEvents = $this->EventDelegation->find('list', array( 'conditions' => array('EventDelegation.org_id' => $this->Auth->user('org_id')), 'fields' => array('event_id') )); $this->Event->contain(array('User.email', 'EventTag' => array('Tag'))); $tags = $this->Event->EventTag->Tag->find('all', array('recursive' => -1)); $tagNames = array('None'); foreach ($tags as $k => $v) { $tagNames[$v['Tag']['id']] = $v['Tag']['name']; } $this->set('tags', $tagNames); $this->paginate = array( 'limit' => 60, 'maxLimit' => 9999, // LATER we will bump here on a problem once we have more than 9999 events <- no we won't, this is the max a user van view/page. 'order' => array( 'Event.timestamp' => 'DESC' ), 'contain' => array( 'Org' => array('fields' => array('id', 'name')), 'Orgc' => array('fields' => array('id', 'name')), 'SharingGroup' => array('fields' => array('id', 'name')), 'ThreatLevel' => array('fields' => array('ThreatLevel.name')) ), 'conditions' => array('Event.id' => $delegatedEvents), ); $this->set('events', $this->paginate()); $threat_levels = $this->Event->ThreatLevel->find('all'); $this->set('threatLevels', Set::combine($threat_levels, '{n}.ThreatLevel.id', '{n}.ThreatLevel.name')); $this->set('eventDescriptions', $this->Event->fieldDescriptions); $this->set('analysisLevels', $this->Event->analysisLevels); $this->set('distributionLevels', $this->Event->distributionLevels); $shortDist = array(0 => 'Organisation', 1 => 'Community', 2 => 'Connected', 3 => 'All', 4 => ' sharing Group'); $this->set('shortDist', $shortDist); $this->set('ajax', false); $this->set('simple', true); $this->Event->contain(array('User.email', 'EventTag' => array('Tag'))); $tags = $this->Event->EventTag->Tag->find('all', array('recursive' => -1)); $tagNames = array('None'); foreach ($tags as $k => $v) { $tagNames[$v['Tag']['id']] = $v['Tag']['name']; } $this->set('tags', $tagNames); $this->render('index'); } // expects an attribute ID and the module to be used public function queryEnrichment($attribute_id, $module = false, $type = 'Enrichment') { if (!Configure::read('Plugin.' . $type . '_services_enable')) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('%s services are not enabled.', $type)); } $attribute = $this->Event->Attribute->fetchAttributes($this->Auth->user(), array('conditions' => array('Attribute.id' => $attribute_id), 'flatten' => 1)); if (empty($attribute)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Attribute not found or you are not authorised to see it.')); } $this->loadModel('Module'); $enabledModules = $this->Module->getEnabledModules($this->Auth->user(), false, $type); if (!is_array($enabledModules) || empty($enabledModules)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('No valid %s options found for this attribute.', $type)); } if ($this->request->is('ajax')) { $modules = array(); foreach ($enabledModules['modules'] as $module) { if (in_array($attribute[0]['Attribute']['type'], $module['mispattributes']['input'])) { $modules[] = array('name' => $module['name'], 'description' => $module['meta']['description']); } } foreach (array('attribute_id', 'modules') as $viewVar) { $this->set($viewVar, $$viewVar); } $this->set('type', $type); $this->render('ajax/enrichmentChoice'); } else { $options = array(); foreach ($enabledModules['modules'] as $temp) { if ($temp['name'] == $module) { $format = (!empty($temp['mispattributes']['format']) ? $temp['mispattributes']['format'] : 'simplified'); if (isset($temp['meta']['config'])) { foreach ($temp['meta']['config'] as $conf) { $options[$conf] = Configure::read('Plugin.' . $type . '_' . $module . '_' . $conf); } } break; } } $distributions = $this->Event->Attribute->distributionLevels; $sgs = $this->Event->SharingGroup->fetchAllAuthorised($this->Auth->user(), 'name', 1); if (empty($sgs)) { unset($distributions[4]); } $this->set('distributions', $distributions); $this->set('sgs', $sgs); if ($format == 'misp_standard') { $this->__queryEnrichment($attribute, $module, $options, $type); } else { $this->__queryOldEnrichment($attribute, $module, $options, $type); } } } private function __queryEnrichment($attribute, $module, $options, $type) { if ($this->Event->Attribute->typeIsAttachment($attribute[0]['Attribute']['type'])) { $attribute[0]['Attribute']['data'] = $this->Event->Attribute->base64EncodeAttachment($attribute[0]['Attribute']); } $event_id = $attribute[0]['Event']['id']; $data = array('module' => $module, 'attribute' => $attribute[0]['Attribute'], 'event_id' => $event_id); if (!empty($options)) { $data['config'] = $options; } $data = json_encode($data); $result = $this->Module->queryModuleServer('/query', $data, false, $type); if (!$result) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('%s service not reachable.', $type)); } if (isset($result['error'])) { $this->Flash->error($result['error']); } if (!is_array($result)) { throw new Exception($result); } $event = $this->Event->handleMispFormatFromModuleResult($result); if (empty($event['Attribute']) && empty($event['Object'])) { $this->__handleSimplifiedFormat($attribute, $module, $options, $result, $type); } else { $importComment = !empty($result['comment']) ? $result['comment'] : $attribute[0]['Attribute']['value'] . __(': Enriched via the ') . $module . ($type != 'Enrichment' ? ' ' . $type : '') . ' module'; $this->set('importComment', $importComment); $event['Event'] = $attribute[0]['Event']; $org_name = $this->Event->Orgc->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array('Orgc.id' => $event['Event']['orgc_id']), 'fields' => array('Orgc.name') )); $event['Event']['orgc_name'] = $org_name['Orgc']['name']; if ($attribute[0]['Object']['id']) { $object_id = $attribute[0]['Object']['id']; $initial_object = $this->Event->fetchInitialObject($event_id, $object_id); if (!empty($initial_object)) { $event['initialObject'] = $initial_object; } } $this->set('event', $event); $this->set('menuItem', 'enrichmentResults'); $this->set('title', 'Enrichment Results'); $this->render('resolved_misp_format'); } } private function __queryOldEnrichment($attribute, $module, $options, $type) { $data = array('module' => $module, $attribute[0]['Attribute']['type'] => $attribute[0]['Attribute']['value'], 'event_id' => $attribute[0]['Attribute']['event_id'], 'attribute_uuid' => $attribute[0]['Attribute']['uuid']); if ($this->Event->Attribute->typeIsAttachment($attribute[0]['Attribute']['type'])) { $data['data'] = $this->Event->Attribute->base64EncodeAttachment($attribute[0]['Attribute']); } if (!empty($options)) { $data['config'] = $options; } $data = json_encode($data); $result = $this->Module->queryModuleServer('/query', $data, false, $type); if (!$result) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('%s service not reachable.', $type)); } if (isset($result['error'])) { $this->Flash->error($result['error']); } if (!is_array($result)) { throw new Exception($result); } $this->__handleSimplifiedFormat($attribute, $module, $options, $result, $type); } private function __handleSimplifiedFormat($attribute, $module, $options, $result, $type, $event = false) { $resultArray = $this->Event->handleModuleResult($result, $attribute[0]['Attribute']['event_id']); if (!empty($result['comment'])) { $importComment = $result['comment']; } else { $importComment = $attribute[0]['Attribute']['value'] . __(': Enriched via the %s', $module) . ($type != 'Enrichment' ? ' ' . $type : '') . ' module'; } $typeCategoryMapping = array(); foreach ($this->Event->Attribute->categoryDefinitions as $k => $cat) { foreach ($cat['types'] as $type) { $typeCategoryMapping[$type][$k] = $k; } } foreach ($resultArray as $key => $result) { if ($has_pipe = strpos($result['default_type'], '|') !== false || $result['default_type'] === 'malware-sample') { $pieces = explode('|', $result['value']); $or = array('Attribute.value1' => $pieces, 'Attribute.value2' => $pieces); } else { $or = array('Attribute.value1' => $result['value'], 'Attribute.value2' => $result['value']); } $options = array( 'conditions' => array('OR' => $or), 'fields' => array('Attribute.type', 'Attribute.category', 'Attribute.value', 'Attribute.comment'), 'order' => false ); $resultArray[$key]['related'] = $this->Event->Attribute->fetchAttributes($this->Auth->user(), $options); if (isset($result['data'])) { App::uses('FileAccessTool', 'Tools'); $fileAccessTool = new FileAccessTool(); $tmpdir = Configure::read('MISP.tmpdir') ? Configure::read('MISP.tmpdir') : '/tmp'; $tempFile = $fileAccessTool->createTempFile($tmpdir, $prefix = 'MISP'); $fileAccessTool->writeToFile($tempFile, $result['data']); $resultArray[$key]['data'] = basename($tempFile) . '|' . filesize($tempFile); } } $this->set('type', $type); if (!$event){ $this->set('event', array('Event' => $attribute[0]['Event'])); } $this->set('resultArray', $resultArray); $this->set('typeList', array_keys($this->Event->Attribute->typeDefinitions)); $this->set('defaultCategories', $this->Event->Attribute->defaultCategories); $this->set('typeCategoryMapping', $typeCategoryMapping); $this->set('title', 'Enrichment Results'); $this->set('importComment', $importComment); $this->render('resolved_attributes'); } public function handleModuleResults($id) { if (!$this->request->is('post')) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException('This endpoint requires a POST request.'); } $event = $this->Event->fetchSimpleEvent($this->Auth->user(), $id); if (!$event) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event.')); } if (!$this->__canModifyEvent($event)) { throw new ForbiddenException(__('You don\'t have permission to do that.')); } $resolved_data = json_decode($this->request->data['Event']['JsonObject'], true); $data = json_decode($this->request->data['Event']['data'], true); if (!empty($data['initialObject'])) { $resolved_data['initialObject'] = $data['initialObject']; } unset($data); $default_comment = $this->request->data['Event']['default_comment']; $flashMessage = $this->Event->processModuleResultsDataRouter($this->Auth->user(), $resolved_data, $event['Event']['id'], $default_comment); $this->Flash->info($flashMessage); $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'events', 'action' => 'view', $event['Event']['id'])); } public function importModule($module, $eventId) { $event = $this->Event->fetchSimpleEvent($this->Auth->user(), $eventId); if (!$event) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event.')); } $eventId = $event['Event']['id']; $this->loadModel('Module'); $moduleName = $module; $module = $this->Module->getEnabledModule($module, 'Import'); if (!is_array($module)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException($module); } if (!isset($module['mispattributes']['inputSource'])) { $module['mispattributes']['inputSource'] = array('paste'); } if ($this->request->is('post')) { $fail = false; $modulePayload = array( 'module' => $module['name'], 'event_id' => $eventId, ); if (isset($module['meta']['config'])) { foreach ($module['meta']['config'] as $conf) { $modulePayload['config'][$conf] = Configure::read('Plugin.Import_' . $moduleName . '_' . $conf); } } if ($moduleName === 'csvimport') { if (empty($this->request->data['Event']['config']['header']) && $this->request->data['Event']['config']['has_header'] === '1') { $this->request->data['Event']['config']['header'] = ' '; } if (empty($this->request->data['Event']['config']['special_delimiter'])) { $this->request->data['Event']['config']['special_delimiter'] = ' '; } } foreach ($module['mispattributes']['userConfig'] as $configName => $config) { if (!$fail) { if (isset($config['validation'])) { if ($config['validation'] === '0' && $config['type'] == 'String') { $validation = true; } } else { $validation = call_user_func_array(array($this->Module, $this->Module->configTypes[$config['type']]['validation']), array($this->request->data['Event']['config'][$configName])); } if ($validation !== true) { $fail = ucfirst($configName) . ': ' . $validation; } else { if (isset($config['regex']) && !empty($config['regex'])) { $fail = preg_match($config['regex'], $this->request->data['Event']['config'][$configName]) ? false : ucfirst($configName) . ': ' . 'Invalid setting' . ($config['errorMessage'] ? ' - ' . $config['errorMessage'] : ''); if (!empty($fail)) { $modulePayload['config'][$configName] = $this->request->data['Event']['config'][$configName]; } } else { $modulePayload['config'][$configName] = $this->request->data['Event']['config'][$configName]; } } } } if (!$fail) { if (!empty($module['mispattributes']['inputSource'])) { if (!isset($this->request->data['Event']['source'])) { if (in_array('paste', $module['mispattributes']['inputSource'])) { $this->request->data['Event']['source'] = '0'; } else { $this->request->data['Event']['source'] = '1'; } } if ($this->request->data['Event']['source'] == '1') { if (isset($this->request->data['Event']['data'])) { $modulePayload['data'] = base64_decode($this->request->data['Event']['data']); } elseif (!isset($this->request->data['Event']['fileupload']) || empty($this->request->data['Event']['fileupload'])) { $fail = 'Invalid file upload.'; } else { $fileupload = $this->request->data['Event']['fileupload']; $tmpfile = new File($fileupload['tmp_name']); if ((isset($fileupload['error']) && $fileupload['error'] == 0) || (!empty($fileupload['tmp_name']) && $fileupload['tmp_name'] != 'none') && is_uploaded_file($tmpfile->path)) { $filename = basename($fileupload['name']); App::uses('FileAccessTool', 'Tools'); $modulePayload['data'] = (new FileAccessTool())->readFromFile($fileupload['tmp_name'], $fileupload['size']); } else { $fail = 'Invalid file upload.'; } } } else { $modulePayload['data'] = $this->request->data['Event']['paste']; } } else { $modulePayload['data'] = ''; } if (!$fail) { $modulePayload['data'] = base64_encode($modulePayload['data']); if (!empty($filename)) { $modulePayload['filename'] = $filename; } $result = $this->Module->queryModuleServer('/query', json_encode($modulePayload), false, $moduleFamily = 'Import'); if (!$result) { throw new Exception(__('Import service not reachable.')); } if (isset($result['error'])) { $this->Flash->error($result['error']); } if (!is_array($result)) { throw new Exception($result); } $importComment = !empty($result['comment']) ? $result['comment'] : 'Enriched via the ' . $module['name'] . ' module'; if (!empty($module['mispattributes']['format']) && $module['mispattributes']['format'] === 'misp_standard') { $event = $this->Event->handleMispFormatFromModuleResult($result); $event['Event'] = array('id' => $eventId); if ($this->_isRest()) { $this->Event->processModuleResultsDataRouter($this->Auth->user(), $event, $eventId, $importComment); return $this->RestResponse->viewData($event, $this->response->type()); } $this->set('event', $event); $this->set('menuItem', 'importResults'); $render_name = 'resolved_misp_format'; } else { $resultArray = $this->Event->handleModuleResult($result, $eventId); if ($this->_isRest()) { return $this->__pushFreetext( $resultArray, $event, false, false, 'soft' ); } $typeCategoryMapping = array(); foreach ($this->Event->Attribute->categoryDefinitions as $k => $cat) { foreach ($cat['types'] as $type) { $typeCategoryMapping[$type][$k] = $k; } } foreach ($resultArray as $key => $result) { if ($has_pipe = strpos($result['default_type'], '|') !== false || $result['default_type'] === 'malware-sample') { $pieces = explode('|', $result['value']); $or = array('Attribute.value1' => $pieces, 'Attribute.value2' => $pieces); } else { $or = array('Attribute.value1' => $result['value'], 'Attribute.value2' => $result['value']); } $options = array( 'conditions' => array('OR' => $or), 'fields' => array('Attribute.type', 'Attribute.category', 'Attribute.value', 'Attribute.comment'), 'order' => false ); $resultArray[$key]['related'] = $this->Event->Attribute->fetchAttributes($this->Auth->user(), $options); } $this->set('event', $event); $this->set('resultArray', $resultArray); $this->set('typeList', array_keys($this->Event->Attribute->typeDefinitions)); $this->set('defaultCategories', $this->Event->Attribute->defaultCategories); $this->set('typeCategoryMapping', $typeCategoryMapping); $render_name = 'resolved_attributes'; } $distributions = $this->Event->Attribute->distributionLevels; $sgs = $this->Event->SharingGroup->fetchAllAuthorised($this->Auth->user(), 'name', 1); if (empty($sgs)) { unset($distributions[4]); } $this->set('distributions', $distributions); $this->set('sgs', $sgs); $this->set('title', 'Import Results'); $this->set('importComment', $importComment); $this->render($render_name); } } else { $this->Flash->error($fail); } } $this->set('configTypes', $this->Module->configTypes); $this->set('module', $module); $this->set('eventId', $eventId); $this->set('event', $event); } public function exportModule($module, $id, $standard = false) { $result = $this->Event->export($this->Auth->user(), $module, array('eventid' => $id, 'standard' => $standard)); $this->response->body(base64_decode($result['data'])); $this->response->type($result['response']); $this->response->download('misp.event.' . $id . '.' . $module . '.export.' . $result['extension']); return $this->response; } public function toggleCorrelation($id) { if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin() && !Configure::read('MISP.allow_disabling_correlation')) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Disabling the correlation is not permitted on this instance.')); } $event = $this->Event->fetchSimpleEvent($this->Auth->user(), $id); if (empty($event)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event')); } if (!$this->__canModifyEvent($event)) { throw new ForbiddenException(__('You don\'t have permission to do that.')); } if ($this->request->is('post')) { if ($event['Event']['disable_correlation']) { $event['Event']['disable_correlation'] = 0; $this->Event->save($event); $this->Event->Attribute->generateCorrelation(false, 0, $event['Event']['id']); } else { $event['Event']['disable_correlation'] = 1; $this->Event->save($event); $this->Event->Attribute->purgeCorrelations($event['Event']['id']); } if ($this->_isRest()) { return $this->RestResponse->saveSuccessResponse('events', 'toggleCorrelation', $event['Event']['id'], false, 'Correlation ' . ($event['Event']['disable_correlation'] ? 'disabled' : 'enabled') . '.'); } else { $this->Flash->success('Correlation ' . ($event['Event']['disable_correlation'] ? 'disabled' : 'enabled') . '.'); $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'events', 'action' => 'view', $event['Event']['id'])); } } else { $this->set('event', $event); $this->render('ajax/toggle_correlation'); } } public function checkPublishedStatus($id) { $event = $this->Event->fetchSimpleEvent($this->Auth->user(), $id, ['fields' => 'Event.published']); if (empty($event)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event')); } return new CakeResponse(array('body' => $event['Event']['published'], 'status' => 200, 'type' => 'txt')); } // #TODO i18n public function pushEventToZMQ($id) { $id = $this->Toolbox->findIdByUuid($this->Event, $id); if ($this->request->is('Post')) { if (Configure::read('Plugin.ZeroMQ_enable')) { $pubSubTool = $this->Event->getPubSubTool(); $event = $this->Event->fetchEvent($this->Auth->user(), array('eventid' => $id)); if (!empty($event)) { $pubSubTool->publishEvent($event[0]); $success = 1; $message = 'Event published to ZMQ'; } else { $message = 'Invalid event.'; } } else { $message = 'ZMQ event publishing not enabled.'; } } else { $message = 'This functionality is only available via POST requests'; } if ($this->_isRest()) { return $this->RestResponse->saveSuccessResponse('Events', 'pushEventToZMQ', $id, $this->response->type(), $message); } else { if (!empty($success)) { $this->Flash->success($message); } else { $this->Flash->error($message); } $this->redirect($this->referer()); } } public function pushEventToKafka($id) { if ($this->request->is('Post')) { $message = 'Kafka event publishing not enabled.'; if (Configure::read('Plugin.Kafka_enable')) { $kafkaEventTopic = Configure::read('Plugin.Kafka_event_notifications_topic'); $event = $this->Event->quickFetchEvent(array('eventid' => $id)); if (Configure::read('Plugin.Kafka_event_notifications_enable') && !empty($kafkaEventTopic)) { $kafkaPubTool = $this->Event->getKafkaPubTool(); if (!empty($event)) { $kafkaPubTool->publishJson($kafkaEventTopic, $event, 'manual_publish'); $success = 1; $message = 'Event published to Kafka'; } else { $success = 0; $message = 'Invalid event.'; } } $kafkaPubTopic = Configure::read('Plugin.Kafka_event_publish_notifications_topic'); if (!empty($event['Event']['published']) && Configure::read('Plugin.Kafka_event_publish_notifications_enable') && !empty($kafkaPubTopic)) { $kafkaPubTool = $this->Event->getKafkaPubTool(); $params = array('eventid' => $id); if (Configure::read('Plugin.Kafka_include_attachments')) { $params['includeAttachments'] = 1; } $event = $this->Event->fetchEvent($this->Auth->user(), $params); if (!empty($event)) { $kafkaPubTool->publishJson($kafkaPubTopic, $event[0], 'manual_publish'); if (!isset($success)) { $success = 1; $message = 'Event published to Kafka'; } } else { $success = 0; $message = 'Invalid event.'; } } } } else { $message = 'This functionality is only available via POST requests'; } if ($this->_isRest()) { return $this->RestResponse->saveSuccessResponse('Events', 'pushEventToKafka', $id, $this->response->type(), $message); } else { if (!empty($success)) { $this->Flash->success($message); } else { $this->Flash->error($message); } $this->redirect($this->referer()); } } public function getEventInfoById($id) { if (empty($id)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid ID.')); } $event = $this->Event->fetchSimpleEvent($this->Auth->user(), $id, [ 'fields' => ['Event.id', 'Event.info', 'Event.threat_level_id', 'Event.analysis'], 'contain' => ['EventTag' => ['Tag.id', 'Tag.name', 'Tag.colour'], 'ThreatLevel.name'], ]); if ($this->_isRest()) { return $this->RestResponse->viewData($event, $this->response->type()); } else { if ($this->request->is('ajax')) { $this->layout = 'ajax'; } $this->set('analysisLevels', $this->Event->analysisLevels); $this->set('validUuid', Validation::uuid($id)); $this->set('id', $id); $this->set('event', $event); } } public function enrichEvent($id) { $event = $this->Event->fetchSimpleEvent($this->Auth->user(), $id); if (empty($event)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid Event')); } if (!$this->__canModifyEvent($event)) { throw new ForbiddenException(__('You do not have permission to do that.')); } $this->Event->insertLock($this->Auth->user(), $event['Event']['id']); if ($this->request->is('post')) { $modules = array(); if (!isset($this->request->data['Event'])) { $this->request->data = array('Event' => $this->request->data); } foreach ($this->request->data['Event'] as $module => $enabled) { if ($enabled) { $modules[] = $module; } } $result = $this->Event->enrichmentRouter(array( 'user' => $this->Auth->user(), 'event_id' => $event['Event']['id'], 'modules' => $modules )); if ($this->_isRest()) { } else { if ($result === true) { $result = __('Enrichment task queued for background processing. Check back later to see the results.'); } $this->Flash->success($result); $this->redirect('/events/view/' . $id); } } else { $this->loadModel('Module'); $modules = $this->Module->getEnabledModules($this->Auth->user(), 'expansion'); $this->layout = 'ajax'; $this->set('modules', $modules); $this->render('ajax/enrich_event'); } } public function checkLocks($id) { $this->loadModel('EventLock'); $event = $this->Event->find('first', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array('Event.id' => $id), 'fields' => array('Event.orgc_id') )); $locks = array(); if (!empty($event) && ($event['Event']['orgc_id'] == $this->Auth->user('org_id') || $this->_isSiteAdmin())) { $locks = $this->EventLock->checkLock($this->Auth->user(), $id); } if (!empty($locks)) { $temp = $locks; $locks = array(); foreach ($temp as $t) { if ($t['User']['id'] !== $this->Auth->user('id')) { if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin() && $t['User']['org_id'] != $this->Auth->user('org_id')) { continue; } $locks[] = $t['User']['email']; } } } // TODO: i18n if (!empty($locks)) { $message = sprintf('Warning: Your view on this event might not be up to date as it is currently being edited by: %s', implode(', ', $locks)); $this->set('message', $message); $this->layout = false; $this->render('/Events/ajax/event_lock'); } else { return $this->RestResponse->viewData('', $this->response->type(), false, true); } } public function getEditStrategy($id) { // find the id of the event, change $id to it and proceed to read the event as if the ID was entered. if (Validation::uuid($id)) { $this->Event->recursive = -1; $event = $this->Event->find('first', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array('Event.uuid' => $id), 'fields' => array('Event.id', 'Event.uuid', 'Event.orgc_id') )); if ($event == null) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event')); } $id = $event['Event']['id']; } elseif (!is_numeric($id)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event')); } else { $event = $this->Event->find('first', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array('Event.id' => $id), 'fields' => array('Event.id', 'Event.uuid', 'Event.orgc_id') )); } if (empty($event)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event')); } $response = array('extensions' => array()); if ($event['Event']['orgc_id'] === $this->Auth->user('org_id')) { $response['strategy'] = 'edit'; } else { $response['strategy'] = 'extend'; } $extendedEvents = $this->Event->find('all', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('Event.id', 'Event.info', 'Event.uuid'), 'conditions' => array( 'Event.extends_uuid' => $event['Event']['uuid'], 'Event.orgc_id' => $this->Auth->user('org_id') ) )); foreach ($extendedEvents as $extendedEvent) { $response['extensions'][] = $extendedEvent['Event']; } return $this->RestResponse->viewData($response, $this->response->type()); } public function upload_analysis_file($eventId) { $data = array(); $this->set('eventId', $eventId); $this->set('file_uploaded', "0"); $this->set('file_name', ""); if (!$this->userRole['perm_modify']) { throw new UnauthorizedException('You do not have permission to do that.'); } if ($this->request->is('post') && !empty($this->request['data']['Event']['analysis_file']['name'])) { $this->set('file_uploaded', "1"); $this->set('file_name', $this->request['data']['Event']['analysis_file']['name']); $this->set('file_content', file_get_contents($this->request['data']['Event']['analysis_file']['tmp_name'])); //$result = $this->Event->upload_mactime($this->Auth->user(), ); } elseif ($this->request->is('post') && $this->request['data']['SelectedData']['mactime_data']) { // Find the event that is to be updated if (Validation::uuid($eventId)) { $eventFindParams['conditions']['Event.uuid'] = $eventId; } elseif (is_numeric($eventId)) { $eventFindParams['conditions']['Event.id'] = $eventId; } else { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event.')); } $event = $this->Event->find('first', $eventFindParams); if (empty($event) || (!$this->_isSiteAdmin() && $event['Event']['orgc_id'] != $this->Auth->user('org_id'))) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event.')); } $eventId = $event['Event']['id']; $fileName = $this->request['data']['SelectedData']['mactime_file_name']; $fileData = $this->request['data']['SelectedData']['mactime_file_content']; $object = array(); $data = json_decode($this->request['data']['SelectedData']['mactime_data'], true); $firstObject = 1; foreach ($data as $objectData) { $object['Object'] = array( 'name' => 'mactime-timeline-analysis', 'meta-category' => 'file', 'description' => 'Mactime template, used in forensic investigations to describe the timeline of a file activity', 'template_version' => 1, 'template_uuid' => '9297982e-be62-4772-a665-c91f5a8d639' ); $object['Attribute'] = array( [ "event_id" => $eventId, "category"=> "Other", "type" => "text", "to_ids" => false, "distribution" => "5", "object_relation" => "filepath", "value" => $objectData['filepath'] ], [ "event_id" => $eventId, "category" => "Other", "type" => "datetime", "to_ids" => false, "distribution" => "5", "object_relation" => "datetime", "value" => $objectData['time_accessed'] ], [ "event_id" => $eventId, "category" => "Other", "type" => "text", "to_ids" => false, "distribution" => "5", "object_relation" => "fileSize", "value" => $objectData['file_size'] ], [ "event_id" => $eventId, "category" => "Other", "type" => "text", "to_ids" => false, "distribution" => "5", "object_relation" => "activityType", "value" => $objectData['activity_type'] ], [ "event_id" => $eventId, "category" => "Other", "type" => "text", "to_ids" => false, "distribution" => "5", "object_relation" => "filePermissions", "value" => $objectData['permissions'] ], [ "event_id" => $eventId, "category" => "External analysis", "type" => "attachment", "to_ids" => false, "distribution" => "5", "object_relation" => "file", "value" => $fileName, "data" => base64_encode($fileData), "comment" => "Mactime source file" ] ); $this->loadModel('MispObject'); $ObjectResult = $this->MispObject->saveObject($object, $eventId, "", ""); $temp = $this->MispObject->ObjectReference->Object->find('first', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('Object.uuid','Object.id'), 'conditions' => array('Object.id' =>$ObjectResult) )); if ($firstObject === 0) { $objectRef['referenced_id'] = $PreviousObjRef['Object']['id']; $objectRef['referenced_uuid'] = $PreviousObjRef['Object']['uuid']; $objectRef['object_id'] = $ObjectResult; $objectRef['relationship_type'] = "preceded-by"; $this->loadModel('MispObject'); $result = $this->MispObject->ObjectReference->captureReference($objectRef, $eventId, $this->Auth->user(), false); $objectRef['referenced_id'] = $temp['Object']['id']; $objectRef['referenced_uuid'] = $temp['Object']['uuid']; $objectRef['object_id'] = $PreviousObjRef['Object']['id']; $objectRef['relationship_type'] = "followed-by"; $this->loadModel('MispObject'); $result = $this->MispObject->ObjectReference->captureReference($objectRef, $eventId, $this->Auth->user(), false); $PreviousObjRef = $temp; } else { $PreviousObjRef = $temp; $firstObject = 0; } } $this->redirect('/events/view/' . $eventId); } } public function cullEmptyEvents() { $eventIds = $this->Event->find('list', array( 'conditions' => array('Event.published' => 1), 'fields' => array('Event.id', 'Event.uuid'), 'recursive' => -1 )); $count = 0; $this->Event->skipBlocklist = true; foreach ($eventIds as $eventId => $eventUuid) { $result = $this->Event->Attribute->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array('Attribute.event_id' => $eventId), 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('Attribute.id', 'Attribute.event_id') )); if (empty($result)) { $this->Event->delete($eventId); $count++; } } $this->Event->skipBlocklist = null; $message = __('%s event(s) deleted.', $count); if ($this->_isRest()) { return $this->RestResponse->viewData($message, $this->response->type()); } else { $this->Flash->success($message); $this->redirect($this->referer()); } } public function restoreDeletedEvents($force = false) { $startDate = '2020-07-31 00:00:00'; $this->loadModel('AdminSetting'); $endDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->AdminSetting->getSetting('fix_login')); if (empty($endDate)) { $endDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); } $this->loadModel('Log'); $redis = $this->Event->setupRedis(); if ($force || ($redis && !$redis->exists('misp:event_recovery'))) { $deleted_events = $this->Log->findDeletedEvents(['created BETWEEN ? AND ?' => [$startDate, $endDate]]); $redis->set('misp:event_recovery', json_encode($deleted_events)); $redis->expire('misp:event_recovery', 600); } else { $deleted_events = json_decode($redis->get('misp:event_recovery'), true); } if ($this->_isRest()) { return $this->RestResponse->viewData($deleted_events, 'json'); } else { $this->set('data', $deleted_events); } } public function recoverEvent($id, $mock = false) { if ($mock || !Configure::read('MISP.background_jobs')) { if ($this->request->is('post')) { $this->loadModel('Log'); $result = $this->Log->recoverDeletedEvent($id, $mock); if ($mock) { $message = __('Recovery simulation complete. Event #%s can be recovered using %s log entries.', $id, $result); } else { $message = __('Recovery complete. Event #%s recovered, using %s log entries.', $id, $result); } if ($this->_isRest()) { if ($mock) { $results = $this->Log->mockLog; } else { $results = $this->Event->fetchEvent($this->Auth->user(), ['eventid' => $id]); } return $this->RestResponse->viewData($results, $this->response->type()); } else { $this->Flash->success($message); if (!$mock) { $this->redirect(['action' => 'restoreDeletedEvents']); } } } else { $message = __('This action is only accessible via POST requests.'); if ($this->_isRest()) { return $this->RestResponse->viewData(array('message' => $message, 'error' => true), $this->response->type()); } else { $this->Flash->error($message); } $this->redirect(['action' => 'restoreDeletedEvents']); } $this->set('data', $this->Log->mockLog); } else { if ($this->request->is('post')) { $job_type = 'recover_event'; $function = 'recoverEvent'; $message = __('Bootstraping recovering of event %s', $id); $job = ClassRegistry::init('Job'); $job->create(); $data = array( 'worker' => $this->Event->__getPrioWorkerIfPossible(), 'job_type' => $job_type, 'job_input' => sprintf('Event ID: %s', $id), 'status' => 0, 'retries' => 0, 'org_id' => 0, 'org' => 'ADMIN', 'message' => $message ); $job->save($data); $jobId = $job->id; $process_id = CakeResque::enqueue( 'prio', 'EventShell', array($function, $jobId, $id), true ); $job->saveField('process_id', $process_id); $message = __('Recover event job queued. Job ID: %s', $jobId); if ($this->_isRest()) { return $this->RestResponse->viewData(array('message' => $message), $this->response->type()); } else { $this->Flash->success($message); } } else { $message = __('This action is only accessible via POST requests.'); if ($this->_isRest()) { return $this->RestResponse->viewData(array('message' => $message, 'error' => true), $this->response->type()); } else { $this->Flash->error($message); } } $this->redirect(['action' => 'restoreDeletedEvents']); } } }