array( 'type' => 'cache_exports', 'timer' => 0, 'scheduled_time' => '12:00', 'job_id' => 0, 'description' => 'Generates export caches for every export type and for every organisation. This process is heavy, schedule so it might be a good idea to schedule this outside of working hours and before your daily automatic imports on connected services are scheduled.', 'next_execution_time' => 1391601600, 'message' => 'Not scheduled yet.' ), 'pull_all' => array( 'type' => 'pull_all', 'timer' => 0, 'scheduled_time' => '12:00', 'job_id' => 0, 'description' => 'Initiates a full pull for all eligible instances.', 'next_execution_time' => 1391601600, 'message' => 'Not scheduled yet.' ), 'push_all' => array( 'type' => 'push_all', 'timer' => 0, 'scheduled_time' => '12:00', 'job_id' => 0, 'description' => 'Initiates a full push for all eligible instances.', 'next_execution_time' => 1391601600, 'message' => 'Not scheduled yet.' ) ); // takes a time in the 24h format (13:49) and an integer representing the number of hours // by which it needs to be incremeneted. Returns a string in the first parameters format public function breakTime($time, $timeToAdd) { $temp = explode(':', $time); $hours = $timeToAdd%24; $temp[0] = $temp[0] + $hours; if ($temp[0] > 23) $temp[0] = $temp[0] - 24; return $temp[0] . ':' . $temp[1]; } public function reQueue($task, $worker, $shell, $action, $userId, $taskId) { $time = time(); // Keep adding the timer's time interval until we get a date that is in the future! We don't want to keep queuing tasks in the past since they will execute until it catches up. while ($task['Task']['next_execution_time'] < $time) { $task['Task']['next_execution_time'] = strtotime('+' . $task['Task']['timer'] . ' hours', $task['Task']['next_execution_time']); } $task['Task']['scheduled_time'] = $this->breakTime($task['Task']['scheduled_time'], $task['Task']['timer']); $task['Task']['scheduled_time'] = date('H:i', $task['Task']['next_execution_time']); // Now that we have figured out when the next execution should happen, it's time to enqueue it. $process_id = CakeResque::enqueueAt( $task['Task']['next_execution_time'], $worker, $shell, array($action, $task['Task']['next_execution_time'],$userId, $taskId), true ); $task['Task']['job_id'] = $process_id; $this->id = $task['Task']['id']; $this->save($task); } }