addSubcommand('list', [ 'help' => __('Get list of user accounts.'), 'parser' => [ 'options' => [ 'json' => ['help' => __('Output as JSON.'), 'boolean' => true], ], ] ]); $parser->addSubcommand('authkey', [ 'help' => __('Get information about given authkey.'), 'parser' => [ 'arguments' => [ 'authkey' => ['help' => __('Authentication key. If not provide, it will be read from STDIN.')], ], ] ]); $parser->addSubcommand('block', [ 'help' => __('Immediately block user.'), 'parser' => [ 'arguments' => [ 'userId' => ['help' => __('User ID or e-mail address.'), 'required' => true], ], ], ]); $parser->addSubcommand('unblock', [ 'help' => __('Unblock blocked user.'), 'parser' => [ 'arguments' => [ 'userId' => ['help' => __('User ID or e-mail address.'), 'required' => true], ], ], ]); $parser->addSubcommand('change_pw', [ 'help' => __('Change user password.'), 'parser' => [ 'arguments' => [ 'userId' => ['help' => __('User ID or e-mail address.'), 'required' => true], 'password' => ['help' => __('New user password.'), 'required' => true], ], 'options' => [ 'no_password_change' => ['help' => __('Do not require password change.'), 'boolean' => true], ], ], ]); $parser->addSubcommand('change_authkey', [ 'help' => __('Change authkey. When advanced authkeys are enabled, old authkeys will be disabled.'), 'parser' => [ 'arguments' => [ 'userId' => ['help' => __('User ID or e-mail address.'), 'required' => true], ], ], ]); $parser->addSubcommand('user_ips', [ 'help' => __('Show IP addresses that user uses to access MISP.'), 'parser' => [ 'arguments' => [ 'userId' => ['help' => __('User ID or e-mail address.'), 'required' => true], ], 'options' => [ 'json' => ['help' => __('Output as JSON.'), 'boolean' => true], ], ], ]); $parser->addSubcommand('ip_user', [ 'help' => __('Get user ID for user IP. If multiple users use the same IP, only last user ID will be returned.'), 'parser' => [ 'arguments' => [ 'ip' => ['help' => __('IPv4 or IPv6 address.'), 'required' => true], ], 'options' => [ 'json' => ['help' => __('Output as JSON.'), 'boolean' => true], ], ], ]); return $parser; } public function list() { if ($this->params['json']) { // do not fetch sensitive or big values $schema = $this->User->schema(); unset($schema['authkey']); unset($schema['password']); unset($schema['gpgkey']); unset($schema['certif_public']); $fields = array_keys($schema); $fields[] = 'Role.*'; $fields[] = 'Organisation.*'; $users = $this->User->find('all', [ 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => $fields, 'contain' => ['Organisation', 'Role', 'UserSetting'], ]); $this->out($this->json($users)); } else { $users = $this->User->find('column', [ 'fields' => ['email'], ]); foreach ($users as $user) { $this->out($user); } } } public function authkey() { if (isset($this->args[0])) { $authkey = $this->args[0]; } else { $authkey = fgets(STDIN); // read line from STDIN } $authkey = trim($authkey); if (strlen($authkey) !== 40) { $this->error('Authkey has not valid format.'); } if (Configure::read('Security.advanced_authkeys')) { $user = $this->User->AuthKey->getAuthUserByAuthKey($authkey, true); if (empty($user)) { $this->error("Given authkey doesn't belong to any user."); } $isExpired = $user['authkey_expiration'] && $user['authkey_expiration'] < time(); $this->out($this->json([ 'user_id' => $user['id'], 'email' => $user['email'], 'org_id' => $user['org_id'], 'authkey_id' => $user['authkey_id'], 'authkey_expiration' => $user['authkey_expiration'], 'authkey_expired' => $isExpired, 'allowed_ips' => $user['allowed_ips'], 'authkey_read_only' => $user['authkey_read_only'], ])); $this->_stop($isExpired ? 2 : 0); } else { $user = $this->User->getAuthUserByAuthkey($authkey); if (empty($user)) { $this->error("Given authkey doesn't belong to any user."); } $this->out($this->json([ 'user_id' => $user['id'], 'email' => $user['email'], 'org_id' => $user['org_id'], ])); } } public function block() { list($userId) = $this->args; $user = $this->getUser($userId); if ($user['disabled']) { $this->error("User $userId is already blocked."); } $this->User->updateField($user, 'disabled', true); $this->out("User $userId blocked."); } public function unblock() { list($userId) = $this->args; $user = $this->getUser($userId); if (!$user['disabled']) { $this->error("User $userId is not blocked."); } $this->User->updateField($user, 'disabled', false); $this->out("User $userId unblocked."); } public function change_pw() { list($userId, $newPassword) = $this->args; $user = $this->getUser($userId); $user['password'] = $newPassword; $user['confirm_password'] = $newPassword; $user['change_pw'] = !$this->params['no_password_change']; if (!$this->User->save($user)) { $this->out("Could not update password for user $userId."); $this->out($this->json($this->User->validationErrors)); $this->_stop(self::CODE_ERROR); } $this->out("Password for $userId changed."); } public function change_authkey() { list($userId) = $this->args; $user = $this->getUser($userId); if (empty(Configure::read('Security.advanced_authkeys'))) { $oldKey = $user['authkey']; $newkey = $this->User->generateAuthKey(); $this->User->updateField($user, 'authkey', $newkey); $this->Log->createLogEntry('SYSTEM', 'reset_auth_key', 'User', $user['id'], __('Authentication key for user %s (%s) updated.', $user['id'], $user['email']), ['authkey' => [$oldKey, $newkey]] ); $this->out("Authentication key changed to: $newkey"); } else { $newkey = $this->User->AuthKey->resetAuthKey($user['id']); if ($newkey) { $this->out("Old authentication keys disabled and new key created: $newkey"); } else { $this->error('There is problem with changing auth key.'); } } } public function user_ips() { list($userId) = $this->args; $user = $this->getUser($userId); if (empty(Configure::read('MISP.log_user_ips'))) { $this->out('Storing user IP addresses is disabled.'); } $ips = $this->User->setupRedisWithException()->smembers('misp:user_ip:' . $user['id']); if ($this->params['json']) { $this->out($this->json($ips)); } else { $this->hr(); $this->out("User #{$user['id']}: {$user['email']}"); $this->hr(); $this->out(implode(PHP_EOL, $ips)); } } public function ip_user() { list($ip) = $this->args; if (!filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { $this->error("IP `$ip` is not valid IPv4 or IPv6 address"); } if (empty(Configure::read('MISP.log_user_ips'))) { $this->out('Storing user IP addresses is disabled.'); } $userId = $this->User->setupRedisWithException()->get('misp:ip_user:' . $ip); if (empty($userId)) { $this->out('No hits.'); $this->_stop(); } $user = $this->User->find('first', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array('' => $userId), 'fields' => ['id', 'email'], )); if (empty($user)) { $this->error("User with ID $userId doesn't exists anymore."); } if ($this->params['json']) { $this->out($this->json([ 'ip' => $ip, 'id' => $user['User']['id'], 'email' => $user['User']['email'], ])); } else { $this->out(sprintf( '%s==============================%sIP: %s%s==============================%sUser #%s: %s%s==============================%s', PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL, $ip, PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL, $user['User']['id'], $user['User']['email'], PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL )); } } /** * @param string|int $userId * @return array */ private function getUser($userId) { // Do not fetch password from database $schema = $this->User->schema(); unset($schema['password']); $conditions = is_numeric($userId) ? ['' => $userId] : ['' => $userId]; $user = $this->User->find('first', [ 'conditions' => $conditions, 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array_keys($schema), ]); if (empty($user)) { $this->error("User `$userId` not found."); } return $user['User']; } }