#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' by Christophe Vandeplas Takes the MISP categories and types and saves them in the MISP-book, misp-website and PyMISP format. # TODO - do some more data-validation between the mappings and defaults, and alert if we're missing something ''' import json import os import re import subprocess def order_dict(dictionary): result = {} for k, v in sorted(dictionary.items()): if isinstance(v, dict): result[k] = order_dict(v) elif isinstance(v, list): result[k] = sorted(v) else: result[k] = v return result def make_matrix_header(pos, max_cols): out = [] out.append('|Category|') cur_pos = 0 for category in categories: cur_pos += 1 # skip if we are not there yet if cur_pos < pos + 1: continue # skip if we have reached the max cols if cur_pos > pos + max_cols: continue # we are in the right range out.append(' {} |'.format(category.replace('|', '|'))) out.append('\n') out.append('| --- |') cur_pos = 0 for category in categories: cur_pos += 1 # skip if we are not there yet if cur_pos < pos + 1: continue # skip if we have reached the max cols if cur_pos > pos + max_cols: continue # we are in the right range out.append(':---:|') out.append('\n') return out def make_matrix_content(pos, max_cols): out = [] for t in types: cur_pos = 0 out.append('|{}|'.format(t.replace('|', '|'))) for category in categories: cur_pos += 1 # skip if we are not there yet if cur_pos < pos + 1: continue # skip if we have reached the max cols if cur_pos > pos + max_cols: continue # we are in the right range if t in category_definitions[category]['types']: out.append(' X |') else: out.append(' |') out.append('\n') return out def jq_file(fname): p1 = subprocess.Popen(['jq', '.', fname], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = p1.stdout.read() with open(fname, 'wb') as f: f.write(output) # verify if the folders exist before continuing folders = ['PyMISP', 'misp-book', 'misp-website', 'misp-rfc'] for folder in folders: if not os.path.isdir('../../' + folder): exit("Make sure you git clone all the folders before running the script: {}".format(folders)) # Extract categoryDefinitions and typeDefinitions ################################################# # We do this by: # - reading out the PHP file # - extracting the variables in PHP code # - using PHP to convert it to a JSON # - read the JSON in python with open('../app/Model/Attribute.php', 'r') as f: attribute_php_file = f.read() re_match = re.search(r'function generateCategoryDefinitions\(\)\s*{\s*return(.*?\));\s*}', attribute_php_file, flags=re.MULTILINE + re.DOTALL) php_code_template = ''' function __($s) {{ return $s; }} echo json_encode({}); ''' php_code = php_code_template.format(re_match.group(1)) category_definitions_binary = subprocess.run(['php', '-r', php_code], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout category_definitions = json.loads(category_definitions_binary.decode('utf-8')) categories = list(category_definitions.keys()) categories.sort() re_match = re.search(r'function generateTypeDefinitions\(\)\s*{\s*return(.*?\));\s*}', attribute_php_file, flags=re.MULTILINE + re.DOTALL) php_code = php_code_template.format(re_match.group(1)) type_definitions_binary = subprocess.run(['php', '-r', php_code], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout type_definitions = json.loads(type_definitions_binary.decode('utf-8')) types = list(type_definitions.keys()) types.sort() # Generate matrix and list ########################## matrix_and_list = [] # build the matrix col_count = len(categories) col_max = 6 col_pos = 0 while col_pos < col_count: # make the header matrix_and_list += make_matrix_header(col_pos, col_max) # make the content matrix_and_list += make_matrix_content(col_pos, col_max) matrix_and_list.append('\n') col_pos += col_max # build the Categories list matrix_and_list.append("\n### Categories\n\n") for category in categories: matrix_and_list.append("* **{}**: {}\n".format(category.replace('|', '|'), category_definitions[category]['desc'].replace('|', '|'))) # build the Types list matrix_and_list.append("\n### Types\n\n") for t in types: matrix_and_list.append("* **{}**: {}\n".format(t.replace('|', '|'), type_definitions[t]['desc'].replace('|', '|'))) # MISP-book ############# # overwrite full file print("Updating MISP book - ../misp-book/categories-and-types/README.md") misp_book = ('\n' '\n' '### Attribute Categories vs. Types\n\n') misp_book += ''.join(matrix_and_list) with open('../../misp-book/categories-and-types/README.md', 'w') as f: f.write(misp_book) # MISP-website ############## # Replace the select content of the file # Find the offset of the start header: "### MISP default attributes and categories" # Find the offset of the end/next header: "## MISP objects" # Replace our new content in between print("Updating MISP website - ../../misp-website/_pages/datamodels.md") misp_website = [] store_lines = True with open('../../misp-website/_pages/datamodels.md', 'r') as f: for line in f: # start marker if store_lines: misp_website.append(line) if line.startswith('### MISP default attributes and categories'): store_lines = False misp_website.append('\n### Attribute Categories vs. Types\n\n') misp_website += matrix_and_list misp_website.append('\n') elif line.startswith('## MISP objects'): store_lines = True misp_website.append(line) with open('../../misp-website/_pages/datamodels.md', 'w') as f: f.write(''.join(misp_website)) # MISP-rfc ########## # Replace the select content of the file # Find the offset of the start header: "The list of valid category-type combinations is as follows:" # Find the offset of the end/next header: "Attributes are based on the usage within their different communities" # Replace our new content in between print("Updating MISP RFC - ../../misp-rfc/misp-core-format/raw.md") misp_rfc = [] rfc_list = [] for category in categories: rfc_list.append('\n{}\n'.format(category)) rfc_list.append(': ') rfc_list.append(', '.join(category_definitions[category]['types'])) rfc_list.append('\n') with open('../../misp-rfc/misp-core-format/raw.md', 'r') as f: for line in f: # start marker if store_lines: misp_rfc.append(line) if 'The list of valid category-type combinations is as follows:' in line: store_lines = False misp_rfc += rfc_list misp_rfc.append('\n') elif 'Attributes are based on the usage within their different communities' in line: store_lines = True misp_rfc.append(line) with open('../../misp-rfc/misp-core-format/raw.md', 'w') as f: f.write(''.join(misp_rfc)) # PyMISP ######## print("Updating PyMISP - ../../PyMISP/pymisp/data/describeTypes.json") describe_types = {'result': {}} describe_types['result']['types'] = types describe_types['result']['categories'] = categories describe_types['result']['category_type_mappings'] = {} for category in categories: describe_types['result']['category_type_mappings'][category] = category_definitions[category]['types'] describe_types['result']['sane_defaults'] = {} for t in types: if t not in describe_types['result']['sane_defaults']: describe_types['result']['sane_defaults'][t] = {} describe_types['result']['sane_defaults'][t]['default_category'] = type_definitions[t]['default_category'] describe_types['result']['sane_defaults'][t]['to_ids'] = type_definitions[t]['to_ids'] describe_types = order_dict(describe_types) with open('../../PyMISP/pymisp/data/describeTypes.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(describe_types, f, sort_keys=True, indent=2) f.write('\n') jq_file('../../PyMISP/pymisp/data/describeTypes.json') # misp-objects ############## print("Updating misp-objects - ../../misp-objects/schema_objects.json") with open('../../misp-objects/schema_objects.json') as f: schema_objects = json.load(f) schema_objects['defs']['attribute']['properties']['misp-attribute']['enum'] = types schema_objects['defs']['attribute']['properties']['categories']['items']['enum'] = categories with open('../../misp-objects/schema_objects.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(schema_objects, f, sort_keys=True, indent=2) f.write('\n') jq_file('../../misp-objects/schema_objects.json') # print(types) # print(categories) print("\nPlease initiate the git commit and push for each repository!") print("- misp-book") print("- misp-website") print("- misp-rfc") print("- PyMISP") print("- misp-objects")