
Results for all attributes"; if ($keywordSearch != null) echo " with the value containing \"" . h($keywordSearch) . "\""; if ($keywordSearch2 != null) echo " from the events \"" . h($keywordSearch2) . "\""; if ($categorySearch != "ALL") echo " of category \"" . h($categorySearch) . "\""; if ($typeSearch != "ALL") echo " of type \"" . h($typeSearch) . "\""; if (isset($orgSearch) && $orgSearch != '' && $orgSearch != null) echo " created by the organisation \"" . h($orgSearch) . "\""; echo ":"; } ?> > Paginator->sort('IDS');?> Highlight->build_replace_pairs($keywordArray); } } foreach ($attributes as $attribute): ?>
Paginator->sort('event_id');?> Paginator->sort('orgc', 'Org');?> Paginator->sort('category');?> Paginator->sort('type');?> Paginator->sort('value');?> Paginator->sort('comment');?> Actions
Html->image('orgs/' . h($attribute['Event']['orgc']) . '.png', array('alt' => h($attribute['Event']['orgc']), 'title' => h($attribute['Event']['orgc']), 'style' => 'width:24px; height:24px')); else echo $this->Html->tag('span', h($attribute['Event']['orgc']), array('class' => 'welcome', 'style' => 'float:left;')); ?>       Highlight->highlighter($sigDisplay, $replacePairs); } if ('attachment' == $attribute['Attribute']['type'] || 'malware-sample' == $attribute['Attribute']['type']) { ?>    

Paginator->counter(array( 'format' => __('Page {:page} of {:pages}, showing {:current} records out of {:count} total, starting on record {:start}, ending on {:end}') )); ?>

element('side_menu', array('menuList' => 'event-collection', 'menuItem' => $class)); ?>