Freetext Import Results

Below you can see the attributes that are to be created based on the results of the free-text import. Make sure that the categories and the types are correct, often several options will be offered based on an inconclusive automatic resolution.

Form->create('Attribute', array('url' => '/events/saveFreeText/' . $event_id)); foreach ($resultArray as $k => $item): ?> Form->input('Attribute.' . $k . '.save', array( 'label' => false, 'style' => 'display:none;', 'value' => 1, )); echo $this->Form->input('Attribute.' . $k . '.value', array( 'label' => false, 'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => h($item['value']), )); ?>
Value Category Type IDS Actions
Form->input('Attribute.' . $k . '.category', array( 'label' => false, 'style' => 'padding:0px;height:20px;margin-bottom:0px;', 'options' => $typeCategoryMapping[$item['default_type']], 'value' => $default, )); ?> Form->input('Attribute.' . $k . '.type', array( 'label' => false, 'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $item['default_type'], )); } else { echo $this->Form->input('Attribute.' . $k . '.type', array( 'label' => false, 'style' => 'padding:0px;height:20px;margin-bottom:0px;', 'options' => $item['types'], 'value' => $item['default_type'], )); } ?> Form->input('Attribute.' . $k . '.to_ids', array( 'label' => false, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'checked' => $item['to_ids'], )); ?>
Form->button('Submit', array('class' => 'btn btn-inverse')); echo $this->Form->end(); ?>
element('side_menu', array('menuList' => 'regexp', 'menuItem' => 'index')); ?>