1, 'Security' => array ( 'level' => 'medium', 'salt' => 'Rooraenietu8Eeyo '', //'auth'=>array('CertAuth.Certificate'), // additional authentication methods ), 'MISP' => array ( 'baseurl' => 'http://misp.local', 'footerpart1' => 'Powered by MISP', 'footerpart2' => '© Belgian Defense CERT & NCIRC', 'org' => 'ORGNAME', 'showorg' => true, 'background_jobs' => false, 'email' => 'email@address.com', 'contact' => 'email@address.com', 'cveurl' => 'http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=', 'disablerestalert' => false, 'default_event_distribution' => '0', 'default_attribute_distribution' => 'event', 'tagging' => true, 'full_tags_on_event_index' => true, 'footer_logo' => '', 'take_ownership_xml_import' => false, 'unpublishedprivate' => false, ), 'GnuPG' => array ( 'onlyencrypted' => false, 'email' => '', 'homedir' => '', 'password' => '', 'bodyonlyencrypted' => false, ), 'Proxy' => array ( 'host' => '', 'port' => '', 'method' => '', 'user' => '', 'password' => '', ), 'SecureAuth' => array ( 'amount' => 5, 'expire' => 300, ), // Uncomment the following to enable client SSL certificate authentication /* 'CertAuth' => array( 'ca' => array( 'FIRST.Org' ), // allowed CAs 'caId' => 'O', // which attribute will be used to verify the CA 'userModel' => 'User', // name of the User class to check if user exists 'userModelKey' => 'nids_sid', // User field that will be used for querying 'map' => array( // maps client certificate attributes to User properties 'O' => 'org', 'emailAddress'=>'email', ), 'syncUser' => true, // should the User be synchronized with an external REST API 'userDefaults'=> array( // default user attributes, only used when creating new users 'role_id' => 4, ), 'restApi' => array( // API parameters 'url' => 'https://example.com/data/users', // URL to query 'headers' => array(), // additional headers, used for authentication 'param' => array( 'email' => 'email'), // query parameters to add to the URL, mapped to USer properties 'map' => array( // maps REST result to the User properties 'uid' => 'nids_sid', 'team' => 'org', 'email' => 'email', 'pgp_public'=> 'gpgkey', ), ), ), */ );