array( // TODO Audit, logable 'userModel' => 'User', 'userKey' => 'user_id', 'change' => 'full'), 'Containable', ); public $validate = array( 'referenced_galaxy_cluster_type' => array( 'stringNotEmpty' => array( 'rule' => array('stringNotEmpty') ) ), 'galaxy_cluster_uuid' => array( 'uuid' => array( 'rule' => 'uuid', 'message' => 'Please provide a valid RFC 4122 UUID' ), ), 'referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid' => array( 'uuid' => array( 'rule' => 'uuid', 'message' => 'Please provide a valid RFC 4122 UUID' ), ), 'distribution' => array( 'rule' => array('inList', array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4')), 'message' => 'Options: Your organisation only, This community only, Connected communities, All communities, Sharing group', 'required' => true ) ); public $belongsTo = array( 'SourceCluster' => array( 'className' => 'GalaxyCluster', 'foreignKey' => 'galaxy_cluster_id', ), 'TargetCluster' => array( 'className' => 'GalaxyCluster', 'foreignKey' => 'referenced_galaxy_cluster_id', ), 'SharingGroup' => array( 'className' => 'SharingGroup', 'foreignKey' => 'sharing_group_id' ), ); public $hasMany = array( 'GalaxyClusterRelationTag' => array('dependent' => true), ); public function afterFind($results, $primary = false) { foreach ($results as $k => $result) { if (isset($result['TargetCluster']) && key_exists('id', $result['TargetCluster']) && is_null($result['TargetCluster']['id'])) { $results[$k]['TargetCluster'] = array(); } if (isset($result['GalaxyClusterRelation']['distribution']) && $result['GalaxyClusterRelation']['distribution'] != 4) { unset($results[$k]['SharingGroup']); } } return $results; } public function buildConditions($user, $clusterConditions = true) { $conditions = []; if (!$user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) { $alias = $this->alias; $sgids = $this->SharingGroup->authorizedIds($user); $gcOwnerIds = $this->SourceCluster->cacheGalaxyClusterOwnerIDs($user); $conditionsRelations['AND']['OR'] = [ "${alias}.galaxy_cluster_id" => $gcOwnerIds, [ 'AND' => [ "${alias}.distribution >" => 0, "${alias}.distribution <" => 4 ], ], [ 'AND' => [ "${alias}.sharing_group_id" => $sgids, "${alias}.distribution" => 4 ] ] ]; $conditionsSourceCluster = $clusterConditions ? $this->SourceCluster->buildConditions($user) : []; $conditions = [ 'AND' => [ $conditionsRelations, $conditionsSourceCluster ] ]; } return $conditions; } public function fetchRelations($user, $options, $full=false) { $params = array( 'conditions' => $this->buildConditions($user), 'recursive' => -1 ); if (!empty($options['contain'])) { $params['contain'] = $options['contain']; } elseif ($full) { $params['contain'] = array('SharingGroup', 'SourceCluster', 'TargetCluster'); } if (empty($params['contain'])) { $params['contain'] = ['SourceCluster']; } if (!in_array('SourceCluster', $params['contain'])) { $params['contain'][] = 'SourceCluster'; } if (isset($options['fields'])) { $params['fields'] = $options['fields']; } if (isset($options['conditions'])) { $params['conditions']['AND'][] = $options['conditions']; } if (isset($options['group'])) { $params['group'] = empty($options['group']) ? $options['group'] : false; } $relations = $this->find('all', $params); return $relations; } public function getExistingRelationships() { $existingRelationships = $this->find('column', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('referenced_galaxy_cluster_type'), 'unique' => true, )); $this->ObjectRelationship = ClassRegistry::init('ObjectRelationship'); $objectRelationships = $this->ObjectRelationship->find('column', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('name'), 'unique' => true, )); return array_unique(array_merge($existingRelationships, $objectRelationships)); } /** * saveRelations * * @see saveRelation * @return array List of errors if any */ public function saveRelations(array $user, array $cluster, array $relations, $captureTag=false, $force=false) { $errors = array(); foreach ($relations as $k => $relation) { $saveResult = $this->saveRelation($user, $cluster, $relation, $captureTag=$captureTag, $force=$force); $errors = array_merge($errors, $saveResult); } return $errors; } /** * saveRelation Respecting ACL saves a relation and set correct fields where applicable. * Contrary to its capture equivalent, trying to save a relation for a unknown target cluster will fail. * * @param array $user * @param array $cluster The cluster from which the relation is originating * @param array $relation The relation to save * @param bool $captureTag Should the tag be captured if it doesn't exists * @param bool $force Should the relation be edited if it exists * @return array List errors if any */ public function saveRelation(array $user, array $cluster, array $relation, $captureTag=false, $force=false) { $errors = array(); if (!isset($relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']) && !empty($relation)) { $relation = array('GalaxyClusterRelation' => $relation); } $authorizationCheck = $this->SourceCluster->fetchIfAuthorized($user, $cluster, array('edit'), $throwErrors=false, $full=false); if (isset($authorizationCheck['authorized']) && !$authorizationCheck['authorized']) { $errors[] = $authorizationCheck['error']; return $errors; } $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['galaxy_cluster_uuid'] = $cluster['uuid']; $existingRelation = $this->find('first', [ 'conditions' => [ 'galaxy_cluster_uuid' => $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['galaxy_cluster_uuid'], 'referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid' => $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid'], 'referenced_galaxy_cluster_type' => $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_type'], ], 'fields' => ['id'], 'recursive' => -1, ]); if (!empty($existingRelation)) { if (!$force) { $errors[] = __('Relation already exists'); return $errors; } else { $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['id'] = $existingRelation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['id']; } } else { $this->create(); } if (empty($errors)) { if (!isset($relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid'])) { $errors[] = __('referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid not provided'); return $errors; } if (!$force) { $targetCluster = $this->TargetCluster->fetchIfAuthorized($user, $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid'], 'view', $throwErrors=false, $full=false); if (isset($targetCluster['authorized']) && !$targetCluster['authorized']) { // do not save the relation if referenced cluster is not accessible by the user (or does not exists) $errors[] = array(__('Invalid referenced galaxy cluster')); return $errors; } } $relation = $this->syncUUIDsAndIDs($user, $relation); $saveSuccess = $this->save($relation); if ($saveSuccess) { $savedRelation = $this->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array('id' => $this->id), 'recursive' => -1 )); $tags = array(); if (!empty($relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['tags'])) { $tags = $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['tags']; } elseif (!empty($relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['GalaxyClusterRelationTag'])) { $tags = $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['GalaxyClusterRelationTag']; $tags = Hash::extract($tags, '{n}.name'); } elseif (!empty($relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['Tag'])) { $tags = $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['Tag']; $tags = Hash::extract($tags, '{n}.name'); } if (!empty($tags)) { $tagSaveResults = $this->GalaxyClusterRelationTag->attachTags($user, $this->id, $tags, $capture=$captureTag); if (!$tagSaveResults) { $errors[] = __('Tags could not be saved for relation (%s)', $this->id); } } } else { foreach ($this->validationErrors as $validationError) { $errors[] = $validationError[0]; } } } return $errors; } /** * editRelation Respecting ACL edits a relation and set correct fields where applicable. * Contrary to its capture equivalent, trying to save a relation for a unknown target cluster will fail. * * @param array $user * @param array $relation The relation to be saved * @param array $fieldList Only edit the fields provided * @param bool $captureTag Should the tag be captured if it doesn't exists * @return array List of errors if any */ public function editRelation(array $user, array $relation, array $fieldList=array(), $captureTag=false) { $this->SharingGroup = ClassRegistry::init('SharingGroup'); $errors = array(); if (!isset($relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['galaxy_cluster_id'])) { $errors[] = __('galaxy_cluster_id not provided'); return $errors; } $authorizationCheck = $this->SourceCluster->fetchIfAuthorized($user, $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['galaxy_cluster_id'], array('edit'), $throwErrors=false, $full=false); if (isset($authorizationCheck['authorized']) && !$authorizationCheck['authorized']) { $errors[] = $authorizationCheck['error']; return $errors; } if (isset($relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['id'])) { $existingRelation = $this->find('first', array('conditions' => array('' => $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['id']))); } else { $errors[] = __('UUID not provided'); } if (empty($existingRelation)) { $errors[] = __('Unkown ID'); } else { $options = array('conditions' => array( 'uuid' => $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['galaxy_cluster_uuid'] )); $cluster = $this->SourceCluster->fetchGalaxyClusters($user, $options); if (empty($cluster)) { $errors[] = __('Invalid source galaxy cluster'); } $cluster = $cluster[0]; $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['id'] = $existingRelation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['id']; $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['galaxy_cluster_id'] = $cluster['SourceCluster']['id']; $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['galaxy_cluster_uuid'] = $cluster['SourceCluster']['uuid']; if (isset($relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['distribution']) && $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['distribution'] == 4 && !$this->SharingGroup->checkIfAuthorised($user, $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['sharing_group_id'])) { $errors[] = array(__('Galaxy Cluster Relation could not be saved: The user has to have access to the sharing group in order to be able to edit it.')); } if (empty($errors)) { if (!isset($relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid'])) { $errors[] = __('referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid not provided'); return $errors; } $targetCluster = $this->TargetCluster->fetchIfAuthorized($user, $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid'], 'view', $throwErrors=false, $full=false); if (isset($targetCluster['authorized']) && !$targetCluster['authorized']) { // do not save the relation if referenced cluster is not accessible by the user (or does not exists) $errors[] = array(__('Invalid referenced galaxy cluster')); return $errors; } $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_id'] = $targetCluster['TargetCluster']['id']; $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid'] = $targetCluster['TargetCluster']['uuid']; $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['default'] = false; if (empty($fieldList)) { $fieldList = array('galaxy_cluster_id', 'galaxy_cluster_uuid', 'referenced_galaxy_cluster_id', 'referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid', 'referenced_galaxy_cluster_type', 'distribution', 'sharing_group_id', 'default'); } $saveSuccess = $this->save($relation, array('fieldList' => $fieldList)); if (!$saveSuccess) { foreach ($this->validationErrors as $validationError) { $errors[] = $validationError[0]; } } else { $this->GalaxyClusterRelationTag->deleteAll(array('GalaxyClusterRelationTag.galaxy_cluster_relation_id' => $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['id'])); $this->GalaxyClusterRelationTag->attachTags($user, $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['id'], $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['tags'], $capture=$captureTag); } } } return $errors; } public function bulkSaveRelations(array $relations) { // Fetch existing tags Name => ID mapping $tagNameToId = $this->GalaxyClusterRelationTag->Tag->find('list', [ 'fields' => ['', ''], 'callbacks' => false, ]); // Fetch all cluster UUID => ID mapping $galaxyClusterUuidToId = $this->TargetCluster->find('list', [ 'fields' => ['uuid', 'id'], 'callbacks' => false, ]); $lookupSavedIds = []; $relationTagsToSave = []; foreach ($relations as &$relation) { if (isset($galaxyClusterUuidToId[$relation['referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid']])) { $relation['referenced_galaxy_cluster_id'] = $galaxyClusterUuidToId[$relation['referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid']]; } else { $relation['referenced_galaxy_cluster_id'] = 0; // referenced cluster doesn't exists } if (!empty($relation['tags'])) { $lookupSavedIds[$relation['galaxy_cluster_id']] = true; foreach ($relation['tags'] as $tag) { if (!isset($tagNameToId[$tag])) { $tagNameToId[$tag] = $this->GalaxyClusterRelationTag->Tag->quickAdd($tag); } $relationTagsToSave[$relation['galaxy_cluster_uuid']][$relation['referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid']][] = $tagNameToId[$tag]; } } } unset($galaxyClusterUuidToId, $tagNameToId); $this->saveMany($relations, ['validate' => false]); // Some clusters uses invalid UUID :/ // Insert tags $savedRelations = $this->find('all', [ 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => ['galaxy_cluster_id' => array_keys($lookupSavedIds)], 'fields' => ['id', 'galaxy_cluster_uuid', 'referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid'] ]); $relation_tags = []; foreach ($savedRelations as $savedRelation) { $uuid1 = $savedRelation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['galaxy_cluster_uuid']; $uuid2 = $savedRelation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid']; if (isset($relationTagsToSave[$uuid1][$uuid2])) { foreach ($relationTagsToSave[$uuid1][$uuid2] as $tagId) { $relation_tags[] = [$savedRelation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['id'], $tagId]; } } } if (!empty($relation_tags)) { $db = $this->getDataSource(); $fields = array('galaxy_cluster_relation_id', 'tag_id'); $db->insertMulti('galaxy_cluster_relation_tags', $fields, $relation_tags); } } /** * Gets a relation then save it. * * @param array $user * @param array $cluster The cluster for which the relation is being saved * @param array $relation The relation to be saved * @param bool $fromPull If the current capture is performed from a PULL sync. If set, it allows edition of existing relations * @return array The capture success results */ public function captureRelations(array $user, array $cluster, array $relations, $fromPull=false) { $results = array('success' => false, 'imported' => 0, 'failed' => 0); $this->Log = ClassRegistry::init('Log'); $clusterUuid = $cluster['GalaxyCluster']['uuid']; foreach ($relations as $k => $relation) { if (!isset($relation['GalaxyClusterRelation'])) { $relation = array('GalaxyClusterRelation' => $relation); } $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['galaxy_cluster_uuid'] = $clusterUuid; $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['galaxy_cluster_id'] = $cluster['GalaxyCluster']['id']; if (empty($relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid'])) { $this->Log->createLogEntry($user, 'captureRelations', 'GalaxyClusterRelation', 0, __('No referenced cluster UUID provided'), __('relation for cluster (%s)', $clusterUuid)); $results['failed']++; continue; } else { $options = array( 'conditions' => array( 'uuid' => $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid'], ), 'fields' => array( 'id', 'uuid', ) ); $referencedCluster = $this->SourceCluster->fetchGalaxyClusters($user, $options); if (empty($referencedCluster)) { if (!$fromPull) { $this->Log->createLogEntry($user, 'captureRelations', 'GalaxyClusterRelation', 0, __('Referenced cluster not found'), __('relation to (%s) for cluster (%s)', $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid'], $clusterUuid)); } $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_id'] = 0; } else { $referencedCluster = $referencedCluster[0]; $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_id'] = $referencedCluster['SourceCluster']['id']; } } $existingRelation = $this->find('first', array('conditions' => array( 'GalaxyClusterRelation.galaxy_cluster_uuid' => $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['galaxy_cluster_uuid'], 'GalaxyClusterRelation.referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid' => $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid'], 'GalaxyClusterRelation.referenced_galaxy_cluster_type' => $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_type'], ))); if (!empty($existingRelation)) { if (!$fromPull) { $this->Log->createLogEntry($user, 'captureRelations', 'GalaxyClusterRelation', 0, __('Relation already exists'), __('relation to (%s) for cluster (%s)', $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid'], $clusterUuid)); $results['failed']++; continue; } else { $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['id'] = $existingRelation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['id']; } } else { unset($relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['id']); $this->create(); } $this->Event = ClassRegistry::init('Event'); if (isset($relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['distribution']) && $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['distribution'] == 4) { $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation'] = $this->Event->captureSGForElement($relation['GalaxyClusterRelation'], $user); } $saveSuccess = $this->save($relation); if ($saveSuccess) { $results['imported']++; $modelKey = false; if (!empty($relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['GalaxyClusterRelationTag'])) { $modelKey = 'GalaxyClusterRelationTag'; } elseif (!empty($relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['Tag'])) { $modelKey = 'Tag'; } if ($modelKey !== false) { $tagNames = Hash::extract($relation['GalaxyClusterRelation'][$modelKey], '{n}.name'); // Similar behavior as for AttributeTags: Here we only attach tags. If they were removed at some point it's not taken into account. // Since we don't have tag soft-deletion, tags added by users will be kept. $this->GalaxyClusterRelationTag->attachTags($user, $this->id, $tagNames, $capture=true); } } else { $results['failed']++; } } $results['success'] = $results['imported'] > 0; return $results; } public function removeNonAccessibleTargetCluster($user, $relations) { $availableTargetClusterIDs = $this->TargetCluster->cacheGalaxyClusterIDs($user); $availableTargetClusterIDsKeyed = array_flip($availableTargetClusterIDs); foreach ($relations as $i => $relation) { if ( isset($relation['TargetCluster']['id']) && !isset($availableTargetClusterIDsKeyed[$relation['TargetCluster']['id']]) ) { $relations[$i]['TargetCluster'] = null; } } return $relations; } /** * syncUUIDsAndIDs Adapt IDs of source and target cluster inside the relation based on the provided two UUIDs * * @param array $user * @param array $relation * @return array The adpated relation */ private function syncUUIDsAndIDs(array $user, array $relation) { $options = array('conditions' => array( 'uuid' => $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['galaxy_cluster_uuid'] )); $sourceCluster = $this->SourceCluster->fetchGalaxyClusters($user, $options); if (!empty($sourceCluster)) { $sourceCluster = $sourceCluster[0]; $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['galaxy_cluster_id'] = $sourceCluster['SourceCluster']['id']; $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['galaxy_cluster_uuid'] = $sourceCluster['SourceCluster']['uuid']; } $options = array('conditions' => array( 'uuid' => $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid'] )); $targetCluster = $this->TargetCluster->fetchGalaxyClusters($user, $options); if (!empty($targetCluster)) { $targetCluster = $targetCluster[0]; $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_id'] = $targetCluster['TargetCluster']['id']; $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid'] = $targetCluster['TargetCluster']['uuid']; } else { $relation['GalaxyClusterRelation']['referenced_galaxy_cluster_id'] = 0; } return $relation; } }