Existing bugs: - timeout admin_user. - Somehow there got a user_id 0 in events. - View User and Events got lost(?), but is still there in 0.2.2 Fixed bugs: - Fix the "Did you ..." message - path routing. - some admin routing. - When loged out by session timeout, re-logging gives an error. timeout user (?). - list servers: error lastpushed/pulledid. - Can't edit composite attributes. attribute with type filename|md5 -> filename, remove |.. - Attachments - incompatible categories should be filtered out. add attachment show only categroies with attachment and malware-sample types. - Accept uppercase MD5 with composite attribs. - Editing attribute - does not validate. - When a validation error occurs, can't submit it any more. add attribute, non-valide, correct, ´black-holed´. - view event, edit attribute, no validation. - add user, some validation error then extra: authkey not defined. - authError gets displayed before login. - IE - file download does not work. IE, no download (Js) (CakePHP bug #2554 related?) - uppercases in md5 or sha1 when type filename|md5/sha1 is not lc like type md5/sha1. - Search - paginate broken. search attributes: next page goes to search, search again, then at next page. - non-printable in no-composite attribute and all input behind it gets lost. - no paging on event with lots of attributes (over 50% speedup). - a server containing no MISP gives "XML cannot be read." on publish. - a server having a non-existing internet name gives "php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known" on publish and pull. - Edit event already published to other servers, then (re)publish does not work so no other participating servers have the new edited event. - An authkey with any length, so less then 40, can be entered. - Add attribute, do not fill in any, and hit Submit, gives error messages.