passedArgs['correlation'])) { $attributeFilter = 'correlation'; } $simple_filter_data = array( array( 'id' => 'filter_all', 'title' => __('Show all attributes'), 'text' => __('All'), 'active' => $attributeFilter == 'all', 'onClick' => 'filterAttributes', 'onClickParams' => array('all', $target) ) ); foreach ($typeGroups as $group) { $simple_filter_data[] = array( 'id' => 'filter_' . h($group), 'title' => __('Only show %s related attributes', h($group)), 'text' => Inflector::humanize($group), 'active' => $attributeFilter == $group, 'onClick' => 'filterAttributes', 'onClickParams' => array($group, $target) ); } $simple_filter_data[] = array( 'id' => 'filter_proposal', 'title' => __('Only show proposals'), 'text' => __('Proposal'), 'active' => $attributeFilter == 'proposal', 'onClick' => 'filterAttributes', 'onClickParams' => array('proposal', $event['Event']['id']) ); $simple_filter_data[] = array( 'id' => 'filter_correlation', 'title' => __('Only show correlating attributes'), 'text' => __('Correlation'), 'active' => $attributeFilter == 'correlation', 'onClick' => 'toggleBoolFilter', 'onClickParams' => array($urlHere, 'correlation'), ); $simple_filter_data[] = array( 'id' => 'filter_warning', 'title' => __('Only show potentially false positive attributes'), 'text' => __('Warning'), 'active' => $attributeFilter == 'warning', 'onClick' => 'filterAttributes', 'onClickParams' => array('warning', $event['Event']['id']) ); $data = array( 'children' => array( array( 'children' => array( array( 'id' => 'create-button', 'title' => $possibleAction === 'attribute' ? __('Add attribute') : __('Add proposal'), 'fa-icon' => 'plus', 'class' => 'last', 'onClick' => 'openGenericModal', 'onClickParams' => array('/' . $possibleAction . 's/add/' . h($event['Event']['id'])) ), array( 'id' => 'multi-edit-button', 'title' => __('Edit selected Attributes'), 'class' => 'mass-select hidden', 'fa-icon' => 'edit', 'onClick' => 'editSelectedAttributes', 'onClickParams' => array($event['Event']['id']) ), array( 'id' => 'multi-tag-button', 'title' => __('Tag selected Attributes'), 'class' => 'mass-select hidden', 'fa-icon' => 'tag', 'onClick' => 'popoverPopup', 'onClickParams' => array('this', 'selected/attribute', 'tags', 'selectTaxonomy') ), array( 'id' => 'multi-galaxy-button', 'title' => __('Add new cluster to selected Attributes'), 'class' => 'mass-select hidden', 'fa-icon' => 'rebel', 'fa-source' => 'fab', 'onClick' => 'popoverPopup', 'onClickParams' => array('this', 'selected/attribute/eventid:' . h($event['Event']['id']), 'galaxies', 'selectGalaxyNamespace') ), array( 'id' => 'group-into-object-button', 'title' => __('Group selected Attributes into an Object'), 'class' => 'mass-select hidden', 'fa-icon' => 'object-group', 'fa-source' => 'fa', 'onClick' => 'proposeObjectsFromSelectedAttributes', 'onClickParams' => array('this', $event['Event']['id']) ), array( 'id' => 'multi-delete-button', 'title' => __('Delete selected Attributes'), 'class' => 'mass-select hidden', 'fa-icon' => 'trash', 'onClick' => 'multiSelectAction', 'onClickParams' => array($event['Event']['id'], 'deleteAttributes') ), array( 'id' => 'multi-accept-button', 'title' => __('Accept selected Proposals'), 'class' => 'mass-proposal-select hidden', 'fa-icon' => 'check-circle', 'onClick' => 'multiSelectAction', 'onClickParams' => array($event['Event']['id'], 'acceptProposals') ), array( 'id' => 'multi-discard-button', 'title' => __('Discard selected Proposals'), 'class' => 'mass-proposal-select hidden', 'fa-icon' => 'times', 'onClick' => 'multiSelectAction', 'onClickParams' => array($event['Event']['id'], 'discardProposals') ), array( 'id' => 'multi-sighting-button', 'title' => __('Sightings display for selected attributes'), 'class' => 'mass-select hidden sightings_advanced_add', 'data' => array('object-id' => 'selected', 'object-context' => 'attribute'), 'fa-icon' => 'wrench' ) ) ), array( 'children' => array( array( 'id' => 'template-button', 'title' => __('Populate using a template'), 'fa-icon' => 'list', 'onClick' => 'getPopup', 'onClickParams' => array($event['Event']['id'], 'templates', 'templateChoices'), 'requirement' => $mayModify ), array( 'id' => 'freetext-button', 'title' => __('Populate using the freetext import tool'), 'fa-icon' => 'align-left', 'onClick' => 'getPopup', 'onClickParams' => array($event['Event']['id'], 'events', 'freeTextImport') ), array( 'id' => 'attribute-replace-button', 'title' => __('Replace all attributes of a category/type combination within the event'), 'fa-icon' => 'random', 'onClick' => 'getPopup', 'onClickParams' => array($event['Event']['id'], 'attributes', 'attributeReplace'), 'requirement' => $mayModify ) ) ), array( 'children' => array( array( 'id' => 'simple_filter', 'type' => 'group', 'active' => $attributeFilter !== 'all', 'title' => __('Use a list of simple scopes to filter the data'), 'text' => __('Scope toggle'), 'children' => $simple_filter_data ), array( 'id' => 'filter_deleted', 'title' => __('Include deleted attributes'), 'fa-icon' => 'trash', 'text' => __('Deleted'), 'active' => $deleted, 'onClick' => 'toggleBoolFilter', 'onClickParams' => array($urlHere, 'deleted'), 'requirement' => ($me['Role']['perm_sync'] || $event['Orgc']['id'] == $me['org_id']) ), array( 'id' => 'show_attribute_decaying_score', 'title' => __('Show attribute decaying score'), 'fa-icon' => 'chart-line', 'text' => __('Decay score'), 'active' => $includeDecayScore, 'onClick' => 'toggleBoolFilter', 'onClickParams' => array($urlHere, 'includeDecayScore') ), array( 'id' => 'show_attribute_sightingdb', 'title' => __('Show SightingDB lookup results'), 'fa-icon' => 'binoculars', 'text' => __('SightingDB'), 'active' => empty($includeSightingdb) ? false : true, 'onClick' => 'toggleBoolFilter', 'onClickParams' => array($urlHere, 'includeSightingdb') ), array( 'id' => 'show_attribute_context', 'title' => __('Show attribute context fields'), 'fa-icon' => 'info-circle', 'text' => __('Context'), 'onClick' => 'toggleContextFields' ), array( 'id' => 'show_related_tags', 'title' => __('Show related tags'), 'fa-icon' => 'project-diagram', 'text' => __('Related Tags'), 'active' => $includeRelatedTags, 'onClick' => 'toggleBoolFilter', 'onClickParams' => array($urlHere, 'includeRelatedTags') ), array( 'id' => 'advanced_filtering', 'title' => __('Advanced filtering tool'), 'fa-icon' => 'filter', 'html' => sprintf( '%s%s', __('Filtering tool'), $advancedFilteringActive ? sprintf( ' (%s)', sprintf( __('%s active rule(s)'), h(count($advancedFilteringActiveRules)) ), h(count($advancedFilteringActiveRules)) ) : '' ), 'active' => $advancedFilteringActive, 'onClick' => 'triggerEventFilteringTool', 'onClickParams' > array('this') ) ) ), array( 'type' => 'search', 'fa-icon' => 'search', 'placeholder' => __('Enter value to search'), 'value' => isset($this->passedArgs['searchFor']) ? $this->passedArgs['searchFor'] : null, 'cancel' => array( 'fa-icon' => 'times', 'title' => __('Remove filters'), 'onClick' => 'filterAttributes', 'onClickParams' => array('all', $event['Event']['id']) ) ) ) ); echo $this->element('/genericElements/ListTopBar/scaffold', array('data' => $data)); echo $this->element('/Events/View/eventFilteringQueryBuilder');