$data): if ($type == 'proc_accessible' or $type == 'controls') continue; $queueStatusMessage = __("Issues prevent jobs from being processed. Please resolve them below."); $queueStatus = false; if ($data['ok']) { if (!$worker_array['proc_accessible']) { $queueStatus = 'N/A'; $queueStatusMessage = __("Worker started with the correct user, but the current status is unknown."); } else { $queueStatus = true; $queueStatusMessage = __("OK"); } } else if (!empty($data['workers'])) { foreach ($data['workers'] as $worker) { if ($worker['alive']) { $queueStatus = true; $queueStatusMessage = __("There are issues with the worker(s), but at least one healthy worker is monitoring the queue."); } } } ?>

0 && $worker_array['controls']) { echo $this->Form->postLink('', $baseurl . '/servers/clearWorkerQueue/' . h($type), array('escape' => false, 'inline' => true, 'style' => 'margin-left:2px;')); } ?>

' . $queueStatusMessage . ''; ?>

OK'; ?>
Form->postLink('', $baseurl . '/servers/stopWorker/' . h($worker['pid']), array('class' => 'fa fa-trash black' . $icon_modifier, 'title' => __('Stop (if still running) and remove this worker. This will immediately terminate any jobs that are being executed by it.'))); } ?>
Form->create('Server', array('url' => $baseurl . '/servers/startWorker/' . h($type))); echo $this->Form->button(__('Start a worker'), array('class' => 'btn btn-inverse')); echo $this->Form->end(); } endforeach; ?>
Form->create('Server', array('url' => $baseurl . '/servers/restartDeadWorkers')); echo $this->Form->button(__('Restart dead workers'), array('class' => 'btn btn-primary')); echo $this->Form->end(); } ?>