MISP - Ansible installation script ---------------------------------------- - V0.1 * Nginx support only * Backup script provided Instructions ---------------------------------------- - From the ansible repository, run the following command: ```bash ansible-playbook -i , misp.yml -K -u ``` - Update the self-signed certificate in /etc/nginx/ssl - Create and export your GPG key: ```bash sudo -u www-data gpg --homedir /opt/misp-server/misp/.gnupg --gen-key sudo -u www-data gpg --homedir /opt/misp-server/misp/.gnupg --export --armor YOUR-EMAIL > /opt/misp-server/misp/app/webroot/gpg.asc ``` - Login with: * user: admin@admin.test * password: admin and update the admin password - Configure MISP in administration panel, server settings Notes ---------------------------------------- - the user must have admin rights - a self-signed certificate is generated to allow you to test the installation - installation directory is: /opt/misp-server/misp - backup directory is: /opt/misp-server/backup Backup script ---------------------------------------- If enabled, a backup script create each day a new archive with a MySQL misp database dump and misp files to allow easy restore. - these archives are created in: /opt/misp-server/backup - a script to easy restore MISP from an archive is provided in the same directory - to use the restore script, login as misp user and run the following command: ```bash ./misp_restore .tar.gz ```