{ "prefer-stable": true, "minimum-stability": "dev", "require": { "php": ">=7.2.0,<8.0.0", "ext-json": "*", "ext-mbstring": "*", "ext-xml": "*", "ext-dom": "*", "ext-simplexml": "*", "ext-pcre": "*", "cakephp/cakephp": "2.10.24", "kamisama/cake-resque": "4.1.2", "pear/crypt_gpg": "1.6.3", "monolog/monolog": "1.24.0" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "^8", "php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint": "^1.2", "cakephp/debug_kit": "^2.2.0" }, "suggest": { "ext-gd": "For creating image thumbnails", "ext-openssl": "Enabling the openssl extension allows you to access HTTPS URLs", "ext-redis": "For working background jobs and feed and warninglist caches", "ext-zip": "Enabling processing feeds that are ZIP compressed", "ext-zlib": "Allow gzip compression of HTTP responses", "ext-brotli": "Allow brotli compression of HTTP responses", "ext-intl": "For handling IDN domain names", "ext-ssdeep": "For ssdeep hashes correlation", "ext-bcmath": "For faster validating IBAN numbers", "ext-rdkafka": "Required for publishing events to Kafka broker", "elasticsearch/elasticsearch": "For logging to elasticsearch", "aws/aws-sdk-php": "To upload samples to S3", "jumbojett/openid-connect-php": "For OIDC authentication" }, "config": { "vendor-dir": "Vendor", "optimize-autoloader": true } }