60, 'order' => array( 'AuthKey.name' => 'ASC', ) ); public function index($id = false) { $conditions = $this->__prepareConditions(); $canCreateAuthkey = true; if ($id) { $this->set('user_id', $id); if ($this->_isAdmin()) { if ($this->_isSiteAdmin()) { $canCreateAuthkey = true; } else { $user = $this->AuthKey->User->find('first', [ 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => [ 'User.id' => $id, 'User.disabled' => false ], 'fields' => ['User.id', 'User.org_id', 'User.disabled'], 'contain' => [ 'Role' => [ 'fields' => [ 'Role.perm_site_admin', 'Role.perm_admin' ] ] ] ]); if ($user['Role']['perm_site_admin'] || ($user['Role']['perm_admin'] && $user['User']['id'] !== $this->Auth->user('id'))) { $canCreateAuthkey = false; } else { $canCreateAuthkey = true; } } } else { $canCreateAuthkey = (int)$id === (int)$this->Auth->user('id'); } $conditions['AND'][] = ['AuthKey.user_id' => $id]; } $this->set('canCreateAuthkey', $canCreateAuthkey); $keyUsageEnabled = Configure::read('MISP.log_user_ips') && Configure::read('MISP.log_user_ips_authkeys'); $this->CRUD->index([ 'filters' => ['User.email', 'authkey_start', 'authkey_end', 'comment', 'User.id'], 'quickFilters' => ['comment', 'authkey_start', 'authkey_end', 'User.email'], 'contain' => ['User.id', 'User.email'], 'conditions' => $conditions, 'afterFind' => function (array $authKeys) use ($keyUsageEnabled) { if ($keyUsageEnabled) { $keyIds = Hash::extract($authKeys, "{n}.AuthKey.id"); $lastUsedById = $this->AuthKey->getLastUsageForKeys($keyIds); } foreach ($authKeys as &$authKey) { if ($keyUsageEnabled) { $lastUsed = $lastUsedById[$authKey['AuthKey']['id']]; $authKey['AuthKey']['last_used'] = $lastUsed; } unset($authKey['AuthKey']['authkey']); } return $authKeys; } ]); if ($this->IndexFilter->isRest()) { return $this->restResponsePayload; } $this->set('title_for_layout', __('Auth Keys')); $this->set('advancedEnabled', !empty(Configure::read('Security.advanced_authkeys'))); $this->set('keyUsageEnabled', $keyUsageEnabled); $this->set('menuData', [ 'menuList' => $this->_isSiteAdmin() ? 'admin' : 'globalActions', 'menuItem' => 'authkeys_index', ]); } public function delete($id) { $this->CRUD->delete($id, [ 'conditions' => $this->__prepareConditions(), 'contain' => ['User'], ]); if ($this->IndexFilter->isRest()) { return $this->restResponsePayload; } } public function edit($id) { $this->CRUD->edit($id, [ 'conditions' => $this->__prepareConditions(), 'afterFind' => function (array $authKey) { unset($authKey['AuthKey']['authkey']); if (is_array($authKey['AuthKey']['allowed_ips'])) { $authKey['AuthKey']['allowed_ips'] = implode("\n", $authKey['AuthKey']['allowed_ips']); } $authKey['AuthKey']['expiration'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $authKey['AuthKey']['expiration']); return $authKey; }, 'fields' => ['comment', 'allowed_ips', 'expiration', 'read_only'], 'contain' => ['User.id', 'User.org_id'] ]); if ($this->IndexFilter->isRest()) { return $this->restResponsePayload; } $this->set('dropdownData', [ 'user' => $this->User->find('list', [ 'sort' => ['username' => 'asc'], 'conditions' => ['id' => $this->request->data['AuthKey']['user_id']], ]) ]); $this->set('menuData', [ 'menuList' => $this->_isSiteAdmin() ? 'admin' : 'globalActions', 'menuItem' => 'authKeyAdd', ]); $this->set('edit', true); $this->set('validity', Configure::read('Security.advanced_authkeys_validity')); $this->set('title_for_layout', __('Edit auth key')); $this->render('add'); } public function add($user_id = false) { $options = $this->IndexFilter->harvestParameters(['user_id']); if (!empty($params['user_id'])) { $user_id = $options['user_id']; } $params = [ 'displayOnSuccess' => 'authkey_display', 'override' => ['authkey' => null], // do not allow to use own key, always generate random one 'afterFind' => function (array $authKey, array $savedData) { // remove hashed key from response unset($authKey['AuthKey']['authkey']); $authKey['AuthKey']['authkey_raw'] = $savedData['AuthKey']['authkey_raw']; return $authKey; } ]; if ($user_id === 'me' || $user_id === false) { $user_id = $this->Auth->user('id'); } $selectConditions = []; if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) { if ($this->_isAdmin()) { $role_ids = $this->AuthKey->User->Role->find('column', [ 'fields' => ['Role.id'], 'conditions' => [ 'AND' => [ 'Role.perm_site_admin' => false, 'Role.perm_auth' => true, 'Role.perm_admin' => false ] ] ]); $user_ids = $this->AuthKey->User->find('column', [ 'fields' => ['User.id'], 'conditions' => [ 'User.org_id' => $this->Auth->user('org_id'), 'OR' => [ 'User.role_id' => $role_ids, 'User.id' => $this->Auth->user('id') ] ] ]); if (!empty($user_id)) { if (in_array($user_id, $user_ids)) { $user_ids = [$user_id]; } else { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid user or insufficient privileges to create an authkey for the given user.')); } } $selectConditions['AND'][] = ['User.id' => $user_ids]; $params['override']['user_id'] = $user_ids[0]; } else { $selectConditions['AND'][] = ['User.id' => $this->Auth->user('id')]; $params['override']['user_id'] = $this->Auth->user('id'); } } else if ($user_id) { $selectConditions['AND'][] = ['User.id' => $user_id]; $params['override']['user_id'] = $user_id; } $this->CRUD->add($params); if ($this->IndexFilter->isRest()) { return $this->restResponsePayload; } $dropdownData = [ 'user' => $this->AuthKey->User->find('list', [ 'sort' => ['username' => 'asc'], 'conditions' => $selectConditions, ]) ]; $this->set(compact('dropdownData')); $this->set('title_for_layout', __('Add auth key')); $this->set('menuData', [ 'menuList' => $this->_isSiteAdmin() ? 'admin' : 'globalActions', 'menuItem' => 'authKeyAdd', ]); $this->set('validity', Configure::read('Security.advanced_authkeys_validity')); } public function view($id = false) { $this->CRUD->view($id, [ 'contain' => ['User.id', 'User.email'], 'conditions' => $this->__prepareConditions(), 'afterFind' => function (array $authKey) { unset($authKey['AuthKey']['authkey']); return $authKey; } ]); if ($this->IndexFilter->isRest()) { return $this->restResponsePayload; } if (Configure::read('MISP.log_user_ips') && Configure::read('MISP.log_user_ips_authkeys')) { list($keyUsage, $lastUsed, $uniqueIps) = $this->AuthKey->getKeyUsage($id); $this->set('keyUsage', $keyUsage); $this->set('lastUsed', $lastUsed); $this->set('uniqueIps', $uniqueIps); } $this->set('title_for_layout', __('Auth key')); $this->set('menuData', [ 'menuList' => $this->_isSiteAdmin() ? 'admin' : 'globalActions', 'menuItem' => 'authKeyView', ]); } public function pin($id, $ip) { if ($this->request->is('post')) { // find entry, to confirm user is authorized $conditions = $this->__prepareConditions(); $conditions['AND'][]['AuthKey.id'] = $id; $authKey = $this->AuthKey->find( 'first', ['conditions' => $conditions, 'recursive'=> 1 ] ); // update the key with the source IP if ($authKey) { $authKey['AuthKey']['allowed_ips'] = $ip; $this->AuthKey->save($authKey, ['fieldList' => ['allowed_ips']]); $this->Flash->success(__('IP address set as allowed source for the Key.')); } else { $this->Flash->error(__('Failed to set IP as source')); } } $this->redirect($this->referer()); // $this->redirect(['controller' => 'auth_keys', 'view' => 'index']); } /** * Return conditions according to current user permission. * @return array */ private function __prepareConditions() { $user = $this->Auth->user(); if ($user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) { $conditions = []; // site admin can see all keys } else if ($user['Role']['perm_admin']) { $conditions['AND'][]['User.org_id'] = $user['org_id']; // org admin can see his/her user org auth keys } else { $conditions['AND'][]['User.id'] = $user['id']; } return $conditions; } }