array( // TODO Audit, logable 'userModel' => 'User', 'userKey' => 'user_id', 'change' => 'full'), ); public $belongsTo = array( 'Event' => array( 'className' => 'Event', 'foreignKey' => 'event_id' ), 'SharingGroup' => array( 'className' => 'SharingGroup', 'foreignKey' => 'sharing_group_id' ), 'ObjectTemplate' => array( 'className' => 'ObjectTemplate', 'foreignKey' => false, 'dependent' => false, 'conditions' => array('MispObject.template_uuid' => 'ObjectTemplate.uuid') ) ); public $hasMany = array( 'Attribute' => array( 'className' => 'Attribute', 'dependent' => true, ), 'ObjectReference' => array( 'className' => 'ObjectReference', 'dependent' => true, 'foreignKey' => 'object_id' ), ); public $validFormats = array( 'json' => array('json', 'JsonExport', 'json') ); public $shortDist = array(0 => 'Organisation', 1 => 'Community', 2 => 'Connected', 3 => 'All', 4 => ' Sharing Group', 5 => 'Inherit'); public $validate = array( 'uuid' => array( 'uuid' => array( 'rule' => 'uuid', 'message' => 'Please provide a valid RFC 4122 UUID' ), 'unique' => array( 'rule' => 'isUnique', 'message' => 'The UUID provided is not unique', 'required' => true, 'on' => 'create' ), ), 'event_id' => ['numeric'], 'first_seen' => array( 'rule' => array('datetimeOrNull'), 'required' => false, 'message' => array('Invalid ISO 8601 format') ), 'last_seen' => array( 'datetimeOrNull' => array( 'rule' => array('datetimeOrNull'), 'required' => false, 'message' => array('Invalid ISO 8601 format') ), 'validateLastSeenValue' => array( 'rule' => array('validateLastSeenValue'), 'required' => false, 'message' => array('Last seen value should be greater than first seen value') ), ), 'name' => array( 'stringNotEmpty' => array( 'rule' => array('stringNotEmpty'), 'required' => true, 'on' => 'create' ), ), 'meta-category' => array( 'stringNotEmpty' => array( 'rule' => array('stringNotEmpty'), 'required' => true, 'on' => 'create' ), ), 'description' => array( 'stringNotEmpty' => array( 'rule' => array('stringNotEmpty') ), ), 'template_uuid' => array( 'uuid' => array( 'rule' => 'uuid', 'message' => 'Please provide a valid RFC 4122 UUID', 'required' => true, 'on' => 'create' ), ), 'template_version' => array( 'numeric' => array( 'rule' => 'naturalNumber', 'required' => true, 'on' => 'create' ) ), ); private $__objectDuplicationCheckCache = []; public function buildFilterConditions(&$params) { $conditions = []; if (isset($params['wildcard'])) { $temp = array(); $options = array( 'filter' => 'wildcard', 'scope' => 'Object', 'pop' => false, 'context' => 'Event' ); $conditions['AND'][] = array('OR' => $this->Event->set_filter_wildcard_attributes($params, $temp, $options)); } else { if (isset($params['ignore'])) { $params['to_ids'] = array(0, 1); $params['published'] = array(0, 1); } $simple_params = array( 'Object' => array( 'object_name' => array('function' => 'set_filter_object_name'), 'object_template_uuid' => array('function' => 'set_filter_object_template_uuid'), 'object_template_version' => array('function' => 'set_filter_object_template_version'), 'deleted' => array('function' => 'set_filter_deleted') ), 'Event' => array( 'eventid' => array('function' => 'set_filter_eventid'), 'eventinfo' => array('function' => 'set_filter_eventinfo'), 'ignore' => array('function' => 'set_filter_ignore'), 'from' => array('function' => 'set_filter_timestamp'), 'to' => array('function' => 'set_filter_timestamp'), 'date' => array('function' => 'set_filter_date'), 'tags' => array('function' => 'set_filter_tags'), 'last' => array('function' => 'set_filter_timestamp', 'pop' => true), 'timestamp' => array('function' => 'set_filter_timestamp', 'pop' => true), 'event_timestamp' => array('function' => 'set_filter_timestamp', 'pop' => true), 'publish_timestamp' => array('function' => 'set_filter_timestamp'), 'org' => array('function' => 'set_filter_org'), 'uuid' => array('function' => 'set_filter_uuid'), 'published' => array('function' => 'set_filter_published') ), 'Attribute' => array( 'value' => array('function' => 'set_filter_value'), 'category' => array('function' => 'set_filter_simple_attribute'), 'type' => array('function' => 'set_filter_simple_attribute'), 'object_relation' => array('function' => 'set_filter_simple_attribute'), 'tags' => array('function' => 'set_filter_tags', 'pop' => true), 'uuid' => array('function' => 'set_filter_uuid'), 'deleted' => array('function' => 'set_filter_deleted'), 'timestamp' => array('function' => 'set_filter_timestamp'), 'attribute_timestamp' => array('function' => 'set_filter_timestamp'), 'first_seen' => array('function' => 'set_filter_seen'), 'last_seen' => array('function' => 'set_filter_seen'), 'to_ids' => array('function' => 'set_filter_to_ids'), 'comment' => array('function' => 'set_filter_comment') ) ); foreach ($params as $param => $paramData) { foreach ($simple_params as $scope => $simple_param_scoped) { if (isset($simple_param_scoped[$param]) && isset($params[$param]) && $params[$param] !== false) { $options = array( 'filter' => $param, 'scope' => $scope, 'pop' => !empty($simple_param_scoped[$param]['pop']), 'context' => 'Attribute' ); if ($scope === 'Attribute') { $subQueryOptions = array( 'fields' => ['Attribute.object_id'], 'group' => 'Attribute.object_id', 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array( 'Attribute.object_id NOT' => 0, $this->Event->{$simple_param_scoped[$param]['function']}($params, $conditions, $options) ) ); $conditions['AND'][] = $this->subQueryGenerator($this->Attribute, $subQueryOptions, ''); } else { $conditions = $this->Event->{$simple_param_scoped[$param]['function']}($params, $conditions, $options); } } } } } return $conditions; } // check whether the variable is null or datetime public function datetimeOrNull($fields) { $seen = array_values($fields)[0]; if ($seen === null) { return true; } return strtotime($seen) !== false; } public function validateLastSeenValue($fields) { $ls = $fields['last_seen']; if (!isset($this->data['Object']['first_seen']) || $ls === null) { return true; } $converted = $this->Attribute->ISODatetimeToUTC(['Object' => [ 'first_seen' => $this->data['Object']['first_seen'], 'last_seen' => $ls ]], 'Object'); if ($converted['Object']['first_seen'] > $converted['Object']['last_seen']) { return false; } return true; } public function afterFind($results, $primary = false) { foreach ($results as $k => $v) { $results[$k] = $this->Attribute->UTCToISODatetime($results[$k], $this->alias); } return $results; } public function beforeSave($options = array()) { $this->data = $this->Attribute->ISODatetimeToUTC($this->data, $this->alias); } public function beforeValidate($options = array()) { parent::beforeValidate(); if (empty($this->data[$this->alias]['comment'])) { $this->data[$this->alias]['comment'] = ""; } // generate UUID if it doesn't exist if (empty($this->data[$this->alias]['uuid'])) { $this->data[$this->alias]['uuid'] = CakeText::uuid(); } // generate timestamp if it doesn't exist if (empty($this->data[$this->alias]['timestamp'])) { $date = new DateTime(); $this->data[$this->alias]['timestamp'] = $date->getTimestamp(); } // parse first_seen different formats if (isset($this->data[$this->alias]['first_seen'])) { $this->data[$this->alias]['first_seen'] = $this->data[$this->alias]['first_seen'] === '' ? null : $this->data[$this->alias]['first_seen']; } // parse last_seen different formats if (isset($this->data[$this->alias]['last_seen'])) { $this->data[$this->alias]['last_seen'] = $this->data[$this->alias]['last_seen'] === '' ? null : $this->data[$this->alias]['last_seen']; } if (empty($this->data[$this->alias]['template_version'])) { $this->data[$this->alias]['template_version'] = 1; } if (isset($this->data[$this->alias]['deleted']) && empty($this->data[$this->alias]['deleted'])) { $this->data[$this->alias]['deleted'] = 0; } if (!isset($this->data[$this->alias]['distribution']) || $this->data['Object']['distribution'] != 4) { $this->data['Object']['sharing_group_id'] = 0; } if (!isset($this->data[$this->alias]['distribution'])) { $this->data['Object']['distribution'] = 5; } return true; } public function afterSave($created, $options = array()) { $pubToZmq = Configure::read('Plugin.ZeroMQ_enable') && Configure::read('Plugin.ZeroMQ_object_notifications_enable') && empty($this->data['Object']['skip_zmq']); $kafkaTopic = $this->kafkaTopic('object'); $pubToKafka = $kafkaTopic && empty($this->data['Object']['skip_kafka']); if ($pubToZmq || $pubToKafka) { $object = $this->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array('' => $this->id), 'recursive' => -1 )); $action = $created ? 'add' : 'edit'; if (!empty($this->data['Object']['deleted'])) { $action = 'soft-delete'; } if ($pubToZmq) { $pubSubTool = $this->getPubSubTool(); $pubSubTool->object_save($object, $action); } if ($pubToKafka) { $kafkaPubTool = $this->getKafkaPubTool(); $kafkaPubTool->publishJson($kafkaTopic, $object, $action); } } return true; } public function beforeDelete($cascade = true) { if (!empty($this->data['Object']['id'])) { $pubToZmq = Configure::read('Plugin.ZeroMQ_enable') && Configure::read('Plugin.ZeroMQ_object_notifications_enable'); $kafkaTopic = Configure::read('Plugin.Kafka_object_notifications_topic'); $pubToKafka = Configure::read('Plugin.Kafka_enable') && Configure::read('Plugin.Kafka_object_notifications_enable') && !empty($kafkaTopic); if ($pubToZmq || $pubToKafka) { $object = $this->find('first', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array('' => $this->data['Object']['id']) )); if ($pubToZmq) { $pubSubTool = $this->getPubSubTool(); $pubSubTool->object_save($object, 'delete'); } if ($pubToKafka) { $kafkaPubTool = $this->getKafkaPubTool(); $kafkaPubTool->publishJson($kafkaTopic, $object, 'delete'); } } } } public function afterDelete() { if (!empty($this->data[$this->alias]['id'])) { $this->ObjectReference->deleteAll( array( 'ObjectReference.referenced_type' => 1, 'ObjectReference.referenced_id' => $this->data[$this->alias]['id'], ), false ); } } public function checkForDuplicateObjects($object, $eventId, &$duplicatedObjectID) { $newObjectAttributes = array(); if (isset($object['Object']['Attribute'])) { $attributeArray = $object['Object']['Attribute']; } else { $attributeArray = $object['Attribute']; } foreach ($attributeArray as $attribute) { if ($attribute['type'] === 'malware-sample') { if (strpos($attribute['value'], '|') === false && !empty($attribute['data'])) { $attribute['value'] = $attribute['value'] . '|' . md5(base64_decode($attribute['data'])); } } $attributeValueAfterModification = $this->Attribute->modifyBeforeValidation($attribute['type'], $attribute['value']); $attributeValueAfterModification = $this->Attribute->runRegexp($attribute['type'], $attributeValueAfterModification); $newObjectAttributes[] = sha1($attribute['object_relation'] . $attribute['category'] . $attribute['type'] . $attributeValueAfterModification, true); } $newObjectAttributeCount = count($newObjectAttributes); if (!empty($this->__objectDuplicationCheckCache['new'][$object['Object']['template_uuid']])) { foreach ($this->__objectDuplicationCheckCache['new'][$object['Object']['template_uuid']] as $previousNewObject) { if ($newObjectAttributeCount === count($previousNewObject)) { if (empty(array_diff($previousNewObject, $newObjectAttributes))) { $duplicatedObjectID = $previousNewObject['Object']['id']; return true; } } } } $this->__objectDuplicationCheckCache['new'][$object['Object']['template_uuid']][] = $newObjectAttributes; if (!isset($this->__objectDuplicationCheckCache[$object['Object']['template_uuid']])) { $this->__objectDuplicationCheckCache[$object['Object']['template_uuid']] = $this->find('all', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'contain' => array( 'Attribute' => array( 'fields' => array('value', 'type', 'category', 'object_relation'), 'conditions' => array('Attribute.deleted' => 0) ) ), 'fields' => array('template_uuid'), 'conditions' => array('template_uuid' => $object['Object']['template_uuid'], 'Object.deleted' => 0, 'event_id' => $eventId) )); } foreach ($this->__objectDuplicationCheckCache[$object['Object']['template_uuid']] as $existingObject) { $temp = array(); if (!empty($existingObject['Attribute']) && $newObjectAttributeCount === count($existingObject['Attribute'])) { foreach ($existingObject['Attribute'] as $existingAttribute) { $temp[] = sha1($existingAttribute['object_relation'] . $existingAttribute['category'] . $existingAttribute['type'] . $existingAttribute['value'], true); } if (empty(array_diff($temp, $newObjectAttributes))) { $duplicatedObjectID = $existingObject['Object']['id']; return true; } } } return false; } public function saveObject($object, $eventId, $template = false, $user, $errorBehaviour = 'drop', $breakOnDuplicate = false) { $templateFields = array( 'name' => 'name', 'meta-category' => 'meta-category', 'description' => 'description', 'template_version' => 'version', 'template_uuid' => 'uuid' ); if ($template) { foreach ($templateFields as $k => $v) { $object['Object'][$k] = $template['ObjectTemplate'][$v]; } } else { foreach ($templateFields as $k => $v) { if (!isset($object['Object'][$k])) { return array('template' => array(__('No valid template found and object lacking template information. (%s)', $k))); } } } $object['Object']['event_id'] = $eventId; if ($breakOnDuplicate) { $duplicatedObjectID = null; $duplicate = $this->checkForDuplicateObjects($object, $eventId, $duplicatedObjectID); if ($duplicate) { return array('value' => array(__('Duplicate object found (id: %s). Since breakOnDuplicate is set the object will not be added.', $duplicatedObjectID))); } } $this->create(); $result = false; if ($this->save($object)) { $result = $this->id; foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $k => $attribute) { $object['Attribute'][$k]['object_id'] = $this->id; if ( (!array_key_exists('first_seen', $object['Attribute'][$k]) || is_null($object['Attribute'][$k]['first_seen'])) && (array_key_exists('first_seen', $object['Object']) && !is_null($object['Object']['first_seen'])) ) { $object['Attribute'][$k]['first_seen'] = $object['Object']['first_seen']; } if ( (!array_key_exists('last_seen', $object['Attribute'][$k]) || is_null($object['Attribute'][$k]['last_seen'])) && (array_key_exists('last_seen', $object['Object']) && !is_null($object['Object']['last_seen'])) ) { $object['Attribute'][$k]['last_seen'] = $object['Object']['last_seen']; } } $this->Attribute->saveAttributes($object['Attribute'], $user); } else { $result = $this->validationErrors; } return $result; } public function buildConditions(array $user) { if ($user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) { return []; } $sgids = $this->Event->cacheSgids($user, true); return [ 'AND' => [ 'OR' => [ 'Event.org_id' => $user['org_id'], // if event is owned by current user org, allow access to all objects 'AND' => [ $this->Event->createEventConditions($user), 'OR' => [ 'Object.distribution' => array(1, 2, 3, 5), 'AND' => [ 'Object.distribution' => 4, 'Object.sharing_group_id' => $sgids, ] ] ] ] ] ]; } public function fetchObjectSimple(array $user, $options = array()) { $params = array( 'conditions' => $this->buildConditions($user), 'fields' => array(), 'recursive' => -1 ); if (isset($options['conditions'])) { $params['conditions']['AND'][] = $options['conditions']; } if (isset($options['fields'])) { $params['fields'] = $options['fields']; } $results = $this->find('all', array( 'conditions' => $params['conditions'], 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => $params['fields'], 'contain' => array('Event' => array('distribution', 'id', 'user_id', 'orgc_id', 'org_id')), 'sort' => false )); return $results; } // Method that fetches all objects // very flexible, it's basically a replacement for find, with the addition that it restricts access based on user // options: // fields // contain // conditions // order // group public function fetchObjects($user, $options = array()) { $attributeConditions = array(); if (!$user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) { $sgids = $this->Event->cacheSgids($user, true); $attributeConditions = array( 'OR' => array( array( '(SELECT events.org_id FROM events WHERE = Attribute.event_id)' => $user['org_id'] ), array( 'OR' => array( 'Attribute.distribution' => array(1, 2, 3, 5), array( 'Attribute.distribution' => 4, 'Attribute.sharing_group_id' => $sgids, ) ) ) ) ); } $params = array( 'conditions' => $this->buildConditions($user), 'recursive' => -1, 'contain' => array( 'Event' => array( 'fields' => array('id', 'info', 'org_id', 'orgc_id'), ), 'Attribute' => array( 'conditions' => $attributeConditions, //'ShadowAttribute', 'AttributeTag' => array( 'Tag' ) ) ), ); if (!empty($options['metadata'])) { unset($params['contain']['Attribute']); } if (empty($options['metadata']) && empty($options['includeAllTags'])) { $params['contain']['Attribute']['AttributeTag']['Tag']['conditions']['exportable'] = 1; } if (isset($options['contain'])) { $params['contain'] = array_merge_recursive($params['contain'], $options['contain']); } else { $option['contain']['Event']['fields'] = array('id', 'info', 'org_id', 'orgc_id'); } if ( empty($options['metadata']) && Configure::read('MISP.proposals_block_attributes') && isset($options['conditions']['AND']['Attribute.to_ids']) && $options['conditions']['AND']['Attribute.to_ids'] == 1 ) { $this->Attribute->bindModel(array('hasMany' => array('ShadowAttribute' => array('foreignKey' => 'old_id')))); $proposalRestriction = array( 'ShadowAttribute' => array( 'conditions' => array( 'AND' => array( 'ShadowAttribute.deleted' => 0, 'OR' => array( 'ShadowAttribute.proposal_to_delete' => 1, 'ShadowAttribute.to_ids' => 0 ) ) ), 'fields' => array('') ) ); $params['contain'] = array_merge($params['contain']['Attribute'], $proposalRestriction); } if (isset($options['conditions'])) { $params['conditions']['AND'][] = $options['conditions']; } if (isset($options['order'])) { $params['order'] = $options['order']; } if (!isset($options['withAttachments'])) { $options['withAttachments'] = false; } else ($params['order'] = array()); if (!isset($options['enforceWarninglist'])) { $options['enforceWarninglist'] = false; } if (empty($options['metadata']) && (!$user['Role']['perm_sync'] || !isset($options['deleted']) || !$options['deleted'])) { $params['contain']['Attribute']['conditions']['AND']['Attribute.deleted'] = 0; } if (isset($options['group'])) { $params['group'] = array_merge(array(''), $options['group']); } if (isset($options['limit'])) { $params['limit'] = $options['limit']; if (isset($options['page'])) { $params['page'] = $options['page']; } } $results = $this->find('all', $params); if ($options['enforceWarninglist'] && !isset($this->Warninglist)) { $this->Warninglist = ClassRegistry::init('Warninglist'); } $results = array_values($results); $proposals_block_attributes = Configure::read('MISP.proposals_block_attributes'); if (empty($options['metadata'])) { foreach ($results as $key => $object) { foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $key2 => $attribute) { if ($options['enforceWarninglist'] && !$this->Warninglist->filterWarninglistAttribute($attribute['Attribute'])) { unset($results[$key][$key2]); continue; } if ($proposals_block_attributes) { if (!empty($attribute['ShadowAttribute'])) { unset($results[$key][$key2]); } else { unset($results[$key][$key2]['ShadowAttribute']); } } if ($options['withAttachments']) { if ($this->Attribute->typeIsAttachment($attribute['type'])) { $encodedFile = $this->Attribute->base64EncodeAttachment($attribute); $results[$key]['Attribute'][$key2]['data'] = $encodedFile; } } } } } return $results; } /* * Prepare the template form view's data, setting defaults, sorting elements */ public function prepareTemplate($template, $request = array()) { $temp = array(); usort($template['ObjectTemplateElement'], function ($a, $b) { return $a['ui-priority'] < $b['ui-priority']; }); $request_rearranged = array(); $template_object_elements = $template['ObjectTemplateElement']; unset($template['ObjectTemplateElement']); if (!empty($request['Attribute'])) { foreach ($request['Attribute'] as $attribute) { $request_rearranged[$attribute['object_relation']][] = $attribute; } } foreach ($template_object_elements as $k => $v) { if (empty($request_rearranged[$v['object_relation']])) { if (isset($this->Event->Attribute->typeDefinitions[$v['type']])) { $v['default_category'] = $this->Event->Attribute->typeDefinitions[$v['type']]['default_category']; $v['to_ids'] = $this->Event->Attribute->typeDefinitions[$v['type']]['to_ids']; if (empty($v['categories'])) { $v['categories'] = array(); foreach ($this->Event->Attribute->categoryDefinitions as $catk => $catv) { if (in_array($v['type'], $catv['types'])) { $v['categories'][] = $catk; } } } $template['ObjectTemplateElement'][] = $v; } else { $template['warnings'][] = 'Missing attribute type "' . $v['type'] . '" found. Omitted template element ("' . $template_object_elements[$k]['object_relation'] . '") that would not pass validation due to this.'; } } else { foreach ($request_rearranged[$v['object_relation']] as $request_item) { if (isset($this->Event->Attribute->typeDefinitions[$v['type']])) { $v['default_category'] = $request_item['category']; $v['value'] = $request_item['value']; $v['to_ids'] = $request_item['to_ids']; $v['comment'] = $request_item['comment']; if (!empty($request_item['uuid'])) { $v['uuid'] = $request_item['uuid']; } if (isset($request_item['data'])) { $v['data'] = $request_item['data']; } if (empty($v['categories'])) { $v['categories'] = array(); foreach ($this->Event->Attribute->categoryDefinitions as $catk => $catv) { if (in_array($v['type'], $catv['types'])) { $v['categories'][] = $catk; } } } $v['disable_correlation'] = $request_item['disable_correlation']; $template['ObjectTemplateElement'][] = $v; unset($v['uuid']); // force creating a new attribute if template element entry gets reused } else { $template['warnings'][] = 'Missing attribute type "' . $v['type'] . '" found. Omitted template element ("' . $template_object_elements[$k]['object_relation'] . '") that would not pass validation due to this.'; } } } } return $template; } /** * Clean the attribute list up from artifacts introduced by the object form * @param array $attributes * @return string|array */ public function attributeCleanup($attributes) { if (empty($attributes['Attribute'])) { return $attributes; } foreach ($attributes['Attribute'] as $k => $attribute) { if (isset($attribute['save']) && $attribute['save'] == 0) { unset($attributes['Attribute'][$k]); continue; } if (isset($attribute['value_select'])) { if ($attribute['value_select'] !== 'Enter value manually') { $attributes['Attribute'][$k]['value'] = $attribute['value_select']; } unset($attributes['Attribute'][$k]['value_select']); } if (isset($attribute['Attachment'])) { // Check if there were problems with the file upload // only keep the last part of the filename, this should prevent directory attacks $filename = basename($attribute['Attachment']['name']); $tmpfile = new File($attribute['Attachment']['tmp_name']); if ((isset($attribute['Attachment']['error']) && $attribute['Attachment']['error'] == 0) || (!empty($attribute['Attachment']['tmp_name']) && $attribute['Attachment']['tmp_name'] != 'none') ) { if (!is_uploaded_file($tmpfile->path)) { throw new InternalErrorException('PHP says file was not uploaded. Are you attacking me?'); } } else { return 'Issues with the file attachment for the ' . $attribute['object_relation'] . ' attribute. The error code returned is ' . $attribute['Attachment']['error']; } $attributes['Attribute'][$k]['value'] = $attribute['Attachment']['name']; unset($attributes['Attribute'][$k]['Attachment']); $attributes['Attribute'][$k]['encrypt'] = $attribute['type'] == 'malware-sample' ? 1 : 0; $attributes['Attribute'][$k]['data'] = base64_encode($tmpfile->read()); $tmpfile->delete(); $tmpfile->close(); } if (!isset($attributes['Attribute'][$k]['first_seen'])) { $attributes['Attribute'][$k]['first_seen'] = null; } if (!isset($attributes['Attribute'][$k]['last_seen'])) { $attributes['Attribute'][$k]['last_seen'] = null; } unset($attributes['Attribute'][$k]['save']); } return $attributes; } // Set Object's *-seen (and ObjectAttribute's *-seen and ObjectAttribute's value if requested) to the provided *-seen value // Therefore, synchronizing the 3 values public function syncObjectAndAttributeSeen($object, $forcedSeenOnElements, $applyOnAttribute=True) { if (empty($forcedSeenOnElements)) { return $object; } if (isset($forcedSeenOnElements['first_seen'])) { $object['Object']['first_seen'] = $forcedSeenOnElements['first_seen']; } if (isset($forcedSeenOnElements['last_seen'])) { $object['Object']['last_seen'] = $forcedSeenOnElements['last_seen']; } if ($applyOnAttribute) { if (isset($object['Attribute'])) { $attributes = $object['Attribute']; } else { $attributes = $this->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array('id' => $object['Object']['id']), 'contain' => array('Attribute') ))['Attribute']; } foreach($attributes as $i => $attribute) { if (isset($forcedSeenOnElements['first_seen'])) { $attributes[$i]['first_seen'] = $forcedSeenOnElements['first_seen']; if ($attribute['object_relation'] == 'first-seen') { $attributes[$i]['value'] = $forcedSeenOnElements['first_seen']; } } elseif (isset($forcedSeenOnElements['last_seen'])) { $attributes[$i]['last_seen'] = $forcedSeenOnElements['last_seen']; if ($attribute['object_relation'] == 'last-seen') { $attributes[$i]['value'] = $forcedSeenOnElements['last_seen']; } } } $object['Attribute'] = $attributes; } return $object; } public function deltaMerge($object, $objectToSave, $onlyAddNewAttribute=false, $user) { if (!isset($objectToSave['Object'])) { $dataToBackup = array('ObjectReferences', 'Attribute', 'ShadowAttribute'); $backup = array(); foreach ($dataToBackup as $dtb) { if (isset($objectToSave[$dtb])) { $backup[$dtb] = $objectToSave[$dtb]; unset($objectToSave[$dtb]); } } $objectToSave = array('Object' => $objectToSave); foreach ($dataToBackup as $dtb) { if (isset($backup[$dtb])) { $objectToSave[$dtb] = $backup[$dtb]; } } unset($dataToBackup); } if (isset($objectToSave['Object']['comment'])) { $object['Object']['comment'] = $objectToSave['Object']['comment']; } if (isset($objectToSave['Object']['template_version'])) { $object['Object']['template_version'] = $objectToSave['Object']['template_version']; } if (isset($objectToSave['Object']['distribution'])) { $object['Object']['distribution'] = $objectToSave['Object']['distribution']; if ($object['Object']['distribution'] == 4) { $object['Object']['sharing_group_id'] = $objectToSave['Object']['sharing_group_id']; } } $date = new DateTime(); $object['Object']['timestamp'] = $date->getTimestamp(); $forcedSeenOnElements = array(); if (isset($objectToSave['Object']['first_seen'])) { $forcedSeenOnElements['first_seen'] = $objectToSave['Object']['first_seen']; } if (isset($objectToSave['Object']['last_seen'])) { $forcedSeenOnElements['last_seen'] = $objectToSave['Object']['last_seen']; } $object = $this->syncObjectAndAttributeSeen($object, $forcedSeenOnElements, false); $saveResult = $this->save($object); if ($saveResult === false) { return $this->validationErrors; } if (!$onlyAddNewAttribute) { $checkFields = array('category', 'value', 'to_ids', 'distribution', 'sharing_group_id', 'comment', 'disable_correlation', 'first_seen', 'last_seen'); if (!empty($objectToSave['Attribute'])) { foreach ($objectToSave['Attribute'] as $newKey => $newAttribute) { foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $origKey => $originalAttribute) { if (!empty($newAttribute['uuid'])) { if ($newAttribute['uuid'] == $originalAttribute['uuid']) { $different = false; foreach ($checkFields as $f) { if ($f == 'sharing_group_id' && empty($newAttribute[$f])) { $newAttribute[$f] = 0; } if (isset($newAttribute[$f]) && $this->attributeValueDifferent($originalAttribute[$f], $newAttribute[$f], $f)) { $different = true; } } if ($different) { $newAttribute['id'] = $originalAttribute['id']; $newAttribute['event_id'] = $object['Object']['event_id']; $newAttribute['object_id'] = $object['Object']['id']; $newAttribute['timestamp'] = $date->getTimestamp(); $result = $this->Event->Attribute->save(array('Attribute' => $newAttribute), array('fieldList' => Attribute::EDITABLE_FIELDS)); if ($result) { $this->Event->Attribute->AttributeTag->handleAttributeTags($user, $newAttribute, $newAttribute['event_id'], $capture=true); } } unset($object['Attribute'][$origKey]); continue 2; } } } $this->Event->Attribute->create(); $newAttribute['event_id'] = $object['Object']['event_id']; $newAttribute['object_id'] = $object['Object']['id']; // Set seen of object at attribute level if (isset($forcedSeenOnElements['first_seen'])) { $newAttribute['first_seen'] = empty($newAttribute['first_seen']) ? $forcedSeenOnElements['first_seen'] : $newAttribute['first_seen']; if ($newAttribute['object_relation'] == 'first-seen') { $newAttribute['value'] = $forcedSeenOnElements['first_seen']; } } if (isset($forcedSeenOnElements['last_seen'])) { $newAttribute['last_seen'] = empty($newAttribute['last_seen']) ? $forcedSeenOnElements['last_seen'] : $newAttribute['last_seen']; if ($newAttribute['object_relation'] == 'last-seen') { $newAttribute['value'] = $forcedSeenOnElements['last_seen']; } } if (!isset($newAttribute['distribution'])) { $newAttribute['distribution'] = Configure::read('MISP.default_attribute_distribution'); if ($newAttribute['distribution'] == 'event') { $newAttribute['distribution'] = 5; } } $saveResult = $this->Event->Attribute->save($newAttribute); if ($saveResult) { $newAttribute['id'] = $this->Event->Attribute->id; $this->Event->Attribute->AttributeTag->handleAttributeTags($user, $newAttribute, $newAttribute['event_id'], $capture=true); } $attributeArrays['add'][] = $newAttribute; unset($objectToSave['Attribute'][$newKey]); } foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $origKey => $originalAttribute) { $originalAttribute['deleted'] = 1; $this->Event->Attribute->save($originalAttribute, array('fieldList' => Attribute::EDITABLE_FIELDS)); } } } else { // we only add the new attribute $newAttribute = $objectToSave['Attribute'][0]; $this->Event->Attribute->create(); $newAttribute['event_id'] = $object['Object']['event_id']; $newAttribute['object_id'] = $object['Object']['id']; // Set seen of object at attribute level if ( (!array_key_exists('first_seen', $newAttribute) || is_null($newAttribute['first_seen'])) && (!array_key_exists('first_seen', $object['Object']) && !is_null($object['Object']['first_seen'])) ) { $newAttribute['first_seen'] = $object['Object']['first_seen']; } if ( (!array_key_exists('last_seen', $newAttribute) || is_null($newAttribute['last_seen'])) && (!array_key_exists('last_seen', $object['Object']) && !is_null($object['Object']['last_seen'])) ) { $newAttribute['last_seen'] = $object['Object']['last_seen']; $different = true; } if (!isset($newAttribute['distribution'])) { $newAttribute['distribution'] = Configure::read('MISP.default_attribute_distribution'); if ($newAttribute['distribution'] == 'event') { $newAttribute['distribution'] = 5; } } $saveAttributeResult = $this->Attribute->saveAttributes(array($newAttribute), $user); return $saveAttributeResult ? $this->id : $this->validationErrors; } return $this->id; } /** * @param array $object * @param int $eventId * @param array $user * @param bool $unpublish * @param false $breakOnDuplicate * @param array|false $parentEvent * @return bool|string * @throws Exception */ public function captureObject($object, $eventId, $user, $unpublish = true, $breakOnDuplicate = false, $parentEvent = false) { $this->create(); if (!isset($object['Object'])) { $object = array('Object' => $object); } if (!empty($object['Object']['breakOnDuplicate']) || $breakOnDuplicate) { $duplicatedObjectID = null; $duplicate = $this->checkForDuplicateObjects($object, $eventId, $duplicatedObjectID); if ($duplicate) { $this->loadLog()->createLogEntry($user, 'add', 'Object', 0, __('Object dropped due to it being a duplicate (ID: %s) and breakOnDuplicate being requested for Event %s', $duplicatedObjectID, $eventId), 'Duplicate object found.' ); return true; } } unset($object['Object']['id']); $object['Object']['event_id'] = $eventId; if (!$this->save($object)) { $this->loadLog()->createLogEntry($user, 'add', 'Object', 0, 'Object dropped due to validation for Event ' . $eventId . ' failed: ' . $object['Object']['name'], 'Validation errors: ' . json_encode($this->validationErrors) . ' Full Object: ' . json_encode($object) ); return 'fail'; } if ($unpublish) { $this->Event->unpublishEvent($eventId); } $objectId = $this->id; if (!empty($object['Object']['Attribute'])) { foreach ($object['Object']['Attribute'] as $attribute) { $this->Attribute->captureAttribute($attribute, $eventId, $user, $objectId, false, $parentEvent); } } return true; } public function editObject($object, array $event, $user, $log, $force = false, &$nothingToChange = false) { $eventId = $event['Event']['id']; $object['event_id'] = $eventId; if (isset($object['distribution']) && $object['distribution'] == 4) { if (!empty($object['SharingGroup'])) { $object['sharing_group_id'] = $this->SharingGroup->captureSG($object['SharingGroup'], $user); } elseif (!empty($object['sharing_group_id'])) { if (!$this->SharingGroup->checkIfAuthorised($user, $object['sharing_group_id'])) { unset($object['sharing_group_id']); } } if (empty($object['sharing_group_id'])) { $object_short = (isset($object['meta-category']) ? $object['meta-category'] : 'N/A') . '/' . (isset($object['name']) ? $object['name'] : 'N/A') . ' ' . (isset($object['uuid']) ? $object['uuid'] : 'N/A'); $this->loadLog()->createLogEntry($user, 'edit', 'MispObject', 0, 'Object dropped due to invalid sharing group for Event ' . $eventId . ' failed: ' . $object_short, 'Validation errors: ' . json_encode($this->validationErrors) . ' Full Object: ' . json_encode($object) ); return 'Invalid sharing group choice.'; } } if (isset($object['uuid'])) { $existingObject = $this->find('first', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array('Object.uuid' => $object['uuid']) )); if (empty($existingObject)) { return $this->captureObject($object, $eventId, $user); } else { if ($existingObject['Object']['event_id'] != $eventId) { $change = 'An object was blocked from being saved due to a duplicate UUID. The uuid in question is: ' . $object['uuid'] . '. This can also be due to the same object (or an object with the same UUID) existing in a different event)'; $this->loadLog()->createLogEntry($user, 'edit','MispObject', 0, 'Duplicate UUID found in object', $change); return true; } if (isset($object['timestamp'])) { if ($force || $existingObject['Object']['timestamp'] >= $object['timestamp']) { $nothingToChange = true; return true; } } else { $object['timestamp'] = time(); } } } else { return $this->captureObject($object, $eventId, $user); } // At this point we have an existingObject that we can edit $recoverFields = array( 'name', 'meta-category', 'description', 'template_uuid', 'template_version', 'distribution', 'sharing_group_id', 'comment', 'deleted' ); foreach ($recoverFields as $rF) { if (!isset($object[$rF])) { $object[$rF] = $existingObject['Object'][$rF]; } } $object['id'] = $existingObject['Object']['id']; $object['uuid'] = $existingObject['Object']['uuid']; $object['event_id'] = $eventId; if ($object['distribution'] == 4) { $object['sharing_group_id'] = $this->SharingGroup->captureSG($object['SharingGroup'], $user); } if (!$this->save($object)) { $this->loadLog()->createLogEntry($user, 'edit', 'MispObject', 0, 'Object dropped due to validation for Event ' . $eventId . ' failed: ' . $object['name'], 'Validation errors: ' . json_encode($this->validationErrors) . ' Full Object: ' . json_encode($object) ); return $this->validationErrors; } if (!empty($object['Attribute'])) { foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $attribute) { $result = $this->Attribute->editAttribute($attribute, $event, $user, $object['id'], false, $force); } } return true; } public function deleteObject(array $object, $hard=false, $unpublish=true) { $id = $object['Object']['id']; if ($hard) { // For a hard delete, simply run the delete, it will cascade $this->delete($id); } else { // For soft deletes, sanitise the object first if the setting is enabled if (Configure::read('Security.sanitise_attribute_on_delete')) { $object['Object']['name'] = 'N/A'; $object['Object']['category'] = 'N/A'; $object['Object']['description'] = 'N/A'; $object['Object']['template_uuid'] = 'N/A'; $object['Object']['template_version'] = 0; $object['Object']['comment'] = ''; } $date = new DateTime(); $object['Object']['deleted'] = 1; $object['Object']['timestamp'] = $date->getTimestamp(); $saveResult = $this->save($object); if (!$saveResult) { return $saveResult; } foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $attribute) { if (Configure::read('Security.sanitise_attribute_on_delete')) { $attribute['category'] = 'Other'; $attribute['type'] = 'comment'; $attribute['value'] = 'deleted'; $attribute['comment'] = ''; $attribute['to_ids'] = 0; } $attribute['deleted'] = 1; $attribute['timestamp'] = $date->getTimestamp(); $this->Attribute->save(array('Attribute' => $attribute)); $this->Event->ShadowAttribute->deleteAll( array('ShadowAttribute.old_id' => $attribute['id']), false ); } if ($unpublish) { $this->Event->unpublishEvent($object['Event']['id']); } $object_refs = $this->ObjectReference->find('all', array( 'conditions' => array( 'ObjectReference.referenced_type' => 1, 'ObjectReference.referenced_id' => $id, ), 'recursive' => -1 )); foreach ($object_refs as $ref) { $ref['ObjectReference']['deleted'] = 1; $this->ObjectReference->save($ref); } } return true; } /** * @param int $id * @param false|int $timestamp * @return array|bool|mixed|null * @throws Exception */ public function updateTimestamp($id, $timestamp = false) { $object = $this->find('first', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array('' => $id) )); $object['Object']['timestamp'] = $timestamp === false ? time() : $timestamp; $object['Object']['skip_zmq'] = 1; $object['Object']['skip_kafka'] = 1; $result = $this->save($object); return $result; } // Hunt down all LEDA and CASTOR clones public function removeOrphanedObjects() { $orphans = $this->find('list', array( 'fields' => array('', ''), 'conditions' => array('' => null), 'contain' => array('Event' => array('fields' => array('id'))) )); foreach ($orphans as $orphan) { $this->delete($orphan); } return count($orphans); } public function validObjectsFromAttributeTypes($user, $event_id, $selected_attribute_ids) { $attributes = $this->Attribute->fetchAttributes($user, array( 'conditions' => array( '' => $selected_attribute_ids, 'Attribute.event_id' => $event_id, 'Attribute.object_id' => 0 ), ) ); if (empty($attributes)) { return array('templates' => array(), 'types' => array()); } $attribute_types = array(); foreach ($attributes as $i => $attribute) { $attribute_types[$attribute['Attribute']['type']] = 1; $attributes[$i]['Attribute']['object_relation'] = $attribute['Attribute']['type']; } $attribute_types = array_keys($attribute_types); $potential_templates = $this->ObjectTemplate->find('list', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array( '', 'COUNT(ObjectTemplateElement.type) as type_count' ), 'conditions' => array( '' => true, 'ObjectTemplateElement.type' => $attribute_types ), 'joins' => array( array( 'table' => 'object_template_elements', 'alias' => 'ObjectTemplateElement', 'type' => 'RIGHT', 'fields' => array('ObjectTemplateElement.object_relation', 'ObjectTemplateElement.type'), 'conditions' => array(' = ObjectTemplateElement.object_template_id') ) ), 'group' => '', 'order' => 'type_count DESC' )); $potential_template_ids = array_keys($potential_templates); $templates = $this->ObjectTemplate->find('all', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array('id' => $potential_template_ids), 'contain' => 'ObjectTemplateElement' )); foreach ($templates as $i => $template) { $res = $this->ObjectTemplate->checkTemplateConformityBasedOnTypes($template, $attributes); $templates[$i]['ObjectTemplate']['compatibility'] = $res['valid'] ? true : $res['missingTypes']; $templates[$i]['ObjectTemplate']['invalidTypes'] = $res['invalidTypes']; $templates[$i]['ObjectTemplate']['invalidTypesMultiple'] = $res['invalidTypesMultiple']; } return array('templates' => $templates, 'types' => $attribute_types); } public function groupAttributesIntoObject($user, $event_id, $object, $template, $selected_attribute_ids, $selected_object_relation_mapping, $hard_delete_attribute) { $saved_object_id = $this->saveObject($object, $event_id, $template, $user); if (!is_numeric($saved_object_id)) { return $saved_object_id; } $saved_object = $this->find('first', array( 'recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array('' => $saved_object_id) )); $existing_attributes = $this->Attribute->fetchAttributes($user, array('conditions' => array( '' => $selected_attribute_ids, 'Attribute.event_id' => $event_id, 'Attribute.object_id' => 0 ))); if (empty($existing_attributes)) { return __('Selected Attributes do not exist.'); } $event = array('Event' => $existing_attributes[0]['Event']); // Duplicate the attribute and its context, otherwise connected instances will drop the duplicated UUID foreach ($existing_attributes as $i => $existing_attribute) { if (isset($selected_object_relation_mapping[$existing_attribute['Attribute']['id']])) { $sightings = $this->Event->Sighting->attachToEvent($event, $user, $existing_attribute['Attribute']['id']); $object_relation = $selected_object_relation_mapping[$existing_attribute['Attribute']['id']]; $created_attribute = $existing_attribute['Attribute']; unset($created_attribute['timestamp']); unset($created_attribute['id']); unset($created_attribute['uuid']); $created_attribute['object_relation'] = $object_relation; $created_attribute['object_id'] = $saved_object['Object']['id']; if (isset($existing_attribute['AttributeTag'])) { $created_attribute['AttributeTag'] = $existing_attribute['AttributeTag']; } if (!empty($sightings)) { $created_attribute['Sighting'] = $sightings; } $saved_object['Attribute'][$i] = $created_attribute; $this->Attribute->captureAttribute($created_attribute, $event_id, $user, $saved_object['Object']['id']); $this->Attribute->deleteAttribute($existing_attribute['Attribute']['id'], $user, $hard_delete_attribute); } } return $saved_object['Object']['id']; } public function resolveUpdatedTemplate($template, $object, $update_template_available = false) { $toReturn = array( 'updateable_attribute' => false, 'not_updateable_attribute' => false, 'newer_template_version' => false, 'original_template_unkown' => false, 'template' => $template ); $newer_template = $this->ObjectTemplate->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array( 'ObjectTemplate.uuid' => $object['Object']['template_uuid'], 'ObjectTemplate.version >' => $object['Object']['template_version'], ), 'recursive' => -1, 'contain' => array( 'ObjectTemplateElement' ), 'order' => array('ObjectTemplate.version DESC') )); $template_difference = array(); if (!empty($newer_template)) { $toReturn['newer_template_version'] = !$newer_template['ObjectTemplate']['version']; $newer_template_temp = Hash::remove(Hash::remove($newer_template['ObjectTemplateElement'], '{n}.id'), '{n}.object_template_id'); if (!empty($template)) { // ignore IDs for comparison $cur_template_temp = Hash::remove(Hash::remove($template['ObjectTemplateElement'], '{n}.id'), '{n}.object_template_id'); // check how current template is included in the newer foreach ($cur_template_temp as $cur_obj_rel) { $flag_sim = false; foreach ($newer_template_temp as $newer_obj_rel) { $tmp = Hash::diff($cur_obj_rel, $newer_obj_rel); if (count($tmp) == 0) { $flag_sim = true; break; } } if (!$flag_sim) { $template_difference[] = $cur_obj_rel; } } } else { // original template unkown $toReturn['original_template_unkown'] = true; $unmatched_attributes = array(); foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $i => $attribute) { $flag_match = false; foreach ($newer_template_temp as $newer_obj_rel) { if ( $newer_obj_rel['object_relation'] == $attribute['object_relation'] && $newer_obj_rel['type'] == $attribute['type'] ) { $flag_match = true; break; } } if (!$flag_match) { $unmatched_attributes[] = $attribute; } } // simulate unkown template from the attribute foreach ($unmatched_attributes as $unmatched_attribute) { $template_difference[] = [ 'object_relation' => $unmatched_attribute['object_relation'], 'type' => $unmatched_attribute['type'] ]; } } $toReturn['updateable_attribute'] = $object['Attribute']; $toReturn['not_updateable_attribute'] = array(); } else { $toReturn['newer_template_version'] = false; } if (!empty($template_difference)) { // older template not completely embeded in newer foreach ($template_difference as $temp_diff_element) { foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $i => $attribute) { if ( $attribute['object_relation'] == $temp_diff_element['object_relation'] && $attribute['type'] == $temp_diff_element['type'] ) { // This attribute cannot be merged automatically $attribute['merge-possible'] = false; $toReturn['not_updateable_attribute'][] = $attribute; unset($toReturn['updateable_attribute'][$i]); } } } } if ($update_template_available) { // template version bump requested $toReturn['template'] = $newer_template; // bump the template version } return $toReturn; } public function reviseObject($revised_object, $object, $template) { $revised_object_both = array('mergeable' => array(), 'notMergeable' => array()); // Loop through attributes to inject and perform the correct action // (inject, duplicate, add warnings, ...) when applicable foreach ($revised_object['Attribute'] as $attribute_to_inject) { $flag_no_collision = true; foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $attribute) { if ( $attribute['object_relation'] == $attribute_to_inject['object_relation'] && $attribute['type'] == $attribute_to_inject['type'] && $attribute['value'] !== $attribute_to_inject['value'] ) { // Collision on value $multiple = !empty(Hash::extract($template['ObjectTemplateElement'], sprintf('{n}[object_relation=%s][type=%s][multiple=true]', $attribute['object_relation'], $attribute['type']))); if ($multiple) { // if multiple is set, check if an entry exists already $flag_entry_exists = false; foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $attr) { if ( $attr['object_relation'] == $attribute_to_inject['object_relation'] && $attr['type'] == $attribute_to_inject['type'] && $attr['value'] === $attribute_to_inject['value'] ) { $flag_entry_exists = true; break; } } if (!$flag_entry_exists) { // entry does no exists, can be duplicated $attribute_to_inject['is_multiple'] = true; $revised_object_both['mergeable'][] = $attribute_to_inject; $object['Attribute'][] = $attribute_to_inject; } } else { // Collision on value, multiple not set => propose overwrite $attribute_to_inject['current_value'] = $attribute['value']; $attribute_to_inject['merge-possible'] = true; // the user can still swap value $revised_object_both['notMergeable'][] = $attribute_to_inject; } $flag_no_collision = false; } else if ( $attribute['object_relation'] == $attribute_to_inject['object_relation'] && $attribute['type'] == $attribute_to_inject['type'] && $attribute['value'] === $attribute_to_inject['value'] ) { // all good, they are basically the same, do nothing $revised_object_both['mergeable'][] = $attribute_to_inject; $flag_no_collision = false; } } if ($flag_no_collision) { // no collision, nor equalities => inject it straight away $revised_object_both['mergeable'][] = $attribute_to_inject; $object['Attribute'][] = $attribute_to_inject; } } return array( 'object' => $object, 'revised_object_both' => $revised_object_both ); } public function restSearch($user, $returnFormat, $filters, $paramsOnly = false, $jobId = false, &$elementCounter = 0, &$renderView = false) { if (!isset($this->validFormats[$returnFormat][1])) { throw new NotFoundException('Invalid output format.'); } App::uses($this->validFormats[$returnFormat][1], 'Export'); $exportTool = new $this->validFormats[$returnFormat][1](); if (empty($exportTool->non_restrictive_export)) { if (!isset($filters['to_ids'])) { $filters['to_ids'] = 1; } if (!isset($filters['published'])) { $filters['published'] = 1; } $filters['allow_proposal_blocking'] = 1; } if (!empty($filters['quickFilter'])) { $filters['searchall'] = $filters['quickFilter']; if (!empty($filters['value'])) { unset($filters['value']); } } if (!empty($exportTool->renderView)) { $renderView = $exportTool->renderView; } if (isset($filters['searchall'])) { if (!empty($filters['value'])) { $filters['wildcard'] = $filters['value']; unset($filters['value']); } else { $filters['wildcard'] = $filters['searchall']; } } $subqueryElements = $this->Event->harvestSubqueryElements($filters); $filters = $this->Event->addFiltersFromSubqueryElements($filters, $subqueryElements, $user); $filters = $this->Event->addFiltersFromUserSettings($user, $filters); $conditions = $this->buildFilterConditions($filters); $params = array( 'conditions' => $conditions, 'fields' => array('Attribute.*', 'Event.org_id', 'Event.distribution', 'Object.*'), 'withAttachments' => !empty($filters['withAttachments']) ? $filters['withAttachments'] : 0, 'enforceWarninglist' => !empty($filters['enforceWarninglist']) ? $filters['enforceWarninglist'] : 0, 'includeAllTags' => !empty($filters['includeAllTags']) ? $filters['includeAllTags'] : 0, 'includeEventUuid' => !empty($filters['includeEventUuid']) ? $filters['includeEventUuid'] : 0, 'includeEventTags' => !empty($filters['includeEventTags']) ? $filters['includeEventTags'] : 0, 'includeProposals' => !empty($filters['includeProposals']) ? $filters['includeProposals'] : 0, 'includeWarninglistHits' => !empty($filters['includeWarninglistHits']) ? $filters['includeWarninglistHits'] : 0, 'includeContext' => !empty($filters['includeContext']) ? $filters['includeContext'] : 0, 'includeSightings' => !empty($filters['includeSightings']) ? $filters['includeSightings'] : 0, 'includeSightingdb' => !empty($filters['includeSightingdb']) ? $filters['includeSightingdb'] : 0, 'includeCorrelations' => !empty($filters['includeCorrelations']) ? $filters['includeCorrelations'] : 0, 'includeDecayScore' => !empty($filters['includeDecayScore']) ? $filters['includeDecayScore'] : 0, 'includeFullModel' => !empty($filters['includeFullModel']) ? $filters['includeFullModel'] : 0, 'allow_proposal_blocking' => !empty($filters['allow_proposal_blocking']) ? $filters['allow_proposal_blocking'] : 0, 'metadata' => !empty($filters['metadata']) ? $filters['metadata'] : 0, ); if (!empty($filters['attackGalaxy'])) { $params['attackGalaxy'] = $filters['attackGalaxy']; } if (isset($filters['include_event_uuid'])) { $params['includeEventUuid'] = $filters['include_event_uuid']; } if (isset($filters['limit'])) { $params['limit'] = $filters['limit']; if (!isset($filters['page'])) { $filters['page'] = 1; } } if (isset($filters['page'])) { $params['page'] = $filters['page']; } if (!empty($filters['deleted'])) { $params['deleted'] = $filters['deleted']; } if (!empty($filters['excludeDecayed'])) { $params['excludeDecayed'] = $filters['excludeDecayed']; $params['includeDecayScore'] = 1; } if (!empty($filters['decayingModel'])) { $params['decayingModel'] = $filters['decayingModel']; } if (!empty($filters['modelOverrides'])) { $params['modelOverrides'] = $filters['modelOverrides']; } if (!empty($filters['score'])) { $params['score'] = $filters['score']; } if (!empty($filters['metadata'])) { $params['metadata'] = $filters['metadata']; } if ($paramsOnly) { return $params; } if (method_exists($exportTool, 'modify_params')) { $params = $exportTool->modify_params($user, $params); } $exportToolParams = array( 'user' => $user, 'params' => $params, 'returnFormat' => $returnFormat, 'scope' => 'Object', 'filters' => $filters ); if (!empty($exportTool->additional_params)) { $params = array_merge_recursive( $params, $exportTool->additional_params ); } $tmpfile = new TmpFileTool(); $tmpfile->write($exportTool->header($exportToolParams)); $loop = false; if (empty($params['limit'])) { $memory_in_mb = $this->convert_to_memory_limit_to_mb(ini_get('memory_limit')); $default_attribute_memory_coefficient = Configure::check('MISP.default_attribute_memory_coefficient') ? Configure::read('MISP.default_attribute_memory_coefficient') : 80; $memory_scaling_factor = isset($exportTool->memory_scaling_factor) ? $exportTool->memory_scaling_factor : $default_attribute_memory_coefficient; $params['limit'] = $memory_in_mb * $memory_scaling_factor / 10; $loop = true; $params['page'] = 1; } $this->__iteratedFetch($user, $params, $loop, $tmpfile, $exportTool, $exportToolParams, $elementCounter); $tmpfile->write($exportTool->footer($exportToolParams)); return $tmpfile; } private function __iteratedFetch($user, &$params, &$loop, TmpFileTool $tmpfile, $exportTool, $exportToolParams, &$elementCounter = 0) { $continue = true; while ($continue) { $temp = ''; $this->Allowedlist = ClassRegistry::init('Allowedlist'); $results = $this->fetchObjects($user, $params, $continue); if (empty($results)) { $loop = false; return true; } if ($elementCounter !== 0 && !empty($results)) { $temp .= $exportTool->separator($exportToolParams); } if ($params['includeSightingdb']) { $this->Sightingdb = ClassRegistry::init('Sightingdb'); $results = $this->Sightingdb->attachToObjects($results, $user); } $params['page'] += 1; $results = $this->Allowedlist->removeAllowedlistedFromArray($results, true); $results = array_values($results); $i = 0; foreach ($results as $object) { $elementCounter++; $handlerResult = $exportTool->handler($object, $exportToolParams); $temp .= $handlerResult; if ($handlerResult !== '') { if ($i != count($results) -1) { $temp .= $exportTool->separator($exportToolParams); } } $i++; } if (!$loop) { $continue = false; } $tmpfile->write($temp); } return true; } private function attributeValueDifferent($newValue, $originalValue, $field) { if (in_array($field, ['first_seen', 'last_seen'])) { return new DateTime($newValue) != new DateTime($originalValue); } else { return $newValue != $originalValue; } } }