-1, 'limit' => 60, 'fields' => ['id', 'created', 'user_id', 'org_id', 'action', 'model', 'model_id', 'model_title', 'event_id', 'change'], 'contain' => [ 'User' => ['fields' => ['id', 'email', 'org_id']], 'Organisation' => ['fields' => ['id', 'name', 'uuid']], ], 'order' => [ 'AuditLog.id' => 'DESC' ], ]; public function __construct($id = false, $table = null, $ds = null) { parent::__construct($id, $table, $ds); $this->actions = [ AuditLog::ACTION_ADD => __('Add'), AuditLog::ACTION_EDIT => __('Edit'), AuditLog::ACTION_SOFT_DELETE => __('Soft delete'), AuditLog::ACTION_DELETE => __('Delete'), AuditLog::ACTION_UNDELETE => __('Undelete'), AuditLog::ACTION_TAG => __('Tag'), AuditLog::ACTION_TAG_LOCAL => __('Tag'), AuditLog::ACTION_REMOVE_TAG => __('Remove tag'), AuditLog::ACTION_REMOVE_TAG_LOCAL => __('Remove tag'), AuditLog::ACTION_GALAXY => __('Galaxy cluster'), AuditLog::ACTION_GALAXY_LOCAL => __('Galaxy cluster'), AuditLog::ACTION_REMOVE_GALAXY => __('Remove galaxy cluster'), AuditLog::ACTION_REMOVE_GALAXY_LOCAL => __('Remove galaxy cluster'), AuditLog::ACTION_PUBLISH => __('Publish'), AuditLog::ACTION_PUBLISH_SIGHTINGS => __('Publish sightings'), ]; } public function admin_index() { $this->paginate['fields'][] = 'ip'; $this->paginate['fields'][] = 'request_type'; $this->paginate['fields'][] = 'authkey_id'; if ($this->_isRest()) { $this->paginate['fields'][] = 'request_id'; } $this->paginate['conditions'] = $this->__searchConditions(); $list = $this->paginate(); if ($this->_isRest()) { return $this->RestResponse->viewData($list, 'json'); } $list = $this->__appendModelLinks($list); foreach ($list as $k => $item) { $list[$k]['AuditLog']['action_human'] = $this->actions[$item['AuditLog']['action']]; } $this->set('list', $list); $this->set('actions', [ AuditLog::ACTION_ADD => __('Add'), AuditLog::ACTION_EDIT => __('Edit'), AuditLog::ACTION_SOFT_DELETE => __('Soft delete'), AuditLog::ACTION_DELETE => __('Delete'), AuditLog::ACTION_UNDELETE => __('Undelete'), AuditLog::ACTION_TAG . '||' . AuditLog::ACTION_TAG_LOCAL => __('Tag'), AuditLog::ACTION_REMOVE_TAG . '||' . AuditLog::ACTION_REMOVE_TAG_LOCAL => __('Remove tag'), AuditLog::ACTION_GALAXY . '||' . AuditLog::ACTION_GALAXY_LOCAL => __('Galaxy cluster'), AuditLog::ACTION_REMOVE_GALAXY . '||' . AuditLog::ACTION_REMOVE_GALAXY_LOCAL => __('Remove galaxy cluster'), AuditLog::ACTION_PUBLISH => __('Publish'), AuditLog::ACTION_PUBLISH_SIGHTINGS => $this->actions[AuditLog::ACTION_PUBLISH_SIGHTINGS], ]); $models = $this->models; sort($models); $this->set('models', $models); $this->set('title_for_layout', __('Audit logs')); } public function eventIndex($eventId, $org = null) { $this->loadModel('Event'); $event = $this->Event->fetchSimpleEvent($this->Auth->user(), $eventId); if (empty($event)) { throw new NotFoundException('Invalid event.'); } $this->paginate['conditions'] = $this->__createEventIndexConditions($event); if ($org) { $org = $this->AuditLog->Organisation->fetchOrg($org); if ($org) { $this->paginate['conditions']['AND']['org_id'] = $org['id']; } else { $this->paginate['conditions']['AND']['org_id'] = -1; } } $list = $this->paginate(); if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) { // Remove all user info about users from different org $this->loadModel('User'); $orgUserIds = $this->User->find('column', array( 'conditions' => ['User.org_id' => $this->Auth->user('org_id')], 'fields' => ['User.id'], )); foreach ($list as $k => $item) { if ($item['AuditLog']['user_id'] == 0) { continue; } if (!in_array($item['User']['id'], $orgUserIds)) { unset($list[$k]['User']); unset($list[$k]['AuditLog']['user_id']); } } } if ($this->_isRest()) { return $this->RestResponse->viewData($list, 'json'); } foreach ($list as $k => $item) { $list[$k]['AuditLog']['action_human'] = $this->actions[$item['AuditLog']['action']]; } $this->set('list', $list); $this->set('event', $event); $this->set('mayModify', $this->__canModifyEvent($event)); $this->set('title_for_layout', __('Audit logs for event #%s', $event['Event']['id'])); } public function fullChange($id) { $log = $this->AuditLog->find('first', [ 'conditions' => ['id' => $id], 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => ['change', 'action'], ]); if (empty($log)) { throw new Exception('Log not found.'); } $this->set('log', $log); } public function returnDates($org = 'all') { if (!$this->Auth->user('Role')['perm_sharing_group'] && !empty(Configure::read('Security.hide_organisation_index_from_users'))) { if ($org !== 'all' && $org !== $this->Auth->user('Organisation')['name']) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException('Invalid organisation.'); } } // Fetching dates can be slow, so to allow concurrent requests, we can close sessions to release session lock session_write_close(); $data = $this->AuditLog->returnDates($org); return $this->RestResponse->viewData($data, $this->response->type()); } /** * @return array */ private function __searchConditions() { $params = $this->IndexFilter->harvestParameters([ 'ip', 'user', 'request_id', 'authkey_id', 'model', 'model_id', 'event_id', 'model_title', 'action', 'org', 'created', 'request_type', ]); $qbRules = []; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if ($key === 'model' && strpos($value, ':') !== false) { $parts = explode(':', $value); $qbRules[] = [ 'id' => 'model', 'value' => $parts[0], ]; $qbRules[] = [ 'id' => 'model_id', 'value' => $parts[1], ]; } elseif ($key === 'created') { $qbRules[] = [ 'id' => $key, 'operator' => is_array($value) ? 'between' : 'greater_or_equal', 'value' => $value, ]; } else { if (is_array($value)) { $value = implode('||', $value); } $qbRules[] = [ 'id' => $key, 'value' => $value, ]; } } $this->set('qbRules', $qbRules); $conditions = []; if (isset($params['user'])) { if (strtoupper($params['user']) === 'SYSTEM') { $conditions['AuditLog.user_id'] = 0; } else if (is_numeric($params['user'])) { $conditions['AuditLog.user_id'] = $params['user']; } else { $user = $this->User->find('first', [ 'conditions' => ['User.email' => $params['user']], 'fields' => ['id'], ]); if (!empty($user)) { $conditions['AuditLog.user_id'] = $user['User']['id']; } else { $conditions['AuditLog.user_id'] = -1; } } } if (isset($params['ip'])) { $conditions['AuditLog.ip'] = inet_pton($params['ip']); } if (isset($params['authkey_id'])) { $conditions['AuditLog.authkey_id'] = $params['authkey_id']; } if (isset($params['request_id'])) { $conditions['AuditLog.request_id'] = $params['request_id']; } if (isset($params['request_type'])) { $conditions['AuditLog.request_type'] = $params['request_type']; } if (isset($params['model'])) { $conditions['AuditLog.model'] = $params['model']; } if (isset($params['model_id'])) { $conditions['AuditLog.model_id'] = $params['model_id']; } if (isset($params['event_id'])) { $conditions['AuditLog.event_id'] = $params['event_id']; } if (isset($params['model_title'])) { $conditions['AuditLog.model_title LIKE'] = '%' . $params['model_title'] . '%'; } if (isset($params['action'])) { $conditions['AuditLog.action'] = $params['action']; } if (isset($params['org'])) { if (is_numeric($params['org'])) { $conditions['AuditLog.org_id'] = $params['org']; } else { $org = $this->AuditLog->Organisation->fetchOrg($params['org']); if ($org) { $conditions['AuditLog.org_id'] = $org['id']; } else { $conditions['AuditLog.org_id'] = -1; } } } if (isset($params['created'])) { $tempData = is_array($params['created']) ? $params['created'] : [$params['created']]; foreach ($tempData as $k => $v) { $tempData[$k] = $this->AuditLog->resolveTimeDelta($v); } if (count($tempData) === 1) { $conditions['AuditLog.created >='] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $tempData[0]); } else { if ($tempData[0] < $tempData[1]) { $temp = $tempData[1]; $tempData[1] = $tempData[0]; $tempData[0] = $temp; } $conditions['AND'][] = ['AuditLog.created <=' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $tempData[0])]; $conditions['AND'][] = ['AuditLog.created >=' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $tempData[1])]; } } return $conditions; } /** * Create conditions that will include just events parts that user can see. * @param array $event * @return array */ private function __createEventIndexConditions(array $event) { if ($this->_isSiteAdmin() || $event['Event']['orgc_id'] == $this->Auth->user('org_id')) { // Site admins and event owners can see all changes return ['event_id' => $event['Event']['id']]; } $event = $this->Event->fetchEvent($this->Auth->user(), [ 'eventid' => $event['Event']['id'], 'sgReferenceOnly' => 1, 'deleted' => [0, 1], 'deleted_proposals' => 1, 'noSightings' => true, 'includeEventCorrelations' => false, 'excludeGalaxy' => true, ])[0]; $attributeIds = []; $objectIds = []; $proposalIds = array_column($event['ShadowAttribute'], 'id'); $objectReferenceId = []; foreach ($event['Attribute'] as $aa) { $attributeIds[] = $aa['id']; if (!empty($aa['ShadowAttribute'])) { foreach ($aa['ShadowAttribute'] as $sa) { $proposalIds[] = $sa['id']; } } } unset($event['Attribute']); foreach ($event['Object'] as $ob) { foreach ($ob['Attribute'] as $aa) { $attributeIds[] = $aa['id']; if (!empty($aa['ShadowAttribute'])) { foreach ($aa['ShadowAttribute'] as $sa) { $proposalIds[] = $sa['id']; } } } foreach ($ob['ObjectReference'] as $or) { $objectReferenceId[] = $or['id']; } $objectIds[] = $ob['id']; } unset($event['Object']); $conditions = []; $conditions['AND']['event_id'] = $event['Event']['id']; $conditions['AND']['OR'][] = ['model' => 'Event']; $parts = [ 'Attribute' => $attributeIds, 'ShadowAttribute' => $proposalIds, 'Object' => $objectIds, 'ObjectReference' => $objectReferenceId, 'EventReport' => array_column($event['EventReport'], 'id'), ]; foreach ($parts as $model => $modelIds) { if (!empty($modelIds)) { $conditions['AND']['OR'][] = [ 'AND' => [ 'model' => $model, 'model_id' => $modelIds, ], ]; } } return $conditions; } /** * Generate link to model view if exists and use has permission to access it. * @param array $auditLogs * @return array */ private function __appendModelLinks(array $auditLogs) { $models = []; foreach ($auditLogs as $auditLog) { if (isset($models[$auditLog['AuditLog']['model']])) { $models[$auditLog['AuditLog']['model']][] = $auditLog['AuditLog']['model_id']; } else { $models[$auditLog['AuditLog']['model']] = [$auditLog['AuditLog']['model_id']]; } } $eventIds = isset($models['Event']) ? $models['Event'] : []; if (isset($models['ObjectReference'])) { $this->loadModel('ObjectReference'); $objectReferences = $this->ObjectReference->find('list', [ 'conditions' => ['ObjectReference.id' => array_unique($models['ObjectReference'])], 'fields' => ['ObjectReference.id', 'ObjectReference.object_id'], ]); } if (isset($models['Object']) || isset($objectReferences)) { $objectIds = array_unique(array_merge( isset($models['Object']) ? $models['Object'] : [], isset($objectReferences) ? array_values($objectReferences) : [] )); $this->loadModel('MispObject'); $conditions = $this->MispObject->buildConditions($this->Auth->user()); $conditions['Object.id'] = $objectIds; $objects = $this->MispObject->find('all', [ 'conditions' => $conditions, 'contain' => ['Event'], 'fields' => ['Object.id', 'Object.event_id', 'Object.uuid', 'Object.deleted'], ]); $objects = array_column(array_column($objects, 'Object'), null, 'id'); $eventIds = array_merge($eventIds, array_column($objects, 'event_id')); } if (isset($models['Attribute'])) { $this->loadModel('Attribute'); $attributes = $this->Attribute->fetchAttributesSimple($this->Auth->user(), [ 'conditions' => ['Attribute.id' => array_unique($models['Attribute'])], 'fields' => ['Attribute.id', 'Attribute.event_id', 'Attribute.uuid', 'Attribute.deleted'], ]); $attributes = array_column(array_column($attributes, 'Attribute'), null, 'id'); $eventIds = array_merge($eventIds, array_column($attributes, 'event_id')); } if (isset($models['ShadowAttribute'])) { $this->loadModel('ShadowAttribute'); $conditions = $this->ShadowAttribute->buildConditions($this->Auth->user()); $conditions['AND'][] = ['ShadowAttribute.id' => array_unique($models['ShadowAttribute'])]; $shadowAttributes = $this->ShadowAttribute->find('all', [ 'conditions' => $conditions, 'fields' => ['ShadowAttribute.id', 'ShadowAttribute.event_id', 'ShadowAttribute.uuid', 'ShadowAttribute.deleted'], 'contain' => ['Event', 'Attribute'], ]); $shadowAttributes = array_column(array_column($shadowAttributes, 'ShadowAttribute'), null, 'id'); $eventIds = array_merge($eventIds, array_column($shadowAttributes, 'event_id')); } if (!empty($eventIds)) { $this->loadModel('Event'); $conditions = $this->Event->createEventConditions($this->Auth->user()); $conditions['Event.id'] = array_unique($eventIds); $events = $this->Event->find('list', [ 'conditions' => $conditions, 'fields' => ['Event.id', 'Event.info'], ]); } $links = [ 'ObjectTemplate' => 'objectTemplates', 'AuthKey' => 'auth_keys', 'GalaxyCluster' => 'galaxy_clusters', 'Galaxy' => 'galaxies', 'Organisation' => 'organisation', 'Warninglist' => 'warninglists', 'User' => 'admin/users', 'Role' => 'roles', 'EventReport' => 'eventReports', 'SharingGroup' => 'sharing_groups', 'Taxonomy' => 'taxonomies', ]; $existingObjects = []; foreach ($links as $modelName => $foo) { if (isset($models[$modelName])) { $this->loadModel($modelName); $data = $this->{$modelName}->find('column', [ 'conditions' => ['id' => array_unique($models[$modelName])], 'fields' => ['id'], ]); $existingObjects[$modelName] = array_flip($data); } } foreach ($auditLogs as $k => $auditLog) { $auditLog = $auditLog['AuditLog']; $modelId = (int)$auditLog['model_id']; $url = null; $eventInfo = null; switch ($auditLog['model']) { case 'Event': if (isset($events[$modelId])) { $url = '/events/view/' . $modelId; $eventInfo = $events[$modelId]; } break; case 'ObjectReference': if (isset($objectReferences[$modelId]) && isset($objects[$objectReferences[$modelId]])) { $url = '/events/view/' . $objects[$objectReferences[$modelId]]['event_id'] . '/focus:' . $objects[$objectReferences[$modelId]]['uuid']; if ($objects[$objectReferences[$modelId]]['deleted']) { $url .= '/deleted:2'; } if (isset($events[$objects[$objectReferences[$modelId]]['event_id']])) { $eventInfo = $events[$objects[$objectReferences[$modelId]]['event_id']]; } } break; case 'Object': if (isset($objects[$modelId])) { $url = '/events/view/' . $objects[$modelId]['event_id'] . '/focus:' . $objects[$modelId]['uuid']; if ($objects[$modelId]['deleted']) { $url .= '/deleted:2'; } if (isset($events[$objects[$modelId]['event_id']])) { $eventInfo = $events[$objects[$modelId]['event_id']]; } } break; case 'Attribute': if (isset($attributes[$modelId])) { $url = '/events/view/' . $attributes[$modelId]['event_id'] . '/focus:' . $attributes[$modelId]['uuid']; if ($attributes[$modelId]['deleted']) { $url .= '/deleted:2'; } if (isset($events[$attributes[$modelId]['event_id']])) { $eventInfo = $events[$attributes[$modelId]['event_id']]; } } break; case 'ShadowAttribute': if (isset($shadowAttributes[$modelId])) { $url = '/events/view/' . $shadowAttributes[$modelId]['event_id'] . '/focus:' . $shadowAttributes[$modelId]['uuid']; if (isset($events[$shadowAttributes[$modelId]['event_id']])) { $eventInfo = $events[$shadowAttributes[$modelId]['event_id']]; } } break; default: if (isset($existingObjects[$auditLog['model']][$modelId])) { $url = '/' . $links[$auditLog['model']] . '/view/' . $modelId; } else { continue 2; } } if ($url) { $auditLogs[$k]['AuditLog']['model_link'] = $this->baseurl . $url; } if ($eventInfo) { $auditLogs[$k]['AuditLog']['event_info'] = $eventInfo; } } return $auditLogs; } }