true, 'lastpushedid' => true, 'timestamp' => true, 'revision' => true, 'modified' => true, 'date_modified' => true, // User 'current_login' => true, // User 'last_login' => true, // User 'newsread' => true, // User 'proposal_email_lock' => true, // Event ]; private $modelInfo = [ 'Event' => 'info', 'User' => 'email', 'Object' => 'name', 'EventReport' => 'name', 'Server' => 'name', 'Feed' => 'name', 'Role' => 'name', 'SharingGroup' => 'name', 'Tag' => 'name', 'TagCollection' => 'name', 'Taxonomy' => 'namespace', 'Organisation' => 'name', 'SystemSetting' => 'setting', 'AdminSetting' => 'setting', 'UserSetting' => 'setting', 'Galaxy' => 'name', 'GalaxyCluster' => 'value', 'Warninglist' => 'name', ]; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->enabled = Configure::read('MISP.log_new_audit'); } public function setup(Model $model, $config = []) { // Generate model info for attribute and proposals $attributeInfo = function (array $new, array $old) { $category = isset($new['category']) ? $new['category'] : $old['category']; $type = isset($new['type']) ? $new['type'] : $old['type']; $value1 = trim(isset($new['value1']) ? $new['value1'] : $old['value1']); $value2 = trim(isset($new['value2']) ? $new['value2'] : $old['value2']); $value = $value1 . (empty($value2) ? '' : '|' . $value2); return "$category/$type $value"; }; $this->modelInfo['Attribute'] = $attributeInfo; $this->modelInfo['ShadowAttribute'] = $attributeInfo; $this->modelInfo['AuthKey'] = function (array $new, array $old) { $start = isset($new['authkey_start']) ? $new['authkey_start'] : $old['authkey_start']; $end = isset($new['authkey_end']) ? $new['authkey_end'] : $old['authkey_end']; return "$start********************************$end"; }; } public function beforeSave(Model $model, $options = []) { if (!$this->enabled) { return true; } // Do not fetch old version when just few fields will be fetched $fieldToFetch = []; if (!empty($options['fieldList'])) { foreach ($options['fieldList'] as $field) { if (!isset($this->skipFields[$field])) { $fieldToFetch[] = $field; } } // For objects, that are assigned to event, we need to know event ID. So if data to save doesn't contain // that ID, we need to fetch it from database. if (isset($model->schema()['event_id']) && empty($model->data[$model->alias]['event_id']) && !in_array('event_id', $fieldToFetch, true)) { $fieldToFetch[] = 'event_id'; } if (empty($fieldToFetch)) { $this->old = null; return true; } } if ($model->id) { $this->old = $model->find('first', [ 'conditions' => [$model->alias . '.' . $model->primaryKey => $model->id], 'recursive' => -1, 'callbacks' => false, 'fields' => $fieldToFetch, ]); } else { $this->old = null; } return true; } public function afterSave(Model $model, $created, $options = []) { if (!$this->enabled) { return; } $id = $model->id ?: 0; $data = $model->data[$model->alias]; if ($created) { $action = AuditLog::ACTION_ADD; } else { $action = AuditLog::ACTION_EDIT; if (isset($data['deleted'])) { if ($data['deleted']) { $action = AuditLog::ACTION_SOFT_DELETE; } else if (isset($this->old[$model->alias]['deleted']) && $this->old[$model->alias]['deleted']) { $action = AuditLog::ACTION_UNDELETE; } } } $changedFields = $this->changedFields($model, $options['fieldList']); if (empty($changedFields)) { return; } if ($model->name === 'Event') { $eventId = $id; } else if (isset($data['event_id'])) { $eventId = $data['event_id']; } else if (isset($this->old[$model->alias]['event_id'])) { $eventId = $this->old[$model->alias]['event_id']; } else { $eventId = null; } $modelTitle = null; if (isset($this->modelInfo[$model->name])) { $modelTitleField = $this->modelInfo[$model->name]; if (is_callable($modelTitleField)) { $modelTitle = $modelTitleField($data, isset($this->old[$model->alias]) ? $this->old[$model->alias] : []); } else if (isset($data[$modelTitleField])) { $modelTitle = $data[$modelTitleField]; } else if ($this->old[$model->alias][$modelTitleField]) { $modelTitle = $this->old[$model->alias][$modelTitleField]; } } $modelName = $model->name === 'MispObject' ? 'Object' : $model->name; if ($modelName === 'AttributeTag' || $modelName === 'EventTag') { $isLocal = isset($data['local']) ? $data['local'] : false; $action = $isLocal ? AuditLog::ACTION_TAG_LOCAL : AuditLog::ACTION_TAG; $tagInfo = $this->getTagInfo($model, $data['tag_id']); if ($tagInfo) { $modelTitle = $tagInfo['tag_name']; if ($tagInfo['is_galaxy']) { $action = $isLocal ? AuditLog::ACTION_GALAXY_LOCAL : AuditLog::ACTION_GALAXY; if ($tagInfo['galaxy_cluster_name']) { $modelTitle = $tagInfo['galaxy_cluster_name']; } } } $id = $modelName === 'AttributeTag' ? $data['attribute_id'] : $data['event_id']; $modelName = $modelName === 'AttributeTag' ? 'Attribute' : 'Event'; } else if ($modelName === 'Event') { if (isset($changedFields['published'][1]) && $changedFields['published'][1]) { $action = AuditLog::ACTION_PUBLISH; } else if (isset($changedFields['sighting_timestamp'][1]) && $changedFields['sighting_timestamp'][1]) { $action = AuditLog::ACTION_PUBLISH_SIGHTINGS; } } else if ($modelName === 'SystemSetting') { $id = 0; } $this->auditLog()->insert(['AuditLog' => [ 'action' => $action, 'model' => $modelName, 'model_id' => $id, 'model_title' => $modelTitle, 'event_id' => $eventId, 'change' => $changedFields, ]]); } public function beforeDelete(Model $model, $cascade = true) { if (!$this->enabled) { return true; } $this->old = $model->find('first', [ 'conditions' => array($model->alias . '.' . $model->primaryKey => $model->id), 'recursive' => -1, 'callbacks' => false, ]); return true; } public function afterDelete(Model $model) { if (!$this->enabled) { return; } $model->data = $this->old; $this->old = null; if ($model->name === 'Event') { $eventId = $model->id; } else { $eventId = isset($model->data[$model->alias]['event_id']) ? $model->data[$model->alias]['event_id'] : null; } $modelTitle = null; if (isset($this->modelInfo[$model->name])) { $modelTitleField = $this->modelInfo[$model->name]; if (is_callable($modelTitleField)) { $modelTitle = $modelTitleField($model->data[$model->alias], []); } else if (isset($model->data[$model->alias][$modelTitleField])) { $modelTitle = $model->data[$model->alias][$modelTitleField]; } } $modelName = $model->name === 'MispObject' ? 'Object' : $model->name; $action = AuditLog::ACTION_DELETE; $id = $model->id; if ($modelName === 'AttributeTag' || $modelName === 'EventTag') { $isLocal = isset($model->data[$model->alias]['local']) ? $model->data[$model->alias]['local'] : false; $action = $isLocal ? AuditLog::ACTION_REMOVE_TAG_LOCAL : AuditLog::ACTION_REMOVE_TAG; $tagInfo = $this->getTagInfo($model, $model->data[$model->alias]['tag_id']); if ($tagInfo) { $modelTitle = $tagInfo['tag_name']; if ($tagInfo['is_galaxy']) { $action = $isLocal ? AuditLog::ACTION_REMOVE_GALAXY_LOCAL : AuditLog::ACTION_REMOVE_GALAXY; if ($tagInfo['galaxy_cluster_name']) { $modelTitle = $tagInfo['galaxy_cluster_name']; } } } $id = $modelName === 'AttributeTag' ? $model->data[$model->alias]['attribute_id'] : $model->data[$model->alias]['event_id']; $modelName = $modelName === 'AttributeTag' ? 'Attribute' : 'Event'; } else if ($modelName === 'SystemSetting') { $id = 0; } $this->auditLog()->insert(['AuditLog' => [ 'action' => $action, 'model' => $modelName, 'model_id' => $id, 'model_title' => $modelTitle, 'event_id' => $eventId, 'change' => $this->changedFields($model), ]]); } /** * @param Model $model * @param int $tagId * @return array|null */ private function getTagInfo(Model $model, $tagId) { $tag = $model->Tag->find('first', [ 'conditions' => ['' => $tagId], 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => ['', 'Tag.is_galaxy'], 'callbacks' => false, // disable Tag::afterFind callback ]); if (empty($tag)) { return null; } $galaxyClusterName = null; if ($tag['Tag']['is_galaxy']) { if (!isset($this->GalaxyCluster)) { $this->GalaxyCluster = ClassRegistry::init('GalaxyCluster'); } $galaxyCluster = $this->GalaxyCluster->find('first', [ 'conditions' => ['GalaxyCluster.tag_name' => $tag['Tag']['name']], 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => ['GalaxyCluster.value'], ]); if (!empty($galaxyCluster)) { $galaxyClusterName = $galaxyCluster['GalaxyCluster']['value']; } } return [ 'tag_name' => $tag['Tag']['name'], 'is_galaxy' => $tag['Tag']['is_galaxy'], 'galaxy_cluster_name' => $galaxyClusterName, ]; } /** * @param Model $model * @param array|null $fieldsToSave * @return array */ private function changedFields(Model $model, $fieldsToSave = null) { $dbFields = $model->schema(); $changedFields = []; $hasPrimaryField = isset($model->data[$model->alias][$model->primaryKey]); foreach ($model->data[$model->alias] as $key => $value) { if (isset($this->skipFields[$key])) { continue; } if (!isset($dbFields[$key])) { continue; } if ($fieldsToSave && !in_array($key, $fieldsToSave, true)) { continue; } if ($hasPrimaryField && isset($this->old[$model->alias][$key])) { $old = $this->old[$model->alias][$key]; } else { $old = null; } // Normalize if (is_bool($old)) { $old = $old ? 1 : 0; } if (is_bool($value)) { $value = $value ? 1 : 0; } $dbType = $dbFields[$key]['type']; if ($dbType === 'integer' || $dbType === 'tinyinteger' || $dbType === 'biginteger' || $dbType === 'boolean') { $value = (int)$value; if ($old !== null) { $old = (int)$old; } } if ($value == $old) { continue; } if ($key === 'password' || $key === 'authkey' || ($key === 'value' && $model->name === 'SystemSetting' && SystemSetting::isSensitive($model->data[$model->alias]['setting']))) { $value = '*****'; if ($old !== null) { $old = $value; } } if ($old === null) { $changedFields[$key] = $value; } else { $changedFields[$key] = [$old, $value]; } } return $changedFields; } /** * @return AuditLog */ private function auditLog() { if ($this->AuditLog === null) { $this->AuditLog = ClassRegistry::init('AuditLog'); } return $this->AuditLog; } }