array('colour' => 'green', 'text' => 'allowed'), 'NOT' => array('colour' => 'red', 'text' => 'blocked')); $ruleDescription = array('pull' => '', 'push' => ''); foreach ($syncOptions as $syncOption) { foreach ($fieldOptions as $fieldOption) { foreach ($typeOptions as $typeOption => $typeData) { if (isset($rules[$syncOption][$fieldOption][$typeOption]) && !empty($rules[$syncOption][$fieldOption][$typeOption])) { $ruleDescription[$syncOption] .= '' . ucfirst($fieldOption) . ' ' . $typeData['text'] . ': '; foreach ($rules[$syncOption][$fieldOption][$typeOption] as $k => $temp) { if ($k != 0) $ruleDescription[$syncOption] .= ', '; if ($syncOption === 'push') { $temp = !empty($collection[$fieldOption][$temp]) ? $collection[$fieldOption][$temp] : $temp; } $ruleDescription[$syncOption] .= h($temp); } $ruleDescription[$syncOption] .= '
'; } } } if ($syncOption === 'pull') { if (!empty($rules['pull']['url_params'])) { $ruleDescription[$syncOption] .= sprintf( '%s: %s', sprintf("%s", __('URL params')), sprintf( "
", h(json_encode(json_decode($rules['pull']['url_params']), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)) ) ); } } } $arrows = ''; foreach (['up', 'down'] as $direction) { $arrows .= sprintf( '', $direction, $direction, $direction === 'up' ? __('Move server priority up') : __('Move server priority down'), $direction === 'up' ? __('Move server priority up') : __('Move server priority down'), $server['Server']['id'] ); } ?>
Paginator->sort('id', __('ID'));?> Paginator->sort('name');?> Paginator->sort('internal');?> Paginator->sort('push');?> Paginator->sort('pull');?> Paginator->sort('push_sightings', 'Push Sightings');?> Paginator->sort('push_galaxy_clusters', 'Push Clusters');?> Paginator->sort('pull_galaxy_clusters', 'Pull Clusters');?> Paginator->sort('caching_enabled', 'Cache');?> Paginator->sort('unpublish_event');?> Paginator->sort('publish_without_email');?> Paginator->sort('url', 'URL');?> Paginator->sort('cert_file');?> Paginator->sort('client_cert_file');?> Paginator->sort('self_signed');?> Paginator->sort('skip_proxy');?> Paginator->sort('org');?>
Form->postLink( __('Reset'), $baseurl . '/servers/resetRemoteAuthKey/' . $server['Server']['id'], array( 'style' => 'line-height:10px; padding: 4px 4px;', 'title' => __('Remotely reset API key'), 'aria-label' => __('Remotely reset API key'), 'class' => 'btn btn-primary' ) ); ?> " data-toggle="popover" title="Distribution List" data-content=""> () " data-toggle="popover" title="Distribution List" data-content=""> () $v) { if ($last > $intervals[$k]) { $unit = $v; $last = floor($last / $intervals[$k]); } else { break; } } echo sprintf( '%s %s', __('Age: %s%s', $last, $unit), '' ); } else { echo sprintf( '%s %s', __('Not cached'), '' ); } } else { echo ''; } ?> "> ">

Paginator->counter(array( 'format' => __('Page {:page} of {:pages}, showing {:current} records out of {:count} total, starting on record {:start}, ending on {:end}') )); ?>

element('/genericElements/SideMenu/side_menu', array('menuList' => 'sync', 'menuItem' => 'index'));